Novel coronavirus, an ugly intruder furtively making trouble.
Novel coronavirus is newly discovered that causes this pandemic.
Sneezing carelessly without any covers will transmit the virus and disgust others.
感染者在呼吸、說话、咳嗽、打喷嚏时,会排出大量携 带病毒的飞沫,给周围的人带来感染风险。
When breathing, talking, coughing and sneezing, the infected spray a lot of virus-loaded droplet, likely to contract nearby others.
Fever, dry cough and fatigue you catch, wearing a face mask is a must when seeing a doctor.
如果出现新冠肺炎症状,应及时就医。外出就医时要佩 戴口罩,尽量避免搭乘公共交通工具。
In case of any COVID-19 symptom, consult a doctor immediately. Be sure to wear a face mask when leaving home for a doctor and avoid taking any public transport.
Incubation period is long. Symptoms come in 3-7 days, at most 2 weeks.
新型冠状病毒在潜伏期内也存在传染性,因此,接触到 传染源、有感染可能的人,即使没有出现症状,也应该 监测十四天。
Novel coronavirus is infectious in incubation period. Anyone having contracted any source of infection or susceptible population should be quarantined for 14 days even without any symptom.
Air is stale in closed rooms. Open windows often to stay healthy.
要做好居室的清洁工作,还要经常开窗通风,但是要注 意室内外温差,预防感冒。
Keep rooms clean by opening windows for fresh air, but mind temperature difference indoors and outdoors to avoid catching cold.
Wash hands to follow the typical seven steps. Remember to dry hands after wash.
Adopt the seven-step hand washing technique.
1.Rub palms.
2.Rub back to palm rotationally with fingers interlaced.
3.Rub palm to palm rotationally with fingers interlaced.
4.Rub palm to back rotationally with fingers bent.
5.Rub thumbs rotationally.
6.Rub fingertips rotationally.
7.Rub wrists and arms rotationally.
Always cover mouth and nose when sneezing with tissue or flexed elbow, and never spread any virus.
用完的纸巾立即丢弃到带盖的垃圾箱内,回家后立即对 外套进行消毒处理。
Throw used tissue paper immediately in a capped trash can, and sterilize your outer wear immediately as soon as you get home.
Wear a protective mask to stay safe out.
正确、科学地佩戴口罩,可以有效降低新型冠状病毒感 染风险。
Wear a face mask properly as instructed, to effectively minimize the risk of contracting novel coronavirus.
Make fewer family trips out with kids. Stay home to stay safe and healthy.
有儿童、老年人和病人的家庭,宜减少外出。 Make fewer trips out for a family with kids, the elderly and the sick.
Apply a 14-day self-quarantine to anyone from elsewhere.
监测期間要做好室内通风、消毒工作,被观察者要佩戴 口罩,不要直接接触家人。
Ventilate and sterilize rooms during home quarantine, and the quarantined should wear a face mask to keep social distancing from families.
Believe in a rumor or spread so? No, No, No. Never we do. Be smiling and optimistic always.
谣言会让人产生负面情绪,找点乐观积极的节目乐呵乐 呵,健健康康地度过每一天。
Rumors produce negative moods. Find positive and optimistic programs to entertain youself. Enjoy your daily life, healthily and happily.
Foods are good. For nutrition reason, never pick and choose. Good exercise, good sleep, and good health.
一日三餐有规律,五谷杂粮都要吃,水果蔬菜不能少,肉、 蛋、奶也要跟上。每天还要适当运动,可以选择健身操、 太极拳等适合室内的运动。
Take three meals a day regularly. Eat every day diversely, cereals and grains, vegetables and fruits, meats, eggs and milk. Take moderate physical exercise indoors every day, bodybuilding exercise, Tai Chi and the like.
Dont worry if you dont feel well. Remote diagnosis can be made available.
如果居家期间出现身体不适,可以先通过电话、互联网 等方式联系医院进行诊断。
If you dont feel well at home, contact a hospital via telephone or online for diagnosis.
With one heart and mind we unite, win the battle against the pandemic we must.
虽然新冠肺炎疫情危急,但只要我们万众一心,一定能 迎来美好生活。
Urgent as COVID-19 pandemic is, a bright future will certainly arrive, with one heart and mind we unite.