



唐丽丹, 沈臻( 1 )


陈智平, 陈晓云, 简彩仁( 7 )


魏针, 李登峰(14)


韩志平, 汤龙飞(20)


陈祖霖, 沈英, 吴靖(27)


钟志标, 彭育辉(34)


许晓勤, 陈淑梅, 林绍义(40)


周海林, 严世榕, 刘战(46)


方兵, 叶峻锋, 孟素各, 顾天奇(52)


陈宝春, 林毅焌, 杨简, 黄卿维, 黄伟, 余新盟(58)


吴少峰, 林晓威, 沈圣, 张衡, 姜绍飞(69)


孙祯, 郑建岚(76)


黄 靓, 张玉山, 邓鹏, 李福安(83)


张鸿儒, 季韬, 刘福江, 何炳坚, 张松安(90)


魏长钦, 王伟智(98)




陈晓彦, 黄云云, 张朱武, 黄永曙(110)


林荣英, 林晨昊, 周家华, 张柏茂(116)


李光伟, 林丹颖, 郑安琪, 刘玉娜, 朱宗利, 陈新, 赵斌(122)


陈清爱, 雷丽琴, 傅依灵, 杨玮娟(128)



黄小燕, 陈凤德(135)


林焕程, 朱玉灿(140)


朱昆, 刘蓉, 王美清(146)


杨冠仪, 於志勇, 郭文忠, 黄昉菀(152)


孙敏铭, 张栋(160)


尹小俊, 陈崇成, 李瑞兴, 王凤姣(167)


傅晨, 郑明魁, 陈志峰, 施隆照, 王炎(174)


罗隆, 施隆照, 洪晓剑, 严丹钰(181)


李明扬 , 李传起, 陆叶, 李佳钦(187)


黄能玉, 郭佳庆, 韦雪婷, 马中华(192)


缪希仁, 刘志颖, 鄢齐晨 (198)


林火煅, 陈杰, 沈滨, 孙嫱, 李文院, 缪希仁(210)


林志成, 缪希仁, 江灏, 陈静(217)




林梦婧, 汪小钦, 肖爱芳, 王琳(230)


张遂, 曹洋兵, 詹淦基, 李新卫, 沈红钱(236)


曹洋兵, 陈杨涛, 张遂, 李新卫, 沈红钱(244)


迟晓鹏, 郭芸杉, 朱茂兰, 唐伟钟, 吕旭龙, 刘春(251)


晏全香, 房博, 蓝灿文, 林晓辉(257)


唐泽斯, 郭进, 张苏, 王金贵(263)



林世平, 林松海, 魏晶晶, 吴运兵, 廖祥文(269)


林世平, 陈璐, 陈开志, 吴运兵, 廖祥文(276)


方炜杰, 尹泽锋, 巩晓婷, 蓝以信, 傅仰耿(283)


杨靛青, 李院红, 俞裕兰(289)


宋金涛, 于晗, 潘振宽(296)




林镇, 袁家德(309)


徐艺文, 王芝燕, 李立春, 李贵生(314)


杨贺, 杨秀芝, 陈建(318)


杜士卿, 朱光宇, 徐文婕(325)


石志炜, 张丽萍, 钟成豪, 吴宁钰(333)


郭茂强, 黄云云, 赵强, 张经伟(341)



陈小辉, 潘煜明, 秋源雅人(348)





张玉娟, 曲建光, 叶猛猛(361)


黄福云, 单玉麟, 庄一舟, 罗小烨, 陈宝春(368)


徐新颖, 赖元文, 马振鸿, 连培昆(375)


乔建刚, 张馨, 陈春燕, 刘轲(382)


廖薇, 方志刚, 赵振宁, 李历红, 秦渝(388)


郑琤, 李诗华, 宋晓荣(395)


陈宪, 黎敦朋, 崔碧云, 肖爱芳(404)





江慧, 魏凤英(415)


李遵先, 苟长义(420)


王蒙蒙, 黄振坤, 卢雪琳, 赖艺芬(425)


