

红外技术 2020年12期

题目作者期次页码 ▲综述与评论▲ 拓扑绝缘体光电探测器研究进展张玉平,唐利斌11 超长线列红外探测器与制冷机耦合的柔性冷链发展现状邓 蔚,孙鸿生,朱颖峰,等110 航空相机成像技术研究赵建川,张润琦,王 杰,等2101 红外预警卫星系统虚警抑制技术综述李文杰,闫世强,胡 磊,等2115 GeTe薄膜的性质、应用及其红外探测研究进展赵逸群,唐利斌,张玉平,等4301 国外中长波双波段红外成像技术的发展及应用赵志刚,王 鑫,彭廷海,等4312 红外量子点及其光电探测器研究进展李汝劼,唐利斌,张玉平,等 李 雪5405 像增强器的迭代性能及其评价标准潘京生6509 车载光电桅杆技术的发展现状及趋势张坤杰6519 微型近红外光谱仪研究进展王宿慧,张 旭,张根伟,等7688 欧美军用红外通用组件技术的发展现状及趋势张坤杰7697 二极管型近红外聚合物光电探测器研究进展肖建花,蒋亚东,王 洋,等10917 氧化物基紫外探测器的研究进展贾梦涵,唐利斌,左文彬,等121121 ▲材料与器件▲ 顶发射绿光OLED器件制备及其光电性能研究王光华,周 芳,陈雪梅,等9817 星载多型号光电探测器热真空环境试验研究陈 志,汪杰君,胡亚东,等9823 激光辐照HgCdTe探测器输出特性与软损伤判定范永杰,秦 强9829 不同钝化膜对InSb光伏探测器性能影响研究龚晓霞,肖婷婷,杨瑞宇,等10953 有机发光二极管器件白光实现及其色坐标计算王光华,张 杰,高思博,等10958 基于威布尔分布的某半导体器件贮存寿命分布规律初探王乔方,郑万祥,王冲文,等111077 卫星用高光谱红外焦平面读出电路设计吴圣娟,胡彦博,胡 旭,等111081 典型伪装材料高光谱偏振特性实验检测与分析贾 镕,王 峰,尹璋堃,等121170 ▲系统与设计▲ 基于谐衍射的红外双波段共口径消热差光学系统设计李升辉,李 欣,李虹静119 基于二元衍射面的长波无热化光学系统设计张发平,张华卫125 基于红外成像的小型化稳定平台参数辨识郭雪峰,林 宇130 快速反射镜状态模型构建方法及其控制系统设计艾志伟,嵇建波,李 静,等140 可见光/微光与红外平行光路融合物镜设计孙爱平,杨绍明,郭 亮,等146 永磁同步电机伺服系统控制中的自抗扰控制策略岳尚武,季诚胜,孙德新2121 三角形模型的动态PIR目标轨迹预推算方法刘 珊,杨 卫,邵星灵,等2127

基于扩展正交迭代的快速加权的相机位姿估计王世安,王向军,阴 雷3205 温度与微结构高度误差对衍射光学元件衍射效率的影响研究杨亮亮,赵勇兵,唐 健,等3213 基于智能PID的直流电机控制算法仿真分析罗 娜,朱 江,李 燕3218 基于非球面镜像差效应的长焦深高斯光束均匀化光学系统设计杨 振,郭鑫民,张建隆,等4320 单星条件下基于被动测距的弹道参数估计性能分析李 淼,黄 源,孙 扬,等4328 基于HEVC的CABAC二进制算术编码器的FPGA实现王 尧,汤心溢4335 红外连续变焦镜头滑动导向机构运动分析路文龙,李 珊,贾钰超,等5447 无拼接盲区的图像拼接光学布局及系统设计孙爱平,雷旭峰,李泽民,等5456 激光/红外共孔径无热化紧凑型光学系统设计贺祥清,廖小军,段 媛,等5461 彩色摄像机颜色分辨力测量徐记伟,杜 仙,方海棠,等5468 一种基于六边形环状结构的双阻带红外频率选择表面孟 真,田昌会,黄思宁,等6528 基于辐射传输模型的高分二号影像大气校正方法研究曹红业,张天棋6534 OLED显示器热带雨林环境适应性研究王冲文,赵宏坤,刘 剑,等6542 基于FPGA微型红外热电堆探测器空间应用刘 奇,盖芳钦,叶有时,等7611 提高短波红外光谱仪信噪比的均衡曝光技术王礼庆,陈小文,李春来,等7618 LaF3作低折射率膜料制备Ge基底高性能长波红外增透膜程海娟,杨伟声,蔡 毅,等8758 激光热处理高速升温过程的红外CCD监测方法莫苏新,段 锦,吕 蒙,等8763 红外硫系光学玻璃条纹度测量及表征方法研究胡向平,徐光以,麦绿波,等8769 基于PSoC的陀螺仪数据采集系统设计与实现韩 颖9905 长距离管道安全智能光纤预警系统研究白 钰,李金鑫,邢冀川10927 基于Gm-APDs的低频激光成像探测实验宋毅恒,张佳悦,赵英超,等10936 红外成像系统中自动对焦功能优化方法研究杨瑞宇,吕 浩,龚晓霞,等10940 不同环境条件下磷酸盐玻璃滤光片腐蚀特性研究王乔方,王冲文,郑万祥,等10947 基于红外自动聚焦过程的最优函数选取李 璐,王 高,师钰璋,等111017 一种提高FPGA片间通信稳定性的校验协议研究池林辉,钱芸生,籍宇豪111022 光学被动热补偿方式实现红外与可见光图像融合物镜设计孙爱平,郭 亮,杨绍明,等111028 基于CPLD的增量式调焦编码器读出电路的设计雷增强,许辉勇,程 刚,等111037 气体泄漏热成像检测系统性能的多指标测试评价系统秦 超,张 旭,袁 盼,等121134 基于ANSYS Workbench的光学探测系统热-结构仿真分析李 欢,胡 亮,孟祥福,等121141 机载平台红外探测设备减振技术叶宗民,李 卓121151 一种可以兼顾远近距离的紧凑型武警用红外热像仪光学系统赵志远121159 卡塞格林式离轴反射系统准直仪的设计与装调方法徐正奎,王春兴,王世锦,等121164 ▲图像处理与仿真▲ 基于滚动引导滤波的红外与可见光图像融合算法陈 峰,李 敏,马 乐,等154 一种改进GMM-MRF模型的海上红外目标检测仇国庆,王艳涛,杨海静,等162

基于集成学习的风云四号遥感图像云相态分类算法高 军,陈 建,田晓宇168 改进的卷积神经网络红外图像超分辨率算法廖小华,陈念年,蒋 勇,等175 基于红外图像特征与K-means的边缘检测苏洪超,胡 英,洪少壮181 基于PSF估计的电阻阵列非均匀校正李赜浩,廖守亿,张作宇186 基于SIFT/ORB几何约束的红外与可见光图像特征点匹配奚绍礼,李 巍,谢俊峰,等2168 基于YOLOv3的红外行人小目标检测技术研究李慕锴,张 涛,崔文楠2176 基于小波-Contourlet变换的偏振图像融合算法沈薛晨,刘 钧,高 明2182 一种基于多尺度卷积神经网络和分类统计的图像去雾霾方法齐永锋,李占华2190 基于Tetrolet变换的近红外与彩色可见光图像融合算法研究苑玉彬,彭 静,沈 瑜,等3223 基于红外阵列传感器的人体行为识别系统研究王召军,许志猛,陈良琴3231 改进的CNN用于单帧红外图像行人检测的方法崔少华,李素文,黄金乐,等3238 基于Tsallis熵的红外偏振热像分割算法汪方斌,孙 凡,王 峰,等3245 基于自适应分数阶微分的红外目标增强算法代少升,李东阳,聂合文,等3257 基于3D卷积联合注意力机制的高光谱图像分类王 浩,张晶晶,李园园,等3264 可见光与红外图像结构组双稀疏融合方法研究姜晓林,王志社3272 一种结合PE的高动态范围红外图像压缩及细节增强算法葛 朋,杨 波,洪闻青,等3279 一种基于双通道CMOS相机的低照度动态场景HDR融合方法贺 理,陈 果,郭 宏,等4340 基于空-谱特征K-means的长波红外高光谱图像分类汪凌志,雷正刚,周 浩,等4348 一种对空红外弱小目标检测跟踪方法研究王曙光,石胜斌,胡春生4356 基于非参数估计的双模态红外图像差异特征频次分布构造张雅玲,吉琳娜,杨风暴,等4361 一种新颖的红外与可见光图像融合方法李婵飞,刘文晶4370 可见光与红外融合的汽车抗晕光图像评价方法柴改霞,郭全民,孙晓娟4378 多传感器箱粒子PHD滤波多目标跟踪算法蔡如华,杨 标,吴孙勇4385 基于多尺度结构特征的快速异源图像匹配张 皓,李 娜,王 陆5420 基于深度学习的红外舰船目标识别杨 涛,戴 军,吴钟建,等5426 一种复杂背景下红外目标稳定跟踪算法李继泉,时勤功,胡春松5434 弱环境辐射下中短波双波段红外图像融合方法张润琦,杨 波,夏丽昆,等5440 基于雾线暗原色先验的红外图像去雾算法左健宏,蔺素珍,禄晓飞,等6552 采用人类视觉对比机制的红外弱小目标检测刘 旭,崔文楠6559 基于FPGA的红外弱小目标检测算法张延苏,吴滢跃6566 基于改进的Harris角点的机载红外图像电子稳像王施鳗,许文海,董丽丽,等6573 基于深度CRF网络的单目红外场景深度估计王倩倩,赵海涛6580 机载平台下基于深度检测网络的目标跟踪重捕算法沈 旭,孟 巍,程小辉,等7624 电力金具图像故障状态评估陆 旭,罗汉武,李文震,等7632 自适应多点定标非均匀性校正算法黄 宇,张宝辉,吴 杰,等7637

