嘉宾观点Guests’ opinions
Georgios Iliopoulos, Ambassador of Greece to China
“A closer cooperative relationship should be forged between China and Greece”
“凿刻与记忆——大理石技艺对雅典卫城古迹修复的贡献”摄影展展示了在修复希腊最重要的遗址——雅典卫城古迹中,大理石技师所做出的长期艰苦卓绝的努力和一丝不苟的精神,集中呈现了卫城大理石工匠在修复过程中的心路历程。本次展览特意在成都举行,而成都正是希腊总领事馆获批开馆的目的城市,希望在不远的将来希腊驻成都总领事馆的设立能有效推动希中两国在政治、经济、文化和技术等领域的密切合作。“发现基克拉迪群岛的美——爱琴海掠影”摄影展展出的照片展现了过去,唤起人们的思念与怀旧之情。希望此展能够增进中国民众对希腊基克拉迪群岛的认识和了解。希中都是文明古国,都有着独特的文化、悠久的历史,两国在文化方面合作的潜力巨大。2021 中希文化和旅游年、文明古国论坛,还有即将在成都举办的2021年世界大学生夏季运动会以及2022年北京冬季奥运会等活动,都为双方在未来一段时间里开展更加紧密的交流合作提供了充足的机遇。希腊和成都在美食方面都很有名,希望双方在第一产业有更多合作,特别是农业食品领域,包括食品加工等。除了美食、文化外,还希望双方在科技、经济、贸易、技术、教育、动画、艺术等方面都有进一步的合作。希望通过“成都·欧洲文化季”的展览活动,能让更多成都人了解希腊,也希望以后有更多成都游客到希腊旅游。
The “Chisel and Memory—The Contribution of Marble Craftsmanship to the Restoration of the Acropolis Monuments Photography Exhibition” shows the overly arduous and meticulous effort of marble craftsmen in the restoration of the Acropolis, the most important ancient relics in Greece. It also reveals the emotional changes of these craftspeople during the restoration. This exhibition is deliberately held in Chengdu, where a Greek consulate general has been approved to be established. The Consulate is expected to realize closer cooperation between Greece and China in politics, economics, culture and technologies. Photos from the “Discovering the Beauty of the Cyclades Islands—A Glimpse of the Aegean Sea Photography Exhibition” present the past of the islands, arousing nostalgia in visitors. Through the exhibition, Chinese visitors are expected to have a better knowledge of the Cyclades Islands. Both with ancient civilizationsfeaturing unique culture and long histories, Greece and China hold great cooperative potential. Plenty of opportunities for China-Greece communication and cooperation lie in the coming 2021 China-Greece Year of Culture and Tourism, Ancient Civilizations Forum, the 2021 Summer World University Games to be held in Chengdu and 2022 Beijing Winter Olympic Games. Both Greece and Chengdu are famous for their delicious foods. They should expand cooperation in the primary industry, especially agricultural products and foods, including food processing.Besides foods and culture, their cooperation may also extend to such fields as science and technology, economy, trade, technology, education, animation and art. Through the exhibitions held during the Culture Season, we hope that Chengdu citizens can get more acquainted with Greece and incorporate Greece into their future travel destinations.
Niu Qingbao, Vice Mayor of Chengdu
“The friendship between Chengdu and European countries has been further enhanced”
成都是距离欧洲最近的中国国家中心城市,与欧洲各国的交往有着悠久的历史和得天独厚的优势,近年来双方交流往来频繁,合作硕果累累。8个欧洲国家获批在蓉设立领事机构,34个欧洲城市与成都缔结友好城市。中法、中德、中意国别园区与中国-欧洲中心等对欧合作载体平台聚集优势初步彰显,16 条直飞欧洲客货运航线与始发于成都、联结28 个欧洲城市的中欧班列将成都乃至中国西部与欧洲各国紧密相连。2019年,成都对欧进出口贸易年总量超过1300 亿元,同比增长37%。今年1—8月,成都对欧盟(不含英国)进出口924.2 亿元,增长38.3%。2020年以来,面对新冠肺炎疫情的考验,蓉欧之间风雨同舟、守望相助,蓉欧友谊进一步深化,更加坚定了协作抗疫的信心与勇气。希腊被誉为西方文明的发源地,苏格拉底的哲学、恢弘的《荷马史诗》等各种文学、思想、艺术、建筑、科学无不发端于此,为人类文明留下了宝贵的物质和精神财富。2019年11月希腊获批在蓉设立总领事馆,为成都与希腊的交流合作翻开了崭新一页。近年来,成都与希腊在人员往来、经贸合作、文化交流等领域联系愈加密切。真诚希望成都与包括希腊在内的欧洲合作伙伴借此契机,充分展示中西文化交流成果,共同实现“美美与共、和合共生”的文化梦想。
As the nearest national central city in China to Europe, Chengdu holds a unique advantage and long history in communicating with Europe countries. Over the past few years, the two parties have enhanced their exchange and obtained abundant fruits. For example, eight European countries have been approved to set up consulates in Chengdu, and it welcomed 34 sister cities from Europe. The China-France, China-Germany and China-Italy industrial parks and China-Europe Center in the city have begun to demonstrate an agglomeration advantage as the platform for Chengdu-Europe cooperation. The 16 direct passenger and cargo airlines to Europe and the China Railway Express connecting 28 European cities will further link Chengdu and even western China with European countries. In 2019, the annual volume of imports and exports between Chengdu and Europe exceeded 130 billion yuan, with a year-onyear increase of 37%. From January to August this year, Chengdu’s imports and exports to the European Union (excluding the UK) totaled 92.42 billion yuan, up 38.3%. Since 2020, amid the COVID-19 pandemic, Chengdu and Europe have offered great help to each other, further enhancing their friendship and cooperation in the fight against the pandemic. Greece is known as the birthplace of western civilization.Socrates’ philosophy, literature works such as Homer’s epics, and various influencing thoughts, art, architecture and science originated from here, contributing precious physical and spiritual treasures for human civilization. In November 2019, Greece was approved to set up a consulate general in Chengdu, opening a new chapter for bilateral communication and cooperation. The two parties are getting closer in talent exchange, economic and trade collaboration, and cultural communication over the past few years. We sincerely hope that Chengdu and European partners,including Greece, can take this chance to display cultural communication fruits and make the dream of creating a harmonious world come true.
