温永菁,李 春,董朝阳,程 陈,刘淑梅,宫志宏,黎贞发,冯利平
温永菁1,李 春2**,董朝阳2,程 陈3,刘淑梅2,宫志宏2,黎贞发2,冯利平3
(1.天津市静海区气象局,天津 301600;2.天津市气候中心,天津 300074;3.中国农业大学资源与环境学院,北京 100193)
国外对于温室蔬菜生长发育模拟模型研究较早,取得了一定成果。其中,关于番茄发育进程有代表性的模拟模型有HORTISIM(Horticulture Simulator)模型、TOMSIM(Tomato Simulator)番茄生长发育动态模型和TOMGRO(Tomato Growth)番茄生长发育模型[4-11]。国内设施园艺模型起步较晚,其中齐维强等进行的温室番茄生长发育模型研究主要采用积温法,利用经验方法和回归分析研究温度对温室番茄不同发育期的影响[12-14];曹卫星等基于生理发育时间法(Physiological Development Time,PDT)分别建立了温室番茄和黄瓜发育期模拟模型[15-17];邹薇等主要考虑温度对温室番茄发育速度的影响,分别提出了基于线性分段函数、正弦指数分段函数和指数函数来计算生理发育时间的温室番茄生长发育模型,获得的结果较准确[18-20]。虽然目前国内外在番茄生长发育模拟模型的品种和建模方法方面已取得一系列进展,但多为典型的统计经验模型,其机理性和普适性仍需加强。
1 材料与方法
1.1 试验设计
试验于2013-2015年在天津市农业科技创新基地日光温室(116.97°E,39.43°N,海拔8m)内进行。该温室为典型二代温室,墙高3.7m,墙体厚度50.0cm,脊高5.3m,后屋面仰角44.0°,前屋面角32.0°,跨度10.0°,长度65m,占地总面积650.0m2。试验供试品种为“瑞粉882”和“普罗斯旺”。试验期间共种植4茬番茄,包括2013年和2014年各一次春茬栽培,即冬季播种育苗,春季移栽,品种为“瑞粉882”;2013/2014年度和2014/2015年度各一次秋冬茬栽培,即秋季播种育苗并栽培,品种为“普罗斯旺”。当地常规播种日期,春茬在2-3月播种,秋冬茬在8-9月播种。每茬设3个播期,早播:早于当地常规播种日期15~30d;中播:当地常规播种日期,春茬在2−3月播种,秋冬茬在8−9月播种;晚播:晚于当地常规播种日期15~30d。其中,中播用于建立模型,早播和晚播用于模型检验。每个播期处理设3个重复,采用随机区组排列。各小区栽培行距均为0.67m,株距为0.55m,种植密度为2.71 株×m−2。栽培管理措施按当地常规。
1.2 数据获取
1.2.1 发育期观测
表1 番茄发育期的划分及其形态指标
1.2.2 气象数据采集
1.3 研究方法
1.3.1 钟模型的建立
式中,DS为发育期或发育阶段的日数(d);k为基本发育系数(Basic development coefficient),由品种自身的遗传特性决定,k值越大,说明该品种发育速度越快,为早熟品种;p为温度反应特性遗传系数(Genetic thermal coefficient),反应该品种在这一发育阶段内对温度的反应敏感性;TE为温度效应因子,反应温度对番茄发育的非线性影响[27−28,33];q为光周期反应特性遗传系数(Genetic thermal coefficient),反应该品种在这一发育阶段对日照时数的反应敏感性;PE为光周期效应因子,反应日照时数对番茄发育的非线性影响。
1.3.2 有效积温模型的建立
预测作物发育期传统的方法是使用有效积温法(Growing degree days,GDD),其最大的优点是模型输入变量只有温度,计算简单,易于实践推广。有效积温法的计算式为[15,29]
表2 番茄不同发育阶段的三基点温度和日照时数
Note: Tb is lower limit temperature at which crops grow, Tol is lower optimal temperature at which crops grow, Tou is upper optimum temperature at which crops grow, Tm is upper limit temperature at which crops grow, Db is critical sunshine hours, Da is optimum hours of sunshine.
