Chouk the Elephant 大象舒克
It was 2007 when Nick Marx from the Wildlife Alliance1 got the call. An injured elephant needed help. While the Phnom Tamao Wildlife Rescue Centre in Cambodia had been caring for injured and orphaned2 wildlife for many years, an elephant rescue didnt happen very often. It would not be an easy task.
Nick headed out to the forests of the Mondulkiri Province with no idea that the animal he was about to rescue would change his life forever. Luckily, he found the injured elephant quickly. It was a young male, only about five hundred pounds. One of his front feet was badly injured.
Although Nick couldnt be sure, the elephant had probably fallen victim3 to a snare4 trap5 that was left in the forests to catch various types of animals. The snare probably wrapped around the elephants foot tighter and tighter as he tried to escape. It got so tight that it nearly removed the entire foot.
The little elephant was scared and in pain. Nick used a tranquilizer6 dart7 to make the elephant go to sleep. That way the team could move him into a transport vehicle and take him back to the rescue center for treatment.
Once Nick was able to properly evaluate8 the elephant, he feared for his survival9. His foot was so severely infected10 that it had to be amputated11. The elephant was malnourished12, too.
Nick named the elephant Chouk, which means “lotus13 flower” in Cambodian. Over the next several weeks, Nick stayed with Chouk nearly every night. He made sure that he had food and was comfortable, and he changed his bandages14 several times a day to help clear the infection. As the weeks progressed, Chouks wound healed and he began to gain weight. He was a friendly and playful elephant, but he struggled to walk with his missing foot.
Chouk would not have a good quality of life with only three limbs15. The more time he spent walking on three legs, the more his body would compensate16 for this change. Soon his body would start changing permanently17 to make up for the disability. Nick could already see changes in the growing elephant.
But what could the Wildlife Alliance do?
Nick had an idea. Maybe he could make a prosthetic18 limb that would replace Chouks missing foot. He searched to see if anything like this had been done before, but no one had ever created a prosthetic for an elephant. Nick researched several organizations that made and designed prosthetics for humans and was lucky to find one not far away, the Cambodian School of Prosthetics and Orthotics19.
Nick contacted the school, and soon after, some of the staff came to the Centre to meet Chouk. The students and professors from the school examined Chouks injured limb, took measurements, and made a plaster20 cast21 of Chouks leg. After talking with Nick, they were confident that they could design a new foot for Chouk that would allow him to once again walk on all four of his legs.
Designing and making the prosthetic was going to be very costly, and the rescue center already spent all of its resources on food and the care of the animals. Nick needed help and support from someone to pay for Chouks treatment and training. He contacted the SeaWorld & Busch Gardens Conservation Fund in hopes that they could support it to save Chouk.
Asian elephants are the only living species of elephant in Southeast Asia. They are endangered and it is believed that their population has declined by at least half in the past 100 years due to habitat22 loss and hunting. Asian elephants are an important part of the ecosystem in Cambodia, but have also been used in farming and transportation for centuries. The SeaWorld & Busch Gardens Conservation Fund agreed to support this important project, and soon after, the Wildlife Alliance had the funds to create Chouks new foot.
The school used the cast of Chouks leg to create a specially fitted prosthetic. They also created a special cloth sock that would go over Chouks limb to prevent him from getting any sores23. The prosthetic would need to be cleaned frequently, so they designed Velcro24 straps25 that made it easy for the animal care team at the rescue center to remove the prosthetic whenever they needed.
The final problem the designers had to overcome was how to protect the bottom of the prosthetic from the heavy weight and constant walking of the elephant. They needed something that could be easily replaced as the elephant wore it down. After a few tests, they settled on attaching a piece of a car tire to the bottom of the prosthetic. As Chouk used his new limb, they could replace the tire treads as frequently as needed.
Another challenge Nick faced was training Chouk so they could put the prosthetic on him in a safe way. Nick reached out to his friends at Busch Gardens in Tampa to learn how they trained their elephants using positive reinforcement26. Nick visited the park and learned the principles27 behind animal training. He took those lessons back to Cambodia to help train Chouk.
Finally, the day came for Chouk to try out his new foot. The staff from the school put the special sock over his limb and attached28 the prosthetic to his leg.
Within minutes Chouk was walking around just as if he had all four feet. Over the next few days, Nick noticed that Chouk had started to walk more and more like other elephants and that the prosthetic didnt seem to bother him. Nick started taking Chouk for long walks out into the woods and watched as he swam and played with the other elephants at the rescue center.
Over the course of the next several years, Chouk grew rapidly. Adult Asian elephants can be as tall as nine feet and weigh well over eight thousand pounds. Every few months, a new prosthetic was created to keep up with how fast Chouk was growing. Chouk has now outgrown more than a dozen prosthetic limbs!
If you visit the Phnom Tamao Wildlife and Rescue Centre, youll most likely catch a glimpse of Chouk, the elephant with a prosthetic leg.
1. alliance [■] n. 联盟 2. orphan [■] v. 使成为孤儿
3. victim [■] n. 受害人,牺牲品 4. snare [■] n. (捕鸟、兽的)陷阱
5. trap [■] n. (捕捉动物的)陷阱,捕捉器;圈套 6. tranquilizer [■] n. 镇定剂
7. dart [■] n. 飞镖 8. evaluate [■] vt. 评价
9. survival [■] n. 生存;存活 10. infect [■] vt. 感染,传染
11. amputate [■] vt. 截肢;切断
12. malnourished [■] adj. 营养不良的;营养失调的
13. lotus [■] n. 莲花;荷花 14. bandage [■] n. 绷带
15. limb [■] n. 肢,臂 16. compensate [■] vi. 补偿;抵消
17. permanently [■] adv. 永久地,长期不变地 18. prosthetic [■] adj. 假体的;义肢的
19. orthotics [■] n. 矫正术;器械矫形学 20. plaster [■] n. 石膏
21. cast [■] n. 铸件,模型 22. habitat [■] n. 栖息地,产地
23. sores [■] n. 溃疡,痛处
24. Velcro [■] n. 魔术贴,尼龙搭扣(尼龙粘扣商标名)
25. strap [■] n. 带子,皮带,金属带
26. reinforcement [■] n. 增援;援军;加强
27. principle [■] n. 原理,原则 28. attach [■] vt. 使依附;贴上;系上