Michael Wood, Professor of Public History at the University of Manchester
“Dialogue is one of the most essential communication ways in this era”
作为一名纪录片电影人来参加此次活动,我希望通过大众媒体的引导来进一步推动对话。对话是这个时代最重要的交流方式之一,我认为电影可以在其中起到很大的作用,让我们互相理解。纪录片的本质就是一种文化交流,过去6年里,我在中国拍摄了十几部纪录片,还参与了CCTV 和BBC 联合制作的关于杜甫的纪录片——《中国最伟大的诗人》的拍摄。这是西方世界第一部关于杜甫的纪录片,把东方文明世界的伟大诗人介绍给另一个文明世界,这样的文化和文学活动,为未来跨文化交流的路径提供了一些有价值的指向。
As a documentary filmmaker, I participate in this event to create more dialogues led by the mass media. Dialogue is one of the most essential communication ways in this era, and I am convinced that films are a great helper for mutual understanding.In nature, documentaries are carriers of cultural communication. I filmed tens of documentaries in China and engaged in the Du Fu:China’s Greatest Poet, co-produced by CCTV and BBC, in the past 6 years. This is the first film of such kind in Western countries to tell stories about Du Fu, a respected poet from China, to another cultural world.Such activities spotlight a valuable path to facilitate future cultural communication.
雅典卫城修复委员会主任、建筑工程师Vasiliki Eleftheriou:
Vasiliki Eleftheriou, Architect Engineer and Director of the Acropolis Restoration Service
“Work together to conserve and value the world’s cultural heritage”
Both Greece and China are blessed with a long history and a profound cultural background. Just before the 2021 China-Greece Year of Culture and Tourism, Chengdu welcomes the “Chisel and Memory—The Contribution of Marble Craftsmanship to the Restoration of the Acropolis Monuments Photography Exhibition”. The exhibition, helped by voluminous materials, introduces the restoration of Acropolis since 1975, with scientific techniques subject to international laws. It aims to promote the idea of “being people-oriented,” and present the emotions that the workers still experience today in restoring the monuments, arousing the resonance of conserving and valuing the world’s cultural heritage. The marble technicians,continuing a long tradition in Greece, has been inscribed in the UNESCO List of Intangible Cultural Heritage, which plays a vital role in guiding interdisciplinary teams to protect cultures. The exhibition is expected to effectively involve parties in sharing knowledge and experience about cultural heritage conservation and promotion.
Fuchsia Dunlop, British writer
“Chinese cuisine is the treasure of Chinese culture”
中国饮食文化迷人、历史悠久,中餐烹饪是中华文化的瑰宝。我从事中餐研究和写作25年左右,已经写了6 本书。我尽量忠实地反映中国真实的食物和饮食文化,目标之一是鼓励西方人以一种全新的方式思考中餐,改变西方人过去对中餐的一些刻板印象,展示中餐鲜为人知的方面。从环保角度看,中国厨师充分利用食材,加上高超厨艺把丰富的原料做成美味又迷人的食物值得所有人借鉴。
Chinese cuisine culture is intriguing and time-honored; cooking methods are the treasure of Chinese culture. I have been studying and writing Chinese foods for around 25 years, resulting in 6 books. My efforts were mainly put on reflecting real food culture of China, encouraging Westerners to regard Chinese cuisine in a new way, abandon some stereotypes, and discover aspects rarely known by others. Skilled Chinese cookers can turn almost all parts of raw materials into mouth-watering dishes, which is good for the environment and worth learning.
Odette Steele, British fashion designer and artist
“China is an inspiring country”
中国是一个非常鼓舞人心的地方,特别是手工艺和传统工艺。2019年,我第一次来中国参加“匠心制造未来”项目,与著名的蜀绣大师、国家级工艺美术大师孟德芝合作,制作了11 件“非遗”产品。这是一次美妙的经历,它丰富了我的创作实践。
China is an inspiring country, especially in terms of handicraft and traditional craftsmanship. I first came to China in 2019 for the “Building Future with Craftsmanship” project. Back then, I cooperated with Meng Dezhi, master of Shu embroidery and nationallevel arts and crafts master, to produce 11 works with this technique. The amazing experience enriched my creation practices.