孟庆涛,管 多,姜延吉,孙慧敏,殷宪强,王 农
孟庆涛1,2,3,管 多3,姜延吉3,孙慧敏3,殷宪强3※,王 农4
(1.中国科学院西北生态环境资源研究院,兰州 730000;2. 中国科学院大学,北京 100049;3. 西北农林科技大学资源环境学院,杨凌 712100;4.农业农村部环境保护科研监测所,天津 300191)
砷是农田土壤重金属污染的主要元素之一,在砷污染农田土壤的修复过程中往往忽视纳米颗粒能够使结合态的砷重新释放,导致有效态砷浓度升高,探究土壤中黏土矿物对氧化石墨烯(Graphene Oxide,GO)和五价砷(As(V))在多孔介质中迁移行为的影响,对进一步完善农田土壤砷修复理论以及提高农作物产量、保护人体健康具有重要意义。该研究利用蒙脱石和高岭石改性石英砂,通过砂柱迁移试验系统地研究了GO、As(V)和GO-As(V)在填加0%、10%、30%和50%的蒙脱石和高岭石改性石英砂柱中的迁移行为。研究结果表明,随着高岭石和蒙脱石改性石英砂填加比例的增加,GO和As(V)的迁移能力均呈降低趋势,且GO和As(V)在不同条件下的迁移曲线均存在显著差异(0.05);GO在50%高岭石和蒙脱石改性石英砂柱中的回收率相对于石英砂柱分别下降了14%和17%,As(V) 分别下降了15%和12%;在共迁移试验中,GO和As(V)在石英砂柱中回收率分别上升至99%和100%。分析表明,As(V)在蒙脱石改性石英砂柱中的迁移能力大于高岭石改性石英砂,而GO与之相反;当GO和与As(V)共迁移时,二者在介质中的迁移能力均大于其单独迁移。本研究表明GO、As(V)释放到土壤后,能够加速As(V)的迁移,造成土壤砷污染的扩大化。
0 引 言
氧化石墨烯(Graphene Oxide,GO)是一种具有特殊二维结构的碳基纳米材料。目前,GO广泛应用于电子、生物、储能和光学等众多领域[7]。众多含氧官能团和高比表面积性质使GO表现出良好的水溶性和对污染物产生极强的吸附能力[8-9],GO进入环境后可作为污染物的载体而携带污染物在地下水环境中迁移[10-11]。例如,一些砂柱迁移试验探究了GO和污染物的协同迁移行为,GO能够释放滞留在砂柱中二价铅(Pb(II))、二价镉(Cd(II))、二价铜(Cu(II))和六价铀(U(VI))等重金属污染物,并促进其迁移[12-14]。另外,Liu等[15]研究表明GO也可促进有机污染物的迁移。
1 材料与方法
1.1 材料制备
氧化石墨烯(GO)购自先丰纳米公司(中国南京)。将20 mg的 GO加入1 L蒸馏水中,使用超声波清洗器(KQ-500DE,昆山超声波仪器公司,中国)超声分散120 min,制得20 mg/L GO储备液,调节储备液pH值为6。将83.2 mg Na3AsO4加入1 L蒸馏水中配置20 mg/L As(V)储备液。将83.2 mg Na3AsO4加入1 L的GO储备液中,制得20 mg/LGO-As(V)储备液(迁移试验前超声分散均匀)。使用蒸馏水配制pH值为6、CNaCl浓度为1 mmol/L的背景溶液。使用Zetasizer nano ZS90(Malvern Instruments Inc.,UK)测定GO的Zeta电位和水合粒径。GO的水合粒径为(165.49±20.5) nm,Zeta电位为 (−21.3±0.6) mV;GO-As(V)的Zeta电位为(−26.7±0.4) mV。
1.2 柱迁移介质的制备和表征
将石英砂(周至县秦丰石英砂厂)筛分至0.4~0.8 mm,用蒸馏水搓洗、浸泡24 h,之后依次分别用酸碱搓洗、浸泡24 h,以除去石英砂表面的金属离子和胶体物质[23],再使用蒸馏水淘洗石英砂,105 ℃下烘干。
蒙脱石、高岭石改性石英砂的制备[24]:在1 L的蒸馏水中加入10 g的黏土矿物,搅拌,加入50 mL H2O2去除黏土矿物中的有机物,通过重力沉降获得直径小于2m的黏土矿物悬浮液。在悬浮液中加入500 mg/L聚乙烯醇溶液100 mL。将黏土-聚合物复合溶液与石英砂混合静置24 h,之后在80 ℃下烘干24 h,用去离子水洗涤以除去未附着在石英砂表面的黏土矿物和聚乙烯醇,之后100 ℃下烘干24 h备用。
运用扫描电子显微镜X射线能谱仪(Scanning Electron Microscope and Energy Dispersive Spectrometer,SEM-EDS,S-4800,日本)对改性石英砂的表面特征进行表征。表征结果如图1所示,石英砂表面涂覆的高岭石呈单体颗粒间分离,大小不同,多边形块状结构。石英砂表面涂覆的蒙脱石颗粒层层堆叠,呈无定形片状,具有孔状结构。材料中的铝元素(Al)和硅元素(Si)含量高表明高岭石和蒙脱石颗粒附着在了石英砂表面(图2)。
1.3 砂柱迁移试验
在高15 cm、内径3 cm的有机玻璃柱中,填充石英砂、改性石英砂进行GO、As(V)的迁移试验。为最大限度减少分层,排空砂柱中的空气,采用湿法填装石英砂柱[23]。在湿法填装过程中,共加入48 mL蒸馏水,迁移柱的孔隙体积(Pore Volume,PV)设定为48 mL,孔隙率为0.45。试验前,使用蒸馏水持续冲洗砂柱,直至出流液中不含可见杂质。
将填装比例0%、10%、30%和50%的改性石英砂(蒙脱石、高岭石)与未改性石英砂混匀,采用湿法装填迁移砂柱。迁移试验分为2个部分,1)用NaCl背景溶液(浓度为1 mmol/L,pH值为6)冲洗砂柱以平衡迁移条件,之后分别输入60 mL的20 mg/LGO、20 mg/L As(V),最后将冲洗液切换为背景溶液继续冲洗,直至出流液中无GO、As(V);2)用NaCl背景溶液冲洗以平衡迁移条件,将60 mL的GO-As(V)(20 mg/LGO、20 mg/L As(V))混合溶液输入砂柱,之后再将冲洗液切换为背景溶液继续冲洗,直至出流液中无GO、As(V)。砂柱迁移试验重复2次。
