

英语世界 2020年9期


Lydia Bradley had no idea where they were going for dinner until the hansom pulled up in front of the six-storey building at Fifth Avenue and 44th Street. At first she thought, somewhat wildly, that they might be headed for Sherrys, just across the street, but found her escort instead indicating the imposing structure that houses Delmonicos, the greatest and most elegant of New York City restaurants.

Bryant Drury had warned her to dress well, so she had worn her best—and only—dinner gown, bought back home in Lyttonville. It was a year old, but still in fashion of 1891—a sea-foam green silk trimmed with white lace and large clusters of pink roses that were held in place by satin bows. A costly extravagance at the time, since she had no idea when she purchased it if shed ever have an opportunity to wear it. She had further indulged herself with green silk gloves, stocking and matching satin slippers. When she regarded herself in the mirror before Drury called for her, she no longer had regrets about her prodigality. She smiled saucily at her reflection, noting that her fair skin shone with a faint glow of excitement, brought on by the thought of her evening out with a dashing newspaper man.

Drurys sophisticated dress and the cosmopolitan manner in which he helped her down from the cab, paid the driver and took her arm to lead her into the ornate interior of this famous restaurant made Lydia feel less than secure. But she held her head high, remembering she was Paul Bradleys daughter.

“Mr. Drury, sir!” The maitre d rushed forward solicitously, hovering over him, and Lydia was amused to see that because he was well-known, the management considered it important to lavish attention on this gentleman, whose presence in the restaurant gave it added prestige. While she and Drury discussed the champagne vintage, she let her eyes drift casually about the room, scanning the splendidly dressed, poised clientele, recognizing several from having seen them before at charitable or political gatherings in the last six months. Bryant Drury was a famous reporter who worked on the same newspaper as she and she was well aware that he could help her attain a measure of success she might otherwise have to strive years for. The fact that he was also a handsome and charming man was furthermore not lost on her, and she was flattered he had invited her to dinner.

Drury was a globe-trotting reporter, she knew, with entry to palaces, embassies, the far-flung homes of the great and the rich of the world. His stories were always exciting if somewhat flamboyant, a fact that only seemed to increase his popularity.

“Ive already said you look charming,” he said. “I withdraw the compliment.” He paused, then drawled. “Exquisite would be a better word. Youre the most beautiful young lady in this room.”

Lydia raised an eyebrow, unconsciously arch. “Hardly that, Mr, Drury, but thank you for the gracious compliment.”

“Its the truth,” he replied easily. “All eyes turned as you entered. I hope you approve my choice.” He indicated the richly furnished setting.

“Indeed I do,” she replied. “New York is still a whole new world for me. And Im not yet accustomed to being a part of high society. I have attended some large affairs here, but only in my role as reporter—and a minor one at that.”

“Not minor for long, Lydia. I predict great things for you,” he said. “You also have something else perhaps more important going for you,” he went on. “Your beauty, your fair skin, blond hair and blue eyes will take you a long way. You have tremendous appeal.”

Lydia answered with that smile her father had called her Mona Lisa look. Suddenly Drury reached for her hand and held it between his own. Once again, his eyes looked deeply into hers and once again, she felt a certainty that he would not expect the evening to end with dinner. She was about to withdraw her hand when the waiter came to take their order. Bryant freed her and sat back.

After more champagne was poured, he ordered a chateaubriand rare, as Lydia had given him permission to order for both of them. She was pleased at his choice. They drank the champagne, enjoying Oyster Rockefeller for an appetizer, which seemed like an entire meal to her, although she soon realized each course was served in leisurely fashion unless otherwise requested.

The beef, surrounded by a half dozen attractively arranged vegetables, arrived and was carved in style. Lydia would have preferred a lighter entree at this point, but bravely made her way through most of it, finding it delicious. After they had finished dinner and sipped Napoleon brandy while Drury smoked an expensive cigar, his leg touched hers lightly. Quite by accident, she thought, until a repetition made it evident that it was intentional.

Though she made no verbal protest, her features could not help but reveal her displeasure. He desisted at once, a slightly amused look on his face, but gave no other evidence that she had scorned his attempt to make the dinner a more intimate affair. Lydia found herself blushing, feeling more naive than she had yet felt in New York.

“Tell me, Lydia, do you live alone?” Drury asked after a long silence.

“Yes. I dont have any family here... and not many friends yet.”

“On your salary it must be a challenge to make ends meet.”

“It is, but I am resourceful. One day it wont be as difficult.”

“Of course you are. In the meantime—and please dont be offended by this—you could—ah—come and live at my place. Its very large and comfortable... a hotel suite. No housework...”

She looked at him in astonishment over the rim of the brandy inhaler. It took her a moment to be certain she had heard him directly. Then she carefully set down her glass as she addressed him.

“Mr. Drury, I thought you were paying me such attention because you believed I had the qualifications to make a fine reporter. I see now that your intentions were quite contrary to this. I no longer desire even the smallest shred of your time or advice. Nor do I wish you to see me home.” She had stood up abruptly, and spoke louder than she intended, so that several couples turned to listen.