吴陆狄, 翟宇轩, 黄雨航, 邢开应, 房颖, 林丽群(431)


王晓露, 吴昊, 王丹阳, 魏伊, 魏思维(438)


许志猛, 尹辉斌, 林佳慧(445)


蒋皖, 锁要红, 胡海(451)


宫泽弘, 周海芳, 赖云锋(458)


黄奕钒, 徐启峰, 谢楠, 谭巧(464)


唐玲玲, 缪希仁, 庄胜斌(471)



1 000 kV干字型铁塔风振系数研究

黄明祥, 卞宏志, 张建勋, 赵云龙, 翁兰溪(485)


谷音, 李攀(491)


陈水生, 宋元, 桂水荣, 罗浩(497)


周俊, 韦建刚, 吴庆雄, 陈宝春, 黄卿维(505)


刘嘉正, 吉伯海, 袁周致远, 刘青茹(511)


张景杭, 姜绍飞, 吴兆旗, 梁子杨(517)


张漳荣, 周继忠, 姜绍飞(525)


张天峰, 孙志新, 张涵, 林魁(532)


商嫣然, 郭颖, 刘航瑜, 赵哲毅, 周朵特(539)



邹长忠, 黄旭昇(545)


黄路遥, 叶少珍(551)


何少东, 黄洪宇, 陈崇成(558)


袁晓建, 张岐山, 吴伶, 江义火(566)


徐艺文, 李玮蒙, 刘航, 房颖(573)




黄继伟, 张祥(585)


陈磊, 王雨濛, 俞金玲(591)


胡敏锐, 周海芳, 赖云锋(596)


王伟, 匡祯辉, 谢少捷, 白振华(602)


张宗熠, 刘竟成, 高殿荣, 孙亚楠, 邱婷婷(610)


吴智明, 祁皑(618)

掺镍铁渣复合矿物掺合料预制混凝土梁、 柱的性能分析

胡耀, 陈尚鸿, 林伟, 祁皑(625)


项长生, 李凌云, 周宇, 王立宪, 吴侃(632)


袁燕, 吴红权, 林国仁, 阙云(639)


林咏园, 税伟, 李志攀, 杨海峰, 朱粟锋, 付银(646)


张玉娟, 曲建光, 王雷(653)


袁天慧, 陈景智, 郭天龙, 谢翠萍, 高益槐, 戴金玉, 林娟(667)


王昆, 张书仪, 颜志文, 魏吟秋, 李碧艳, 陈方, 陈庆(673)



林志兴, 冯晓霞, 杨忠鹏, 吕洪斌, 陈梅香(679)




程国庆, 王应明(692)



周小成, 廖鸿燕, 崔雅君, 王峰克(699)


高永刚, 吴观烨, 郭金运, 冯晓敏(706)


罗玉鹤, 庞红旗, 高飞翎, 白文博, 陈静(714)


李天扬, 温步瀛, 王怀远(720)


吴嘉华, 王怀远(727)


周增城, 彭育辉, 钟龙飞(733)


刘洪涛, 严世榕, 张甫圆(741)


祝维文, 刘星星, 任志英, 白鸿柏, 张宇杰, 郑孝源(747)


陈昭晖, 郭芳枝, 苏家战, 黄卿维, 陈宝春, 肖泽荣, 林志滔(755)


顾宏伟, 陈誉(762)


杨航, 陈誉(772)


周凤玺 , 赵曼, 应赛(779)


樊秀峰, 吕捷, 吴振祥, 程圆圆, 李千(786)


杨鹭茜, 苏燕, 顾承宇(794)

PTA氧化残渣中苯甲酸和Co2+、 Mn2+的分离回收

黄智贤, 李明明, 邱挺(800)


谢茹胜, 来天艺, 代艳飞, 甘礼惠, 龙敏南(806)


闻沚玥, 叶小琴, 凌寒冰, 张睿, 夏江滨, 沈王强, 卢兴(812)

李民, 刘康林, 昝静一, 张经伟, 聂傲(820)




