Hate Hug 假意拥抱
Meaning: A hate hug is a hug given as an unavoidable social grace, even though one or both people engaged in the hug hate each other and would not willingly hug if they were alone. A hate hug is characterized by being a very fast and “going through the motions” hug with as little physical contact, duration, and eye contact as possible.
Hate hug指双方彼此厌恶或一方憎恶另一方,但为了在社交场合保持姿态而不得不给对方的拥抱,即“假意拥抱”。如果双方是独处,他们肯定不愿意拥抱对方。这种“假意拥抱”的特点是,动作非常迅速,“做出拥抱的样子”时尽量避免身体接触,时间越短越好,并避免眼神交流。
That girl Angela who hates me showed up unexpectedly when I was out with coworkers having a drink. When we were all leaving she hugged people goodbye but gave me a hate hug.
Group Hug 集体拥抱
Meaning: Sometimes when a group of people or a team is down and they need to cheer themselves up they have a “group hug”.
团体类体育项目比赛开始前,各队成员通常都会围成一圈,把手臂搭在身边队友的肩膀上,集体呼喊励志口号来振奋精神的行为叫group hug,现在,很多领域的团队都在这样做了。有时,团队成员情绪低落,需要提振精神的时候,他们就会来一个“集体拥抱”。
We just had a group hug to cheer each other up, and it really did help boost team morale.
Free Hugs Campaign 抱抱团
Meaning: The Free Hugs Campaign is a social movement involving individuals who offer hugs to strangers in public places. The hugs are meant to be random acts of kindness—selfless acts performed just to make others feel better.
抱抱团活动是指主动上街拥抱陌生人的一个活动。该活动崇尚与陌生人自由拥抱,用拥抱冰释陌生人之间的冷漠。澳大利亚人Juan Mann在经历了婚变,目睹了父母离婚和祖母身患重病等家庭变故后,心碎的他在悉尼闹市街头手举一张写着“FREE HUGS ”(自由拥抱)的牌子,向路人表明自己的用意。把拥抱送给陌生人,体会温暖。与此同时,另一名青年正为他的乐队Sick Puppies的未来愁眉不展。看到“自由拥抱”的场景后,深有感触,便拍下了短片,用乐队的单曲为短片配乐,上传到了YouTube。意想不到的是,该短片立刻引起了全球网民的关注,凭借网络的巨大传播力量,“拥抱陌生人运动”风靡全球,受到全世界年轻人的追捧,各个国家网民自发组织“抱抱团”,走上街头,拥抱陌生人。
The Free Hugs Campaign became world famous internationally in 2006 as the result of a music video on YouTube, which has been viewed over 74 million times.
Hugging Dress 抱抱装
Meaning: The “Hugging Dress” was named by Time magazine on November 6, 2006 as “the Most Innovative New Invention in 2006”. It is a garment that can give people the feeling of being hugged.
“抱抱裝”在2006年11月6日被《时代》杂志评为“2006年最具创意新发明”。它是一种能让人感觉到被拥抱的衣服,这种上衣采用高科技布料制成,能模仿被爱人拥抱的感觉。当朋友通过短信传给你一个“拥抱”信息,手机会通过蓝牙技术(Bluetooth Technology)“通知”衣服,它随即能把这个拥抱完整传递给你。
The hugging dress can memorize the strength and the time of hugs by several friends and relatives, even including their heartbeats. The more practical feature is that the dress can be washed for repeated use.
“We have a skunk in the basement,” shrieked the caller to the police dispatcher. “How can we get it out?”
“Take some bread crumbs,” said the dispatcher, “and put down a trail from the basement out to the back yard. Then leave the cellar door open.”
Sometime later the resident called back. “Did you get rid of it?” asked the dispatcher.
“No,” replied the caller. “Now I have two skunks in there!”