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重庆与世界 2020年10期













智慧文旅带动产品升级 游客开心又“省”心




At the 2020 Smart China Expo Online, Chongqing Municipal Development Committee of Culture and Tourism launched a virtual exhibition hall for Chongqings cultural tourism themed "New Integration of Digital and Intelligent Cultural Tourism Empowers Holistic New Development", garnered over 10 outstanding smart tourism enterprises and institutions, and jointly created an "immersive" experience of smart cultural tourism, so that visitors could enjoy the "A Land of Natural Beauty, a City with Cultural Appeal" at home.

China has attached great importance to the healthy development of smart tourism in recent years. Today, Chongqing has basically built a supporting system for "smart tourism", realizing the full integration of all links in the tourism industry chain with the Internet.

"Black technologies" of cultural tourism gather at the Smart China Expo

At the 2020 Smart China Expo Online, Chongqing Travel Cloud, Chongqing Lvcifang and other companies made their debut with the latest cultural tourism technological applications, unveiling a rich experience from "cloud" to "end" for the audience.

Launched by Chongqing Tourism Cloud Company, Chongqing Cultural Tourism Video Cloud integrates the footages of main entrances, exits and attractions of all 3A-level scenic areas in Chongqing, realizes the monitoring of peak tourist flow during festivals and holidays, provides real-time video images for Development Committees of Culture and Tourism on the municipal, district, and county levels of Chongqing at the same time as well as renders video sharing services to service centers and commanding centers.

A multitude of smart cultural tourism "black technology" products refreshes Chongqing's natural landscape and cultural treasures with new brilliance. The Dazu Rock Carvings World Cultural Heritage Monitoring and Pre-Warning System developed by the Dazu Rock Carvings Research Institute offers valuable "Chinese experience" for the protection of world stone cultural relics. Leveraging museums, cultural relics resources rich in cultural footprints and "5G+AR" augmented reality technologies, it performs digital rendering and restoration of the unexhibited, incomplete, and faded cultural relics, so that the audience can see more diverse cultural connotations behind the cultural relics exhibits.

From the ancient panda restoration project of Chongqing Natural History Museum revealing the past and present of giant pandas, to the repair of three-dimensional ancient cultural relics at Chongqing China Three Gorges Museum, as well as the "High Mountain Flowing Water" WeChat mini program for zither education developed on the basis of ancient "Songshijianyi" zither, etc., the interactive experience with reproduced scenes demonstrates integration of digital intelligent cultural tourism is gradually approaching our lives.

"Digital intelligent cultural tourism + holistic tourism" spurs cultural tourism

At this year's Smart China Expo, numerous zero-contact smart tourism solutions such as the "Tour around Wulong on your phone" by Palm Technology and Wansheng Cloud Cultural Tourism Pavilion are transforming the traditional thinking of the tourism industry.

Led by the Chongqing Municipal Development Committee of Culture and Tourism, the public digital cultural tourism service cloud media platform constructed and operated by Chongqing Cable TV Network Shareholding Co., Ltd. forms the city's cultural and tourism resources database by integrating such resources via cross-field, cross-institution, and cross-terminal methods.

In the 5G section of the virtual exhibition area, "See Chongqing with AR" developed by Chongqing Broadcasting and Television Yingdu Media Co., Ltd. is the first domestic mobile product that integrates historical images with high-tech and adopts augmented reality technology to build an audio-visual experience. Through the in-depth integration of digital intelligence and tourism, Chongqing Cable Television Network Co., Ltd. exhibited "5G + Smart Cultural Tourism" and media convergence image interactive map system to further unleash the economic energy of digital intelligent cultural tourism.

Smart cultural tourism drives product to upgrade, delighting tourists and freeing them from worries

Chongqing has formulated the 2017-2022 Smart Tourism Construction Action Plan and Chongqing Holistic Smart Tourism Construction Implementation Plan. At the same time, Chongqing's Thirteenth Five-Year Plan for Construction an Internationally Well-known Tourist Destination clearly stated that with "tourism + Internet" as the core, the entire tourism industry chain will be driven to digital, convenient and intelligent directions.

By establishing a smart tourism management system, creating a smart tourism marketing system, improving smart tourism service contents, and innovating smart tourism products, the quality of Chongqing's tourism development has been continuously improved. Internet companies such as Tencent, Alibaba, and Ctrip, as well as related technology companies such as ZTE and iFlytek have made an inroad into Chongqing, and continued to exert influence in the field of "tourism + Internet" and smart tourism. The three major telecommunication operators of China Mobile, China Unicom and China Telecom provide data resource supply services for the development of tourism informatization.

Dominated by technological interaction, our sense of travel experience is also being transformed. The Chongqing China Three Gorges Museum has created the first smart museum based on cloud computing in China; the Yangtze River Cableway Scenic Area has launched the "VR Super Sense Experience Zone" project... Scenic areas are invariably enriching themselves with technology and continuously providing tourists with a more comfortable and convenient touring environment through intelligent means.


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