Generalized localizations of categories

TANG Lidan, SHEN Zhen( 1 )

Nonlinear multi-view subspace clustering methods

CHEN Zhiping, CHEN Xiaoyun, JIAN Cairen( 7 )

An allocation method of provincial college enrollment plan based on bankruptcy theory

WEI Zhen, LI Dengfeng(14)

Design of data acquisition system of the dynamic characteristics of intelligent contactor driven by high-frequency excitation

HAN Zhiping, TANG Longfei(20)

Design of stepping motor motion control system based on STM32 and FPGA

CHEN Zulin, SHEN Ying, WU Jing(27)

Li-ion batteries simulation modeling based on parameter identification on random sampling approach

ZHONG Zhibiao, PENG Yuhui(34)

Cattaneo-Christov heat flux model for flow in a Casson fluid

XU Xiaoqin, CHEN Shumei, LIN Shaoyi(40)

On coordination control of regenerative braking system and anti-lock braking system for electric vehicle

ZHOU Hailin, YAN Shirong, LIU Zhan(46)

Analysis of statistical parameters of typical machining surface topography

FANG Bing, YE Junfeng, MENG Suge, GU Tianqi(52)

Review on fiber function in ultra-high performance fiber reinforced concrete

CHEN Baochun, LIN Yijun, YANG Jian, HUANG Qingwei, HUANG Wei, YU Xinmeng(58)

Experimental study on underwater damaged piers strengthened by improved segment assembled technology

WU Shaofeng, LIN Xiaowei, SHEN Sheng, ZHANG Heng, JIANG Shaofei(69)

Failure mechanism of exterior reinforced recycled concrete joint under cyclic loading

SUN Zhen, ZHENG Jianlan(76)

Experimental investigation on axial compression performance of recycled clay brick aggregate concrete columns

HUANG Liang, ZHANG Yushan, DENG Peng, LI Fu’an(83)

Mechanical properties of UHPC prepared with iron tail mineral powder cured under different conditions

ZHANG Hongru, JI Tao, LIU Fujiang, HE Bingjian, ZHANG Song’an(90)

Dynamic optimization model of customized bus stations and route under random demand

WEI Changqin, WANG Weizhi(98)

Relationship between driver’s heart rate change and curved slope ratio of rebuilt and expanded roads and

driving speed difference

QIAO Jiangang,LI Shixuan, LIU Weilu, LIU Weiyong(105)

Simulation analysis on the effect of shell side structural parameters on the heat transferand flow performance

of wound-tube heat exchanger

CHEN Xiaoyan, HUANG Yunyun, ZHANG Zhuwu, HUANG Yongshu(110)

Effect of calcium and aluminum composite on ash of Fujian anthracites with low ash fusion temperature

LIN Rongying, LIN Chenhao, ZHOU Jiahua, ZHANG Baimao(116)

Effect of Nb2O5mole fraction variation on the properties of tellurium-zinc-barium-niobium glasses

LI Guangwei, LIN Danying, ZHENG Anqi, LIU Yu’na, ZHU Zongli, CHEN Xin, ZHAO Bin(122)

Visual detection of methyl mercury in seafood based on the growth of Au@Hg nanoparticle

CHEN Qing’ai, LEI Liqin, FU Yiling, YANG Weijuan(128)


Influence of Allee effect on dynamic behavior of stage structure single population model

HUANG Xiaoyan, CHEN Fengde(135)

Representations ofK-frames via operator iteration

LIN Huancheng, ZHU Yucan(140)

Reinforcement learning state and value function selection for portfolio optimization

ZHU Kun, LIU Rong, WANG Meiqing(146)

The nearest neighbor classifier based on sparse representation for time series

YANG Guanyi, YU Zhiyong, GUO Wenzhong, HUANG Fangwan(152)

Reliable control traffic transmission paths selection in distributed SDN control plane

SUN Minming, ZHANG Dong(160)

Design and implementation of emergency response based on LoRa integrated Beidou communication technology

