

中国农业科学 2020年24期





13(2550)放牧强度对草甸草原植物群落特征及营养品质的影响张 宇等



13(2584)盐碱胁迫下松嫩草地2种生态型羊草根际效应及光合生理响应姚 远等






13(2647)豆-禾混播草地中紫花苜蓿比例对其固氮效率的影响及潜在生理机制李 强等

13(2657)寒地黑土农区紫花苜蓿生产与品质对施肥和刈割频次的响应及效益分析巩 皓等


13(2678)人工草地土壤有机碳组分与微生物群落对施氮补水的响应徐 梦等

13(2691)草甸草原区退耕地的牧草-水分-氮肥耦合机制李 达等



13(2728)基于TVDI的内蒙古草地干旱变化特征分析程 伟等



1 (117)导读:黄瓜重要农艺性状的分子生物学张圣平等

1 (122)黄瓜幼苗下胚轴长度GWAS分析及候选基因挖掘蔡和序等

1 (133)黄瓜ERF基因家族鉴定及其在雌花芽分化中的表达分析潘 健等

1 (148)黄瓜的克隆及其功能分析宋维源等

1 (160)黄瓜单性结实性状遗传与QTL定位牛志红等

1 (172)黄瓜抗白粉病突变体筛选与鉴定亓 飞等

2 (346)不同温度LED光萎凋对铁观音MEP上游关键基因和香气的影响游芳宁等

2 (357)基于代谢组学的‘云抗10号’晒青茶加工过程代谢物变化戴宇樵等

2 (371)典型黄茶滋味品质特征属性及相关滋味化学组分范方媛等

2 (383)不同产地红茶的滋味特征及主要贡献物质宋楚君等

2 (395)导读:幼畜健康培育是畜牧业可持续发展的基础刁其玉等

2 (398)代乳粉添加甘露寡糖对7—28日龄湖羊羔羊胃肠道发育的影响郑 琛等

2 (409)代乳粉水平对羔羊血液指标和肠道屏障功能的影响李彦军等

2 (418)氨基酸缺乏对母犊牛生长和日粮养分消化代谢的影响孔凡林等

2 (431)谷饲饲粮粗蛋白质水平对荷斯坦公牛屠宰性能和肉品质的影响赵洋洋等

2 (440)开食料中性洗涤纤维水平对犊牛生长性能、血清生化指标和抗氧化功能的影响任春燕等

2 (451)哺乳期饲喂白藜芦醇和地衣芽孢杆菌对0-2月龄湖羊生长性能、营养物质消化代谢和血清指标的影响王世琴等


6(1180)黑土水溶性有机碳对有机物料还田的响应魏 丹等















10(2045)不同菌种发酵对藜麦蛋白质特性及脂质构成的影响延 莎等













15(3024)主要栽培措施对北方春玉米产量贡献的定量评估杨 哲等


15(3048)优化栽培措施对春玉米密植群体冠层结构及产量形成的调控效应朴 琳等


15(3071)耕作和秸秆还田方式对东北春玉米吐丝期根系特征及产量的影响姜 英等


19(3893)导读:冬小麦-夏玉米周年光温资源高效利用赵 斌等




19(3942)行距配置和覆反光膜对夏玉米产量及光能利用的影响白 晶等

















1 (1)利用RNA-Seq发掘玉米叶片形态建成相关的调控基因郭书磊等

1 (18)异源表达芥菜增强紫花苜蓿耐酸铝胁迫的机理李小冬等

2 (225)基于高密度遗传图谱定位水稻籽粒大小相关性状QTL张 健等

2 (239)谷子杂交种与亲本性状的遗传相关性李会霞等

2 (247)紫花苜蓿的克隆及对皂甙合成的功能分析康俊梅等

3 (461)玉米质膜内在蛋白ZmPIP2;6响应渗透、盐和干旱胁迫的功能鉴定周 练等

3 (474)糜子不同性状光周期敏感性的综合评价王君杰等

4 (669)水稻根系盐胁迫响应miRNA和tRF的鉴定孟淑君等

4 (683)夏大豆重组自交系群体遗传图谱构建及开花期QTL分析曹永策等

4 (695)基于RNA-seq数据的栽培种花生SSR位点鉴定和标记开发徐志军等

5 (857)脱落酸代谢与信号传递及其调控种子休眠与萌发的分子机制宋松泉等

5 (874)玉米pTAC2影响苗期叶片叶绿素合成的转录组分析张 稳等


6(1095)中国玉米品种保护现状分析杨 扬等

6(1108)基于二代测序的甘蓝型油菜白花基因候选区间定位及连锁标记验证陈 雪等

7(1287)小麦远缘杂交现状、抗病基因转移及利用研究进展刘 成等

7(1309)扬麦系列品种品质性状分析及育种启示张 晓等

7(1322)转基因油菜筛查阳性质粒分子的研制及应用李 俊等



8(1524)烟草转录后剪切元件NRSE1与融合表达后的可变剪切赵 雪等



10(1950)利用野生甘蓝改良油菜Ogu CMS恢复材料的菌核病抗性万华方等



11(2161)基于PCA-Entropy TOPSIS的甘薯品种块根质构品质评价李 玲等


12(2331)绿小米和白小米谷子籽粒叶绿素合成途径结构基因的表达分析张 彬等

12(2340)一种CRISPR-Cas9介导的拟南芥高效基因编辑系统的构建与应用张 成等




16(3214)耐低氮糜子品种的筛选及农艺性状的综合评价陈 凌等


17(3421)川麦42和川农16抗穗发芽QTL定位及聚合效应分析王 琴等





18(3638)农杆菌介导大麦无筛选标记转基因植株的获得龚 强等







20(4127)耐草甘膦转/大豆多重PCR检测体系的建立及应用文 静等




22(4537)陆地棉的克隆及抗旱功能分析魏 鑫等





1 (29)秸秆还田量对不同基因型夏玉米产量及干物质转运的影响穆心愿等

1 (42)基于机器视觉的稻茬麦单茎穗高通量表型分析丁启朔等

2 (261)双季机械直播早籼稻品种的丰产性和稳产性陈丽明等

2 (273)陇中半干旱区不同覆盖种植方式对土壤水热效应和玉米产量的影响邓浩亮等

3 (486)施氮量对黄土高原旱地冬小麦产量和水分利用效率影响的整合分析马登科等

3 (500)喷施生长调节剂缓解甘薯干旱胁迫的机理王金强等

3 (513)二甲四氯胁迫对谷子幼苗叶片衰老特性和内源激素含量的影响郭美俊等

4 (707)中国再生稻的产量差及影响因素曹玉贤等

4 (720)青藏高原高寒区青稞光温生产潜力和产量差时空分布特征及其对气候变化的响应弓开元等

4 (734)不同覆盖方式对旱作马铃薯生长及土壤水热特征的影响普雪可等

5 (890)长江下游稻区不同类型双季晚粳稻产量与生育特性差异殷 敏等

5 (904)旱地春小麦产量对不同生育阶段温度变化的响应模拟王 钧等

5 (917)不同品种谷子愈伤组织对拿捕净胁迫的生理响应赵 娟等

5 (929)白菜型冬油菜萌动种子低温春化的生理生化特征徐春梅等

6(1118)光周期变化对糜子形态建成及幼穗发育进程的影响董 明等







8(1545)基于无人机多光谱遥感图像的玉米田间杂草识别赵 静等



10(1959)耕作、施氮和密度及其互作对旱地春玉米土壤水分及产量形成的影响李 敖等


11(2171)宽幅播种旱作冬小麦幅间距与基因型对产量和水分利用效率的影响赵 刚等

11(2182)基于改进权重湿润指数的东北地区春玉米涝渍灾害评估方法刘 聪等


12(2360)基于区域亮度自适应校正算法的脐橙表面缺陷检测张 明等

14(2840)深松与免耕频次对黄土旱塬春玉米田土壤团聚体与土壤碳库的影响张 琦等



16(3235)作物生长模型(CropGrow)研究进展朱 艳等


17(3467)高产小麦品种植株干物质积累运转、土壤耗水与产量的关系仝 锦等

17(3479)淹水弱光复合胁迫对夏玉米根形态结构、生理特性和产量的影响王 群等


18(3665)外源6-BA对不同生育时期淹水花生根系生长和荚果产量的影响李 颖等


20(4137)拔节期阶段性干旱对小麦茎蘖成穗与结实的影响李 萍等



22(4550)不同栽培模式对夏玉米冠层结构及光合性能的影响李 静等


23(4750)外源ABA对两粒色小麦品种穗发芽及品质的影响张 雪等

23(4764)间作小麦秸秆还田对地膜覆盖玉米灌浆期冠层温度及光合生理特性的影响殷 文等


24(5005)基于Sentinel卫星及无人机多光谱的滨海冬小麦种植区土壤盐分反演研究——以黄三角垦利区为例奚 雪等

1 (55)FliZ调控枯草芽孢杆菌Bs916生物膜形成及其对水稻纹枯病的防治效果周华飞等

1 (65)番茄抗白粉病功能分析冯婵婧等

1 (74)高等级生物安全实验室在生物安全领域的作用及其发展的思考刘 静等

2 (288)玉米病害和病原名称整理及其汉译名称规范化探讨王晓鸣等

3 (527)玉米大斑病菌和小斑病菌交配型多重PCR检测方法的建立与应用代玉立等

3 (539)番茄斑驳花叶病毒在我国茄科作物上的发生及生物学特性李月月等

3 (551)云南省马铃薯病毒及蓟马优势种发生趋势杜 霞等

4 (748)103份小麦品种(系)抗条锈性和遗传多样性评价及基因检测徐默然等

4 (761)HIGS转基因拟南芥的菌核病抗性鉴定柴亚茹等

4 (771)烟草的克隆及对马铃薯Y病毒侵染烟草的促进作用龚明月等

5 (942)花铃期棉花黄萎病抗病与感病品种对土壤细菌群落结构的影响赵卫松等

5 (955)侵染广东连州葫芦的黄瓜绿斑驳花叶病毒的分子特征及致病性分析李正刚等





8(1556)转录因子CsWRKY61对柑橘溃疡病抗性的影响龙 琴等




9(1820)柑橘溃疡病抗性SNP验证及其相关钙依赖性蛋白激酶基因诱导表达彭 蕴等







12(2371)小麦叶锈菌效应蛋白Pt18906激发TcLr27+31的双层防御反应齐 悦等