“Oh, come now, Lydia, do sit down,” Drurys face had slightly reddened. “I was only testing you to see how far youd go with your very evident ambitions. I was about to tell you that if you ever accepted an offer like the one I made, you wouldnt last as a reporter.”

Her smile was contemptuous as she remained standing. “Mr. Drury, you are a persuasive man and I can see why youve become so successful. You are a fraud.”

“Sit down!” Drurys sharp tone startled her more than his order. She obeyed, puzzled but curious. Drury was looking over her shoulder and across his face came a look of mixed anger and maliciousness.

“Turn your head casually,” he told her, “as if youre looking about merely as a matter of curiosity. At a table to your left there is a matronly woman romancing with a boy not half her age.”

Lydia didnt care for prying, but she knew it was a part of the profession she had chosen, so she obeyed him and found that what he said was quite true. The handsome woman, certainly fifty or so, was holding the hand of a young man across the table and there was a look of open adoration in her eyes.

“That,” Bryant said, “is Mrs. Hallet. Hellen Hallet. Her husband is Paul Hallet, a broker whom I hate and with good reason. He once threatened to knock my head off because of a squib I wrote about him. And hes made me no way to reach some important men on Wall Street. Long ago I made up my mind to even the score if the occasion ever presented itself. His wife now made that opportunity possible.”

“Because she is dining with a young man?”

“Dont be so damned naive, darling Lydia. Her husband is a man of great moral character and his wife is presumed to be the same. Can you imagine his rage in the morning when he reads the story in my column?”

“You actually mean to write that up?” Lydia made no pretense of her astonishment.

“Ive changed my mind about you. I dont think youll ever make a good reporter.” He opened his golden watch and, as he closed the cover, began to get up.

Lydia sipped the rest of the brandy, though she didnt want it. She did turn slightly to look back at the table where Mrs. Hallett had been seated. She wasnt there. The handsome young man was. Apparently she had gone to the ladies room. Lydia made a sudden decision, then arose slowly and gracefully. She threaded her way between the tables, attracting male attention as she did so. The maitre d hotel directed her to the ladies room, where seated at a long makeup table, Mrs. Hallett was powdering her nose.

She glanced at Lydia as she sat down. “If you dont mind, miss, please sit somewhere else.” Lydia was too startled to obey, though she did look about the powder room. She and Mrs. Hallet were the only occupants.

“I know you are addressing me.” Lydia said. “But why would you say such a thing?”

“I dont care to sit near anyone who is in the company of that beastly Mr. Drury. Has he, by chance, asked you to question me? Oh, quite innocently, of course, but hoping you might get something for his despicable column!” The woman spoke into the mirror with surprising fury, avoiding Lydias gaze.

“Mrs. Hallett, Mr. Druary does write a column, but hes also one of the most intelligent reporters in the country.”

“I know that. I even agree that he is, but when hes in New York, he writes a column of trash that has too often insulted friends of mine. If I ever find the opportunity to make trouble to him, I shall most certainly do exactly that.”

Lydia held her breath for a moment. “Mr. Druary just left the restaurant, Mrs. Hallett. Now may I sit at the bench with you?”

“I believe you. You seem like a decent young lady. Its about time someone gave him a hint as to what he really is. It must have shattered his ego, I told my brother about him.”

“Your brother?” Lydia managed to keep her voice impersonal, though sudden horror enveloped her.

Mrs. Hallett smiled. “He graduated from medical school this morning and were celebrating. My husband had an important meeting tonight. So Im doing the honors.”

“I noticed him, of course.” Lydia began to gather her things and stuff them in her evening bag. She had to get out of here quickly, but not so abruptly as to arouse Mrs. Halletts suspicions.

“Most women do notice, my dear,” she went on confidingly. “Hes really a handsome man, but hes not as young as he seems to be. Hell be a very fine doctor.”

“His good looks will help assure that.” Lydia managed a smile as she stood up and extended her hand. “Im pleased to have met you, Mrs. Hallett.”

“And I you, my dear, though you didnt give your name.”

“Miss Lydia Bradley. Good evening, Mrs. Hallett.”

She left the powder room, moving in a leisurely manner, and returned to her table where her cloak was still draped over the back of the chair. As she passed Mrs. Halletts table, she smiled at the young man.

“Congratulations, doctor,” she said.

He seemed startled, but he arose and bowed.

A waiter assisted Lydia with her cloak and she left the restaurant. Lydia was churning to get back to the office before Drurys story reach the press or before he hand it in.

(To be continued)










“很快就不会是个小记者了,莉迪娅。我算定你是干大事的人。”他说。“你还有些东西或许更重要,” 他接着说,“你貌美如花,皮肤白皙,金发碧眼——这些会为你锦上添花。你真是魅力无穷啊。”












“噢,莉迪娅,来来,坐下说。” 德鲁里的脸有点儿发红,“我只不过想考验你一下,看看你的雄心壮志能陪你走多远。我正想告诉你,如果你真的接受了我刚才所说的那类安排,你这记者也当不了多久了。”






























