

疯狂英语·爱英语 2020年5期

第一部分   阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)

第一节   (共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)

阅读下列短文, 从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中, 选出最佳选项。

Grace Hopper (December 9, 1906—January 1, 1992)

She was a computer scientist and a naval officer in the United States. She developed the first compiler for a computer programming language. She pioneered the idea of writing computer programs in a language close to English. She was instrumental in the establishment of testing standards for computer systems. She made an excellent naval career while also making important contributions to computer technology.

Barbara McClintock (June 16, 1902—September 2, 1992)

She was an American scientist who won the prestigious Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 1983. She led the development of the maize cytogenetics(細胞遗传学) and studied the changes that the chromosomes in maize undergo during the process of reproduction. She discovered the process of transposition and used it to demonstrate how genes are associated with the presence or absence of certain physical characteristics in human beings. She is one of the most famous cytogeneticists of the world.

Chien?Shiung Wu (May 31, 1912—February 16, 1997)

She was a Chinese American experimental physicist known for her work in radioactivity. She was a part of the Manhattan project where she helped develop the process of making uranium?235 and uranium?238 from uranium using the gaseous diffusion method. Her Wu experiment established that weak interaction did not follow the law of conservation of parity. She was a winner of the first Wolf Prize in Physics and was often compared with Marie Curie, giving her nicknames like the Chinese Madame Curie.

Anita Roberts (April 3, 1942—May 26, 2006)

She was a molecular biologist who was instrumental in the discovery of the protein TGF?beta. This protein has the potential of playing a dual role of blocking as well as stimulating cancer and it helps in the healing of wounds and fractures. Anita Roberts is one of the most?cited scientists in the world.

1. Whose contributions are greatly beneficial to patients?

A. Anita Roberts. B. Grace Hoppers.

C. Chien?Shiung Wus. D. Barbara McClintocks.

2. What can we infer about Chien?Shiung Wu?

A. She was famous for studying genes. B. She was a student of Marie Curie.

C. She once served in the army. D. She was a great physicist.

3. What do Grace Hopper and Barbara McClintock have in common?

A. They both won Nobel Prize. B. They were both from America.

C. They both passed away at the age of 86. D. They both studied computer technology.


Reaching the summit of Mount Everest, the worlds highest mountain, is every climbers dream. However, despite improvements in equipment and weather forecasting systems, the treacherous climb continues to claim a few lives yearly. But with eleven deaths already reported this year, the 2019 season has been the deadliest since 2014, when fourteen Sherpas, who act as guides and help carry the climbers gear, lost their lives after an icefall ledge collapsed.

Even more concerning, the deaths were not caused by an act of nature, but were the result of a traffic jam due to the large number of people waiting to get to the peak!

David Morton, a skilled climber, who has topped Everest six times, told CNN, “The major problem is inexperience, not only of the climbers that are on the mountain but also the operators supporting those climbers. Everest is primarily a very complicated logistical puzzle, and I think when you have a lot of inexperienced operators as well as inexperienced climbers along with, particularly, the Nepal government not putting some limitations on the numbers of people, you have a prime recipe for these sorts of situations happening.”

Despite the tragedies, the Nepali tourism board does not plan on restricting the number of permits next year and may even increase them to attract more tourists and climbers. “There has been concern about the number of climbers on Mount Everest, but it is not because of the traffic jam that caused casualties(人員伤亡),” Mohan Krishna Sapkota, secretary at the countrys Ministry of Tourism and Civil Aviation, told The Associated Press. He instead believes the deaths are because of poor weather conditions, insufficient oxygen supplies, and equipment.

Hopefully these measures, along with better prepared climbers and guides, will ensure the mountain does not claim more lives in the future.

4. What does the underlined word “treacherous” in paragraph 1 mean?

A. Instructive. B. Dangerous.

C. Exhausted. D. Practical.

5. In the opinion of David Morton, what caused the deaths?

A. Too many climbers. B. An act of nature.

C. Poor equipment. D. Lack of experience.

6. Whats the authors attitude toward Nepali tourism board?

A. Positive. B. Neutral.

C. Critical. D. Supportive.

7. Whats the best title for the text?

A. The rush to the summit of Mount Everest proves dangerous

B. Local government should limit the number of climbers

C. Traffic accidents caused deaths on Mount Everest

D. Hopefully proper measures guarantee a safe climb


Can everything be recycled? No, not all things can be recycled. But you might be surprised to learn how many things can be recycled. You may already know about plastic bottles. Did you know you can also recycle glass?

Glass can be recycled to make all sorts of things. Recycling glass really helps the planet. Making new products from recycled glass causes less air and water pollution. It also uses less energy than making new glass.

