

世界建筑 2020年6期


Architects: Safdie Architects


基于环形的几何形态,建筑造型可满足在机场设置中多处连接的功能性需求。玻璃和钢构屋顶结构在最宽处跨度超过200m,并且只有间隔性的支撑,因而形成了一个近乎无柱的内部空间。40m 高的巨大瀑布从玻璃屋顶中心的孔洞穿越多层花园倾泻而下,创造出令人叹为观止的视觉效果、日常彩虹和被动式降温的微气候。

这个圆竞技场形的花园汇集了来自世界各地的2000 多棵树木和100,000 株灌木。在气候控制下,花园的开发需要大量的研究和分析,还包括一个由专家组成的研究小组。关键的挑战在于如何平衡访客的热舒适度,同时又允许适量的自然采光进入建筑物,以滋养广泛收集的园艺植物。


隐藏在梯田植被中的集成置换式冷却系统并非对整个内部空间进行调节,而是仅对人居空间的地上1.5m 进行冷却,从而尽可能提升其效率。此外,特殊涂层的玻璃面板(3 层Low-E 玻璃)可透射光以促进植物生长,同时减少热量吸收。

整个系统与瀑布形成的微气候效应协同调节,对室内的热环境产生了很大影响,并有助于空间的降温。水沿着玻璃屋顶流过,通过屋顶精心设计的孔洞“雨漩涡”,自由落入旋涡底部的容量为435,000L 的蓄水库。在该地区频繁且强烈的雷暴天气中,整个屋顶表面都排水到建筑物的中央,那里收集多余的雨水并在整个花园中重复利用及打造水景本身。通过这些创新,星耀樟宜荣获了新加坡建设局颁发的绿色标志超金奖。

花园附近有超过200 家零售店、90 家餐饮店、IMAX 影院综合体、过境酒店、杂货铺、提早办理登机手续、行李和礼宾服务。最终,星耀樟宜提供了人、自然、商业交织的体验——重新思考城市中心的可能性。(徐紫仪 译)



1 外景/Exterior view

2 通道内景/Interior view of tunnel

Jewel reimagines the centre of an airport as a major public realm attraction, a place of community, and a social interface between locals and tourists. Combining two environments - a bustling marketplace and a paradise garden - it creates a new community-centric typology as the heart, and soul, of Changi Airport. Fulfilling its mission as a connector between the existing terminals, Jewel is accessible to all in-transit passengers as well as to the public at large, and seeks to serve the people of Singapore and travellers equally.

Based on the geometry of a torus, the building shape accommodates the programmatic need for multiple connections in the airport setting. Spanning more than 200 metres at its widest point, the glass and steel roof structure has only intermittent supports, which results in a nearly column-free interior. At the heart of the glass roof is an oculus showering water 40 metres down through a multistory garden, creating dramatic visual effects, daily rainbows and a cooling micro-climate effect.

The amphitheatre-shaped garden includes over 2000 trees and 100,000 shrubs from around the world. Climate-controlled, the development of the garden required significant research and analysis involving a team of expert specialists. The key challenge was to balance thermal comfort levels for visitors, while at the same time allowing appropriate quantities of natural daylight into the building to nourish the wide range of collected horticulture.

Custom-designed parametric energy modelling software was developed to accurately predict the amount of daylight hours the planting would require well in advance of the start of construction, to ensure that the planting would thrive, and also to conf irm the design of the building cooling systems. The energy model was linked to advanced structural digital calculation models as the depth of the steel diagrid structure had a direct correlation with daylight penetration.


3 内景/Interior view

Rather than conditioning the entire volume of the interior, an integrated displacement cooling system hidden within the terracing planters cools only the first 1.5 metres of the inhabited space, so as to be as efficient as possible. Additionally, specialtycoated glass panels (triple Low-E glass) transmit light for plant growth, while at the same time reducing heat gain.

