

文化交流 2020年10期





















当然上述做法虽规范严谨,却也并非是制作醉鱼干的金科玉律。也有随意的,如扛了一顶小扳罾(zng)往门口的河道里一放,半天下来,两三寸长的小鲫鱼、小白条、柳刀鱼等装了半筘籀(ku zhu)。吃不完怎么办,草草地掐了肚也不去鳞,抓一把粗盐倒半碗粟烧随便腌了,尔后趁一个猛太阳,暴晒一两天,那蒸出来的小鱼干肉虽不多,但咸鲜、香醇、耐嚼,同样别具一番风味。






Eastern Zhejiang is famed for yellow wine, but in my opinion the spirits produced in this part of the province are equally good. Unfortunately, the spirits are overshadowed in reputation by the yellow wine. The major ingredients for the strong distilled alcoholic drinks in the province are distillers grains left over from making yellow wince and sorghum. The spirits of eastern Zhejiang are hard yet mellow, hot and strong. Something they have in common is that they dont go bad easily. Thats why they are often used to marinate food.

In eastern Zhejiang, shrimps, crabs and mud snails are often steeped alive in spirit for varying periods before they are served as a delicacy. Chickens, ducks and pork tripe are cooked before they are marinated with wine and served.

In my opinion, the best of all the food processed with a strong alcohol in various ways is fish steeped in spirit first and then dried for storage and future consumption. Other alcoholically processed foods are usually consumed immediately or good for short-time storage. The fish steeped in spirit and then dried is meant for long storage period. The reputation of the dried marinated fish goes back to a long time ago.

There is an anecdote about the dried and marinated fish as a delicacy. In January 1928, Hu Yuzhi, then 32, was to go into exile due to political persecution by the authorities. Before he left for France, he came back to visit his relatives in Shangyu, then a rural county of Shaoxing in eastern Zhejiang. Hu visited a group of friends who were teachers at Chunhui Middle School on White Horse Lake in Shangyu. A farewell dinner was given in honor of Hu Yuzhi. The best dish at the dinner was a plate of marinated and dried fish. Ye Zhishan, the son of Ye Shengtao who was present at the farewell dinner, mentioned the fish in his memory of his father. Apparently, Ye Shengtao had reminisced about the dinner and the fish privately to his son a long time ago.

The black carp is best for making the dried marinated fish. It is a voracious creature feeding on snails and mussels. The dried marinated black carp looks fine and tastes fine. A gourmet can spend a long time explaining how to appreciate such a delicacy and discussing every detail of the delicacy.

It is not complicated to make a dried marinated fish. Remove all the scales and gut and clean the fish before the fish is placed into a vessel large enough to contain it. Apply and rub crude salt evenly to the fish and pour spirit onto the fish and add spices such as Chinese cinnamon bark, ginger, and aniseed. The fish stay submerged in the spirit for a few days. Then pick a fine day and dry the fish. Winter is the best time to process the black fish.

But the black fish is not the only species that can be marinated in spirit and then dried. Small fish can also be processed in the same way and then dried for a day or two before it is steamed and served.

Years ago, I went to Shanghai and visit Cheng Naishan, a woman writer of national renown. Back then, her mother, over 90 years old, was still alive. Her mother was from Shangyu. I brought some dried marinated fish as gift to Cheng. One day after I returned home, I received an email from Chen Naishan. Cheng said her mother enjoyed the fish very much and was so happy that she couldnt sleep for a night. The 90-year-old said she had been away from home for more than 70 years and after eating the dried marinated fish, she felt as if she had been home again. She said she was really happy. I was happy after learning about this.

