The Lost City of Atlantis失落之城亚特兰蒂斯
◆Platos Atlantis
The mythical island of Atlantis has often been described in creative works such as films, books and paintings. Is it real?
The lost city of Atlantis is a fictional1 island mentioned in Platos works Timaeus and Critias. It represents the enemys naval2 power against “Ancient Athens”.
At the end of the story, there occur portentous3 earthquakes and floods, and their warriors are swallowed up by the earth, and the island of Atlantis in like manner is swallowed up by the sea and vanishes4. The ocean at that spot has become impassable and unsearchable.
Eventually, Atlantis famously falls out of favor with the gods and submerges5 into the Atlantic Ocean.
◆The lost city of Atlantis
Despite its minor6 importance in Platos work, the Atlantis story has had a considerable impact on literature7. The allegorical8 aspect of Atlantis was taken up in utopian9 works of several Renaissance10 writers, such as Bacons New Atlantis and Mores Utopia.
Platos vague11 indications12 of the time of the events—more than 9,000 years before his day, and the so-called location of Atlantis—beyond the Pillars of Hercules, an area at the entrance to the Strait of Gibraltar, has led to much speculation13. Atlantis has become a byword for all supposed advanced prehistoric lost civilizations14 and continues to inspire modern works, from comic books to films.
◆But is Atlantis real?
Many teams of scientist have tried to find the location of the lost city of Atlantis in vain. Many of the proposed15 sites share some of the characteristics of the Atlantis story (water, catastrophic16 end, time period), but none has been proved to be a true Atlantis.
1. fictional [■] adj. 虚构的;小说的
2. naval [■] adj. 海军的
3. portentous [■] adj. 不祥的;令人惊讶的
4. vanish [■] vi. 消失;突然不见
5. submerge [■] vi. 淹没;湮没
6. minor [■] adj. 次要的;较小的
7. literature [■] n. 文学
8. allegorical [■] adj. 讽喻的;寓言的
9. utopian [■] adj. 乌托邦的;空想的
10. Renaissance [■] n. 文艺复兴
11. vague [■] adj. 模糊的;不明确的
12. indication [■] n. 指出;迹象
13. speculation [■] n. 推测;思索
14. civilization [■] n. 文明;文化
15. proposed [■] adj. 被提议的,建议的
16. catastrophic [■] adj. 悲惨的;灾难性的,毁灭性的