When glass arrives at a recycling plant, people and machines sort it by color. Similar colors of glass must be recycled together. That way, recycled products are as pure as possible. This makes them stronger and less likely to break.

Once the glass is sorted, its washed. Thats when the breaking begins. Thats right! To be recycled, glass has to be broken to make a material called cullet.

Glass manufacturers love cullet. Its cheaper than the raw materials theyd need to make new glass. It also melts at a lower temperature. That means they save energy during the production process.

Glass manufacturers mix cullet with other materials like sand and soda ash. Then they heat it to over 2,600℉. This makes liquid glass, which can then be poured into a mould(模具). There, it cools and forms a finished glass product.

Most recycled glass is used to make new glass containers, such as jars and bottles. However, recycled glass can also find its way into all sorts of other products including a variety of construction products.

Do you recycle at home or school? What glass products should you be sure to recycle when youre done with them? With everyone doing their part, recycling glass can make a huge difference to the planet!

8. What is the first step in recycling glass?

A. Breaking it into cullet.

B. Cleaning it with water.

C. Removing the color in it.

D. Sorting it according to color.

9. Why do glass manufacturers love cullet?

A. It is easy to get.

B. It helps cut costs.

C. It can be easily broken.

D. It can be mixed with other materials.

10. Why does the author ask the questions in the last paragraph?

A. To encourage glass recycling among readers.

B. To help readers classify glass products at home.

C. To call attention to home or school environment.

D. To encourage readers to use fewer glass products.

11. Whats the main idea of the text?

A. How glass is recycled.

B. How to recycle at home or school.

C. The importance of recycling glass.

D. Recyclable things that you might have ignored.


Competition makes losers as well as winners. This fact makes a simple rule for judging when it is useful to society and when it is dangerous. Can we afford to look after the losers? They are not going to disappear.

Education is a typical example. The market, and the self?interest of parents, would ensure that good schools flourish (繁荣) and bad ones disappear. Yet authorities still must ensure that every child has a school place in order to avoid discontent among parents even while the means to do so has largely disappeared now that two thirds of secondary schools in Britain are academies which they do not control.

By encouraging parental choice in schools, the governments hoped to make use of the ambition of families to give their children the best education possible. But this ambition is by its nature limited. It does not extend to other peoples children. In fact, it is not enough to succeed; others must fail. The burden of student loans increases the price of failure for those who fail to get into the “right” universities or study the “right” subjects. The result is an increase of inequality without any corresponding increase in quality at the top.

One measure of this is house prices. State schools with a good reputation increase the price of houses in their catchment areas (招生地区) substantially. A survey showed that outside London parents were willing to pay up to three times the average price for a house to get their children into desirable schools. Catchment areas operate as a kind of preclusion mechanism(机制), which keeps poorer children out of good schools. In all this, both schools and parents are responding to the competition as a zero?sum game. we are all poorer as a result.

It is arguable that the cost of bad schools to society, as well as to the children involved, far outweighs the benefits that competition has brought the good ones. School systems should be judged on the basis of their worst performances, not their best.

12. What happens to education when there is competition?

A. It becomes dangerous.

B. Bad schools become costly.

C. Good schools develop quickly.

D. All schools become good schools.

13. Whats the purpose of the governments in education competition?

A. Giving everyone the best education.

B. Ensuring fair learning opportunities.

C. Taking advantage of parents ambition.

D. Encouraging parents to buy catchment houses.

14. Why does the author say that the ambition of families is limited?

A. It is ineffective.

B. All the families are losers.

C. Only a few families will win.

D. Some families have no school places.

15. What does the author think of the operation mechanism of the catchment areas?

A. It prevents poor children attending schools.

B. It is not a win?win system.

C. It will keep students out of schools.

D. It results in more bad schools.

第二节 (共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)


It is never too late to develop great study habits. If youre starting a new school year, or you just want to improve your grades and school performance, take a look at this list of good habits and start making some changes in your routine. 16

Write down every assignment.

A planner is the most logical place to write down your assignments, but you might prefer to keep a to?do list in a simple notebook. 17 But it is essential to your success that you write down every single assignment, due date, test date, and task.


To avoid forgetting your homework, establish a strong homework routine with a special homework station where you work each night. Get into the habit of putting your homework where it belongs right after you finish it. Prepare every night before bed.

Communicate with your teacher.

Every successful relationship is built upon clear communication. A student?teacher relationship is no different. Miscommunication is another one of those factors that can cause bad grades, despite good efforts on your part. 19 Imagine getting a bad grade on a five?page paper because you didnt

understand the difference between an expository essay and a personal essay.

Establish a home study zone.

20 After all, if you cant concentrate, you certainly cant expect to learn very well. Students are different. Some need a completely quiet room free from interruptions when they study, but others actually study better when listening to quiet music in the background or taking several breaks.