试验流速通过蠕动泵(HL-2B,上海沪西分析仪器有限公司)控制为1 mL/min。使用自动收集器(EBS-20,上海沪西分析仪器有限公司)收集出流液。通过紫外-可见分光光度计(UV-2800,上海尤尼柯仪器有限公司)在波长229 nm下测定GO的浓度[25]。As(V)的浓度使用火焰石墨炉原子吸收光谱仪(PinAAciie 900F,美国珀金埃尔默有限公司)进行测定。使用Zetasizer nano ZS90测定0%、10%、30%和50%改性石英砂表面的Zeta电位[26]。测定方如下:迁移试验前,从砂柱中取出完整的石英砂置于背景溶液中,超声10 min后浸泡6 h,测定溶液的Zeta电位。纯石英砂的Zeta电位为(−19.4±0.8) mV;10%、30%和50%高岭石改性石英砂的Zeta电位分别为(−21.4±1.6)、(−22.45±0.4)和(−26.4±0.7) mV;10%、30%和50%蒙脱石改性石英砂的Zeta电位分别为(−23.2±1.3)、(−29.6±2.4)和(−37.5±0.9) mV。
1.4 数据分析
Darjaguin-Landau-Verwey-Overbeek(DLVO)理论用于计算GO和石英砂表面的相互作用力[12],通常用来解释胶体在多孔介质中的迁移行为。 DLVO能(ΔDLVO,kT)是范德华作用能(ΔEL,kT)和静电作用能(ΔLW,kT)两相互作用能的总和,计算如式(1)所示。
Microsoft Excel软件用于处理标准偏差。通过质量守恒计算As(V)和GO的回收率(%)。不同因素对As(V)和GO迁移影响的差异使用t检验的配对样本检验进行分析,显著水平设置为0.05。
2 结果与分析
2.1 五价砷、氧化石墨烯在改性石英砂中的单独迁移
图3 不同改性石英砂填加量下五价砷(As(V))的迁移曲线
As(V)在蒙脱石比例为0%、10%、30%和50%的改性石英砂柱中呈现出不同的迁移曲线(图3a)。纯石英砂柱中,在PV为0.8处As(V)被检出,之后As(V)浓度迅速升高,在PV为2处达到峰值,相对浓度达0.95,表明As(V)在纯石英砂柱中的迁移性极强。对比图3a和图3b 中的迁移曲线发现,随着砂柱中蒙脱石和高岭石改性石英砂填加比例的增大,As(V)在砂柱中的沉积量逐渐增加。As(V)在比例为0%、10%、30%和50%蒙脱石改性石英砂柱中的回收率分别为94%、92%、88%和82%,在相应比例高岭石改性石英砂柱中的回收率分别为94%、89%、83%和79%(表1)。As(V)在50%蒙脱石改性石英砂柱中的回收率相对于纯石英砂柱下降了12%,在高岭石改性石英砂柱的回收率下降了15%,通过t检验的配对样本检验进行差异分析发现在不同比例间As(V)的迁移均呈显著性差异(0.05)。
与填加不同比例蒙脱石改性石英砂的结果类似,随着高岭石改性石英砂所占比例的增加,GO的迁移能力也随之下降(图4b),根据质量平衡计算,GO在高岭石改性石英砂填加比例为0%、10%、30%和50% 的砂柱中的回收率分别为96%、91%、87%和82%(表1)。GO在不同比例高岭石改性石英砂柱中的迁移曲线均存在显著差异(0.05)。
2.2 氧化石墨烯与五价砷在改性石英砂中的共迁移
表1 五价砷(As(V))和氧化石墨烯在填加不同比例改性石英砂柱中的回收率
注:As(V)/GO-As(V)为氧化石墨烯与五价砷共迁移中的五价砷,GO/GO-As(V) 为氧化石墨烯与五价砷共迁移中的氧化石墨烯。
Note: As(V)/GO-As(V) is the As(V) in the co-transport of Graphene Oxide (GO) and As(V), GO/GO-As(V) is the Graphene Oxide (GO) in the co-transport of Graphene Oxide (GO) and As(V).
图5 氧化石墨烯与五价砷(As(V))在改性石英砂柱中的共迁移曲线
2.3 DLVO理论分析
随着改性石英砂质量比例的增加,GO和高岭石及蒙脱石改性石英砂之间的能垒逐渐增大,表明随着改性石英砂比例的增加,GO与介质表面的排斥力增大,不易沉积于介质表面。图6a中展示出GO和介质之间的能垒均大于20 kT,表明GO颗粒难以通过布朗运动而沉积于介质的表面。同时,GO与蒙脱石改性石英砂之间的能垒大于GO与高岭石改性石英砂之间的能垒,表明GO颗粒在蒙脱石改性石英砂柱中更不容易通过布朗运动克服能垒而永久性地沉积在石英砂表面[21]。GO与纯石英砂、10%蒙脱石改性石英砂、30%蒙脱石改性石英砂、50%蒙脱石改性石英砂、10%高岭石改性石英砂、30%高岭石改性石英砂以及50%高岭石改性石英砂的二次能量最小值分别为−0.112、−0.103、−0.094、−0.091、−0.102、−0.093和−0.089 kT。表明随着蒙脱石改性石英砂、高岭石改性石英砂比例增加,GO和高岭石及蒙脱石改性石英砂之间的二次能量最小值逐渐增大。
图6 氧化石墨烯与不同比例改性石英砂的DLVO能谱图
2.4 黏土矿物对氧化石墨烯和五价砷迁移的影响
GO和介质之间的能垒大于15 kT,且与不同比例蒙脱石改性石英砂间的二次能量最小值均小于高岭石改性石英砂。根据DLVO理论,当能垒大于15 kT时,GO在介质表面上的沉积行为通常会发生在二次能量最小值处,二次能量最小值越小,越容易发生沉积[12]。可以推测出相对于高岭石改性石英砂,GO在蒙脱石改性石英砂中更容易沉积。GO在黏土矿物改性石英砂柱中的迁移结果显示,高岭石改性石英砂中对GO的阻滞能力小于蒙脱石改性石英砂,表明试验结果符合DLVO理论的预测。在Yin等[31]研究中同样发现蒙脱石改性石英砂对GO的迁移能力的抑制作用大于高岭石改性石英砂,主要是因为涂覆在石英砂表面的蒙脱石相比于高岭石褶皱更多,比表面积更大,砂柱中的吸附位点更多,使得GO滞留在砂柱中。随着蒙脱石和高岭石改性石英砂填加量的进一步增加,GO受到的阻滞作用愈加明显,是因为黏土矿物进一步增大了石英砂的比表面积,提供了更多的沉积位点[31]。
3 结 论
