Teaching Based on Subject Characteristics
YU Bojun
YU Bojun
Deputy Director of Zhejiang Provincial Teaching and Research Office
Primary School Science Teacher
Core Member of Science Curriculum Standard Revision Group of Ministry of Education
Theauthorhasaskedstudentsandteachers many times: what is the biggest feature of science class? Almost all students and teachers believe that experiment is an important feature of science class and a symbol different from other disciplines.
The experiment we generally call is not a real"experiment" in science. In fact, it includes students’ observation, experiment, measurement, production and other activities in the learning process, that is, it in? cludes the activities of scientific exploration and engi? neering practice. Why do teachers and students at? tach so much importance to inquiry practice?
First, inquiry practice activities are welcomed by students and can stimulate students’ interest in learn? ing. Students’ personal participation in inquiry prac? tice can not only better carry out scientific learning, master the concepts learned, improve their hands-on ability and problem-solving ability, but also stimulate their learning interest and innovative consciousness, and obtain a sense of success and achievement.
Second, the learning content of science curricu? lum is suitable for learning by means of inquiry and practice. If teaching is adopted, many contents are difficult for students to learn. Research shows that field dependent students must rely on certain situa? tions or hands-on experience in learning science in order to effectively understand some abstract scientif? ic concepts. Therefore, it is particularly important to understand and master some important concepts by using the learning method based on inquiry and prac? tice in classroom teaching. As a practical subject, pri? mary school science must pay attention to students’ hands-on and personal experience, obtain experience through exploration and practice, and construct con? cepts.
Third, it is an important way to cultivate practi? cal ability and innovative spirit. One of the effective ways to give full play to students’ creativity and cul? tivate their innovative spirit is to complete tasks in problem situations. A large number of studies show that in science teaching, students are more likely to give play to their creativity in hands-on and brain production. For example, the solution of some small problems can well stimulate students’ creativity. After solving the problems, they can get a successful expe? rience, so as to generate strong learning motivation.Therefore, it is an important way to make students practice and use their brains as much as possible.
The 2017 edition of primary school science cur? riculum standard defines the nature of primary school science: primary school science is not only a practi? cal course, but also a comprehensive course. The cur? riculum standard summarizes the discipline character? isticsofprimaryschoolscience,whichshowsthe teaching characteristics of primary school science dif? ferent from other disciplines. Based on the character? istics of science curriculum, how can teachers imple? ment teaching well in daily teaching?
First of all, teachers must establish a sense that science class must carry out inquiry and practice ac? tivitiesinwhichstudentspersonallyparticipate, which is also the bottom line of science class and is not allowed to break through. As a full-time science teacher, we should try our best to carry out group ex? periment teaching, and demonstration experiments can be interspersed occasionally; As a part-time science teacher, we should try our best to do demonstration experiments and occasionally carry out group experi? ment activities. The curriculum focusing on inquiry and practice must be guaranteed by sufficient equip? ment. Teaching equipment is an important basis for the implementation of science curriculum. The alloca? tion of teaching equipment is the responsibility of ad? ministrative departments and schools. We can put for? ward suggestions to the instrument and equipment de? partment, constantly improve the type, quantity and qualityofinstruments,andensurethesupplyof equipment. Some places have explored the measures ofconsumablesdistributiontoensuretheteaching needs of all schools. Only in this way can we ensure the implementation of experimental teaching.
Secondly,teachersshouldpersonallycarryout launching experiments, which is the key to ensure that teachers have a good class. Many science teach? ers have not done many inquiry practice activities in the current teaching materials, and they lack feelings about them. There will be some unexpected situations in class, resulting in experimental failure, waste of equipmentandaffectingteaching.Therefore,when preparinglessons,scienceteachersmustpersonally dothelaunchingexperiment,whichwillhelpto grasp the key contents of the experiment, carry out classroomteachingandimprovetheefficiencyof teaching. At the same time, teachers should also ap? propriately carry out self-made teaching aids and sup? plement them according to the actual situation.
Finally,weshouldensuresufficienttimeand space for students to practice. Practice shows that generally, in a 40 minute class, it is ideal to allow students to practice for about 20 minutes. This re? quires teachers to change the teaching method focus? ing on explaining knowledge, prepare sufficient equip? ment and design driven problems and tasks as far as possible, so that students can learn scientific knowl? edge, transfer applications, solve practical problems, teach with the characteristics of science courses and achieve good teaching results in the process of com? pleting tasks.