14(2872)棉花黄萎病菌的克隆及功能分析孙 琦等










19(3964)海洋来源杂色曲霉次级代谢产物及其抗植物病原细菌活性付 兵等

19(3975)捕食性天敌储蓄植物系统研究进展与展望李 姝等




20(4204)小麦籽粒次生物质对麦红吸浆虫幼虫解毒酶活性及基因表达的影响陈 锐等








24(5017)玉米大斑病菌基因家族的鉴定与表达模式分析龙 凤等


1 (81)我国主要麦区主栽高产品种产量差异及其与产量构成和氮磷钾吸收利用的关系黄 宁等

1 (94)连续秸秆还田对油菜水稻轮作土壤磷素有效性及作物磷素利用效率的影响王昆昆等

1 (105)紫云英季土壤固氮微生物对外源碳氮投入的响应杨 璐等

2 (317)土壤有机碳作用及转化机制研究进展张维理等

2 (332)农田土壤有机碳管理与有机质平衡算法张维理等

3 (563)集成土壤-环境关系与机器学习的干旱区土壤属性数字制图张振华等

3 (574)调理剂及农艺措施对污染稻田中水稻吸收镉的影响彭 鸥等

4 (782)秸秆还田配施氮肥对稻田土壤活性碳氮动态变化的影响王士超等

4 (795)中国茶园土壤酸化现状与分析颜 鹏等

5 (965)中德农业源污染管控制度比较研究张维理等

5 (977)秸秆还田深度对土壤温室气体排放及玉米产量的影响朱晓晴等


7(1397)紫色土坡耕地耕层质量障碍特征宋 鸽等

7(1411)长期施用磷肥水稻土微生物量磷的季节变化特征与差异刘 凯等


8(1594)黑土旱地改稻田土壤水稳性团聚体有机碳和全氮的变化特征马 原等

8(1606)我国冬油菜典型种植区域土壤养分现状分析任 涛等

9(1830)基于MGWRK的土壤有机质制图及驱动因素研究乔 磊等

9(1845)土壤侵蚀对紫色土坡耕地耕层物理及力学特性的影响江 娜等

9(1860)不同根系分泌物对土壤N2O排放及同位素特征值的影响庄 姗等



11(2232)长期施肥下华北潮土生产力演变及影响因素分析王 乐等

11(2241)基于温室番茄产量和果实品质对加气灌溉处理的综合评价朱 艳等




14(2897)岩溶湿地和稻田的土壤酶活性与CO2和CH4排放特征袁 武等






16(3319)不同精度的土壤数据对水质和水量模拟的影响李 影等

17(3527)黄土高原不同地点小麦籽粒矿质元素的含量差异王 丽等



18(3716)基于3种空间预测方法的黄土区土壤颗粒组成空间分布研究—以宁夏海原县为例申 哲等



18(3752)海南岛1988—2018年畜禽粪尿氮磷负荷量及环境效应丁 尚等



19(4024)生物炭连续施用对农田土壤氮转化微生物及N2O排放的影响董 成等


20(4226)不同肥力潮土的酶活计量比特征及其与微生物量的关系张 露等


21(4449)基于数据挖掘技术的高光谱土壤质地分类研究钟 亮等





22(4634)生物炭与无机氮配施对稻田温室气体排放及氮肥利用率的影响向 伟等


24(5050)稻田转为菜地初始阶段温室气体排放特征邬 磊等

24(5063)湖北省农业碳排放效率时空差异及影响因素田 云等

3 (585)柑橘不同类型砧木的种子和苗期性状朱世平等

3 (600)基于叶绿体DNA变异的山荆子种质遗传多样性和系统演化高 源等

4 (802)甜瓜短蔓基因的精细定位及候选基因分析马 建等

4 (811)三种酶对采后‘海沃德’和‘华特’猕猴桃AsA的氧化作用封 琦等


5(1018)小麦根系分泌物对西瓜连作土壤真菌群落结构的影响田 晴等

6(1234)利用iTRAQ技术和转录组筛选芍药属远缘杂交不亲和基因贺 丹等

7(1432)滴灌下限对日光温室葡萄生长、产量及根系分布的影响李 波等

7(1444)高温胁迫对葡萄幼树生理指标和超显微结构的影响刘 敏等







14(2919)人工气候室控制条件下青葱对LED光质的响应特性高 松等


15(3146)应用GST pull-down技术筛选番茄SIVQ6互作蛋白原贵波等


16(3333)基于高密度SNP标记的苹果属15种植物资源的亲缘关系与遗传结构分析高 源等




18(3764)黄瓜叶酸合成关键基因克隆与分析周 琪等




20(4248)暗期短暂远红光处理对南瓜幼苗生长、细胞形态和激素含量的影响刘 齐等


20(4271)施钾水平对纽荷尔脐橙养分、产量和品质的影响张 绩等





22(4667)211份板栗种质资源花序表型多样性和聚类分析李 颖等

23(4904)光对园艺植物花青素生物合成的调控作用王 峰等


23(4929)香芹酮对马铃薯种薯发芽的调控机制葛 霞等


24(5081)UV-C处理对鲜切‘皇冠’梨褐变的影响陈 晨等

24(5091)藤茶查尔酮合成酶基因的克隆及功能鉴定许 明等

3 (612)超高效液相色谱-串联质谱法鉴定和分析稻米中酚酸类化合物的组成及分布赵 珊等

3 (632)组蛋白乙酰化对灵芝生长、灵芝多糖和灵芝酸生物合成的影响张宗源等

4 (823)臭氧熏蒸处理联合PE包装对金针菇采后贮藏品质及抗氧化能力的影响王 霆等



6(1247)基于R5 ELISA和RP-HPLC法的小麦发芽过程中主要致敏蛋白含量变化胡慧敏等

6(1256)预酶解-滚筒干燥加工工艺对全麦片品质的影响余 可等


7(1473)农产品中黄曲霉毒素产毒菌标识性分子大容量反应体系提高ELISA灵敏度魏 晓等


12(2477)黑芝麻黑色素的分离纯化、结构表征及体外抗氧化活性李 杰等


16(3356)基于线粒体能量代谢途径的金针菇采后纳米包装保鲜机制马 宁等






24(5104)冷等离子体对单核增生李斯特菌的杀菌机理窦 勇等

1 (183)乳酸杆菌对肉鸡生长性能影响的Meta分析邢 爽等

1 (191)约束标准化线性回归法估计合成品种动物基因组品种构成何 俊等

1 (201)意大利蜜蜂工蜂中肠发育过程中的差异基因表达谱及调控网络杜 宇等

3 (642)基于全转录组测序的绵羊胚胎不同发育阶段骨骼肌circRNA的分析与鉴定石田培等

3 (658)多杀性巴氏杆菌荚膜的生物合成及其调控机制研究进展关丽君等

4 (836)用高通量测序技术研究松辽黑猪与长白猪背最长肌mRNA和lncRNA的差异表达吴垚群等

4 (848)光照强度对樱桃谷肉鸭、生物钟基因表达及褪黑激素的影响崔家杰等










9(1904)GnIH通过p38MAPK信号通路对猪卵巢颗粒细胞自噬与凋亡的影响张 鑫等

9(1913)清远麻慢羽公鸡的基因分型与生产性能研究李 华等


10(2112)马流产沙门氏菌的分离鉴定及其微量凝集抗体检测方法的建立与应用郭 奎等



11(2297)应用随机回归模型估计蛋鸡体重遗传参数郭 军等

12(2493)里岔黑猪和巴里杂交猪达100 kg体重日龄校正系数研究郑 浩等


12(2512)微小RNA及其介导的竞争性内源RNA调控网络在意大利蜜蜂工蜂中肠发育过程中的潜在作用杜 宇等


14(2964)野猪粪便中乳酸菌的分离鉴定及特性研究王 翌等





16(3394)副猪嗜血杆菌lpxM基因缺失株构建及生物学特性分析杨 君等



18(3805)人溶菌酶密码子优化及其在牛乳腺细胞中高效表达田 媛等

18(3818)紫花苜蓿的克隆及对木质素与纤维素合成的功能分析蒋 旭等



19(4083)金霉素微囊颗粒在猪体内的比较药动学研究许 颖等

19(4092)转录组学分析意大利蜜蜂脑部哺育行为相关基因高 艳等








23(4950)日粮中添加小肽对育肥牦牛生产性能和消化道PepT1 mRNA表达的影响苗建军等


24(5125)重组鸭瘟病毒载体中筛选高效表达鸭坦布苏病毒E蛋白启动子陈 柳等

1 (213)禾生指葡孢霉的遗传多样性及对苗期青稞的致病性陈 琳等

9(1921)重组GSTA3蛋白对福美双诱导的肉鸡TD中抗凋亡基因BAG-3表达的影响李 桢等

11(2305)基于PTN系统分析不同种植地转基因水稻种子可培养内生真菌菌群的多样性赵 艳等

14(2974)大豆高隆象致病球孢白僵菌菌株BEdy1的鉴定及毒力测定张 磊等








18(3832, 3856)勘误


13 (2527) Guidance: Theory, Technology and Practice of Ecological Restoration of Meadow and Meadow Steppe in Northern China TANG HuaJun,.

13 (2532) Systematic Restoration for Degraded Grasslands: Concept, Mechanisms and Approaches WANG DeLi,.

13 (2541) A Discussion on the Diffusion Pathway ofin the Natural Grassland of China Based on Differentiation in the Phenotypes and Genotypes YANG YunFei,.

13 (2550) Effects of grazing intensity on plant community characteristics and nutrient quality of herbage in a meadow steppe ZHANG Yu,.