1)五价砷(As(V))在填加0%、10%、30%和50%蒙脱石改性石英砂柱中的回收率依次为94%、92%、88%和82%,在相同比例高岭石改性石英砂柱中的回收率依次为94%、89%、83%和79%,显示出高岭石和蒙脱石改性石英砂的含量越高,As(V)在砂柱中的沉积量愈多,As(V)随着蒙脱石和高岭石改性石英砂填加比例的增加,迁移能力逐渐降低,氧化石墨烯(Graphene Oxide,GO)亦是同样的结果;
3)当溶液中同时存在GO和As(V)时,GO的Zeta电位由−21.3下降至−26.7 mV,主要原因是As(V)的存在增加了GO表面携带的负电荷,增大了与介质表面间的排斥力,另一方面说明GO可以作为As(V)的载体携带As(V)进行迁移,因此GO和As(V)在高岭石和蒙脱石改性石英砂中的迁移能力均大于其单独迁移。
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Co-transport characteristics of graphene oxide and pentavalent arsenic in modified porous media
Meng Qingtao1,2,3, Guan Duo3,Jiang Yanji3, Sun Huimin3, Yin Xianqiang3※, Wang Nong4
(1,730000,; 2100049;3.712100,;4300191,)
Arsenic is one of the main elements of heavy metal pollution in farmland soil. In the process of remediation of arsenic-contaminated farmland soil, it is often overlooked that nanoparticles can re-release the bound arsenic, leading to an increase in the effective arsenic concentration. Due to its high specific surface area and strong adsorption capacity, Graphene Oxide (GO) can be used as a carrier of pollutants to carry pollutants and migrate in groundwater environments. However, researches on the transport behavior of anions Arsenic (As(V)) and GO have not been reported. Clay minerals are more active solid components in the soil and play an important role in affecting the migration and transformation of pollutants. Exploring the influence of clay minerals in the soil on the transport behavior of GO and As(V) in porous media is of great significance for improving the theory and model of the fate and transport of nanoparticles and As(V) in the soil, and protecting the soil-groundwater environment. In this study, the influence of clay minerals on the transport behavior of GO and pentavalent As(V) in porous media was investigated. The montmorillonite and kaolinite were used to modify the quartz sand, and the surface characteristics of the modified quartz sand were characterized by a scanning electron microscope and energy dispersive spectrometer. The migration behavior of GO, As(V) and GO-As(V) in 0%, 10%, 30%, and 50% montmorillonite and kaolinite modified quartz sand column was systematically studied by sand column transport experiment. The difference of the effect of different addition ratios on the transport of As(V) and GO was analyzed with the t-test (paired sample test), and the transport behavior of GO colloids in porous media was explained with Darjaguin-Landau-Verwey-Overbeek (DLVO) theory. The research results showed that the kaolinite particles coated on the surface of quartz sand were separated between particles, and the size was different. The montmorillonite