结合红外显著性目标导引的改进YOLO网络的智能装备目标识别研究侯毅苇,李林汉,王 彦7644 优化卷积网络及低分辨率热成像的夜间人车检测与识别于龙姣,于 博,李春庚,等7651 基于卷积神经网络的红外与可见光图像融合董安勇,杜庆治,苏 斌,等7660 基于辐射定标的像元级双增益红外图像重构行麦玲,杨小乐,邓旭光,等7670 基于混合l0l1层分解的红外光强与偏振图像融合算法包达尔罕,高文炜,杨金颖7676 基于图像滤波与Hough变换的红外弱小目标检测汪烈兵,姜雄飞,石春光,等7683 基于灰度能量差异性的红外与可见光图像融合赵立昌,张宝辉,吴 杰,等8775 基于JMS-SMC-PHD滤波的检测前跟踪算法薛秋条,宁巧娇,吴孙勇,等8783 基于ConvLSTM双通道编码网络的夜间无人车场景预测李 想,孙韶媛,刘训华,等8789 基于残差编解码网络的红外图像自适应校正算法牟新刚,陆俊杰,周 晓9833 基于红外图像的绝缘子提取方法赵利鸿,高 强,于 晓,等9840 基于Lévy飞行的改进飞蛾扑火算法优化红外图像分割李唐兵,胡锦泓,周求宽9846 基于多尺度卷积神经网络的高光谱图像分类算法齐永锋,陈 静,火元莲,等9855 飞行器运动控制建模及红外辐射图像仿真刘勇求,金忠庆9863 改进的深度反投影网络红外图像超分辨率重建林仁浦,张 力,马晨晖,等9873 基于直方图的热红外图像增强方法李 牧,周瑞杰,田哲嘉9880 景深差分提取绿色植物的真彩色夜视图像颜色校正赵振芬,陈远金,张猛蛟,等9886 基于谱间相关性的高光谱图像稀疏分解算法王 丽,王 威,刘勃妮10969 基于无人机与HSV空间的光伏电池板检测分析赵玲玲,汪 烨,刘 俊10978 基于YOLO v3的高压开关设备异常发热点目标检测方法王永平,张红民,彭 闯,等10983 基于区域对比和随机森林的设备故障红外图像敏感区域提取段礼祥,刘子旺,赵振兴,等10988 一种风驱动优化Tsallis相对熵的图像多阈值分割方法李粉红,卢 晶,张志光10994 基于改进谱残差显著性图的红外与可见光图像融合李辰阳,丁 坤,翁 帅,等111042 基于EmguCV的红外图像海天线提取算法研究黄 攀,木 锐,钟建波,等111048 基于Faster R-CNN的旋转机械红外检测与识别王 洋,杨 立111053 基于BEMD改进的视觉显著性红外和可见光图像融合崔晓荣,沈 涛,黄建鲁,等111061 区域自适应多尺度强光融合的红外图像增强巫 玲,陈念年,廖小华111072 基于特征重要性的高光谱图像分类张因国,陶于祥,罗小波,等121185 基于SV-DPI的图像坏元修正FPGA自动化验证李艳龙,杨 琪,王雪峰121192 ▲红外应用▲ 发酵液中甘油和丁醇含量的近红外快速检测方法赵 昇,王晓荣,张进明5488 基于多尺度自适应的近红外手肘静脉提取算法朱翔翔,郭永洪5494 红外热成像在乳腺疾病检测的应用研究曾靓妮,邓方阁5501 涤纶晶体结构三级红外光谱研究武玉洁,常 明,杨若冰,等6589 基于红外成像技术的填埋场裸膜缺陷检测研究陈亚宇,张 卫,孙焕奕,等6598

直埋热管道红外伪装技术研究苏荣华,刘定文,李 锋,等7702 远红外线的临床应用研究进展李石林,孙 悦,潘华平,等9909 基于改进Faster R-CNN的车辆乘员数量检测方法金 鑫,胡 英111103 一种高精度医学红外热像图的实现方法高玉宝,江 涛,胡孝成,等111111 一种智能型电网设备红外诊断系统的设计刘 嵘,刘 辉,贾 然,等121198 一种风机叶片图像采集及缺陷检测系统赵春溢,郭洪涛,郭 涛,等121203 ▲制导与对抗▲ 水面舰船红外隐身总体设计分析李 艇,付云鹏,杨卫英2134 红外成像制导半实物仿真安装误差分析与修正孙志朋,赵世明,孙致月2139 先进红外传感器对隐身飞机作用距离估算研究何 苹,王莹莹,岳韶华9899 红外空空导弹抗干扰性能评估指标体系研究张喜涛,白晓东,闫 琳,等111089 一种用于发射后截获的红外导引头探测距离估算方法徐振亚,付奎生,祁 鸣,等111095 ▲微光技术▲ 微光ICCD相机的动态调制传递函数理论模型研究韩 坤,姚 泽,乔 凯,等3294 硝化纤维素膜去除技术研究李相鑫,张 妮,郝子恒,等4399 紫外微通道板型光电倍增管研制及性能研究司曙光,金 真,黄国瑞,等7605 日盲紫外辐射的大气传输与大气温度关系的理论模型潘 浩,马 仪,周仿荣,等101007 ▲测量技术▲ 多相机非共视场的非合作圆特征位姿测量方法宋代平,陆 璐193 基于修正自相关算法的THz-TDS聚乙烯测厚反卷积算法蒋 强,俞 跃,叶凌伟,等5473 利用正弦幅值时间转换的脉冲激光测距方法黄民双,关在辉,姜 博5483 基于温度修正的GF-5全谱段光谱成像仪热红外谱段辐射定标王 浩,晋利兵,李 岩,等6547 基于RBF网络的红外多光谱辐射测温席剑辉,姜 瀚10963 改善环境光照对强反光体表面红外测温精度影响的补偿算法研究魏绍亮,韩连伟,程奉玉,等121179 ▲制冷技术▲ 线性压缩机用柔性弹簧组件支撑性能研究张 凯,陈 军,李海英,等2198 微型低温节流制冷器结构优化设计曹 菁,侯 予,李家鹏,等9893 ▲无损检测▲ CNG气瓶缠绕层缺陷的红外定位和定量识别及实验研究孔松涛,张 润,兰 鹰,等2144 基于激光红外检测信号的表面裂纹定量重构杨 阳,邱金星,刘皓晨,等2152 基于超声热波成像技术的机车钩舌的裂纹检测敬甫盛,李 朋,江海军,等2158 钢轨轨脚裂纹红外热波无损检测实验(英文)贾文晶2163 基于红外图像处理技术的钢构件损伤识别邹兰林,许瀚文,周兴林3286 基于红外无损检测的非金属材料粘贴缺陷识别牛 奕,甘玲童,马 云4393 涡流脉冲热像技术中基于神经网络的检出/漏检预测研究孙吉伟,孙 浩,谢 敏,等8795

基于改进自适应遗传算法和二维最大熵的超声红外热像缺陷识别唐长明,钟剑锋,钟舜聪,等8801 基于PCNN分层聚类迭代的故障区域自动提取方法许晓路,周 文,周东国,等8809 基于单尺度Retinex与改进的K-均值聚类的涡流热成像缺陷检测张庆宇,范玉刚,高 阳101001 专栏▲微光与紫外▲ 铝镓氮光电阴极日盲紫外像增强器辐射增益研究程宏昌,石 峰,姚 泽,等8709 基于泊松分布的日盲紫外电晕检测闵超波,顾 燕,杨 锋8715 “日盲”紫外微通道板型光电倍增管研究司曙光,金睦淳,王兴超,等8722 铝镓氮光阴极像增强器极限分辨力影响因素研究闫 磊,石 峰,单 聪,等8729 MCP输入增强膜对像增强器主要性能的影响研究曾进能,李廷涛,常 乐,等8735 地磁场下微通道板型光电倍增管性能研究苏德坦,叶 皓,孙建宁,等8742 防离子反馈微通道板表面碳污染去除的试验研究杨晓军,李 丹,乔 凯,等8747 碱腐蚀工艺对微通道板性能的影响研究张正君,李婧雯,牛鹏杰,等8752