13 (2562) Effects of Grazing Intensity on Functional Traits ofin Meadow Steppe HOU LuLu,.

13 (2573) Effects of Mowing Disturbance on Grassland Plant Functional Groups and Diversity inMeadow Steppe YAN RuiRui,.

13 (2584) Salt-alkalinze stress induced rhizosphere effects and photosynthetic physiological response of two ecotypes ofin Songnenmeadow steppe YAO Yuan,.

13 (2595) Effect of Fairy Rings on Soil Respiration in Hulunber Meadow Steppe FAN KaiKai,.

13 (2604) Responses of Community Species Diversity and Productivity to Nitrogen and Phosphorus Addition During Restoration of Degraded Grassland WANG HongYi,.

13 (2614) Effects of Organic Fertilizer on Soil Bacterial Community Diversity inSteppe SHANG LiRong,.

13 (2625) Effects of Nitrogen Application and Clipping Height on Vegetation Productivity and Plant Community Composition of Haying Meadow Steppe WANG KaiLi,.

13 (2637) Molecular ecological network analyses revealing the effects of nitrogen application on soil microbial community in the degraded grasslands ZHU RuiFen,.

13 (2647) Influence ofProportion on Its Individual Nitrogen Fixation Efficiency and Underlying Physiological Mechanism in Legume-GrassMixture Grassland LI Qiang,.

13 (2657) Response of Alfalfa Production and Quality to Fertilization and Cutting Frequency and Benefit Analysis in Mollisol Agricultural Area in Cold Region Gong Hao,.

13 (2668) Effects of Fertilizing Time in Early Spring on Alfalfa (Production Performance and Nutritional Quality in Mollisol Area in Cold Region Xiao ZhiXin,.

13 (2678) Responses of Soil Organic Carbon Fractionation and Microbial Community to Nitrogen and Water Addition in Artificial Grassland XU Meng,.

13 (2691) Coupling Mechanism of Herbage-Water-Nitrogen Fertilizer in Abandoned Farmland in Meadow Steppe LI Da,.

13 (2703) LCA-Based Assessment of Hulunber Ecological Grassland Technology Integration Demonstration LIU XinChao,.

13 (2715) The Spatial-Temporal Distribution of Different Grassland Types in Hulunber Grassland Based on Remote Sensing from 1992 to 2015 ZHU XiaoYu,.

13 (2728) Analysis of Spatial-Temporal Characteristics of Drought Variation in Grassland Area of Inner Mongolia Based on TVDI CHENG Wei,.

13 (2743) Temporal and Spatial Variation of Productivity and Its Response to Climate in Semi-Arid Pasture of Forage Harvesting Area MAO PingPing,.

13 (2757) Biomass Carbon Storage and Its Effect Factors in Steppe and Agro-pastoral Ecotones in Northern China XIN XiaoPing,.

1 (117) Guidance: Molecular Biology of Important Agronomic Traits in Cucumber ZHANG ShengPing,.

1 (122) GWAS Analysis of Hypocotyl Length and Candidate Gene Mining in Cucumber Seedlings CAI HeXu,.

1 (133) Genome-Wide Identification of Cucumber ERF Gene Family and Expression Analysis in Female Bud Differentiation PAN Jian,.

1 (148) Cloning and Functional Analysis ofSONG WeiYuan,.

1 (160) Inheritance and QTL Mapping for Parthenocarpy in Cucumber NIU ZhiHong,.

1 (172) Screening and Identification of Cucumber Mutant Resistant to Powdery Mildew QI Fei,.

2 (346) Effects of LED Light Withering at Different Temperatures on Expression of Key Genes in the Upstream of MEP and Formation of Volatiles in Tieguanyin Tea YOU FangNing,.

2 (357) Metabolic Changes in the Processing of Yunkang 10 Sun-Dried Green Tea based on Metabolomics DAI YuQiao,.

2 (371) Typical Yellow Tea Taste Characteristic and Its Related Taste-chemical Compositions FAN FangYuan,.

2 (383) Taste Characteristic and Main Contributing Compounds of Different Origin Black tea SONG ChuJun,.

2 (395) Guidance: Scientific rearing of preruminants is the basis of sustainable development of livestock industry DIAO Qiyu,.

2 (398) Effects of adding mannan oligosaccharides to milk replacer on the development of gastrointestinal tract of 7-28 days oldlambs ZHENG Chen,.

2 (409) Effects of Milk Replacer Feeding Level on Hematology Index and Gut Barrier Function in Lambs LI YanJun,.

2 (418) Effects of Amino Acid Deficiency on Growth Development, Dietary Nutrients Digestion and Metabolism in Heifers KONG FanLin,.

2 (431) The Slaughter Characteristics and Meat Quality of Holstein Bulls Grain-fed Under Different Dietary Crude Protein Levels ZHAO YangYang,.

2 (440) Effects of NDF Level of Starter on Growth Performance, Serum Biochemical Parameters and Antioxidant Indices in Calves REN ChunYan,.

2 (451) Growth Performance, Nutrient Digestibility and Serum Parameters in 0-2 Months OldLambs WANG ShiQin,.

6 (1178) Guidance: Influencing Factors and Comprehensive Analysis of Soil Active Organic Carbon ZHANG ShuXiang,.

6 (1180) The Response of Water-soluble Organic Carbon to Organic Material Applications in Black Soil WEI Dan,.

6 (1189) The Effects of Long-term Fertilization on the Labile Organic Matter and Carbon Pool Management Index in Different Soil Layers in Red Soil LI XiaoLei,.

6 (1202) Effect of No-tillage with Manure on Soil Enzyme Activities and Soil Active Organic Carbon ZHENG FengJun,.

6 (1214) Effects of Long-term Fertilization on the Stability of Black Soil Water Stable Aggregates and the Distribution of Organic Carbon ZHANG XiuZhi,.

6 (1224) A Meta-analysis of Long-term Fertilization Impact on Soil Dissolved Organic Carbon and Nitrogen Across Chinese Cropland LI YaLin,.

8 (1617) Effect of Nitric Oxide Synthetase Inhibitor on Yak MeatQuality during Post-Mortem Aging LI XueRu,.

8 (1627) Selection of Water-Soluble Compounds by Characteristic Flavor in Chahua Chicken Muscles Based on Metabolomics ZHAO WenHua,.

8 (1643) Improving Quality and Delaying Oxidation in Goat Meat Refrigeration by Polyphenols from Thinned Young Kiwifruit GU MingHui,.

8 (1655) Prediction of Center Temperature of Beijing Roast Duck Based on Quality Index LIU YanXia,.

9 (1699) Guidance: Major Characteristics, Often-Raised Queries and Potential Usefulness of the Restricted two-Stage multi-locus genome-Wide association analysis GAI JunYi,.

9 (1704) Restricted two-stage multi-locus genome-wide association analysis and its applications to genetic and breeding studies HE JianBo,.

9 (1717) Genome-wide QTL-allele Dissection of 100-seed weight in the Northeast China Soybean Germplasm Population HAO XiaoShuai,.

9 (1730) Detection power of RTM-GWAS applied to 100-seed weight QTL identification in a recombinant inbred lines population of soybean PAN LiYuan,.

9 (1743) Genetic dissection of protein content in a nested association mapping population of soybean LI ShuGuang,.

9 (1756) A comparative study on linkage and association QTL mapping for seed isoflavone contents in a recombinant inbred line population of soybean LIU ZaiDong,.

10 (2045) Effects of Different Strain Fermentation on Protein Hydrolysis and Lipid Profile of Quinoa YAN Sha,.

10 (2055) Comparative Analysis of Alkylresorcinols Homologue Composition in Whole Wheat Flour and Refined Wheat Flour ZOU YanYu,.

10 (2066) Quality Improvement of Rapeseed Meal Based on Static-State Fermented with Mixed Microorganisms HAO YiNing,.

10 (2078) Effects of Hot Air-Vacuum Freeze Combined with Drying on Physical Properties and Prebiotic Activities of Brittle Dried Longan DENG YuanYuan,.

10 (2091) Effects of Protein Supplements on Agronomic Characters and Quality of the MushroomZHANG WenQiang,.

14 (2769) Guidance: New research progress on sorghum breeding and cultivation techniques Zou Jianqiu

14 (2774) Formation Regulating and Micro-structure of sorghum starch with different types of endosperm KE FuLai,.

14 (2786) Heterosis Prediction of Sweet Sorghum Based on Combining Ability and Genetic Distance WANG LiMing,.

14 (2795) Molecular Aided Breeding System of Photosensitive Forage Sorghum Based on SSR NIU Hao,.

14 (2804) Effects of Harvesting at Different Growth Stage on Agronomic and Nutritional Quality Related Traits of Sweet Sorghum WANG HaiLian,.

14 (2814) Dwarfing effect and molecular mechanism of an elite sorghum Male sterile line 01-26A in its hybrids ZOU Jianqiu,.

14 (2828) Genetic Analysis on Growth Period and Plant Height Traits of Early-maturing Dwarf Sorghum Male-sterile Line P03A DUAN Youhou,.

15 (3020) Guidance: Integrated Agronomic Management Close the Gap of Yield and Resource Use Efficiency for Maize Production LI CongFeng,.

15 (3024) Quantitative evaluation of the contribution of main management factors to grain yield of spring maize in North China YANG Zhe,.

15 (3036) Effects of Different Agronomy Factors on Yield Gap and Nitrogen Efficiency Gap of Spring Maize under Rain-Fed Conditions CAO YuJun,.

15 (3048) Regulation Effects of Improved Cultivation Measures on Canopy Structure and Yield Formation of Dense Spring Maize Population Piao Lin,.

15 (3059) Responses of Canopy Radiation and Nitrogen Distribution, Leaf Senescence and Radiation Use Efficiency on Increased Planting Density of Different Variety Types of Maize BAI YanWen,.

15 (3071) Effects of tillage and straw incorporation method on root trait at silking stage and grain yield of spring maize in northeast China JIANG Ying,.