YIN Xiaojun, CHEN Chongcheng, LI Ruixing, WANG Fengjiao(167)

An efficient CABAC entropy coding hardware design

FU Chen, ZHENG Mingkui, CHEN Zhifeng, SHI Longzhao, WANG Yan(174)

Sub-pixel motion estimation interpolation filtering algorithm based on Wallace tree optimization

LUO Long, SHI Longzhao, HONG Xiaojian, YAN Danyu(181)

Polarization beam splitter based on complete band gap in honeycomb-lattice structure

LI Mingyang, LI Chuanqi, LU Ye, LI Jiaqin(187)

Design of a retransmitted chipless tag based on microstrip resonator coupling theory

HUANG Nengyu, GUO Jiaqing, WEI Xueting, MA Zhonghua(192)

Review on UAV intelligent technology for transmission line inspection

MIAO Xiren, LIU Zhiying, YAN Qichen(198)

Design of emergency charging power management system for inspection UAV

LIN Huoduan, CHEN Jie, SHEN Bin, SUN Qiang, LI Wenyuan, MIAO Xiren(210)

Multi-model fusion of transmission line insulator self-explosion fault detection

LIN Zhicheng, MIAO Xiren, JIAN Hao, CHEN Jing(217)

On-line monitoring method for MMC submodule IGBT based on Kalman filtering algorithm

ZHOU Gang(224)

Ecological assessment of Fujian Zijinshan mining area based on remote sensing ecological index

LIN Mengjing, WANG Xiaoqin, XIAO Aifang, WANG Lin(230)

Deformation and failure evolutionary characteristics of the roof of Lijiawan manganese mine in Songtao county, Guizhou Province

ZHANG Sui, CAO Yangbing, ZHAN Ganji, LI Xinwei, SHEN Hongqian(236)

Study on failure mechanism and mechanical properties anisotropy of carbonaceous shale

CAO Yangbing, CHEN Yangtao, ZHANG Sui, LI Xinwei, SHEN Hongqian(244)

Experimental study on flotation of copper and zinc from a copper smelting slag in Fujian Province

CHI Xiaopeng, GUO Yunshan, ZHU Maolan, TANG Weizhong, LÜ Xulong, LIU Chun(251)

Preparation of modified bentonite mineral materials

YAN Quanxiang, FANG Bo, LAN Canwen, LIN Xiaohui(257)

Analysis of vibration response characteristics of explosive vessels during methane-air mixtures explosion

TANG Zesi, GUO Jin, ZHANG Su, WANG Jingui(263)


Emotional classification of combining knowledge graph

LIN Shiping, LIN Songhai, WEI Jingjing, WU Yunbing, LIAO Xiangwen(269)

Machine read comprehension based on temporal convolutional network

LIN Shiping, CHEN Lu, CHEN Kaizhi, WU Yunbing, LIAO Xiangwen(276)

A new calculation method of rule active weight for conjunction belief rule-base based on uncertainty theory

FANG Weijie, YIN Zefeng, GONG Xiaoting, LAN Yixin, FU Yanggeng(283)

Solving method and properties of the Shapley values of cooperative games with fuzzy multi-level coalition structures

YANG Dianqing, LI Yuanhong, YU Yulan(289)

Fast dual projection algorithm for variational model of image restoration with Euler’s elastica

SONG Jintao, YU Han, PAN Zhenkuan(296)

BDS B3I synchronization algorithm using FPGA technology

SHEN Zhoufeng(302)

Miniaturized four-armhelical antenna for GPS terminals

LIN Zhen, YUAN Jiade(309)

CNN-based fault detection algorithm for water meter

XU Yiwen, WANG Zhiyan, LI Lichun, LI Guisheng(314)

A new hardware structure of HEVC intra prediction based on FPGA

YANG He, YANG Xiuzhi, CHEN Jian(318)

Optimal foraging algorithm for multi-objective hybrid flow shop scheduling problem

DU Shiqing, ZHU Guangyu, XU Wenjie(325)

