The Three Types of Happiness 三种快乐
Stuff has gotten a bad rap1 of late—mostly for its incompatibility with other lifestyle trends. It wont fit in your tiny house. Marie Kondo2 thinks it should be eschewed entirely unless it sparks joy. And there wont be any need for all your whisks and woks once you switch over to Soylent3 for sustenance.
Minimalism is hot, culturally, and for years, science has assured us that it was also the path to maximal bliss. The prevailing wisdom is that people who want the most happiness for their buck should buy experiences, not things. The idea is that the joy of an experience begins before it even starts, and continues when you look back on the fancy dinner/vacation/afternoon of LARPing4 fondly. Experiences provide, in other words, both more anticipatory happiness and afterglow happiness.
But a recent study complicates that picture, suggesting that sweaters and iPhones might make you just as happy, in a way, as cruises and concerts do. There is a third type of happiness—momentary happiness—and it tends to last longer with material goods because people use them for more time than they typically experience their experiences for.
For the study, published in Social Psychology and Personality Science, researchers Aaron Weidman and Elizabeth Dunn from the University of British Columbia gave 67 participants $20 to spend on either an experiential or material purchase of their choice, and then to report one experiential or material gift they had recently received. Then they quizzed them about their happiness levels through text messages and questionnaires.
They found that the study subjects derived more frequent momentary happiness from material goods, but more intense momentary happiness from the experiences. In other words, they enjoyed their material goods on a greater number of occasions than they did their experiences, even though the happiness felt from the experiences was slightly more intense.
“Material purchases have an unsung advantage, in that they provide more frequent bouts of momentary happiness in the weeks after they are acquired,” Weidman and Dunn wrote.
This isnt the only evidence suggesting that material possessions arent as bleak as theyre made out to be. This study somewhat echoes earlier work by Dunn and others finding that lots of small purchases make people happier than one big one. Because we psychologically adapt to the things we have, new things provide a positive jolt—which matters in the short run, if not in the long run. Five trips to H&M serve as tepid5, but nevertheless welcome, distractions from the daily grind.
And another study found that things that help us do activities, like tennis rackets and musical instruments, can also generate happiness. But the difference between tennis rackets and jewelry is slight: Part of the fun of shopping, after all, is imagining the places youll go with the stuff you get.
So should you splurge on6 the latest iThing or on Hamilton tickets? It depends on whether you are “seeking an intense but fleeting form of happiness that is accompanied by a rosy afterglow,” Weidman and Dunn write, “or a more subtle, frequent form of happiness that will endure for weeks or months.”
As someone who had a flip phone for far longer than was hip7, I can only add that my feelings toward my smart phone every day for the first year I owned it were nothing short of the praise-hands emoji.
1 rap苛评,不公正的判决。 2近藤麻理惠,日本收纳整理达人,2015年登上《时代》周刊全球最具影响力100人榜单。 3索利特,美国的一家食品科技公司及其开发的全营养代餐品牌。该公司致力于将人体所需的营养物质数据化,然后以各种形式的代餐(能量棒、粉末等)取代普通食品。据说该公司产品不仅造福老人、穷人或营养缺乏者,还很受不愿因花时间吃饭而影响手头工作的软件工程师、华尔街股票经纪人、技术创业者等人的欢迎,更是苦于烹煮食物的懒癌患者的福音。
4 = live action role-playing (game) 实时在线分角色扮演(网游)。
5 tepid不热情的,不热烈的。 6 splurge on挥霍,在……上一掷千金。
7 hip(衣服、音乐等方面)赶时髦的。
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