15 (3083) Effects of Chemical Regulation and Nitrogen Fertilizer on Radiation, Heat and Water Utilization Efficiency and Yield of Spring Maize under Dense Planting Condition LIU XiaoMing,.

19 (3893) Guidance: Annual high efficiency utilization of solar and heat resources of winter wheat and summer maize in double cropping system ZHAO Bin,.

19 (3900) Analysis on Limiting Factors of Efficient Utilization of Winter Wheat and Summer Maize Farmland Resources LIU XiaoYu,.

19 (3915) Effects of line-spacing expansion and row-spacing shrinkage on population structure and yield of summer maize DING Xiangpeng,.

19 (3928) Effects of staggered planting with increased density on the photosynthetic characteristics and yield of summer maize Zhang ChunYu,.

19 (3942) Effects of Row Spacing and Mulching Reflective Film on the Yield and Light Utilization of Summer Maize BAI Jing,.

19 (3954) Effects of Pre-silking High Temperature Stress on Yield and Ear Development Characteristics of Different Heat-resistant Summer Maize Cultivars GAOYingBo,.

21 (4333) Guidance: Annual high efficiency utilization of water and fertilizer of a wheat-maize double cropping system LI Zongxin,.

21 (4342) Effects of Base Application depths of controlled release Urea on yield and nitrogen Utilization of Summer Maize DING Xiangpeng,.

21 (4355) Organic-inorganic coordinated regulation to wheat-maize double crop yield and soil fertility ZHENG FuLi,.

21 (4365) Effects of nitrogen application rate on assimilate accumulation, transportation and grain yield in wheat under high temperature stress after anthesis GAO Chunhua,.

21 (4376) The thresholds of soil drought and its impacts on summer maize in Shandong province DONG Zhiqiang,.

21 (4388) The coordination of nitrogen optimization with matched variety could enhance maize grain yield and nitrogen use efficiency of summer maize in Saline land GAO YingBo,.

21 (4399) Effects of Different Spring Nitrogen Topdressing Modes on Lodging Resistance and Lignin Accumulation of Winter Wheat DONG HeHe,.

21 (4415) Effects of Main Food Yield under Straw return in China: A Meta-analysis YANG JunHao,.

23 (4813) Guidance: Problems in Fertilization and Fertilizer Reduction in Wheat Production of China WANG ZhaoHui

23 (4816) Evaluation of Farmers’ Fertilizer Application and Fertilizer Reduction Potentials in Major Wheat Production Regions of China HUANG QianNan,.

23 (4835) Nutrient Resource Quantity from Main Grain Crop Straw Incorporation and Its Enlightenment on Chemical Fertilizer Reduction in Wheat Production in China LI TingLiang,.

23 (4855) Potential Analysis of Organic Fertilizer Substitution for Chemical Fertilizer in Spring Wheat Regions of China JIA LiGuo,.

23 (4866) Effects of Organic Fertilizers Replacing Chemical Fertilizers on Yield, Nutrient Use Efficiency, Economic and Environmental Benefits of Dryland Wheat ZHANG QiRu,.

23 (4879) Benefits of Yield, Environment and Economy from Substituting Fertilizer by Manure for Wheat Production of China LI YongHua,.

23 (4891) Requirement of Nitrogen, Phosphorus and Potassium and Potential of Reducing Fertilizer Application of Spring Wheat in Yellow River Irrigation Area of Ningxia WANG XiNa,.

1 (1) Explore Regulatory Genes Related to Maize Leaf Morphogenesis Using RNA-Seq GUO ShuLei,.

1 (18) The Mechanism of Ectopic Expression of() to Enhance the Resistance to Acid and Aluminum Stress in Alfalfa LI XiaoDong,.

2 (225) QTL Mapping for Grain Size Related Traits Based on a High-Density Map in Rice Zhang Jian,.

2 (239) Genetic Correlation Coefficients of Foxtail Millet Traits between Parents and Hybrids LI HuiXia,.

2 (247) Cloning and Functional Analysis of Saponin Synthesis Related Genefrom Alfalfa (L.) KANG JunMei,.

3 (461) Functional Characterization of a Maize Plasma Membrane Intrinsic Protein ZmPIP2;6 Responses to Osmotic, Salt and Drought Stress ZHOU Lian,.

3 (474) Comprehensive evaluation of Photoperiod Sensitivity Based on Different Traits of Broomcorn Millet WANG JunJie,.

4 (669) Identification of miRNAs and tRFs in response to salt stress in rice roots MENG ShuJun,.

4 (683) Construction of genetic map and mapping QTL for flowering time in asummer planting soybean recombinant inbred line population CAO YongCe,.

4 (695) Discovery of Microsatellite Markers from RNA-seq Data in Cultivated Peanut () Xu Zhijun,.

5 (857) ABAmetabolism and signaling and their molecular mechanism regulating seed dormancy and germination Song SongQuan,.

5 (874) Transcriptome Analysis of Maize pTAC2 Effects on Chlorophyll Synthesis in Seedling Leaves ZHANG Wen,.

7 (1287) Research Progress of Wheat Wild Hybridization, Disease Resistance Genes Transfer and Utilization LIU Cheng,.

7 (1309) Analysis of Quality Traits and Breeding Inspiration in Yangmai Series Wheat Varieties ZHANG Xiao,.

7 (1322) Development and Application of Plasmid Reference Molecule for Genetically Modified Rapeseed Screening LI Jun,.

8 (1501) CRISPR/Cas9 Targeted Editing for the Fragrant GeneQi YongBin,.

8 (1510) QTL Mapping and Candidate Genes Screening of Related Traits inL. during the Germination under Tribenuron-Methyl Stress WANG LiuYan,.

8 (1524) Splicing Property Analyses of the NRSE1 Element from TobaccomRNA after Fusion Expression withGene ZHAO Xue,.

10 (1931) Analysis of Foreign Gene Copy Number in Transgenic Wheat by Optimized Digital PCR JU PengJu,.

10 (1940) Developing SSR Markers of proso Millet Based on Transcriptome Sequencing CHEN XiaoHong,.

10 (1950) Improvement of the resistance againstin Ogu CMS restorer inusing wildas donor WAN HuaFang,.

11 (2137) Comprehensive Evaluation of Agronomic Traits and Quality Traits of Foxtail Millet Landrace in Shanxi LIU SiChen,.

11 (2149) Mixed Inheritance Analysis and QTL Mapping for γ-tocopherol content in Soybean LIANG HuiZhen,.

11 (2161) Evaluation of Texture Quality of Sweetpotato storage roots Based on PCA-Entropy TOPSIS LI Ling,.

12 (2321) Genome-wide Identification and Expression Analysis ofGenes Family in Wheat Liu PeiXun,.

12 (2331)(L.) Beauv] ZHANG Bin,.

12 (2340) Development of an efficient editing system inby CRISPR-Cas9 ZHANG Cheng,.

15 (2983) Genotyping by target sequencing (GBTS) and its applications XU Yunbi,.

15 (3005) Screening and analysis of key metabolic pathways in foxtail millet during different water uptake phases of germination YU AiLi,.

16 (3205) Genome-Wide Association Study and Candidate Gene Mining of tillering number inRice ZHANG JiFeng,.

16 (3214) Screening of Broomcorn Millet Varieties Tolerant to Low Nitrogen Stress and the Comprehensive Evaluation of Their Agronomic Traits CHEN Ling,.

16 (3225) Creating a New-Type(AnArCnCo) with High Drought-resistance Employing Hexaploid (AnAnCnCnCoCo) as a Bridge WAN HuaFang,.

17 (3421) Identification and pyramiding of QTLs for traits associated with Pre-harvest sprouting resistance in two wheat cultivars Chuanmai 42 and Chuannong 16 WANG Qin,.

17 (3432) Cloning and Function Analysis of Sesame Galactinol Synthase GeneLIU AiLi,.

17 (3443) Analysis of F-Box gene family based on salt-stressed transcriptome sequencing inLHAO ShuLin,.

17 (3455) Isolation, Identification, and Response to Abiotic Stress ofgene fromL. LIU JiaoJiao,.

18 (3629) Evaluation of Resistance to Stripe Rust and Molecular Detection of Important KnownGene(s) of 152 Chinese Wheat Landraces from the Huang-huai-hai GUAN Fangnian,.

18 (3638) Generation of marker-Free transgenic barley plants by-Mediated transformation GONG Qiang,.

18 (3650) Gene Expression and salt-Tolerance analysis ofgene from Alfalfa CUI MiaoMiao,.

19 (3857) Allelic Variations ofGenes in Xinjiang Spring Wheat Varieties and Their Influence on Processing Quality of Xinjiang hand-stretched noodles XIANG JiShan,.

19 (3867) Establishment of Evaluation System for Drought Tolerance at Maize Germination Stage under Soil Stress ZHANG ChunXiao,.

19 (3878) An Examination on Breeding Status Quo of Chinese Tartary Buckwheat Varieties Based on the National Cross-Country Tests of Tartary Buckwheat Varieties in China over 12 Consecutive years WU CaoYang,.

20 (4103) Development and Utilization of KASP Marker for Se Concentration in Synthetic Wheat SHW-L1 WEI GuangHui,.

20 (4113) Genetic Dissection of Heterosis for Huangzaosi, a Foundation Parental Inbred Line of Maize in China LI YongXiang,.

20 (4127) establishment and application of multiple PCR detection system for Glyphosate- Tolerant genein soybean WEN Jing,.

21 (4313) Screening for Resistance toHead Blight and Agronomic Traits of Wheat Germplasms from Yangtze River Region HU WenJing,.

21 (4322) Breeding and characteristics of a new male sterile line of maize, Jinyu1A ZHANG HuanHuan,.

22 (4527) Heterosis and genetic recombination dissection of maize Key inbred line Jing2416 Zhao JiuRan,.

22 (4537) Cloning and Drought Resistance Analysis ofWEI Xin,.

23 (4727) Cloning, Expression and Functional Analysis of a Male Fertility GeneHENG YanFang,.

23 (4738) Identification of ARF Gene Family and Expression Pattern Induced by Auxin inHAO YanRong,.

