

疯狂英语·新阅版 2020年7期

The Reader in Fangcang



1. makeshift /?me?k??ft/ adj. 权宜的;临时替代的

2. invincible /?n?v?ns?bl/ adj. 不可战胜的;不能改变的

3. coronavirus /k??r?un??vai?r?s/ n. 冠状病毒

4. resolute /?rez?lu?t/ adj. 坚决的;有决心的;坚定的

Photos of a gentleman reading calmly in bed in the newly?built makeshift hospital in Wuhan went viral on Chinas social media platforms last week, with many calling him the “Invincible Wuhan Man”.

The man, dubbed “The Reader in Fang? cang (a mobile cabin hospital)”, has even drawn attention from the author of the book featured in the photo, The Origins of Political Order by Francis Fukuyama, on Twitter. Surnamed Fu, the 39?year?old “invincible” reader is currently a teaching postdoc at Florida State University after obtaining his doctorate degree in Wuhan University. His hometown is in Xiaogan, a city neighboring Wuhan, but his parents currently live in Wuhan. Fu was infected with novel coronavirus when he visited his parents, and he was among the first group of patients transferred to the cabin hospital at Wuhan International Conference and Exhibition Center on Feb. 5, according to Hubei Daily. He told Hubei Daily that he bought the book in Wuhan, and he likes reading. He was just reading the book out of interest and never anticipated that the photo would go viral.

As Fu gains more popularity, Fukuyamas book has also become a hit. The Origins of Political Order quickly topped the recommended book list on Chinas review site Douban on Feb. 7. Netizens were inspired by Fus positive and calm attitude. “This picture of him reading in bed gives me strength and hope. I wonder if he is still available,” said one Weibo user.

“When you feel depressed, reading is one of the solutions to heal your inner pains. Sometimes doing exercises helps too,” said another netizen.

Authorities in Hubei Province, especially its capital Wuhan, are resolute in the measures taken to make sure all people needing medical assistance are admitted to medical facilities for the novel coronavirus pneumonia.

Reading Check

1. What made Fu go viral?

A. Reading calmly in the hospital during the outbreak.

B. Posting a picture on Chinas social media platforms.

C. Living in the newly?built makeshift hospital in Wuhan.

D. Publishing a book called The Origins of Political Order.

2. Which of the following best describes the man, dubbed “The Reader in Fangcang”?

A. Positive and calm. B. Caring and devoted.

C. Humorous and hopeful.          D. Ambitious and cautious.

3. Why did Fu go to Wuhan?

A. To buy the book. B. To visit his parents.

C. To return to his hometown.  D. To help people in Wuhan.

4. We can infer that the main purpose of passage is to _______  .

A. introduce the book The Origins of Political Order

B. tell readers how to be an “Invincible Wuhan Man”

C. analyse why the novel coronavirus broke out in Wuhan

D. encourage people to keep positive and calm in hard times

Language Study

Difficult sentence

Authorities in Hubei Province, especially its capital Wuhan, are resolute in the measures taken to make sure all people needing medical assistance are admitted to medical facilities for the novel coronavirus pneumonia.

【翻译】     ________________________________________________

【点石成金】句中taken to...coronavirus pneumonia为过去分词作后置定语,修饰名词measures; all people needing...coronavirus pneumonia是一个省略了that的賓语从句,充当make sure的宾语。


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