Travel In Japan
学 校:无锡市阳山中心小学三(2)班
日本作家川端康成说:“美在于发现,在于邂逅。”Luckily,I met the beauty of Japan with my parents.
Kyoto used to be the capital of Japan. It has a long history. 我們游览了朱红色的千本鸟居(Qianben Bird House)、金碧辉煌的金阁寺(Kinkakuji Temple)、慵懒随性的鸭川(Kamogawa River),还有华灯初上的京都塔(Kyoto Tower)。京都用它古典、宁静的魅力征服了我。
奈良(Nara) is my favorite city in Japan. The whole Nara is like an open park. 在这里,有1200多头小鹿和人和谐共处,它们被游人喂养得圆滚滚的,日子过得快活极了。The visitors like taking photos with these lovely deer.
Then I come to Osaka, a morden city.如果你和我一样是个“海洋控”,那你绝对不能错过大阪海游馆(Osaka Aquarium)。It is one of the biggest aquariums in the world. There are two huge whale sharks(鲸鲨)in Osaka Aquarium. I had a lot of fun here!
In Osaka, we are lucky to meet The Tanabata(七夕祭).这次的七夕祭首次在河川上举行。夜幕慢慢降临,河里散落的小灯既像萤火虫又像闪烁的星星。河边不时地飘来歌声,伴着乐队的演奏。What a wonderful evening!
京都的古老韵味,天河传说的千万夜景,大阪的现代、繁华,奈良的自然气息,还有那盛大的七夕祭,旅行的美好令人回味无穷。I really enjoy this travel in Japan.