Subject MatterAuthorNo.Page ▲SURVEY & REVIEW▲ Research Progress in Photodetectors Based on Topological InsulatorsZHANG Yuping,TANG Libin11 Development Status of the Flexible Thermal Link Coupling Between Cryocooler and Long Linear Infrared DetectorDENG Wei,SUN Hongsheng,ZHU Yingfeng,et al.110 Research on Aerial Camera Imaging TechnologyZHAO Jianchuan,ZHANG Runqi,WANG Jie,et al.2101 A Review of False Alarm Suppression Technology for Infrared Early Warning Satellite SystemLI Wenjie,YAN Shiqiang,HU Lei,et al.2115 Research Progress Regarding Properties, Applications, and Infrared Detection of GeTe Thin FilmsZHAO Yiqun,TANG Libin,ZHANG Yuping,et al.4301 Status Quo and Application of Middle and Long Wave Dual-band Infrared Imaging Technologies in OccidentZHAO Zhigang,WANG Xin,PENG Tinghai,et al.4312 Research Progress of Infrared Colloidal Quantum Dots and Their PhotodetectorsLI Rujie,TANG Libin,ZHANG Yuping,et al.5405 Image Intensifier Upgraded Performance and Evaluation StandardPAN Jingsheng6509 Current Status and Trend of Vehicle Photoelectric Mast TechnologyZHANG Kunjie6519 Research Progress of Miniature Near Infrared SpectrometerWANG Suhui,ZHANG Xu,ZHANG Genwei,et al.7688 Military Status and Trends of Infrared Common Modules in Europe and AmericaZHANG Kunjie7697 Review of Near-Infrared Polymer PhotodiodesXIAO Jianhua,JIANG Yadong,WANG Yang,et al.10917 Progress in Oxide-based Ultraviolet DetectorsJIA Menghan,TANG Libin,ZUO Wenbin,et al.121121 ▲MATERIALS & DEVICES▲ Preparation and Performance of Top-Emitting Organic Green LightEmitting DevicesWANG Guanghua,ZHOU Fang,CHEN Xuemei,et al.9817 Thermal Vacuum Environment Tests of Multimodel Photodetectors on SatellitesCHEN Zhi,WANG Jiejun,HU Yadong,et al.9823 HgCdTe Detector Output Characteristics and Soft Damage Determination under Laser IrradiationFAN Yongjie,QIN Qiang9829 Influence of Different Passivation Films on the Performanceof InSbPhotovoltaic DetectorGONG Xiaoxia,XIAO Tingting,YANG Ruiyu,et al.10953 White Light Realization and Color Coordinate Calculation of OLED DevicesWANG Guanghua,ZHANG Jie,GAO Sibo,et al.10958 Preliminary Study on Storage Life Distribution of Semiconductor Device Based on Weibull DistributionWANG Qiaofang,ZHENG Wanxiang,WANG Chongwen,et al.111077 Hyperspectral Infrared Focal Plane Array ROIC Design for Satellite ApplicationsWU Shengjuan,HU Yanbo,HU Xu,et al.111081 Experimental Detection and Analysis of Hyperspectral Polarization Characteristics of Typical Camouflage MaterialsJIA Rong,WANG Feng,YIN Zhangkun,et al.121170 ▲SYSTEMS & DESIGNS▲ Design of Infrared Dual-Band Common Aperture Thermal Elimination Optical System Based on Harmonic DiffractionLI Shenghui,LI Xin,LI Hongjing119 Design of Long-wave Athermal Optical System Based on Binary Diffraction SurfaceZHANG Faping,ZHANG Huawei125 Parameter Identification for Miniature Stabilized Platforms Based on Infrared ImagingGUO Xuefeng,LIN Yu130

State Model Construction Method for Fast Steering Mirror and Its Control System DesignAI Zhiwei,JI Jianbo,LI Jing,et al.140 Objective Design of Visible Light/Low-Light and Infrared Parallel Optical Path FusionSUN Aiping,YANG Shaoming,GUO Liang,et al.146 Auto Disturbance Rejection Control Strategy in Servo System Controlling with Permanent Magnet Synchronous MotorYUE Shangwu,JI Chengsheng,SUN Dexin2121 Dynamic Passive Infrared Sensor Target Trajectory Prediction Method for Triangular ModelLIU Shan,YANG Wei,SHAO Xingling,et al.2127 Accelerative and Weighted Camera Pose Estimation Based on ExtendedOrthogonal Iterative AlgorithmWANG Shi’an,WANG Xiangjun,YIN Lei3205 Research on the Influence of Temperature and Microstructure Height Error on Diffraction Efficiency for Diffractive Optical ElementsYANG Liangliang,ZHAO Yongbing,TANG Jian,et al.3213 Simulation of DC Motor Control Algorithm Based on Intelligent PIDLUO