24 (4969) Genomic Profiling and Expression Analysis of Phosphatidylinositol- specific PLC Gene Families among Chinese spring Wheat SI XuYang,.

24 (4982) Acquisition and characteristic analysis of transgenic maize with,, andYAO XingLan,.

1 (29) Effects of straw returning amount on grain yield, dry matter accumulation and transfer in summer maize with different genotypes MU XinYuan,.

1 (42) High-throughput phenotyping of individual wheat stem and ear traits with machine vision DING QiShuo,.

2 (261) High and Stable Yield of Early Indica Rice Varieties with Double-season Mechanical Direct Seeding CHEN LiMing,.

2 (273) Effects of Different Covering Planting Patterns on Soil Moisture, Temperature Characteristics and Maize Yield in Semi-arid Region of the Loess Plateau DENG HaoLiang,.

3 (486) A Meta-Analysis of the Effects of Nitrogen Application Rates on Yield and Water Use Efficiency of Winter Wheat in Dryland of Loess Plateau MA DengKe,.

3 (500) Mechanism of Spraying Growth Regulators to Alleviate Drought Stress of Sweet Potato WANG JinQiang,.

3 (513) Effect of MCPA on leaf senescence and endogenous hormones content in leaves of foxtail millet seedlings GUO Meijun,.

4 (707) Yield Gap of Ratoon Rice and Their Influence Factors in China Cao Yuxian,.

4 (720) Spatial-Temporal Variations of Photo-Temperature Potential Productivity and Yield Gap of Highland Barley and its response to climate change in the Cold Regions of the Tibetan Plateau GONG KaiYuan,.

4 (734) Effects of Different Mulching Patterns on Growth of Potato and Characteristics of Soil Water and Temperature in Dry Farmland PU XueKe,.

5 (890) Differences in Yield and Growth Traits of Different Japonica Varieties in the Double Cropping Late Season in the Lower Reaches of the Yangtze River YIN Min,.

5 (904) Simulation of spring wheat yield response to temperature changes of different growthstages in drylands WANG Jun,.

5 (917) Physiological Response of Millet Callus with DifferentHerbicide-resistance to SethoxydimStress ZHAO Juan,.

5 (929) Physiological and Biochemical Characteristics of Low Temperature Vernalization of Germinating Seeds ofXU ChunMei,.

6 (1118) Effects of Photoperiod Changes on Morphological Characters and Young Panicle Development in Proso Millet (L.) DONG Ming,.

6 (1126) Effects of Drought Treatments at Different Growth Stages on Growth and the Activity of Antioxidant Enzymes in Sweetpotato ZHANG HaiYan,.

6 (1140) Evaluation of shade tolerance of peanut with different genotypes and screening of identification indexes HU Tinghui,.

7 (1338) The impacts of post-anthesis warming on grain yield and quality of laterice in a double rice cropping system YANG TaoTao,.

7 (1348) Effects of Climatic Factors under Diverse Ecological Conditions on Foxtail Millet () Yield in Shandong YANG YanBing,.

7 (1359) Impacts of Decomposing Microorganism Inoculum on Straw Decomposition and Crop Yield in China: A Meta-Analysis YANG XinRun,.

8 (1532) Response of non-photochemical quenching in bundle sheath chloroplasts of two maize hybrids to drought stress LIU WenJuan,.

8 (1545) Weed Identification in Maize Field Based on Multi-Spectral Remote Sensing of Unmanned Aerial Vehicle ZHAO Jing,.

9 (1773) Spatio-temporal Variations of Winter Wheat Planting Frequency and Their Analysis of Influencing Factors in Henan Province LI FangJie,.

9 (1795) LAI Estimation Based on Multi-Spectral Remote Sensing of UAV and Its Application in Saline Soil Improvement SHI Fengzhi,.

10 (1959) Effects of Tillage, Nitrogen Application, Planting Density and their Interaction on Soil Moisture and Yield Formation of Spring Maize in Dryland LI Ao,.

10 (1971) Benefits and Marginal Effect of Dry Matter Accumulation and Yield in Maize and Soybean Intercropping Patterns ZHAO DeQiang,.

11 (2171) Effects of wide-range distance and genotype on Yield and water use efficiency of Winter Wheat ZHAO Gang,.

11 (2182) Evaluation method of spring maize waterlogging disaster in Northeast China based on Improved Weight Moist Index LIU Cong,.

12 (2349) Effects of plastic film mulching on yield and water use of maize in the Loess Plateau XU Jiaxing,.

12 (2360) Surface Defect Detection of Navel Orange Based on Region Adaptive Brightness Correction Algorithm ZHANG Ming,.

14 (2840) Effects of Subsoiling and No-Tillage Frequencies on Soil Aggregates and Carbon Pools in the Loess Plateau ZHANG Qi,.

14 (2852) Effect of Rapeseed rotation on the Yield of next-stubble crops ZHANG ShunTao,.

14 (2859) The methodology and application of agricultural monitoring and early warning model cluster XU ShiWei,.

16 (3235) Research Progress on the Crop Growth Model CropGrow ZHU Yan,.

16 (3257) Research and Development of the Intelligent Identification System of Agricultural Pests for Mobile Terminals SHAO ZeZhong,.

17 (3467) Relationship between Plant Dry Matter Accumulation, Translocation, Soil Water Consumption and Yield of High-yielding Wheat Cultivars TONG Jin,.

17 (3479) Root Morphological, Physiological traits and Yield of Maize under Waterlogging and Low Light Stress WANG Qun,.

17 (3496) A Method for the Automatic Determination of Scale Parameter during Segmenting Agricultural Drone Images SHI YaJiao,.

18 (3665) Effects of Exogenous 6-BA on Root Growth and Pod Yield of Flooded Peanut at Different Growth Stages LI Ying,.

18 (3679) Using canopy time-series vegetation index to predict yield of winter wheat XIANG FangLin,.

20 (4137) Effects of Drought Stress During Jointing Stage on Spike Formation and Seed Setting of Main Stem and Tillers of Winter Wheat LI Ping,.

20 (4152) The regulation and evaluation indexes screening of chemical topping on cotton’s plant architecture ZHU LingXiao,.

20 (4164) Analysis on the adaptability of northward planting ofCAO XiaoDong,.

22 (4550) Effects of Different Cultivation Modes on Canopy Structure and Photosynthetic Performance of Summer Maize LI Jing,.

22 (4561) Critical phosphorus concentration dilution model and phosphorus nutrition diagnosis in two cotton cultivars with different phosphorus sensitivity PANG BaoGang,.

23 (4750) Effects of Exogenous ABA on Pre-harvest Sprouting Resistance and Quality of White and Red Wheat Cultivars ZHANG Xue,.

23 (4764) Effects of Intercropped Wheat Straw Retention on Canopy Temperature and Photosynthetic Physiological Characteristics of Intercropped Maize Mulched with Plastic During Grain Filling Stage YIN Wen,.

24 (4992) Study on the Adaptability of Wheat Reaching the Protein Content Standard of Soft Wheat in Jiangsu Province XIA Shufeng,.

24 (5005) Inversion of Soil Salinity in Coastal Winter Wheat Growing Area Based on Sentinel Satellite and Unmanned Aerial Vehicle multi-spectrum— A Case Study in Kenli District of the Yellow River delta XI Xue,.

1 (55) FliZ regulated the biofilm formation ofBs916 and its biocontrol efficacy on rice sheath blight ZHOU HuaFei,.

1 (65) Functional Analysis of GeneInvolved in Tomato Resistance to Powdery Mildew FENG ChanJing,.

1 (74) The role of High-level Biosafety Laboratories in Biosafety and Consideration about Their Development Liu Jing,.

2 (288) Reorganization of Maize Disease and Causal Agent Names and Disscution on Their Standardized Translation of Chinese Names WANG XiaoMing,.

3 (527) Establishment and Application of a Multiple PCR Method to Detect Mating Types ofandDAI YuLi,.

3 (539) Occurrence and Biological Characteristics ofon Solanaceae Crops in China LI YueYue,.

3 (551) The occurrence trends of dominant species of potato viruses and thrips in Yunnan province DU Xia,.

4 (748) Evaluation of resistance to stripe rust and genetic diversity and detection of resistance genes in 103 wheat cultivars (lines) XU MoRan,.

4 (761) Identification of the resistance to Sclerotinia stem rot in HIGS-transgenicCHAI YaRu,.

4 (771) Cloning ofand Its promoting Effect oninfection inGONG MingYue,.

5 (942) Effect of Wilt-resistant and Wilt-susceptible cotton on Soil Bacterial Community Structure at Flowering and Boll Stage ZHAO Weisong,.

5 (955) Molecular characteristic and pathogenicity Analyses of(CGMMV) infecting bottle gourd in Lianzhou, Guangdong LI ZhengGang,.

6 (1154) Pathogenicity and Genetic Diversity ofin Sanya, Hainan and Huang-Huai-Hai Region CHANG JiaYing,.

6 (1166) Effects of glyphosate on weed control, soybean safety and weed occurrence in transgenic herbicide-resistant soybean YU HuiLin,.

7 (1368) Biologic and Transcriptomic Analysis ofResponses to ‘Liberibacter asiaticus’ at Different Infection Stages TENG CaiLing,.

7 (1381) Differential expression of lncRNAs invar. Samsun NN infected by TMV at different temperatures JIA HaiYan,.

8 (1556) Effect of Transcription Factor CsWRKY61 on Citrusbacterial Canker Resistance LONG Qin,.

8 (1572) Investigation on occurrence of citrus Huanglongbing and virus diseases, and prophage genetic diversity of Huanglongbing pathogen in Meizhou, Guangdong CUI Yiping,.

8 (1583) Prokaryotic expression of dsRNA ofand Its Control efficacy on ZYMV XIE KunLun,.

9 (1806) The Resistance Prediction of Wheat Hybrids based on the Sensibility of their Parents to Stripe Rust ZHOU TianYu,.

