Innovation and Practice of Integrating Ideological and Political Education into English Teaching in Applied Universities


School of Foreign Languages,Jilin Agricultural Science and Technology University,Jilin,China

Fanqiu Kong

School of International Exchange,Changchun Normal University,Changchun,China

[Abstract]This paper mainly analyzes the basis of integrating ideological and political education into English teaching in applied universities,and discusses the strategies of integrating ideological and political education into English teaching in applied universities in combination with the relative lack of penetration of ideological and political education in current English teaching in applied universities,so as to promote more effective and innovative integration of ideological and political education into English teaching in universities.

[Keywords]applied universities;English teaching;ideological and political education


The nature of running an application-oriented university is to pay attention to practical teaching,which is the core of the urgent need to inject humanistic quality into teaching.Applied universities emphasize that English teaching in universities should keep pace with the times,English teaching in universities integrates English teaching with ideological and political education to promote the improvement of humanistic quality.

Through innovative ways to cultivate English teachers’moral awareness,research and develop new English school-based curriculum,create new forms of English second classroom content,and innovate English teaching methods,students’literacy can be further improved.

The integration of ideological and political education into English teaching is to combine education and moral education closely,put the humanistic quality education into practice,and train qualified talents for application-oriented universities.

Under the background of cultivating people by virtue,the innovation of ideological and political education in applied universities English teaching has strong representativeness and high research value.

Definition of the concept of Applied University and ideological and political theory in the course

Definition of applied university concept

The orientation of running an application-oriented university aims at application-oriented and lies in the word‘application’.Practical teaching is an important way to cultivate students’practical ability and innovation ability.Practical teaching is the core link of teaching in an application-oriented university and focuses on the cultivation of students’practical ability.The application-oriented university is premised on the concept of talents,quality and education that keep pace with the times.Its discipline orientation,professional structure and curriculum system adapt to the development of society and economy.

The meaning of ideological and political theory in the course

Ideological and political education in the curriculum is not a specific subject,but integrates the knowledge and skills involved in the curriculum with ideological education that guides universities students’world outlook,outlook on life and values.The teaching of a single course can no longer meet the needs of training high-quality and humanistic contemporary comprehensive talents.The pure ideological education taught in the ideological and political class only keeps the educational concept in the field of consciousness perception,and does not really guide students to dig deep into the discipline spirit(Avci,2017).

The basis of integrating ideological and political education into English teaching in applied universities

Theoretical basis

The famous German educator and psychologist Herbart,who is called the father of science pedagogy,put forward that the highest purpose of education is morality.His viewpoint pointed out the direction for the development of educational science,and for the first time he explicitly put forward the idea of‘educational teaching’.He pointed out that there are no education without teaching and teaching without education and it is not feasible to separate moral education from the whole education(Williams,2008).The purpose and means between teaching and moral education are mutual together to form the education of teaching.

Realistic Basis

The report of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China clearly points out that we should fully implement the Party’s educational policy,implement the fundamental task of cultivating people through morality,train socialist builders and successors with the development of morality,intelligence,physique and aesthetics,speed up the construction of first-class universities and first-class disciplines,and realize the connotative development of higher education.

The policy of our Central Committee advocates the close combination of courses and ideological and political theory courses to form a synergistic effect and gradually promote China’s higher education to become a powerful educational country.Our president Xi Jinping pointed out at the 2016 national conference on ideological and political work in universities:ideological and political work in universities is related to the fundamental problem of cultivating what kind of people,how to cultivate people and for whom(Xi,2016).We must persist in taking moral cultivation as the central link,run ideological and political work through the whole process of education and teaching,realize the whole process of educating people and full-scale education,and strive to create a new situation in the development of China’s higher education.We should persistently cultivate and promote the socialist core values and guide teachers and students to be staunch believers,active disseminators and model practitioners of the socialist core values.In order to make good use of classroom teaching as the main channel,all other courses should keep a good section of the channel and cultivate responsibility fields,so that all kinds of courses and ideological and political theory courses can go together to form synergy.

Current situation of infiltration between English teaching and ideological and political teaching in applied universities

Teaching Knowledge as the main part in universities English Class

English teachers of applied universities have a deep foundation in their major and have trained many professionals.As the core of applied university teaching is more focused on the teaching of knowledge,English teachers focus more on teaching students to master English knowledge and professional skills as well as English communication skills such as listening,speaking,reading and writing in English subjects.Under such circumstances,ideological and political education is implemented in universities English classes,and bright spots become vacant,which leads to the disconnection between English and ideological and political disciplines.

Universities English teachers under too much pressure

With the continuous expansion of universities enrollment,the existing faculty has gradually failed to meet the needs of classroom teaching.universities English,which is an extremely important subject in universities curriculum,English teachers undertake the mission of completing a large number of teaching tasks and cultivate qualified foreign language talents.Heavy teaching tasks make English teachers focus on teaching and research of English subjects,while universities English teachers have relatively little time to improve their ideological and political literacy.

The rigid and fixed content and teaching methods of ideological and political courses in universities

The ideological and political class in universities mainly focuses on the dissemination of ideas,and its effectiveness is not strong.The degree of integration between ideological and political courses and other disciplines is relatively low,and they gradually fall into a state where disciplines are working alone.Such a lone ideological and political class is not conducive to the requirements of applied universities for talents’accomplishment.Therefore,it is extremely urgent for universities English teaching to integrate ideological and political education and grasp the integration points between disciplines.

