英语阅读能力的培养不是一蹴而就的,除了课内阅读的输入,适当的课外阅读补充也是必要的。由于小学生的具体形象记忆仍占主导地位,绘本阅读的教学有助于激发学生的学习兴趣,逐步培养其阅读能力。但由于学校英语教学时长短,任务重,仅靠课堂上的阅读教学是远远不够的。在线绘本教学就成为了有效的补充,本文将通过Spotlight on English系列的The Outdoor market教学片段,分析如何进行有效的绘本教学。
在The Outdoor market的导入环节中,教生对话如下:
T: What can you see?(教师出示封面)
S1: I can see a man, a woman and a girl.
T:Anything else?
S2: I can see some men and women. They are behind a board.
T: Yes, you are right. What other things can you see?
S3: Some fish,螃蟹和章鱼。
T: Yes, crabs and octopus. Whats this?(指价码牌)
S4:How much are the fish?
T:Nice job. The price of the fish.
T:What else can you see?
S5: The Outdoor Market.
T: It is...
S6: The name of the book.
T: We also have...
S7: The writers.
T:And Spotlight on English is the series of the books. (系列丛书)
It is published by Richmond.(由。。。出版)So, if you like the book, you can find more in Spotlight on English.
T: We know the book is the outdoor market. What is it? Can you guess? For example, you can buy fish there.
T: Almost right.What does outdoor mean? Go out, door.
T: So the outdoor market?
T:We can say 户外的集市。你们赶过集吗?或者去过菜场吗?
T:Look at the girl and the woman.
Maybe the woman is the girls...
S2: Mother.
T: Yes, where are they?
S4:At home.
S7: I dont know.
S1: 想想买什么。
T: Yes. What will they do with a note book?
S: They write the things they want.
T:Yes, we call it a shopping list.
学生通过观察图片,运用所学句型I can...,获得了绘本的标题信息,在观看绘本前三幅图后,学生又结合自身经验进行英语猜词,在分享经历的过程中,对下一步故事情节产生了好奇,激发其自主提问热情。
T:We know mum and I are writing a shopping list at home. And what will happen next? What do you want to know? Can you ask?
S17: Where are they in the market?
S14: What will they buy in the market?
S15:When will they go to the outdoor market?
S16: How are they? Are they happy?
T:These are nice questions. Now lets read the story quickly and find the answer.
T: Can you answer now? Where are mum and I?
S17: I cant remember.
S19: First, they are at home.Then, they are in the the market. Finally, they are at home again. They go to many places in the market. I buy some fruit.
S22: Today.
T: How are they? Are they happy?
T:Well done. Who can tell me the whole story?
S12: Mum and I go shopping in the market today. We are happy.
T: You know the main idea quite well. So you dont know where are they in the market. What
will they buy in it?Please read page 6 to page 12. And order these pictures. Maybe you will find the answer.(乱序出示水果摊,海鲜摊,面包店,肉店以及咖啡店的图片)
T:Now, lets play an acting game. First, we are at home. I am Mum and you are daughter. Who can talk with me and I will write the shopping list?(提供语言支持)
S1: I can.
T: OK, lets start. Dear, what would you like?
S1: Id like some sandwiches.
T:Anything else?
S1: Id like some fruit.
T: Are there any pears in the fridge?
S1:Yes, there are.
T:Are there any apples in the fridge?
S1:No, there arent.
T:Do you want some?
S1: Of course.
T: So, I write sandwiches and apples on the shopping list. Lets go shopping.
Do you understand? You can do the pair work, think about it first.
T:There are some places in the market. Lets find out what do they really buy?(在阅读和表演中,找出母女两购买的东西)
Now,you can choose one to act it out. Maybe they go to other produces too. Lets do it one by one.(给学生提供语言支持和图片)
Finally, we go back home and I help mum put the food away. Do you know put the food away?
T:Yes, you should do it too. So, you will be happy after that.
教师首先通过展示封面图片,提问What can you see?,激活学生的探知欲望,在仔细看图的过程中,学生结合生活经验和知识储备,猜测出故事的人物和地点,引出标题the outdoor market。
接着,教师通过鼓励学生分享其亲身经历,为后续的学习活动做好心理准备。教师展现绘本的前三幅图,通过提问,引导学生总结出人物关系以及事件地点,在细读图片后,引导学生猜测重点词汇a shopping list,扫除阅读障碍,同时学生在攻克难题后,自信心增长,大大提高课堂参与热情。
学生阅读绘本,不仅为了提高阅读能力,更是为了将绘本服务于生活,为生活中的问题提供解决方案(周亚文,张海燕,2019)。在the outdoor market的教学中,学生不仅要了解故事大意,更要熟悉购物过程,提升生活技能,升华情感价值。明白购物需要理清购物单,与卖家沟通购买所需,回家后要整理物品,帮父母分担。学习实用的知识,能让学生感受到阅读的魅力。教师通过示范,与学生共同角色扮演,内化书写清单语言,购物语言,并帮助学生理解做家务的快乐,既丰富了学生的语用认知,也在丰富的情境教学中,提升了学生的想象力和创造力。