An Ecological Yichang Is Back
In the brilliant days of early summer,the three gorges are dotted with green landscape and exotic views.Yichang,where the world’s biggest hydroelectric power station lies,has seen remarkable rewards for its efforts in promoting environmental protection.
Some of the biggest pollutant sources,such as coalmines,thermal power plants,earthen brick kilns,sand mining yards,and unauthorized docks,have been banned or closed down.All water pollution sources were cleared in the area one kilometer off the main stream of the Yangtze River and its tributary areas.All of the net cages for fish farming have been removed,and all illegal sewage outlets and docks wiped out.
Surrounded by white clouds,lucid waters,and lush mountains,Yichang,a civilized and ecological city by the Yangtze River,exhibits great charisma.云雾与青山绿水相伴,宜昌——一座生态文明的大城,耸立在长江边。
煤矿、热电厂、土砖窑、采砂场、非法码头该关停的关停,该取缔的取缔,长江干流沿线1 千米及支流流域内入江污染源全部清零、网箱养殖全部清零、非法排污口和码头全部清零。
宜昌启动长江岸线生态复绿工程,实施“四季挖窝、三季种树”,对需要修复的57 千米长江宜昌段和两岸1.18万亩荒山进行绿化美化。宜昌每年有超过200 万市民积极参与长江绿化,义务植树过千万株。
As the sky clears after rain on the morning of May 10,the drifting mist lends a charm of wonderland to the Xiling Gorge and Yichang City.5月10日清晨,雨后放晴,云雾将西陵峡口与宜昌城区装扮得宛如仙境一般。
Yichang has already launched a project to recover the green belt along the Yangtze River by implementing an afforestation plan throughout the year,in order to improve the forest coverage along the 57-km Yangtze River in Yichang and 11,800-mu (equal to about 786.67-hectare) waste mountains on both banks.Every year,over 2 million citizens participate in Yangtze River forestation activities.Up to now,more than 10 million trees have been planted.
With the river flowing eastward and singing birds flying and chirping about at the waterfront,the residents enjoy the sound of waves as they wander by the landscaped riverside.In the clear river water at the Gezhouba Hydropower Station in the early summer,a finless porpoise,listed among the first-level national protected animals,plays merrily with its newborn baby.
The harmony between man and nature is seen by the Yangtze River in Yichang.(Translation: Wang Wen)
10,000 artificially bred Chinese sturgeons,known as “living fossils,” are released into the Yangtze River in Yichang,April 22.4月22日,在宜昌市长江岸边的珍稀鱼类放流点,10000 尾大大小小的子二代中华鲟回归长江怀抱。
At Shizhu Wharf in Yidu City,a garbage-collection barge named “Huajie No.1” is unloading after two days of cleaning on the river.宜都市枝城镇洋溪村石柱码头,垃圾回收船“华洁1 号”在结束两天的垃圾收集后返回码头“卸货”。
A baby finless porpoise surfaces in the Yichang section of the Yangtze River,May 16.5月16日,记者在长江宜昌段首次拍摄到今年出生的小江豚。
On the bank of the Yangtze River at Yiling District in Yichang,a fairy paradise flycatcher perches on a tree branch feeding its hatchling.宜昌市夷陵区长江岸边树林中一只颜值极高的绶带鸟正在喂新孵出的小鸟。