Fault diagnosis of rolling bearing based on improved PSO optimized SVM

SHI Zhiwei, ZHANG Liping, ZHONG Chenghao, WU Ningyu(333)

Fault diagnosis method of rolling bearing based on IFD and KELM

GUO Maoqiang, HUANG Yunyun, ZHAO Qiang, ZHANG Jingwei(341)

Study on the residential environment of Tubao Group in central Fujian: a case study on Tubao Group of Shuimei Village in

Shaxian County

CHEN Xiaohui, PAN Yuming, AKIHARA Masato(348)

Optimization of waterfront spatial pattern on function integration: a case study on the Luoma Lake scenery belt of Suqian

CAI Xiaqiao(355)

Landscape ecological risk assessment of Harbin section of Songhua River basin

ZHANG Yujuan, QU Jianguang, YE Mengmeng(361)

Pseudo-static low cycle test on the interaction of predrilled-hole micro-pile and soil in integral abutment jointless bridges

HUANG Fuyun, SHAN Yulin, ZHUANG Yizhou, LUO Xiaoye, CHEN Baochun(368)

Passenger flow forecast of metropolitan rail network based on the improved four-stage method

XU Xinying, LAI Yuanwen, MA Zhenhong, LIAN Peikun(375)

Network layout optimization of pedestrain crossing facilities based on small world theory

QIAO Jiangang, ZHANG Xin , CHEN Chunyan, LIU Ke(382)

Study on the thermodynamics and dynamics of isomeric transformation of cluster Fe3Cr3

LIAO Wei, FANG Zhigang, ZHAO Zhenning, LI Lihong, QIN Yu(388)

Research progress of metal nanoclusters and their biomedical applications

ZHENG Cheng, LI Shihua, SONG Xiaorong(395)

Strontium isotope composition and genesis significance of the Lifang barite deposit in Fujian Province

CHEN Xian, LI Dunpeng, CUI Biyun, XIAO Aifang(404)


A note on power finite rank perturbations of spectral properties

YAN Kai(411)

Stochastic survivability analysis of untreated drug addictors

JIANG Hui, WEI Fengying(415)

Stability analysis of a class of SIR endemic model with diffusion

LI Zunxian, GOU Changyi(420)

Consensus analysis of multiagent system under time-varying impulse of node subset

WANG Mengmeng, HUANG Zhenkun, LU Xuelin, LAI Yifen(425)

A fast coding algorithm for new video encoder

WU Ludi, ZHAI Yuxuan, HUANG Yuhang, XING Kaiying, FANG Ying, LIN Liqun(431)

Virtual operation simulation of an aircraft cargo door actuation system based on finite state machine

WANG Xiaolu, WU Hao, WANG Danyang, WEI Yi, WEI Siwei(438)

Two-persons activity recognition method for FMCW radar based on spatial information clustering

XU Zhimeng, YIN Huibin, LIN Jiahui(445)

Diffusion-stress coupling analysis of porous spherical electrode particles

JIANG Wan, SUO Yaohong, HU Hai(451)

Resistive switching characteristics and synaptic properties of TaOx/AlOxbilayer

GONG Zehong, ZHOU Haifang, LAI Yunfeng(458)

Electricfield optimization in longitudinal modulated optical voltage sensor on SVM-PSO algorithm

HUANG Yifan, XU Qifeng, XIE Nan, TAN Qiao(464)

Application of PSO-ELM inshort-circuit current peak prediction of low voltage system

TANG Lingling, MIAO Xiren, ZHUANG Shengbin(471)

Online estimating method for modular multilevel converter capacitor based on Kalman filtering

TANG Zhijun(479)

Research on wind-induced vibration coefficient of 1 000 kV “干” type tower

HUANG Mingxiang, BIAN Hongzhi, ZHANG Jianxun, ZHAO Yunlong, WENG Lanxi(485)

The influence of circular cross-section on chloride diffusion and its durability design

GU Yin, LI Pan(491)

