2020年6月七年级 参考答案


中学生英语·阅读与写作 2020年6期

【新目标英语七年级(下)STEP BY STEP

随堂通Unit 9答案】

一、1~5 CBCAB 6~10 BCBAC

二、1~5 FTFFT

三、1~5 BCFAD

四、1. He is tall and of medium build.

2. 他每天早上很早起床,然后阅读晨报。

3. He also likes playing chess.

4. 他从不和我下象棋。

5. Because I cant play chess.

【新目标英语七年级(下)STEP BY STEP

随堂通Unit 10答案】

一、1~5 BCCBB    6~10 ABCCA

二、1~5 TFFTF


四、1. 你知道全世界的人们在生日那天吃什么吗?

2. In China, red is a symbol of good luck.

3. 所以中国人在生日那天会吃长寿面和红鸡蛋。

4. I am so happy because today is my birthday.

5. 在派对上,我们可以玩游戏、唱歌和跳舞。

【新目标英语七年级(下)STEP BY STEP

随堂通Unit 11答案】

一、1~5 CABCA    6~10 CABAC

二、1~5 TFFTF


四、1. 我們参加了几天学校组织的旅行。

2. The weather wasnt very good.

3. 感觉很无聊,我们过得很不好。

4. We played video games and watched TV when it was raining.

5. 那里的餐厅很贵,而且食物不是很好吃。

【新目标英语七年级(下)Unit 9单元要点检测题


一、1~5  ABCAC

二、6~10 ABBCA 11~15 CBACC

三、A) 16~20 FTTFF B) 21~25 BAABC

C) 26~30 CFADE

D) 31. playing soccer 32. the thin boy

33. long hair 34. singing

35. best friend

四、A) 36. They are teachers.

37. Green and blue.

38. Math.

39. She can play volleyball well.

40. Action movies.


My name is Jimmy. Tommy is my older brother. But we dont look the same. I have brown eyes but Tommy has blues eyes. He has long straight brown hair but mine is short curly. Tommy is short and heavy. He likes eating lots of food and watching TV. I am tall and thin. I like playing football and basketball.

【新目标英语七年级(下)Unit 10单元要点检测题


一、1~5 BCBBA

二、6~10 CBABC    11~15 BABBA

三、A) 16~20 TTFFF B) 21~25 BABCB

C) 26~30 ACBFE

D) 31. a bowl of

32. beef, mutton, fish

33. very important

34. get heavy

35. going to bed

四、A) 36. A lot of potatoes.

37. Bread.

38. Cold milk.

39. Meat or fish with potatoes and vegetables.

40. No, they dont.


What food do you like? In Zhonghe Restaurant, we have some great specials. We have different kinds of dishes, like gongbao chicken. And its only 12 yuan. We also have tomato and egg soup for 11 yuan. Whats more important, the rice is only 1 yuan a bowl. You can also try mapo tofu here. They are all delicious food. Come and taste them.

【新目标英语七年级(下)Unit 11单元要点检测题


一、1~5 CABCB

二、6~10 CCABA  11~15 BCACB

三、A) 16~20 FTFTF B) 21~25 BCCAB

C) 26~30 ECBDF

D) 31. The weather 32. a warm welcome

33. helpful and friendly

34. dinner 35. piano concerts

四、A) 36. Last week.

37. It was excellent.

38. The beach.

39. Yes, she did.

40. They are going to school.


Dear Jenny,

The weather was fine yesterday. I went to the Red Stars Park for a trip with my classmates. The park is far. We took a bus there. How beautiful the park was!We swam in the pool and then played volleyball. We took lots of foods and ate them for lunch under a big tree. In the afternoon, we went fishing and took many photos. All of us had a great time in the park.