A. Know your learning style.

B. Prepare yourself for test days.

C. It doesnt really matter what tool you use.

D. Remember to bring your homework to school.

E. Youll find that it does not take that long to form a new habit.

F. Find a place to study that fits your specific personality and learning style.

G. At the end of the day, make sure you understand every assignment thats expected of you.

第二部分 语言知识运用(共两节,满分45分)

第一节 (共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)


Rebecca Munkombwe, an 11?year?old girl from Zimbabwe, is regarded as a hero for saving a 9?year?old friend from the21of a crocodile.

According to Zimbabwean media, Rebecca and her friends had just got back from a swim in a

22near their home village, when they heard the23coming from the water. The 11?year?old was24to see her 9?year?old friend Latoya Muwani being25into the water by a crocodile. While all the other children were running26 , Rebecca Munkombwe ran toward the water. The

27girl ran toward the large animal, pounced on it and started pounding it28her fists. That didnt seem to29the crocodile at all, so she then used her fingers to poke(戳) at its eyes until it

30its grip.

“We had just left the water when we heard Latoya who was31swimming screaming that something was biting her hand. Since I was the eldest among the other seven children, I felt the32

to save her,” Rebecca told The Sunday Times.

“I jumped on top of the crocodile and started beating it with my33hands before using my fingers to poke its eyes until it34her. Once she was free, I swam with her to the banks where the other children pulled her out of the water. The crocodile35did not attack us after it let off Latoya,” Rebecca Munkombwe36 .

37 , the 11?year?old heroine38to save her young friend without sustaining any wounds, while Latoya was lucky to escape with just mild wounds that were later39at a regional hospital. Latoyas parents praised Rebeccas40and thanked her for saving their daughters life.

21. A. eyes B. jaws C. head D. feet

22. A. yard B. bathroom C. stream D. camp

23. A. screams B. whispers C. songs D. reliefs

24. A. excited B. puzzled C. embarrassed D. shocked

25. A. selected B. demanded C. held D. dragged

26. A. curious B. eager C. scared D. upset

27. A. active B. brave C. smart D. quick

28. A. among B. beyond C. in D. with

29. A. discourage B. respect C. bother D. protect

30. A. attended B. loosened C. skipped D. observed

31. A. brought up B. exposed to C. left alone D. compared with

32. A. urge B. nature C. direction D. norm

33. A. imaginative B. present C. bare D. experimental

34. A. predicted B. released C. repeated D. shared

35. A. fortunately B. eventually C. directly D. sadly

36. A. interviewed B. commented C. joked D. added

37. A. Frankly B. Remarkably C. Suddenly D. Merely

38. A. managed B. described C. motivated D. controlled

39. A. announced B. signaled C. blocked D. treated

40. A. courage B. desire C. concern D. energy

第二节 (共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)


The baby girl cooing in a hospital in the Pakistani capital was long awaited. Her mother, Ambreen Saddam, 28, gave birth at 9 am, Jan. 1, 2020. That date made the birth even 41. (sweet). “Its a very happy time for us,” she said, 42. (lie) beside her tiny baby, who was wrapped in a bright pink blanket.

In some ways, the world was also celebrating 43. her. UNICEF, the United Nations Childrens Fund, 44. (estimate) that some 400,000 babies would be born on New Years Day.

UNICEF said the Pacific island nation of Fiji would most 45. (like) have delivered 2020s first baby—and its expected to have 39 46. (birth) on Jan. 1. The United States would deliver the last baby of New Years Day, 47. women were expected to welcome 10,452 babies into the world. Those babies add to the worlds current population of about 7.7 billion—a population that the UN expects 48. (reach) nearly 11 billion in 2100.

UNICEF says it is calling attention to newborns—babies under one month old—because its such a 49. (danger) time. It estimates that in 2018, newborns accounted for 47% of all deaths of children under five years old, despite 50. UNICEF says is “remarkable progress in child survival” over the decades.

第三部分 写作(共两节,满分35分)

第一节 短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)



删除:把多余的词用斜线( \ )划掉。


注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;

2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。

Ive been in Shanghai for weeks and it has all gone by so quick. Now Im there reflecting on how this experience has helped I better understand Chinese culture. Shanghai has population of over 23 million people, who is more than the population of the top 8 most populated cities in the US combined. During my stay in China, Ive met Chinese people wore shirts with English words on them, and heard American music coming from speaker. Ive felt comfortable in China, and although there were differences, its not hard to adjust. Chinese culture is different, so Western culture is different, too. In this way, theyre so similar to.

第二节 书面表达(满分25分)


1. 大会宗旨;

2. 你的优势;

3. 表达祝愿。


1. 词数100左右;

2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。