1.3.3 模型的检验
2 结果与分析
2.1 钟模型的构建
2.1.1 番茄发育期观测结果
2.1.2 钟模型各发育阶段参数确定
表3 2013−2014年两品种番茄不同播期的主要发育期日期记录(年−月−日)
Note: E is early sowing treatment, M is medium sowing treatment, L is late sowing treatment.
表4 两品种番茄各阶段发育进程的钟模型模拟方程
Note: DS is days of development at each development stage, TE is temperature effect factor, PE is photoperiod effect factor.
2.2 钟模型的验证
2.2.1 与实测值比较
图1 各阶段模拟发育日数与实测发育日数的对比
Note: The equation of dotted line is y=(1±CV)·x,CV is coefficient of variation and set the value at 10%. α and β aretheslope and intercept of linear equation, respectively. The same as below.
表5 番茄各发育阶段验证结果的统计指标
2.2.2 与有效积温模型模拟结果比较
表6 钟模型(用C表示)和有效积温模型(用EA表示)对番茄各阶段发育日数的模拟结果
Note: Error=observation value-simulation value.
3 结论与讨论
3.1 结论
3.2 讨论
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Research on the Simulation Model of Tomato Development Period in Solar Greenhouse Based on Clock Model Method
WEN Yong-jing1,LI Chun2,DONG Chao-yang2,CHENG Chen3,LIU Shu-mei2,GONG Zhi-hong2,LI Zheng-fa2,FENG Li-ping3
(1. Jinghai District Meteorological Office,Tianjin 301600,China; 2.Tianjin Climate Center, Tianjin 300074; 3. College of Resources and Environment, China Agricultural University, Beijing 100193)
Tomato is one of the most important vegetables grown in China and around the world. In the facility production of tomato, not only the genetic characteristics of varieties and the management of water and fertilizer, but also the meteorological conditions such as temperature and light are important factors affecting the high yield and quality growth and development of tomato. In the actual production, the favorable meteorological conditions are often obtained by adjusting the temperature and light, so as to achieve the purpose of efficient production. Based on the clock model, this study attributed the influencing factors of each development stage to the air temperature and sunshine hours in the greenhouse, summarized the temperature of three basis points in each development stage of tomato, and constructed the development process simulation model of "Rijk Zwaan882" and "Provence" two common greenhouse tomato varieties in the north of China. The experiment was conducted in solar greenhouse (116.97°E, 39.43°N, altitude 8m) of Tianjin Agricultural Science and Technology Innovation Base from 2013 to 2015. According to the characteristics of light and temperature response of tomato growth and development in solar greenhouse, the different development stages and development phases of tomato were characterized by the mathematical index expression in clock model, and the development stage of tomato was indexed. Then, the model parameters of each development stage were solved, and the initial values of the model parameters, such as the basic development coefficient, the genetic parameters of temperature response characteristics and the genetic parameters of light response characteristics, were obtained, and the model was statistically tested and adjusted. The error between the simulated value and the measured value was minimized, and the final value of the model parameters was obtained. A simulation model of tomato development periods in greenhouse were established based on the clock model. The results showed that, firstly, the regression estimated root mean square error (RMSE) between the simulated values and the actual observed values in the five tomato development stages of the model were 8.3, 14.4, 16.3, 23.7 and 28.1 days, respectively. The standard root mean square error (NRMSE) of regression estimation were 20.78%, 20.18%, 20.21%, 17.35% and 14.86%, respectively, indicating that the simulation effect of this model was good. Secondly, the clock model simulation results was compared with the method of growing degree days (GDD) model simulation results. the RMSE of the tomato in each development stage of the clock model of the simulated values and the measured values was in 8.3−28.1 days, NRMSE was in 14.86%−20.78%, and the RMSE of the tomato in each development stage of GDD model of the simulated values and measured values was in 5.9−33.1 days, NRMSE was in 15.09%−34.38%. It was showed that the clock model could accurately predict development of greenhouse tomato development periods. In general, it was helpful to provide guidance for greenhouse tomato planting users to determine planting time, marketing time, management and control, so as to improve the economic benefits of tomato planting.
Greenhouse;Tomato;The clock model;Development periods simulation