The necessity of integrating ideological and political education into English teaching in applied universities

As the nature of running an application-oriented university is more focused on training practical talents,the school’s training direction for students is more focused on the construction of knowledge and skills,which is neglected in the ideological construction of students.Only the ideological and political education of students in the ideological and political class,staying in the aspect of curriculum learning,and only the teaching of English knowledge in the English class cannot satisfy the combination of imparting knowledge and leading value in the language learning process,and complement each other.Language is not only a tool for communication,but also a carrier of ideology and culture(He & Du,2018).It is not advisable to isolate the teaching of language into a separate course while ignoring the teaching of ideology.In the process of English learning,language learners need to add fresh values and emotional factors to perceive the knowledge of humanistic quality in English learning.

The strategies of integrating ideological and political education into universities English Teaching in applied universities

The integration of ideological and political education in English teaching in applied universities is an innovation in English curriculum.Ideological and political education runs through every steps of classroom teaching for English majors.Changes and breakthroughs need to be made in ideological and moral education level of English teachers,English textbooks,English teaching contents and English teaching methods.Ideological and political factors in English disciplines should be actively developed to promote the infiltration and implementation of ideological and political factors in English teaching in applied universities.

Innovating and cultivating universities English teachers’moral education consciousness and ability

English teachers in universities should learn to combine English with ideology and politics by themselves before talking about guiding and educating students.English teachers in universities need to change the teaching concept that only focuses on the teaching of the subject but is divorced from ideological and political education.English teachers in universities should improve their ideological and moral cultivation and responsibility and keep pace with the times.While teachers improve themselves,departments should also provide teachers with regular ideological and political training,and hold corresponding moral education knowledge speech contests and debate contests.Through organizing activities that can mobilize teachers to improve their ideological and moral education,English teachers’ideological and political education ability will be comprehensively improved.English teachers in university along with their students should strengthen the political ideology of China’s socialist system,study Chinese culture in depth,and become a disseminator of telling Chinese stories and spreading the essence of western culture.

Innovative English teaching into ideological and political education teaching content

Innovative research and development of school-based curriculum.Integrating ideological and political education in English teaching.English courses should be integrated into ideological and political education,in terms of teaching content,they should cultivate students from the point of view and the aspect of morality,dig the patriotic feelings,quality cultivation,ideals and beliefs,and highlight the traditional culture deeply which reflected in universities English course content and carry out real-time ideological and political education expansion of unit knowledge points according to English teaching content.The development of innovative English school-based curriculum integrated with ideological and political education will be popularized to ideological and political learning through the points in school-based curriculum English learning,so that students can perceive the essence of the motherland culture,the shaping of their own conduct,and the concept of training with direct value(Laker,2016).

Innovating the second classroom of ideological and political education in English teaching

It is also an important choice to carry out ideological and political education in the second class of English learning in universities.There are many ways for universities students to acquire knowledge and extracurricular activities.In English learning,second class contents such as English knowledge contest,English debating contest and English speech contest related to ideological and political education can be set up.

The English knowledge contest is interspersed with expressions of ideological and political education,and the outlook on life,values and norms are integrated into the English knowledge contest.Not only has English knowledge been combed,but also ideological and political education has been input.The English debating contest can focus on such topics as the cultural differences between China and the West and international hot spots,free switching between English expression and ideological and political education,not only broadens students’knowledge level of learning English,but also cultivates students’political feelings(Li&Xu,2020).Planning broad themes of ideological and political education in English speech contest can not only stimulate enthusiasm for learning foreign languages,but also inherit ideological and political education ideas and enlighten students’wisdom.

The content of the second class not only stimulates students’interest in learning,but also becomes a flexible way to integrate ideological and political education into English teaching.

Innovating the teaching method of integrating ideological and political education into English teaching

Flexible and effective teaching methods can make classroom effect get twice the result with half the effort.Change the traditional teaching mode,abandon the old teaching method,make the classroom full of agility and liveliness,and bring ideological and political education into English class instead of mechanically instilling ideological and political knowledge in English class,we can carry out innovative teaching methods of English into ideological and political classes and ideological and political into English classes periodically.Appropriate and regular integrated classes between disciplines should be carried out so that students can experience the freshness of both English and ideological and political classes.Teachers should process the conjunction points of English and ideological and political learning,fully mobilize the enthusiasm of students,stimulate students to learn English to express their ideological and political views,use ideological and political theories to realize the enthusiasm of English learning,create an English context of socialist core values,cultivating students'cultural confidence and mining moral education resources in English discipline.

Implications and Conclusions

The integration of English teaching and ideological and political education is not only a required course in universities courses,but also a quality course.Integrating English teaching into ideological and political education can not only improve students’application ability in learning English,but also improve students’personality quality in the learning process.Universities English teachers should fully realize their dual roles as knowledge disseminators and the guides of thought for students.Teachers should always root in their hearts the educational idea of cultivating morality and cultivating students,understanding the importance of ideological and political education in English learning.Through imperceptible education to transmit language skills and socialist core values,the dialectical theory of ideology and politics is applied to re-examine the similarities and differences of Chinese and western cultures,historical backgrounds and values in English disciplines.Through innovative means,the ideological and political education of the curriculum is brought into the English classroom in universities with the idea of cultivating people by virtue,and the new generation is trained into well-rounded talents with new ideas and high quality.


This paper is the final paper of the project of higher education research project in Jilin Province in 2019.The whole project is called:Innovation and Practice of Integrating Ideological and Political Education into English Teaching in Applied Universities.Project No.[JGJX2019D401].