With the Coronavirus (COVID-19) rapidly spreading worldwide, several countries have initiated several strategies to stop the spread of this virus, including school closures. UNESCO stated that, as of 17 May, almost 1.21 billion learners were affected, accounting for 69.3% of the worlds student population. Particularly, China was the first to adopt the policy of “Disrupted Classes, Undisrupted Learning” by providing online, distance and remote teaching. However, several educational challenges appeared during this unexpected critical situation of COVID-19 outbreak. For instance, in this first-ever application of pure long-term online learning (without face-to-face learning or blended learning), both teachers and learners should not feel that they are left alone during the teaching and learning processes. Additionally, new effective pedagogical approaches are needed to keep learners motivated and engaged during this long period of online learning. In this context, several researchers suggested the use of Open Educational Practices (OEP) and Resources (OER) to provide engaging and interactive experience.
Additionally, UNESCO (2019) provided five objectives that should be focused on facilitation of OER adoption, namely: (ⅰ) Building capacity of stakeholders to create access, re-use, adapt and redistribute OER; (ⅱ) Developing supportive policy; (ⅲ) Encouraging inclusive and equitable quality OER; (ⅳ) Nurturing the creation of sustainability models for OER; (ⅴ) Facilitating international cooperation. Therefore, this handbook discusses the use of OEP and OER during COVID-19 outbreak through global vivid stories and experiences, and in line with the five UNESCO objectives. It also discusses OER competencies for OEP. Finally, this handbook provides guidelines to both teachers and learners to facilitate OEP and OER application.
1.Background of using open educational practices during the COVID-19 outbreak
1.1.Importance of open educational practices during COVID-19
The Chinese Ministry of Education (MoE) and several education specialists and universities have started discussing the use of information and communication technology(ICT) to reform the entire educational system in the midst of this coronavirus outbreak and provide online and distance learning instead, even with disrupted classes. While online and distance education is not new in China, several challenges have arisen in China and worldwide regarding this type of system in this unexpected and critical situation: Lack of preparation time; Teacher/learner isolation; Need for effective pedagogical approaches.
To help overcome the problem of limited time to prepare online learning content, teachers should make use of the thousands of open educational resources (OER) published by the MoE and available in other national and international repositories as well as public online tools, platforms, and enabling technologies.
1.2.Implications for teaching and learning
OEP have the ability to improve the opportunity of accessing good educational content for learners, hence help in achieving accessible learning and lifelong learning. Additionally, OEP allow learners to be engaged and active during the learning process. Furthermore, OEP go a step beyond active learning by engaging learners in creating and revising OER, hence contributing to the learning of the learners who come after them. This can further help learners gain digital literacy skills (searching, assessing, and identifying online resources), which are fundamental for 21st-century literacy. Moreover, OEP offer potential for new approaches to pedagogy that, by one observation, can create “a site of praxis, a place where theories about learning, teaching, technology, and social justice enter into a conversation with each other and inform the development of educational practices and structures”. Some innovative pedagogy have been explored in China to ensure the quality of higher education course during COVID-19 outbreak.
As both OEP and OER can facilitate the learning and teaching processes during the educational disruption due to the COVID-19 outbreak, several international organizations, including the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), Arab League Educational, Cultural and Scientific Organization (ALECSO) and Commonwealth of Learning (COL) have shared quality OER and tools on their webpages for teachers and learners to use during the educational process at home. Additionally, ALECSO, for instance, is now providing OER trainings to help teachers in the Arab region create and share their OER with others to maintain undisrupted learning.