Studies on vibration response of the continuous girder highway bridge under horizontal multi-vehicle loads

CHEN Shuisheng, SONG Yuan, GUI Shuirong, LUO Hao(497)

Ultra-high performance concrete constitutive relationship under confining pressure constraint

ZHOU Jun, WEI Jiangang, WU Qingxiong, CHEN Baochun, HUANG Qingwei(505)

Evaluation of fatigue crack repairing effect by pneumatic impact method in steel box girder

LIU Jiazheng, JI Bohai, YUAN Zhouzhiyuan, LIU Qingru(511)

Finite element analysis on axial compression behavior of pier column strengthened with BFRP mould shell

without drainage

ZHANG Jinghang, JIANG Shaofei, WU Zhaoqi, LIANG Ziyang(517)

Mechanical properties analysis of casing plug scaffold joints

ZHANG Zhangrong, ZHOU Jizhong, JIANG Shaofei(525)

Economic analysis of a low-temperature heat energy-LNG combined power generation system at different heat source


ZHANG Tianfeng, SUN Zhixin, ZHANG Han, LIN Kui(532)

Quality classification of red-yellow jadeite-jade under different light sources and color backgrounds

SHANG Yanran, GUO Ying, LIU Hangyu, ZHAO Zheyi, ZHOU Duote(539)


Hyperspectral image super-resolution method based on deep residual convolutional neural network

ZOU Changzhong, HUANG Xusheng(545)

Research on low-light image enhancement algorithm based on GAN

HUANG Luyao, YE Shaozhen(551)

Influence of image collection parameters on the accuracy of tree height estimation based on UAV remote


HE Shaodong, HUANG Hongyu, CHEN Chongcheng(558)

Research on vehicle routing problem model and algorithm with time window and simultaneous delivery

YUAN Xiaojian, ZHANG Qishan, WU Ling, JIANG Yihuo(566)

A complexity optimization algorithm for panoramic video encoder

XU Yiwen, LI Weimeng, LIU Hang, FANG Ying(573)

Network-basedH∞filtering of genetic regulatory networks with data dropouts and network-induced delays

WANG Jia(580)

Design of a high precision CMOS temperature sensor

HUANG Jiwei, ZHANG Xiang(585)

Growth of Bi2Se3nanosplates and the transistors fabrication

CHEN Lei, WANG Yumeng, YU Jinling(591)

Study on synaptic properties of ZnO/TaOxdouble layer memristor

HU Minrui, ZHOU Haifang, LAI Yunfeng(596)

Research on GBDT prediction model of mechanical properties of hot dip galvanized steel coils

WANG Wei, KUANG Zhenhui, XIE Shaojie, BAI Zhenhua(602)

Tribology properties for valve plate with bionic non-smooth surface of seawater hydraulic motor

ZHANG Zongyi, LIU Jingcheng, GAO Dianrong, SUN Yanan, QIU Tingting(610)

Research on cost evaluation method of prefabricated building based on fuzzy TOPSIS

WU Zhiming, QI Ai(618)

Study on experimental behaviors of prefabricated beams and columns made of ferronickel slag concrete

HU Yao, CHEN Shanghong, LIN Wei, QI Ai(625)

Damage identification of beam structure based on generalized flexibility curvature information entropy

XIANG Changsheng, LI Lingyun, ZHOU Yu, WANG Lixian, WU Kan(632)

Study on construction technology of cohesivesoil subgrade using large tonnage roller

YUAN Yan, WU Hongquan, LIN Guoren, QUE Yun(639)

A matrix construction of water service flow based on water-energy-food nexus

LIN Yongyuan, SHUI Wei, LI Zhipan, YANG Haifeng, ZHU Sufeng, FU Yin(646)

Spatial and temporal variation and distribution uniformity of ESV

ZHANG Yujuan, QU Jianguang, WANG Lei(653)

Study on the liquid fermentation process of monascus pigment

YUAN Tianhui, CHEN Jingzhi, GUO Tianlong, XIE Cuiping, GAO Yihuai, DAI Jinyu, LIN Juan(667)

