

考试与评价·高一版 2020年5期



Questions 71-75: Answer the following questions according to the poem. 根据诗歌内容,回答下列问题。

71. Is there a straight way to walk from the hell to the heaven?

72. Which creates a heaven for us, hope or despair?

73. What does the poet say is the byname of freedom?

74. How does the poet feel about putting eyes on others?

75. How does the poet look at success or failure when he has tried his best?


71. No. / No, there isn't. 72. Hope. / Hope creates a heaven for us. 73. Choosing. 74. Stupid. / He / The poet feels it's stupid. 75. He / The poet doesn't care too much. / He / The poet thinks it's no need to care too much.


1. 在答题时,应根据诗歌的作者的名字注意使用“he / him”或“she / her”的区别。如果实在区分不开,尽量使用“the poet / the poet's”。

2. 在作答时,尽量使用诗词中出现过的原词或原句。



Nowadays, it is very common for young women to receive flowers when they are in love, but this hasn't always been the custom.

In the 1700s, sending each other gift baskets, which were full of things, was very popular for people in love. Usually, an old woman who sold flowers or fruits on the street left the basket beside the door of the person receiving it. These gift baskets included various objects in them, such as flowers, stones, feathers and even charcoal (木炭). Each thing in the basket had its special meaning, and the receiver could determine (判定) the true feeling of the giver by figuring out the secret message contained in each item. However, over time, only sending flowers remained popular. But each different flower had a different meaning. For example, the flowers from an orange tree meant, “You are beautiful and pure.” And pink carnations (康乃馨) meant, “My love for you is strong and great.” Because of the popularity of sending flowers, many flower dictionaries were made to help people in love understand the meanings of the flowers. Not all of the dictionaries agreed, however, on the meaning of each flower, so a person had to watch out what flower he chose to send. By the 1880s, using flowers to send messages had fallen out of fashion, and the more direct way of sending love—letters—began.

Today, flowers are still considered as a lovely gift, but most people don't know the meaning of each flower—it has been lost.

Questions 76-80: Complete the summary of the passage above with no more than two words for each blank according to the passage. 根據短文内容完成摘要。每空不超过两个词。

【答案】 76. (gift) baskets 77. special 78. remained / was 79. the same 80. popular / fashionable / in fashion


1. 快速通读文章,掌握文章大意。

2. 在填空时,首先应判断出应填写什么词类的单词或短语;其次,回找原文具体段落进行复读,找出或推敲出适当的词语进行填空。

3. 遇到概括类型题时,一定要尽量使用文章中出现过的词语或者其相关的词形进行填写。

4. 答题结束后,应将填好的摘要通读一遍,进一步核实答案。


IV. Translation (翻译)(共 2小题;每小题5分,计10分)

(A)  Please translate the following passage into Chinese. 请将下面的段落译成汉语。

81. Peking Opera Facial Makeup is a special kind of makeup method with the Chinese traditional cultural characteristics (特色). Since every historical figure or a certain type of person has their own approximate style (大概的谱式), just like when playing a kind of musical instrument, you'll have to play it according to its music score (乐谱), it is called “lian pu”. As to its origin (起源), people generally believe that it's from the mask. As one of the Chinese traditional arts, Peking Opera Facial Makeup has already been welcomed at home and abroad.

【答案】 81. 京剧脸谱是一种特殊的具有中国传统文化特色的化妆方法。由于每个历史人物或某一种类型的人物都有他们各自的大概的谱式,就像当演奏某种乐器时,你将需要按照其乐谱来演奏一样,所以被称为“脸谱”。关于其起源,人们一般认为脸谱来自于面具。京剧脸谱作为中国传统艺术形式之一, 在海内外都很受欢迎。



【试题】 (保留原题号)

(B)  Please translate the following passage into English. 請将下面的段落译成英语。

82. 每年的10月14日至22日,多达20万人前往美丽的意大利佩鲁贾镇(Perugia)庆祝巧克力节!在此期间,小镇上到处都是巧克力。所以,如果天气晴朗,走路时一定要小心!否则,一不小心,巧克力就会弄到你的身上或衣服上。另外,你还可以观看巧克力表演并了解它的历史。

【答案】 82. Between October 14th and 22nd / From October 14th to 22nd each year, up to 200,000 people go to the beautiful Italian town of Perugia to celebrate the Chocolate Festival! During this period of time, there is chocolate everywhere in the town. So be careful when you walk around if it is sunny! Otherwise, chocolate will be on your body or clothes. Additionally, you can also see chocolate shows and learn about its history.


1. 快速通读所给段落,了解其大意,并判断出其基本时态。

2. 在保证完整翻译出段落意思的基础上,注意使用不同的句式和句型。

3. 在初步完成译文后,将译文从头到尾通读一遍,进行合理的艺术加工。

(全国中学生英语能力测评组委会办公室 提供)


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