Na,ZHU Jiang,LI Yan3218 Optical System Design for Gaussian Beam Uniformization with Long Focal Depth Based on Aberration Effect of Aspheric MirrorYANG Zhen,GUO Xinmin,ZHANG Jianlong,et al.4320 Performance Analysis of Ballistic Estimation Based on Passive RangingUsing Single SatelliteLI Miao,HUANG Yuan,SUN Yang,et al.4328 FPGA Implementation of CABAC Binary Arithmetic Encoder Based onHEVCWANG Yao,TANG Xinyi4335 Kinematic Analysis of Sliding Guide Mechanism of Infrared Continuous Zoom LensLU Wenlong,LI Shan,JIA Yuchao,et al.5447 Optical Layout and System Design of Image Mosaic Without Splice Blind AreaSUN Aiping,LEI Xufeng,LI Zemin,et al.5456 Common Aperture and Athermalization Design of Compact Laser/InfraredOptical SystemHE Xiangqing,LIAO Xiaojun,DUAN Yuan,et al.5461 Measurement of Color Resolution for Color CamerasXU Jiwei,DU Xian,FANG Haitang,et al.5468 Infrared Frequency Selective Surface with Dual Stopband Based on Hexagonal Ring StructureMENG Zhen,TIAN Changhui,HUANG Sining,et al.6528 Atmospheric Correction Algorithm for GF-2 Image Based on a Radiative Transfer ModelCAO Hongye,ZHANG Tianqi6534 Dissecting the Adaptability of OLED Displays in Tropical RainforestWANG Chongwen,ZHAO Hongkun,LIU Jian,et al.6542 Micro-Infrared Thermopile Detector Space Applications Based on FPGALIU Qi,GAI Fangqin,YE Youshi,et al.7611 A Balanced Exposure Technique to Improve the Signal to Noise Ratio of aShortwave Infrared SpectrometerWANG Liqing,CHEN Xiaowen,LI Chunlai,et al.7618 High-Performance LWIR Antireflective FilmsFabrication on Ge Substrate Using LaF3 as Low Refractive Index MaterialCHENG Haijuan,YANG Weisheng,CAI Yi,et al.8758 Method for Infrared CCD Monitoring of High-speed Heating Process of Laser Heat TreatmentMO Suxin,DUAN Jin,LV Meng,et al.8763 Measurement and Characterization Method of Striae for Infrared Chalcogenide Optical GlassHU Xiangping,XU Guangyi,MAI Lvbo,et al.8769 Design and Implementation of a Data Acquisition System for Gyroscopes Based on PSoCHAN Ying9905 Research on Intelligent Optical-Fiber Pre-Warning System for Long-Distance Pipeline SafetyBAI Yu,LI Jinxin,XING Jichuan10927 Low-Frequency Laser Imaging-Detection Experiment Based on Gm-APDsSONG Yiheng,ZHANG Jiayue,ZHAO Yingchao,et al.10936 Optimizing Method of Autofocusing Function in Infrared Imaging SystemYANG Ruiyu,LYU Hao,GONG Xiaoxia,et al.10940 Corrosion Properties of Phosphate Glass Filter under Different EnvironmentsWANG Qiaofang,WANG Chongwen,ZHENG Wanxiang,et al.10947 Optimal Function Selection Based on Infrared Auto-Focusing ProcessesLI Lu,WANG Gao,SHI Yuzhang,et al.111017

Verification Protocol for Improving Communication Stability Between FPGAsCHI Linhui,QIAN Yunsheng,JI Yuhao111022 Design of Objective Lens for Infrared and Visible Image Fusion by Optical Passive Thermal CompensationSUN Aiping,GUO Liang,YANG Shaoming,et al.111028 Design of Readout Circuit of Incremental Focusing Encoder Based on CPLDLEI Zengqiang,XU Huiyong,CHENG Gang,et al.111037 Multi-index Test Evaluation System for Performance of Gas Leak Thermal Imaging SystemsQIN Chao,ZHANG Xu,YUAN Pan,et al.121134 Simulation Analysis of Thermal-Structure of an Optical Detection SystemLI Huan,HU Liang,MENG Xiangfu,et al.121141 Vibration Reduction of Infrared Detection Equipments on Airborne PlatformYE Zongmin,LI Zhuo121151 Optical System of Compact Thermal Imager for Near and Far Distances for Armed PoliceZHAO Zhiyuan121159 Design and Development of a Cassegrain Off-axis