Overcoming Your Fear of Speaking a Foreign Language 克服说外语的恐惧


中学生英语·中考指导版 2020年7期

by Brian Powers 景一


◆Use voice recordings

Nobody likes to hear themselves on a recording. Unfortunately if you want to improve your pronunciation, you need to know where youre at currently. There are many tools that allow you to record your own sentences or vocabulary and either share them with a learning partner, or simply use them yourself as a reference1 point to test your ever improving pronunciation.

Once recorded, play back your past performances and speak out loud to yourself—in front of a mirror if possible, to perfect the pronunciation. It can sometimes give you the illusion that youre speaking with another person.




◆It wont be as bad as you think it will be

People claim2 all the time that part of the reason theyre afraid to speak a foreign language out loud, either in public or via a language exchange is because theyre nervous that the other person(s) will make fun of them or judge them harshly3 for their inadequacies4.

Youre going to embarrass yourself. It will happen, and when it does it wont be as bad as you think it will be. When it happens it will probably be funnier than you expected. Youll have a laugh, and move on with life.

How many times have you embarrassed yourself in public using your native language? How many times did you say something to someone you just met that may have been taken the wrong way?

We all do these all the time in our native languages. Stop worrying so much about what other people might think of you. Youre just learning a foreign language. All you have to do is convince5 yourself that it doesnt matter.






◆Youll just have to start

I wish there was something more comforting, more helpful, to say than “just do it”.

Its not that easy. All the preparation in the world isnt always enough to get everyone fully prepared for their first real conversations in a new language, and theres nothing really for it except to just do it first.

Starting to speak to another person is the hardest part. Once youve begun, you will begin to realize that youre dealing with another human being who typically wants to see you succeed.






Once youve started speaking confidently with real people, everything becomes down hill from there. Everything from complex grammar to huge words and difficult cultural concepts will come together with far more ease if you have the self-confidence to just reach out and communicate.

So seriously, go give it a shot!





1. reference [■] n. 参考,参照

2. claim [■] v. 宣称

3. harshly [■] adv. 严厉地;刺耳地

4. inadequacy [■] n. 不足;缺点

5. convince [■] vt. 说服;使确信


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