A novel method about multichannel electrochemical gene sensor array for rapid simultaneous detection of AML drug-resistant


WANG Kun, ZHANG Shuyi, YAN Zhiwen, WEI Yinqiu, LI Biyan, CHEN Fang, CHEN Qing(673)


Singular conditions for inequalities involving the Hadamard product of correlation matrices

LIN Zhixing, FENG Xiaoxia, YANG Zhongpeng, LYU Hongbin, CHEN Meixiang(679)

Rate of convergence of a new family of Durrmeyer type Baskakov operators based on (p,q)-integers

CAI Qingbo(685)

Apply the DEA model with adjustable preference intensity to evaluate the efficiency of discipline development in universities

CHENG Guoqing, WANG Yingming(692)

UAV remote sensing estimation of three-dimensional green volume in landscaping:a case study in the Qishang campus of

Fuzhou university

ZHOU Xiaocheng, LIAO Hongyan, CUI Yajun, WANG Fengke(699)

Comparative analysis of GPS/GLONASS/BDS/Galileo data quality

GAO Yonggang, WU Guanye, GUO Jinyun, FENG Xiaomin(706)

Identification method of region based fully convolution networks for damper in power inspection image

LUO Yuhe, PANG Hongqi, GAO Feiling, BAI Wenbo, CHEN Jing(714)

Adaptive parameter control strategy of virtual synchronous generator based on frequency prediction

LI Tianyang, WEN Buying, WANG Huaiyuan(720)

A method for forecasting the power deficit of power system based on long short-term memory

WU Jiahua, WANG Huaiyuan(727)

Torque distribution strategy for a distributed driving electric formula racing car

ZHOU Zengcheng, PENG Yuhui, ZHONG Longfei(733)

Drive control of permanent magnet synchronous motor in pure electric vehicle

LIU Hongtao, YAN Shirong, ZHANG Fuyuan(741)

Vibration damping performance of the non forming metal rubber damper

ZHU Weiwen, LIU Xingxing, REN Zhiying, BAI Hongbai, ZHANG Yujie, ZHENG Xiaoyuan(747)

Experiment on flexural behaviors of a segmental pre-stressed UHPC-RC composite box beam

CHEN Zhaohui, GUO Fangzhi, SU Jiazhan, HUANG Qingwei, CHEN Baochun, XIAO Zerong, LIN Zhitao(755)

Experimental study on compressive behavior of circular steel stub columns with notch defects

GU Hongwei, CHEN Yu(762)

Tests on the stability of H section high strength perforated aluminum alloy columns under axial compression

YANG Hang, CHEN Yu(772)

Analysis of mechanical behavior for unsaturated soil by three-dimensional discrete element method

ZHOU Fengxi, ZHAO Man,YING Sai(779)

Analysis on preferential drainage effect of deep soft permeable pipes and shallow collapse characteristics

of slope

FAN Xiufeng, LYU Jie, WU Zhenxiang, CHENG Yuanyuan, LI Qian(786)

Study on groundwater in coastal leakage aquifer system based on the Trefftz method

YANG Luxi, SU Yan, GU Chengyu(794)

Separation and recovery of benzoic acid and Co2+, Mn2+from PTA oxidation residue

HUANG Zhixian, LI Mingming, QIU Ting(800)

Promotion on the performance of electrode materials for supercapacitors by hydrolysis technology of chitosan

XIE Rusheng, LAI Tianyi, DAI Yanfei, GAN Lihui, LONG Minnan(806)

Performance optimization of p-i-n type perovskite solar cells by using chlorobenzene as an anti-solvent

WEN Zhiyue, YE Xiaoqin, LING Hanbing, ZHANG Rui, XIA Jiangbin, SHEN Wangqiang, LU Xing(812)

Exergy analysis of natural gas heating system in leather dry process production lines

LI Min, LIU Kanglin, ZAN Jingyi, ZHANG Jingwei, NIE Ao(820)

(The End of Vol.48)