Reflection System CollimatorXU Zhengkui,WANG Chunxing,WANG Shijing,et al.121164 ▲IMAGE PROCESSING AND SIMULATION▲ Infrared and Visible Image Fusion Algorithm Based on the Rolling Guidance FilterCHEN Feng,LI Min,MA Le,et al.154 An Improved GMM-MRF Model for Maritime Infrared Target DetectionQIU Guoqing,WANG Yantao,YANG Haijing,et al.162 Ensemble-learning-based Cloud Phase Classification Method forFeng Yun-4 Remote Sensing ImagesGAO Jun,CHEN Jian,TIAN Xiaoyu168 Infrared Image Super-resolution Using Improved Convolutional Neural NetworkLIAO Xiaohua,CHEN Niannian,JIANG Yong,et al.175 Edge Detection Based on Characteristics of Infrared Image and K-meansSU Hongchao,HU Ying,HONG Shaozhuang181 Nonuniformity Correction of Resistance Array Based on Estimation of Point Spread FunctionLI Zehao,LIAO Shouyi,ZHANG Zuoyu186 Feature Point Matching Between Infrared Image and Visible Light Image Based on SIFT and ORB OperatorsXI Shaoli,LI Wei,XIE Junfeng,et al.2168 Research of Infrared Small Pedestrian Target Detection Based onYOLO v3LI Mukai,ZHANG Tao,CUI Wennan2176 Polarizing Image Fusion Algorithm Based on Wavelet –Contourlet TransformSHEN Xuechen,LIU Jun,GAO Ming2182 Image Dehazing Method Based on Multi-scale Convolutional Neural Network and Classification StatisticsQI Yongfeng,LI Zhanhua2190 Fusion Algorithms for Near-Infrared and Color Visible Images Based on Tetrolet TransformYUAN Yubin,PENG Jing,SHEN Yu,et al.3223 Human Behavior Recognition System Based on Infrared Array SensorsWANG Zhaojun,XU Zhimeng,CHEN Liangqin3231 A Method of Pedestrian Detection Based on Improved CNN inSingle-frame Infrared ImagesCUI Shaohua,LI Suwen,HUANG Jinle,et al.3238 Infrared Polarization Thermal Image Segmentation Algorithm Based onTsallis EntropyWANG Fangbin,SUN Fan,WANG Feng,et al.3245 Linear Enhancement Algorithm of Infrared Target Based on Adaptive Fractional DifferentiationDAI Shaosheng,LI Dongyang,NIE Hewen,et al.3257 Hyperspectral Image Classification Based on 3D Convolution Joint Attention MechanismWANG Hao,ZHANG Jingjing,LI Yuanyuan,et al.3264 Visible and Infrared Image Fusion Based on Structured Group and Double SparsityJIANG Xiaolin,WANG Zhishe3272 Dynamic Range Compression and Detail Enhancement AlgorithmCombined with PE for High Dynamic Range Infrared ImagesGE Peng,YANG Bo,HONG Wenqing,et al.3279

A Dynamic Scene HDR Fusion Method Based on Dual-channelLow-light- level CMOS CameraHE Li,CHEN Guo,GUO Hong,et al.4340 Long-wave Infrared Hyperspectral Image Classification Based on K-means of Spatial-Spectral FeaturesWANG Lingzhi,LEI Zhenggang,ZHOU Hao,et al.4348 Detection and Tracking Method for Infrared Dim Small Targets in AirWANG Shuguang,SHI Shengbin,HU Chunsheng4356 Bimodal Infrared Images of Frequency Distribution of Difference Features Based on Nonparametric EstimationZHANG Yaling,JI Linna,YANG Fengbao,et al.4361 Novel Fusion Method for Infrared and Visible Light ImagesLI Chanfei,LIU Wenjing4370 Vehicle Anti-halation Image Evaluation Method Based on Visible andInfrared FusionCHAI Gaixia,GUO Quanmin,SUN Xiaojuan4378 Multisensor Box Particle PHD Multitarget Tracking AlgorithmCAI Ruhua,YANG Biao,WU Sunyong4385 Fast Multi-sensor Image Matching Algorithm Based on a Multi-scaleDense Structure FeatureZHANG Hao,LI Na,WANG Lu5420 Target Recognition of Infrared Ship Based on Deep LearningYANG Tao,DAI Jun,WU Zhongjian,et al.5426 Stable Infrared Target Tracking Algorithm Under Complicated BackgroundLI Jiquan,SHI Qingong,HU Chunsong5434 