particles coated on the surface of the quartz sand were stacked layer by layer in the shape of an amorphous sheet with a pore-shaped structure. GO and As(V) alone had high mobility in porous media. GO and As(V) both had high mobility in pure quartz sand column, and the recovery rates were 96% and 94%, respectively. The proportion of kaolinite and montmorillonite modified quartz sand added was increased to 10%, 30%, and 50%. The migration ability of GO and As(V) all showed a decreasing trend, there were significant differences in the migration curves of GO and As(V) under different conditions (<0.05). The recovery rate of GO in the 50% kaolinite modified quartz sand column was 14% lower than that of the quartz sand column, and the recovery rate in the montmorillonite modified quartz sand column was reduced by 17%, while the As(V) decreased by 15% and 12% respectively. When both GO and As(V) existed in the solution, the Zeta potential of GO decreased from -21.3 to -26.7 mV. The presence of As(V) increased the negative charge carried on the GO surface and increased the repulsive force with the surface of the medium. On the other hand, it showed that GO could be used as a carrier of As(V) to carry As(V) for migration. Therefore, the migration ability of GO and As(V) in kaolinite and montmorillonite modified quartz sand was greater than their transport alone. The analysis showed that the mobility of As(V) in the montmorillonite modified quartz sand column was greater than that of kaolinite modified quartz sand, while the mobility of GO was opposite. When both GO and As(V) existed in the solution, the mobility of both in the medium was greater than their transport alone. The transport behavior of GO in packing modified quartz sand with different proportions was consistent with the DLVO theory. This study showed that they could accelerate the transport of As(V) and caused the expansion of soil arsenic pollution after GO and As(V) being released into the porous media.
heavy metals; soils; water; graphene oxide; kaolinite; montmorillonite; As(V); transport
孟庆涛,管多,姜延吉,等. 氧化石墨烯和五价砷在改性多孔介质中的共迁移特性[J]. 农业工程学报,2020,36(17):142-148.doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2020.17.017 http://www.tcsae.org
Meng Qingtao, Guan Duo, Jiang Yanji, et al. Co-transport characteristics of graphene oxide and pentavalent arsenic in modified porous media[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2020, 36(17): 142-148. (in Chinese with English abstract) doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2020.17.017 http://www.tcsae.org