9 (1820) Verification of SNPs Associated with Citrus bacterial Canker Resistance and Induced Expression of SNP-related Calcium-Dependent Protein Kinase Gene Peng Yun,.

10 (1986) Noncontact Inhibitory of Volatile Organic Compounds from Rice Root Bacteria onWANG EnZhao,.

10 (1997) Function of Citrus bacterial Canker Resistance-Related Transcription Factor CitMYB20 YAO LiXiao,.

10 (2009) Identification and Expression Analysis of the Halloween Gene Family inLIU YiRan,.

11 (2195) Induction of Cold Tolerance in Rice at the Breeding Stage by Gongzhulingmycin AN JunXia,.

11 (2207) Complete nucleotide sequence analysis and genetic characterization of theO and RC strains isolated from China QIN YanHong,.

11 (2219) Molecular Characteristics and Function Analysis of Nuclear Receptor GeneLIU XiaoJian,.

12 (2371)effector protein Pt18906 triggered Two-layer defense reaction in TcLr27+31 QI Yue,.

12 (2385) Effect of Nozzle Type on the Spray Performance of Plant Protection unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) GONG ChangWei,.

12 (2399) Resistance level and mechanism ofto Florasulam in Wheat Field of Shandong Province GAO XingXiang,.

14 (2872) Cloning and Functional Analysis offrom cotton SUN Qi,.

14 (2885) Preparation of A Novel Silver Nanoparticle and Its Antifungal Mechanism AgainstXIANG ShunYu,.

15 (3095) Allelopathy of Six Organic Acids on Wheat Sheath Blight in the Soil of Winter Wheat-Summer Maize Double Cropping Straw Returning System Zhao XuSheng,.

15 (3108) Characteristics and Immune Response of Prophenoloxidase Genes inZHANG Daowei,.

16 (3269) Composition and distribution characteristics of pathogens causing wheat sharp eyespot in wheat and maize double cropping system Zhao Xusheng,.

16 (3280) Identification of Co-expression Genes Related to Endogenous Abscisic Acid in Response to the stress ofby WGCNA in Foxtail Millet CHANG GuoRong,.

17 (3509) UAV spray technology for the citrus orchard: taking control of theandas examples WANG Kejian,.

17 (3518) Resistance Level, Mechanism ofand Control Efficacy in Wheat Field in Shandong Province GAO XingXiang,.

18 (3693) Surveillance and genetic diversity analysis off. Gansu and Qinghai provinces HUANG MiaoMiao,.

18 (3707) Construction of genome-length cDNA of Citrus vein enation virus and identification of its infectivity Xu JianJian,.

19 (3964) Secondary Metabolites from a Marine-Derived Fungusand Their Anti-Phytopathogenic Bacterial Activity FU Bing,.

19 (3975) Research progress and prospect on banker plant systems of predators for biological control LI Shu,.

19 (3988) the persistent infection and Detection ofgranulovirus inHAN GuangJie,.

20 (4177) Effect of Panicle Neck Blast on Grain Yield and stem node Metabolites at the Rice Filling Stage PAN ZhengYan,.

20 (4189) Identification of Rboh Family and the Response to Hormone and Citrus bacterial Canker in Citrus QIN XiuJuan,.

20 (4204) Effects of Secondary Metabolites in Wheat Kernels on Activities of Three Detoxifying Enzymes and Related Gene Expression inCHEN Rui,.

21 (4430) Prediction of suitable area and risk analysis for Citrus target spot XU Yonghong,.

21 (4440) AnCap-snatching System of Rice Stripe Tenuivirus Based on Crude Virion Preparations LIN WenZhong,.

22 (4571) Transcriptomic analysis of sclerotia formation induced by low temperature inLÜ ChuYang,.

22 (4584) Transcriptome Analysis ofBlancocv. Hongjv Infected withtangerine pathotype TANG KeZhi,.

22 (4601) Carbon source metabolism ofwith high-yield of antifungal volatile organic compounds CHEN JingShi,.

23 (4777) The Genetic Diversity, Pathogenicity, and Toxigenic Chemotypes ofSpecies Complex Causing Maize Ear Rot WANG BaoBao,.

23 (4791) The evolutionary dynamics and adaptive evolution of Tomato chlorosis virus ZOU Linfeng,.

23 (4802) The Structure Characteristics and Biological Functions on Regulating Trehalose Metabolism of TwoinYU WeiDong,.

24 (5017) Identification and expression pattern analysis ofgene family ofLONG Feng,.

24 (5027) Prediction and analysis ofCandidate Secreted Proteins from the Genome ofXING QiKai,.

1 (81) Yield Variation of Winter Wheat and Its Relationship to Yield Components, NPK Uptake and Utilization of Leading and High Yielding Wheat Cultivars in Main Wheat Production Regions of China HUANG Ning,.

1 (94) Effect of Continuous Straw Returning on Soil Phosphorus Availability and Crop Phosphorus Utilization Efficiency of Oilseed Rape-rice Rotation WANG KunKun,.

1 (105) Responses of Soil Diazotroph Community to Rice Straw, Glucose and Nitrogen Addition During Chinese Milk Vetch Growth YANG Lu,.

2 (317) Research Progress of SOC Functions and Transformation Mechanisms ZHANG WeiLi,.

2 (332) Soil Organic Carbon Management and Farmland Organic Matter Balance Method ZHANG WeiLi,.

3 (563) Digital Soil Properties Mapping by Ensembling Soil-Environment Relationship and Machine Learning in Arid Regions ZHANG ZhenHua,.

3 (574) Effects of Conditioning Agents and Agronomic Measures on Cadmium Uptake by Rice in Polluted Rice Fields PENG Ou,.

4 (782) Nitrogen Fertilizer and Its Combination with Straw Affect Soil Labile Carbon and Nitrogen Fractions in Paddy Fields WANG ShiChao,.

4 (795) Present Situation and Analysis of Soil Acidification in Chinese Tea Garden YAN Peng,.

5 (965) A Comparative Study Between China and Germany on the Control System for Agricultural Source Pollution ZHANG WeiLi,.

5 (977) Effects of Different Straw Returning Depths on Soil Greenhouse Gas Emission and Maize Yield ZHU XiaoQing,.

5 (990) The Influences of Different Nitrogen and Salt levels Interactions on Fluorescence Characteristics, Yield and Quality of Processed Tomato Under Drip Irrigation ZHANG JiFeng,.

7 (1397) Quality Barrier Characteristics of Cultivated Layer for Sloping Farmland in Purple Hilly Region SONG Ge,.

7 (1411) Seasonal Variation and Differences of Microbial Biomass Phosphorus in Paddy Soils Under Long-Term Application of Phosphorus Fertilizer LIU Kai,.

7 (1419) Characteristics and Influencing Factors of Phosphorus Flows in the Crop-Livestock System of Fujian Province from 1985 to 2015 LIU DongHui,.

8 (1594) Change Characteristics of Organic Carbon and Total Nitrogen in Water-stable Aggregate After Conversion from Upland to Paddy Field in Black Soil MA Yuan,.

8 (1606) Soil Nutrient Status of Oilseed Rape Cultivated Soil in Typical Winter Oilseed Rape Production Regions in China REN Tao,.

9 (1830) Mapping of Soil Organic Matter and Its Driving Factors Study Based on MGWRK QIAO Lei,.

9 (1845) Effects of Soil Erosion on Physical and Mechanical Properties of Cultivated Layer of Purple Soil Slope Farmland JIANG Na,.

9 (1860) Effects of Different Root Exudates on Soil N2O Emissions and Isotopic Signature ZHUANG Shan,.

10 (2020) Research on Nitrogen Fertilizer Application Recommended Method Based on Soil Organic Matter in Dryland Wheat Production JIANG LongGang,.

10 (2034) Investigation of Present Fertilization Status and Fertilizer Utilization Rate on Rapeseed in Anhui Province BU RongYan,.

11 (2232) Evolution of Fluvo-aquic Soil Productivity Under Long-term Fertilization and Its Influencing Factors WANG Le,.

11 (2241) Comprehensive Evaluation of Different Oxygation Treatments Based on Fruit Yield and Quality of Greenhouse Tomato ZHU Yan,.

12 (2410) Spatio-Temporal Variations of Soil Organic Matter in Paddy Soil and Its Driving Factors in China LI DongChu,.

12 (2423) Effects of Different Nitrogen Application Rates on Soil Organic Nitrogen Components and Enzyme Activities in Farmland JIAO YaPeng,.

12 (2435) Spatial-Temporal Changes of Newly Cultivated Land in Northern China and Its Zoning Based on Driving Factors WANG MingLei,.

14 (2897) Characteristics of Soil Enzyme Activities and CO2and CH4Emissions from Natural Wetland and Paddy Field in Karst Areas YUAN Wu,.

14 (2907) Potential Analysis of Reducing Chemical Nitrogen Inputs While Increasing Efficiency by Organic-Inorganic Fertilization in Winter Rapeseed Producing Areas of the Middle and Lower Reaches of the Yangtze River JIANG QianHong,.

15 (3120) Spatial Regional Variability and Influential Factors of Soil Fertilities in the Major Regions of Maize Production of China ZHAO QingYue,.

15 (3134) Research Progress of Microbial Deodorization in Livestock and Poultry Wastes Composting WEI QiHang,.

16 (3294) Spatiotemporal Variability Characteristics of Soil Fertility in Red Soil Paddy Region in the Past 35 Years—A Case Study of Jinxian County WANG YuanPeng,.

16 (3307) Effects of Continuous Application of Soil Amendments on Fluvo-Aquic Soil Fertility and Active Organic Carbon Components ZHOU JiXiang,.

16 (3319) Impact of Soil Data with Different Precision on Water Quality and Flow Simulation LI Ying,.

17 (3527) Differences of Main Nutrient Concentration in Wheat Grain Between Typical Locations of the Loess Plateau WANG Li,.

17 (3541) Effects of Yield and Fertilization on Yield Increase of Winter Wheat in Yangtze Valley Under Optimized Fertilization HUANG XiaoMeng,.