Infrared Image Fusion Method for Medium-wave and Short-wave Images in Weak Ambient RadiationZHANG Runqi,YANG Bo,XIA Likun,et al.5440 Use of Dark Primary Color Priors for Haze-line-Based Infrared Image DehazingZUO Jianhong,LIN Suzhen,LU Xiaofei,et al.6552 Infrared-Image-Based Detection of Dim and Small Targets Using Human Visual Contrast MechanismLIU Xu,CUI Wennan6559 Detection Algorithm of Infrared Dim Small Target Based on FPGAZHANG Yansu,WU Yingyue6566 Electronic Image Stabilization of Airborne Infrared Images Based on Improved Harris Corner DetectionWANG Shiman,XU Wenhai,DONG Lili,et al.6573 Depth Estimation of Monocular Infrared Scene Based on Deep CRF NetworkWANG Qianqian,ZHAO Haitao6580 Object Tracking and Recapture Model Based on Deep Detection Network Under Airborne PlatformSHEN Xu,MENG Wei,CHENG Xiaohui,et al.7624 Estate Evaluation of Image Fault of Electric Power FittingsLU Xu,LUO Hanwu,LI Wenzhen,et al.7632 Adaptive Multipoint Calibration Non-uniformity Correction AlgorithmHUANG Yu,ZHANG Baohui,WU Jie,et al.7637 Intelligent Equipment Object Recognition Based on Improved YOLO Network Guided by Infrared Saliency DetectionHOU Yiwei,LI Linhan,WANG Yan7644 Detection and Recognition of Persons and Vehicles in Low-ResolutionNighttime Thermal Images Based on Optimized Convolutional NeuralNetworkYU Longjiao,YU Bo,LI Chungeng,et al.7651 Infrared and Visible Image Fusion Based on Convolutional NeuralNetworkDONG Anyong,DU Qingzhi,SU Bin,et al.7660 Pixel-Level Dual-Gain Infrared Image Reconstruction Based on Radiance CalibrationXING Mailing,YANG Xiaole,DENG Xuguang,et al.7670 Fusion Algorithm for Infrared Intensity and Polarization Images UsingHybrid l0l1 Layer DecompositionBAO Daerhan,GAO Wenwei,YANG Jinying7676 Infrared Small Target Detection Based on Image Filtering and Hough TransformWANG Liebing,JIANG Xiongfei,SHI Chunguang,et al.7683 Fusion of Infrared and Visible Images Based on Gray Energy DifferenceZHAO Lichang,ZHANG Baohui,WU Jie,et al.8775 A Track-Before-Detect Algorithm Based on a JMS-SMC-PHD FilterXUE Qiutiao,NING Qiaojiao,WU Sunyong,et al.8783 Dual-Channel Encoding Network Based on ConvLSTM for Driverless Vehicle Night Scene Prediction DehazingLI Xiang,SUN Shaoyuan,LIU Xunhua,et al.8789 Adaptive Correction Algorithm of Infrared Image Based on Encoding and Decoding Residual NetworkMOU Xingang,LU Junjie,ZHOU Xiao9833

Insulator Extraction Method Based on Infrared ImageZHAO Lihong,GAO Qiang,YU Xiao,et al.9840 Improved Moth-Flame Optimization Algorithm Based on Lévy Flight to Optimize Infrared Image SegmentationLI Tangbing,HU Jinhong,ZHOU Qiukuan9846 Hyperspectral Image Classification Algorithm Based on Multiscale Convolutional Neural NetworkQI Yongfeng,CHEN Jing,HUO Yuanlian,et al.9855 Simulation of Air Vehicle Motion Control Models and Infrared ImagesLIU Yongqiu,JIN Zhongqing9863 Improved Super-resolution Reconstruction of Infrared Images Based on Deep Back-projection NetworksLIN Renpu,ZHANG Li,MA Chenhui,et al.9873 A Thermal Infrared Image Enhancement Method Based on HistogramLI Mu,ZHOU Ruijie,TIAN Zhejia9880 Color Correction of True-color Night Vision Image by Extracting Green Plants with Differential Depth of FieldZHAO Zhenfen,CHEN Yuanjin,ZHANG Mengjiao,et al.9886 Sparse Decomposition of Hyperspectral Images Based on Spectral CorrelationWANG Li,WANG Wei,LIU Boni10969 Detection and Analysis of Photovoltaic Panels Based on UAV and HSV SpaceZHAO Lingling,WANG Ye,LIU Jun10978 The Target