詹姆斯·赖特(James Wright,1927-1980),美国诗人、美国二战后“新超现实主义”(即“深度意象”)诗歌流派的主将之一,生于俄亥俄州马丁斯渡口,早年就读于肯庸学院,曾先后师从于兰色姆、佛罗斯特等著名诗人,后来转向“新超现实主义”创作实践。他先后出版了诗集《绿墙》《圣犹大》《树枝不会折断》《我们是否在河边聚集》《两个公民》《致一棵开花的梨树》《这旅程》等多部,1972年获得普利策诗歌奖。另外,他还留下了大量散文和散文诗,结集为《意大利夏天的瞬间》出版。
In Memory of Hubert Robert A Hillside in Fiesole
An ancient city is the only place where the ancient creatures have room to become new. This wild rabbit has allowed her children to scamper among the tough green weeds near the ruins. Delicately fluffy and light as the parachutes of milkweed, the children would be young and ignorant in any case, so I let them go by. But she is the one I love to look on, she is the youthful one, in spite of the winter she has somehow got through. Her muscular hind legs are terrible weapons of defense and flight, but her forepaws in repose are gentle, as her long wiry whiskers flick precisely above them, branches ready for blossom in the green twilight.
Poppies in Trajan 's Market
For once among the centuries, it is not human blood, this scattering of a wild thing among the stones of a splendid human place. As far as I know, not even the emperor ordered men to be disposed of here, his friends, his enemies, or the strange kings of Africa too hopelessly proud to cut and bear stones on their shoulders or wrestle in the arena with starved Orangutans Or race the fleet Ostriches in irregular circles. And today, for once, in Rome, a whole week has gone by, and I have not heard of a single recent murder. No. The brilliant scattering of scarlet petals here belongs in a field near the sea, and the stone belongs deep in a hill. Both stone and flower stand homeless beside each other here, strangers among the bewildering Romans.
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The Aristocrat
All over Apulia, currents of sea air snarl among winds from the landwise mountains. I can see thistle seeds tumbling everywhere, but I lose their pathways, they are so many. Flowers of every color flock up and down the walls of white ruin and beyond, between the snaggles of useless rock and the sea, poppies and camomilla clustered together like brilliant sheep. But somehow the thistle, disdainful in the general flight of seeds, ends up alone in the mob of wildflowers. Its bloom is so wealthy it would become scarlet, but scarlet is not the name. Scarlet is the shadow the poppies already wear. The thistle pauses all alone, elegant in its tatters, too proud to name itself, to0o aloof to accept any name I might give.
The Cross
It is one of the longest afternoons of the world, an afternoon long past one of our wars. On the ruined wall of the mayor's house in Anghiari, some soldier, wandering up and down the city and exploring it, paused long enough to stitch a cross precisely with bullets. He must have done it for love of his art, for no Christ hangs there now. Somehow a seed from the field of wild dill blossoms paused in its own wandering and exploring flight, halfway up the mountain city, and I can see the solitary long stem and the golden crown, and the root in the crevice, the root also wandering and exploring the elegant cross on the wall stone, the machine-gunned cross. By this time the soldier is scattered farther away than the seed of the dill.