

今日重庆 2020年5期


2016 年以来,习近平总书记两次来到重庆,对重庆绿色发展提出了更高的要求、更多的期望:“保护好三峡库区和长江母亲河,事关重庆长远发展,事关国家发展全局”“筑牢长江上游重要生态屏障”“在推进长江经济带绿色发展中发挥示范作用”

以生态文明为发展主题,重庆在 2018 年出台了《重庆市实施生态优先绿色发展行动计划》,提出到 2020 年,全市初步构建起节约资源和保护环境的空间格局,形成绿色产业结构和生产生活方式,生态文明建设水平与全面建成小康社会相适应,生态文明建设工作走在全国前列,筑牢长江上游重要生态屏障,实现浑然天成自然之美和悠久厚重人文之美取得积极成效的总体目标。

蓝天长有、碧水长流、绿地长在  在经济社会高质量发展的同时,我们身边从来不缺少绿色的身影——


这些正在影响和改变我们的绿色,不仅是自然和谐的“主色调”,更是经济社会发展的“新引擎”。当生态和发展成为一体, 带来的就是关乎民生的长久福祉。

Chongqing is an important ecological barrier in the upper reaches of the Yangtze River.

Since 2016, General Secretary Xi Jinping has come to Chongqing twice and put forward higher requirements and more expectations for the green development of Chongqing: "Protecting the Three Gorges Reservoir Area and the Yangtze River is related to the long-term development of Chongqing and the overall development of China", "Building an important ecological barrier in the upper reaches of the Yangtze River," and "Playing a demonstration role in promoting the green development of the Yangtze River Economic Belt"...

Taking ecological civilization as the theme of development, Chongqing issued the Action Plan of Chongqing for Implementing Ecological Priority and Green Development in 2018. The Plan proposed that by 2020, Chongqing will initially set up a spatial pattern of saving resources and protecting the environment, and form an environmental industrial structure and production method and life style. The level of ecological civilization construction will be compatible with the building of a moderately well-off society in an all-round way, the construction of ecological civilization will be at the forefront of the country, and the important ecological barriers in the upper reaches of the Yangtze River will be firmly built, thus achieving the overall positive achievements of realizing the beauty of nature and the beauty of long and profound humanities.

The blue sky, the clear water and the green land can never be absent in the development of economy and society with high quality——

Feng Xia tried to turn "zero abandonment" into a fashion in the life; the car drove forward, and a type of new energy taxi runs on the green road; the neighbors of Xi'an Shangpin Neighborhood, Songshi Road Community, Longshan Sub-district, Yubei District have begun to re-understand their daily life from an environmental protection publicity base...

All these are affecting and changing our green, which is not only the "dominance" of natural harmony, but also the "new engine" for economic and social development. The integration of ecology and developm+nt will bring long-term benefits to people's livelihood.


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