Detection Method for Abnormal Heating Point of High-Voltage Switchgear Based on YOLO v3WANG Yongping,ZHANG Hongmin,PENG Chuang,et al.10983 Infrared Image ROI Extraction Based on Region Contrast and Random Forest DUAN Lixiang,LIU Ziwang,ZHAO Zhenxin,et al.10988 Fast Image Segmentation with Multilevel Threshold Based on Tsallis Relative Entropy and Wind-Driven Optimization AlgorithmLI Fenhong,LU Jing,ZHANG Zhiguang10994 Image Fusion of Infrared and Visible Images Based on Residual SignificanceLI Chenyang,DING Kun,WENG Shuai,et al.111042 Sea-Skyline Extraction Algorithm Based on EmguCV with Infrared ImagesHUANG Pan,MU Rui,ZHONG Jianbo,et al.111048 Infrared Detection and Identification of Rotating Machinery Based on Faster R-CNNWANG Yang,YANG Li111053 Infrared and Visible Image Fusion Based on BEMD and Improved Visual SaliencyCUI Xiaorong,SHEN Tao,HUANG Jianlu,et al.111061 Infrared Image Enhancement Based on Regional Adaptive Multiscale Intense Light FusionWU Ling,CHEN Niannian,LIAO Xiaohua111072 Hyperspectral Image Classification Based on Feature ImportanceZHANG Yinguo,TAO Yuxiang,LUO Xiaobo,et al.121185 Automatic Verification of Field Programmable Gate Arrays for Dead Pixel CorrectionLI Yanlong,YANG Qi,WANG Xuefeng121192 ▲IR APPLICATIONS▲ Rapid Detection of Glycerol and Butanol in Fermentation Broth UsingNear- Infrared SpectroscopyZHAO Sheng,WANG Xiaorong,ZHANG Jinming5488 Near-Infrared Elbow Vein Extraction Algorithm Based on Multiscale Adaptive FilterZHU Xiangxiang,GUO Yonghong5494 High-temperature Furnace Slag Positioning Method for Slag Discharging Manipulator Based on Near-infrared VisionZENG Jingni,DENG Fangge5501 Three-step Infrared Spectrum of Dacron Crystal StructureWU Yujie,CHANG Ming,YANG Ruobing,et al.6589 Defect Detection of Landfill Bare Film Based on Infrared Imaging TechnologyCHEN Yayu,ZHAGN Wei,SUN Huanyi,et al.6598 Research on Infrared Camouflage Technology for Direct Buried HeatPipelinesSU Ronghua,LIU Dingwen,LI Feng,et al.7702 Research Progress of the Clinical Application of Far Infrared RadiationLI Shilin,SUN Yue,PAN Huaping,et al.9909 Detection of Vehicle Crews Based on Modified Faster R-CNNJIN Xin,HU Ying111103 Method of High Precision Medical Infrared ThermographyGAO Yubao,JIANG Tao,HU Xiaocheng,et al.111111

Design of Intelligent Infrared Diagnosis System for Power Grid EquipmentLIU Rong,LIU Hui,JIA Ran,et al.121198 Defect Detection System Based on UAV Images for Wind Turbine BladesZHAO Chunyi,GUO Hongtao,GUO Tao,et al.121203 ▲GUIDANCE & COUNTERMEASURE▲ Design Analysis of Ship Infrared StealthLI Ting,FU Yunpeng,YANG Weiying2134 Infrared Imaging Guidance Semi-physical Simulation, Installation Error Analysis, and CorrectionSUN Zhipeng,ZHAO Shiming,SUN Zhiyue2139 Operating Range of the Advanced Infrared Detector for the Stealth AircraftHE Ping,WANG Yingying,YUE Shaohua9899 Anti-Jamming Performance Evaluation Index System for Infrared Air-to-Air MissilesZHANG Xitao,BAI Xiaodong,YAN Lin,et al.111089 Estimation Method of Infrared Seeker Detection Range Used for Lock-on-after-launchXU Zhenya,FU Kuisheng,QI Ming,et al.111095 ▲LOW-LIGHT-LEVEL▲ Theoretical Model of Dynamic MTF of Low-Light-Level ICCDHAN Kun,YAO Ze,QIAO Kai,et al.3294 Study on Removal Technology of Nitrocellulose MembraneLI Xiangxin,ZHANG Ni,HAO Ziheng,et al.4399 Study on the Performance of an Ultraviolet Microchannel Plate PhotomultiplierSI Shuguang,JIN Zhen,HUANG Guorui,et al7605 Research on the Theoretical Model Between