17 (3553) Status of Soil Fertility in Main Grape Producing Areas of China LI BaoXin,.

18 (3716) Research on Spatial Distribution of Soil Particle Size Distribution in Loess Region Based on Three Spatial Prediction Methods—Taking Haiyuan County in Ningxia as an Example SHEN Zhe,.

18 (3729) Regional Variation in the Effects of No-Till on Soil Water Retention and Organic Carbon Pool LI JingYu,.

18 (3741) The Characteristics of Soil Ammonia Volatilization Under Different Fertilizer Application Measures in Corn Field of Liaohe Plain ZHAO XinZhou,.

18 (3752) Nitrogen and phosphorus loads and their environmental effects of animal manure in Hainan island from 1988 to 2018 DING Shang,.

19 (3996) Evaluation of Nitrogen Supply Capacity of Paddy and Wheat Rotation Soil in Hanzhong Basin by Different Determination Methods ZHANG FangFang,.

19 (4010) Potential of Fertilizer Reduction and Benefits of Environment and Economic for Cereal Crops Production in Shaanxi Province ZHANG XinXin,.

19 (4024) Effects of Successive Biochar Addition to Soil on Nitrogen Functional Microorganisms and Nitrous Oxide Emission DONG Cheng,.

20 (4215) Effects of Lime and Straw Addition on SOC Sequestration in Tier Soil CAO BinBin,.

20 (4226) Soil Ecoenzymatic Stoichiometry and Relationship with Microbial Biomass in Fluvo-Aquic Soils with Various Fertilities ZHANG Lu,.

20 (4237) Effect of Maize Straw Return Aftereffect on Nitrogen Use Efficiency of Maize ZOU WenXiu,.

21 (4449) Soil Texture Classification of Hyperspectral Based on Data Mining Technology ZHONG Liang,.

21 (4460) Effect of Long-Term Fertilization on Nutrient Distribution of Fluvo-Aquic Soil Profile WEN YanChen,.

21 (4470) Analysis of Suitable Irrigation Schemes with High-Production and High-Efficiency for Spring Maize to Adapt to Climate Change in the West of Northeast China HUANG QiuWan,.

22 (4613) Effects of Corn Straw Returning Amounts on Carbon Sequestration Efficiency and Organic Carbon Change of Soil and Aggregate in the Black Soil Area GAO HongJun,.

22 (4623) Change of Phosphorus in Lateritic Red Soil and Its Effect on Sugarcane Yield and Phosphorus Loss in Runoff Under 11-Year Continuous Application of Excessive Phosphorus Fertilizer OU HuiPing,.

22 (4634) Effects of Biochar Plus Inorganic Nitrogen on the Greenhouse Gas and NitrogenUseEfficiency from Rice Fields XIANG Wei,.

24 (5039) Effects of Long-Term Cultivation on Contents of Organic Carbon and Total Nitrogen in Soil Particulate Fractionin Oasis Farmland of Xinjiang TANG GuangMu,.

24 (5050) Greenhouse Gas Emission During the Initial Years After Rice Paddy Conversion to Vegetable Cultivation WU Lei,.

24 (5063) Research on Spatial and Temporal Difference of Agricultural Carbon Emission Efficiency and Its Influencing Factors in Hubei Province TIAN Yun,.

3 (585) Seed Traits and Seedling Performances of Different Types of Citrus Rootstock ZHU ShiPing,.

3 (600) Genetic Diversity and Phylogenetics of(L.) Borkh Revealed by Chloroplast DNA Variation GAO Yuan,.

4 (802) Fine Mapping and Candidate Gene Analysis of a Short Internodes Gene(L.) MA Jian,.

4 (811) Influence of Three Enzymes on Oxidation of Ascorbic Acid in Postharvest 'Hayward' and 'Huate' Kiwifruit FENG Qi,.

5 (1004) Identification, Systematic Evolution and Expression Analysis of HD-Zip Gene Family inSHAO ChenBing,.

5 (1018) Effects of Wheat Root Exudates on the Structure of Fungi Community in Continuous Cropping Watermelon Soil TIAN Qing,.

6 (1234) Selected Related Genes about Incompatibility of Distant Hybridizationby iTRAQ Analysis and Transcriptome HE Dan,.

7 (1432) Effects of Lower Limit of Drip Irrigation on Growth, Yield and Root Distribution of Greenhouse Grapes LI Bo,.

7 (1444) Effects of Heat Stress on Physiological Indexes and Ultrastructure of Grapevines LIU Min,.

9 (1874) Genome Wide Identification of CCD Gene Family in Citrus and Effect ofon the Color of Citrus Flesh ZHANG YaFei,.

9 (1890) vvi-miR160s in MediatingResponse to Gibberellin Regulation of Grape Seed Development Bai YunHe,.

11 (2253) Quality Evaluation of ‘Fuji’ Apples Cultivated in Different Regions of China KUANG LiXue,.

11 (2264) Effects of 4 Dwarfing Rootstocks on Growth, Yield and Fruit Quality of ‘Fuji’ Sapling in Apple Replant Orchard LI MinJi,.

12 (2450) Effects of Wax Coating on Off-Flavor Compound Accumulation in the Pulp of Satsuma Mandarin ZOU YunQian,.

12 (2460) Cloning and Functional Analysis ofTranscription Factors in Tea Plant XIAO LuoDan,.

14 (2919) Response Characteristics of Green Onion (L.) to LED Light Quality Under Artificial Climate Chamber GAO Song,.

14 (2929) Molecular Marker-Assisted Identification of Yellow/White Flesh Trait for 122 Peach Cultivars (Lines) LU ZhenHua,.

15 (3146) Screening of Interacting Protein of Tomato SIVQ6 by GST Pull-down YUAN GuiBo,.

15 (3158) Cloning, Expression and Electrophysiological Function Analysis of Potassium Channel Genein Grape SHEN JingYuan,.

16 (3333) Genetic Relationship and Structure Analysis of 15 Species ofMill. Based on SNP Markers GAO Yuan,.

16 (3344) Optimization of Embryo Rescue Technique and Production of Potential Seedless Grape Germplasm with Rosy Aroma JIA ShanShan,.

17 (3567) Application of Fulvic Acid and Phosphorus Fertilizer on Tomato Growth, Development, and Phosphorus Utilization in Neutral and Alkaline Soil ZHANG LiLi,.

17 (3576) Optimum Content of Mineral Elements in the Leaves of Duweiwendan Pomelo ((L.) Osbeck. cv. Duweiwendan) WANG XianDa,.

18 (3764) Cloning and Analysis of Folate Synthesis Key Genes in Cucumber ZHOU Qi,.

18 (3777) Screening of Polyphenol Oxidase Interaction Proteins fromand Their Verification YUAN XinBo,.

19 (4035) Effects of Potassium Fertilizers Being Bag-Controlled Released on Fruit Yield and Quality of Peach Trees and Soil Chloride Content ZHANG YaFei,.

19 (4045) Screening and Inheritance ofFruit Storage-Related Traits Based on Reciprocal Cross of Southern×Northern High Bush Blueberry(Linn) LIU YouChun,.

20 (4248) Effects of End of Day Far-Red Light on Growth, Histiocyte Morphology and Phytohormones Content of Pumpkin Seedlings LIU Qi,.

20 (4259) Whole-Genome Identification and Expression Analysis ofGene Family inLU BaoShun,.

20 (4271) Effects of Potassium Application Levels on Nutrient, Yield and Quality of Newhall Navel Orange ZHANG Ji,.

21 (4485) Pedigree Analysis and Breeding Inspiration of Apple Cultivars in China DONG ZhiDan,.

21 (4497) Rapid Determination of RAA and GBC in Broccoli by Near Infrared Spectroscopy LIU QianNan,.

22 (4646) The Influencing Factors ofOvule Development in Seedless Grape and Its Physiological Changes LIGuiRong,.

22 (4658) Effects of 1-MCP and Delayed Cold-Storage on Quality and Expression of Softening Related Genes in ‘Doyenne du Comice’ Pear During Shelf-Life CHENG YuDou,.

22 (4667) Catkin Phenotypic Diversity and Cluster Analysis of 211 Chinese Chestnut Germplasms LI Ying,.

23 (4904) Light Regulation of Anthocyanin Biosynthesis in Horticultural Crops WANG Feng,.

23 (4918) The Effects of Different Oxygen Concentration on Postharvest Physiology and Storage Quality of ‘Yali’ Pear DU YanMin,.

23 (4929) Regulation Mechanism of Carvone on Seed Potato Sprouting.

24 (5073) Relationship Between LAC Gene Expression and Core Browning of Yali Pear WANG ZiYu,.

24 (5081) Effect of UV-C on the Browning of Fresh-Cut Huangguan Pear CHEN Chen,.

24 (5091) Cloning and Function Characterization of Chalcone Synthase GeneXU Ming,.

3 (612) Identification and Analysis of Phenolic Acids in Rice Using Ultra-High Performance Liquid Chromatography-Tandem Mass Spectrometry ZHAO Shan,.

3 (632) Effects of Histone Acetylation onGrowth, Polysaccharide and Ganoderic Acid Biosynthesis ZHANG ZongYuan,.

4 (823) Effects of Ozone Fumigation Combined with PE Packaging on Postharvest Storage Quality and Antioxidant Capacity ofWANG Ting,.

5 (1029) Research Progress of Four Sulfur Compounds Related to Red Wine Flavor ZHANG QingAn,.

5 (1046) Effects of Heat Stress on Cell Membrane and Membrane Protein ofZHANG AiJing,.

6 (1247) Wheat Gluten, Gliadins and Glutenin Content Changes during Germination Based on the Methods of R5 ELISA and RP-HPLC HU HuiMin,.

6 (1256) Effect of Pre-enzymatic-Drum Drying Process on the Quality of Whole Wheat Flakes YU Ke,.

7 (1459) Phenolic Content, Bioavailability and Antioxidant Activity of Carambola LUO MuKang,.