Solar-blind UV and Atmospheric Temperature during Atmospheric TransmissionPAN Hao,MA Yi,ZHOU Fangrong,et al.101007 ▲MEASUREMENTS▲ Non-cooperative Circle Characteristic Pose Measurement Using Multiple Cameras without Public Field of ViewSONG Daiping,LU Lu193 Deconvolution Algorithm of THz-TDS Polyethylene Thickness Measurement Based on Modified Autocorrelation AlgorithmJIANG Qiang,YU Yue,YE Lingwei,et al5473 Pulse Laser Ranging Using Sinusoidal Amplitude Time ConversionHUANG Minshuang,GUAN Zaihui,JIANG Bo5483 Radiation Calibration of Thermal Infrared Bands of GF-5 VIMI Based on Temperature CorrectionWANG Hao,JIN Libing,LI Yan,et al.6547 Infrared Multispectral Radiation-Temperature Measurement Based onRBF NetworkXI Jianhui,JIANG Han10963 Compensation Algorithm to Improve the Influence of Ambient Light on the Infrared Temperature Measurement Accuracy of a Strong Reflector SurfaceWEI Shaoliang,HAN Lianwei,CHENG Fengyu121179 ▲REFRIGERATION▲ Performance Analysis of Flexure Bearing Component Radial Stiffness for Linear CompressorsZHANG Kai,CHEN Jun,LI Haiying,et al.2198 Optimal Design of Miniature Joule-Thomson CryocoolerCAO Jing,HOU Yu,LI Jiapeng,et al.9893 ▲NONDESTRUCTIVE TESTING▲ Infrared Location, Quantitative Identification, and Experimental Study of Defects in the Winding Layer of a CNG Gas CylinderKONG Songtao,ZHANG Run,LAN Ying,et al.2144 Reconstruction of Surface Cracks with Laser Spot Thermography SignalsYANG Yang,QIU Jinxing,LIU Haochen,et al.2152 Crack Detection of Locomotive Hook Tongue Based on UltrasonicThermographyJING Fusheng,LI Peng,JIANG Haijun,et al.2158 Experiment into Nondestructive Testing of Rail Foot Cracks Using Infrared Thermal WavesJIA Wenjing2163 Damage Identification of Steel Members Based on Infrared ImageProcessing TechnologyZOU Lanlin,XU Hanwen,ZHOU Xinglin3286 Identification of Adhesive Defects of Non-metallic Materials Based on Infrared Non-destructive TestingNIU Yi,GAN Lingtong,MA Yun4393

Prediction of Hit/Miss under Different Detection Conditions through Eddy Current Pulsed ThermographySUN Jiwei,SUN Hao,XIE Min,et al.8795 Ultrasound Infrared Thermography Defect Recognition Based on Improved Adaptive Genetic Algorithm with Two-Dimensional Maximum EntropyTANG Changming,ZHONG Jianfeng,ZHONG Shuncong,et al.8801 Automatic Fault Region Extraction Using PCNN Hierarchical ClusteringXU Xiaolu,ZHOU Wen,ZHOU Dongguo,et al.8809 Defect Detection of Eddy-Current Thermography Based on Single-Scale Retinex and Improved K-means ClusteringZHANG Qingyu,FAN Yugang,GAO Yang101001 Special Column▲LOW-LIGHT-LEVEL & ULTRAVIOLET▲ Radiation Gain of AlGaN Photocathode Solar Blind UV ImageIntensifierCHENG Hongchang,SHI Feng,YAO Ze,et al.8709 Corona Detection of Solar-Blind Ultraviolet via Poisson DistributionMIN Chaobo,GU Yan,YANG Feng8715 "Solar Blind" Ultraviolet Microchannel Plate PhotomultiplierSI Shuguang,JIN Muchun,WANG Xingchao,et al.8722 Limiting Resolution of AlGaN Photocathode Image Intensifier TubeYAN Lei,SHI Feng,SHAN Cong,et al.8729 Effect of MCP Input Enhancement Film on Image Intensifier PerformanceZENG Jinneng,LI Tingtao,CHANG Le,et al.8735 Performance of the Microchannel Plate Type Photomultiplier Tube Under a Geomagnetic FieldSU Detan,YE Hao,SUN Jianning,et al.8742 Experimental Study of Carbon Pollution Removal from Microchannel Plate with Ion Barrier FilmYANG Xiaojun,LI Dan,QIAO Kai,et al.8747 Micro-Channel Plate Etching Technology in LyeZHANG Zhengjun,LI Jingwen,NIU Pengjie,et al.8752