7 (1473) Improving the Sensitivity of ELISA by Large-capacity Reaction System of Aflatoxigenic Fungi-biomarker in Agro-products WEI Xiao,.

11 (2272) Correlation Analysis Between Amino Acids and Fruity Esters During Spine Grape Fermentation ZHU ZiJian,.

12 (2477) Isolation, Structural Characterization and Antioxidant Activity of Black Sesame Melanin LI Jie,.

14 (2941) Effects of Xanthan Addition on the Gel Properties and Gel Mechanism of Alkaline-Induced Konjac Glucomannan Gels LI XiaoFei,.

16 (3356) Nano-Packaging Preservative Mechanism ofAfter Harvest Based on Mitochondrial Energy Status Pathways MA Ning,.

16 (3372) Influence of Oxidative Modification by Malondialdehyde on Structure and Emulsifying Properties of Walnut Protein WANG YaoSong,.

17 (3587) Residue Behavior and Dietary Intake Risk Assessment of Imidaclothiz in Pakchoi (L.) LI XiaoBei,.

18 (3792) Microstructure and Rheological Behavior of Mixed Konjac Glucomannan and Xanthan Induced by Thermo-Alkali Treatment LI PeiYuan,.

19 (4057) Research Advance on the Application of Non-in Winemaking ZHAN JiCheng,.

22 (4683) Effects of pH and Buffering on the Growth ofMycelium DUAN YingCe,.

24 (5104) Antibacterial Mechanism of Cold Plasma AgainstDOU Yong,.

1 (183) Effects ofSupplements on Growth Performance of Broilers: a Meta-analysis XING Shuang,.

1 (191) Using Restricted Standardized Linear Regression Model to Estimate Genomic Breed Composition in Composite Breed Animals HE Jun,.

1 (201) Profiling and Regulation Network of Differentially Expressed Genes During the Development Process ofWorker’s Midgut DU Yu,.

3 (642) Analysis and Identification of circRNAs of Skeletal Muscle at Different Stages of Sheep Embryos Based on Whole Transcriptome Sequencing SHI TianPei,.

3 (658) Advances in Mechanisms of Biosynthesis and Regulation ofCapsule GUAN LiJun,.

4 (836) Differential Expression of mRNA and lncRNA in Longissimus Dorsi Muscle of Songliao Black Pig and Landrace Pig Based on High-Throughput Sequencing Technique WU YaoQun,.

4 (848) Effects of Light Intensity on, Biological Clock Gene Expression and Melatonin in Cherry Valley Meat Ducks CUI JiaJie,.

5 (1058) Eukaryotic Expression, Purification and Biological Activity of RecombinantActivin A Protein ZHANG YuFei,.

5 (1071) Development of High Sensitive Zeranol Monoclonal Antibody Based on the Cross Reactivity of Structural Analogs HU XiaoFei,.

6 (1269) The Relationship Between Nutrients and Biological Yield of Different Varieties of Alfalfa LI ZeMin,.

6 (1278) The Zoonotic Bacterium-and Its Research Progress ZHANG GuangZhi,.

7 (1482) Sequence Structure and Expression Characteristics Analysis of AGTR2 in Bovine Follicle ZHU ZhiWei,.

7 (1491) Genome-Wide Identification and Characterization of Transposable Elements in Xichuan Black-Bone Chicken LI DongHua,.

8 (1664) Isolation, Culture, Identification and Biological Characteristics of Pig Skeletal Muscle Satellite Cells QIN BenYuan,.

8 (1677) Comparative Analysis of miRNA Expression Profiles in the Hearts of Tibetan Cattle and Xuanhan Cattle CHEN LuLu,.

8 (1688) Effects of Chronic Ammonia Stress on Serum Metabolites of Broilers Based on GC-MS SUN YongBo,.

9 (1904) Effects of GnIH on Autophagy and Apoptosis of Porcine Ovarian Granulosa Cells via p38MAPK Signaling Pathway Zhang Xin,.

9 (1913) Study of Genotyping and Performance in Late-Feathering Qingyuan Partridge Cocks LI Hua,.

10 (2101) Effects of Soybean Isoflavones on Growth Performance, Antioxidant Performance and Intestinal Morphology of Early-Weaned Piglets LIN XiaJing,.

10 (2112) Establishment and Preliminary Application of Microagglutination Detection Method forGUO Kui,.

10 (2122) Investigation of competing endogenous RNA regulatory network and putative function of long non-coding RNAs inspore ZHOU Dingding,.

11 (2285) RNA-binding Motif Protein 3(RBM3) Expression is Regulated by Insulin-like Growth Factor (IGF-1) for Protecting Yak () Cumulus Cells from Apoptosis during Hypothermia Stress PAN YangYang,.

11 (2297) Using Random Regression Models to Estimate Genetic Parameters on Body Weights in Layers GUO Jun,.

12 (2493) Estimating the Correction Coefficient of Days to 100 kg in Licha Black Pig and Its Intercross with Berkshire ZHENG Hao,.

12 (2502) Effects of Dietary Energy Levels on Metabolism and Serum Parameters of Steppe Red Cattle LIU JiWei,.

12 (2512) The Potential Role of MicroRNAs and MicroRNA-mediated Competing Endogenous Networks During the Developmental Process ofWorker’s Midgut DU Yu,.

14 (2956) The Analysis of PI3K-AKT Signal Pathway Based on the Proteomic Results of Sheep Embryonic Skeletal Muscle WANG XinYue,.

14 (2964) Identification and Properties of Lactic Acid Bacteria Isolated from Wild Boar Feces WANG Yi,.

15 (3169) Prediction and Verification of MicroRNAs Targeting Porcine Endoplasmic Reticulum Stress Pathway ZHU JingJing,.

15 (3180) Innate Immunomodulatory Effect of Pine Needle Polysaccharide on Chicken Macrophage Hd11 CUI XiaoZhen,.

15 (3187) The mechanism underlying microRNAs-mediatedinfection toworker Geng SiHai,.

16 (3385) Effects ofandon Growth Performance and Rumen Fermentation in Sheep ZHENG WeiCai,.

16 (3394) Construction of lpxM Gene Deletion Strain ofand It’s Some Biological Characteristics YANG Jun,.

17 (3597) Screening and Analysis of Follicular Development Related Genes in Goat ZHAO YuanYuan,.

17 (3606) Comparative Analysis of microRNAs and corresponding target mRNAs inmycelium and spore CHEN HuaZhi,.

18 (3805) Codon Optimization of Human Lysozyme and High-Efficiency Expression in Bovine Mammary Cells TIAN Yuan,.

18 (3818) Cloning and Function Analysis ofin Lignin and Cellulose Biosynthesis Pathway from Alfalfa JIANG Xu,.

18 (3833) Evaluation and optimization of metabolite extraction protocols forroyal jelly by high resolution mass spectrometry and metabolomics ZHANG LiCui,.

19 (4070) A Review on Longevity Trait in Dairy Cattle Breeding ZHANG HaiLiang,.

19 (4083) Pharmacokinetics of Chlortetracycline Microspheres in Pigs XU Ying,.

19 (4092) Transcriptomic analysis of genes related to nursing behavior in the brains ofGAO Yan,.

20 (4287) Effects of PSMB5 on the Proliferation and Myogenic Differentiation of Skeletal Muscle Satellite Cells LAI YuTing,.

20 (4297) Molecular Characterization of Tibetan Sheepand Its Expression Regulation and Functional Analysis in Testis LI TaoTao,.

21 (4507) A Survey on Distribution of Arsenic Contents in Feedstuffs for Livestock and Poultry in China ZHANG TieYing,.

21 (4516) Effects of Dilute Sulfuric Acid Pretreatment on Chemical Composition and Characterization Structure of Hybrid Pennisetum () Lignocellulose GAO FengQin,.

22 (4691) Research Progresses on Sensitive Index System of Heat Stress in Sows YUAN XiongKun,.

22 (4700) Comparison of the Carcass and Beef Quality Traits with the Expression of the Lipid Metabolism Related Genes Between Xinjiang Brown Cattle and Angus Beef Cattle CHEN LiJing,.

23 (4940) Effect ofInterference on the Function of Porcine Granulosa Cells in Porcine Ovary Lu SiYu,.

23 (4950) Effects of Dietary Small Peptides on Production Performance and Expression of PepT1 mRNA in Digestive Tract of Fattening Yaks MIAO JianJun,.

24 (5115) Association of Rumen Histomorphology of Sheep with Different Feed Efficiencies ZHANG DeYin,.

24 (5125) Optimized Promoter Regulating of Duck Tembusu Virus E Protein Expression Delivered by a Vectored Duck Enteritis VirusCHEN Liu,.

1 (213) Genetic Diversity ofand its Pathogenicity tovar.Seedlings CHEN Lin,.

9 (1921) Effect of Recombinant GSTA3 Protein on Expression of the Anti-apoptotic Gene BAG-3 in Thiram-induced Tibial Chondrodysplasia LI Zhen,.

11 (2305) Diversity of Endophytic Fungi in Transgenic Rice Seeds from Different Planting Sites Based on PTN System ZHAO Yan,.

14 (2974) Species Identification and Virulence Determination ofStrain BEdy1 fromZHANG Lei,.

16 (3404) Construction and Utilization of Database for Chinese Maize Varieties and Their Genealogy Li JianXin,.

16 (3412) Multi-gene-based PCR detection and identification ofYANG Hongkai,.

17 (3620) Estimation of Genetic Parameters of Body Weight and Egg Number Traits of Lueyang Black-Boned Chicken DANG LiPing,.

18 (3846) Development of New Varieties of ZHONGJIAO Pepper Resistant to Pepper Mild Mottle Virus Using3Gene ZHANG BaoXi,.

22 (4710) Composition Analysis of Gas Phase and Liquid Phase of Fresh Floral Water Extract and Fresh Flowers Cell Sap fromXU XiaoYu,.

23 (4961) Production ofTriploids Based on Interploidy Crossing with Bendizao and Man Tangerines as Female Parents XIE KaiDong,.

18(3832, 3856)Correction

(The end)


Frog whisperer