The entire system is tuned together with the microclimate effects of the waterfall, which has a great impact on the interior thermal conditions and contributes to the cooling of the spaces. Water flows along the glass roof and through a carefully controlled opening at the roof top oculus. The water free falls to a collection basin at the base of the vortex which contains a 435,000 litre reservoir. During the region's frequent and powerful thunderstorms, the entire roof surface drains to the centre of the building where the surplus rainwater is collected to be reused throughout the garden, and for the water feature itself. With these innovations in place, Jewel has received the Green Mark Award - GoldPLUS award from Singapore's Building & Construction Authority.

Adjacent to and accessible from the garden are over 200 retail shops, 90 food and beverage outlets, an IMAX movie complex, a transit hotel, a grocery store, early check-in facilities, baggage and concierge services. Ultimately, Jewel offers an interwoven experience of people, nature and commerce - rethinking what an urban centre can be.



4 入口俯瞰/Overlook the entrance

5 零售区天井/Patio of retails

项目信息/Credits and Data

地点/Location: Jewel Changi Airport, 78 Airport Blvd, Singapore

客户/Client: Jewel Changi Airport Devt Pte., Ltd.

建筑设计/Architects: Safdie Architects


主持设计师/Lead Designer: Moshe Safdie

项目经理/Principals: Jaron Lubin, Charu Kokate

项目成员/Project Members: David Foxe, Seunghyun Kim, Benjy Lee, Dan Lee, Peter Morgan, Reihaneh Ramezany, Laura Rushfeldt, Isaac Safdie, Damon Sidel, Temple Simpson, Lee Hua Tan, Andrew Tulen.合作/Collaborators

建筑设计执行,建设与基础设施工程/Executive Architect; Building & Infrastructure Engineers: RSP Architects Planners & Engineers

屋顶结构与立面工程/Roof Structure & Façades Engineers: BuroHappold

环境与可持续设计/Environmental & Sustainable Design: Atelier Ten

景观设计/Landscape Design: PWP Landscape Architecture景观设计执行/Executive Landscape Architect: ICN International Singapore

水景设计/Water Feature Design: WET

商铺设计/Retail Design: Benoy Limited

机电工程/MEP: Mott MacDonald导览设计/Signage/Wayfinding: Pentagram and Entro Communications

照明设计/Lighting Design: Lighting Planners Associates

总承建/General Contractor: Woh Hup (Private) Limited

场地面积/Site Area: 38,500m2

基底面积/Built Area: 135,700m2

建筑长度/Length: 206m

建筑高度/Height: 地上5层,地下五层/5 above ground, 5 below分区面积/Area Breakdown:

机场运行面积19,400m2/19,400m2area for air por t operations;

室内花园及景观21,100m2/21,100m2area for indoor gardens and attractions;

零售和食宿90,000m2(约300人容量)/90,000m2area for retail and F&B (approximately 300 tenants)

中转酒店5200m2/5200m2transit hotel;

地下停车场2500m2/2500m2covered parking spaces over 5 basement levels

造价/Cost: 1.7B USD

施工周期/Construction Period: 5 Years

绘图/Drawings: Safdie Architects

摄影/Photos: Tim Hursley



6 平面/Plan

7 剖面/Section




谭奔:在探索机场航站楼的全新定义上,樟宜机场集团用星耀樟宜综合体交了一份让世界瞩目的答卷。人们很难用准确、合适的词汇去描绘这座建筑所带来的震撼感和未来感。精巧的设计构思、顶尖的内容策划、满满的科技植入,让它一经落成就如同它的名字一样,成为樟宜机场的一颗宝石,吸引着全球旅行者的目光。星耀樟宜综合体在为樟宜机场带来更高人气和更多财富的同时,也为全球同行业竖起了一根难以超越的标杆——连续8 年被评为世界最佳机场。


8.9 内景/Interior views


WANG Yizhi: Jewel Changi is not a mere terminal - it serves as a model for all airport designers and planners. As a successful commercial project, it allows Jewel Changi Airport once again to be the best airport in the world by reactivating the slightly aesthetically-fatigued areas of Singapore's airport and providing travellers with fresh destinations and business experiences. The building employs a large number of innovative technologies to create a fantastic interior space effect, which is supported by the high cost of construction and operation. What can sustain all the above is the successful long-term operation of Changi Airport, with nearly 70 million highquality passengers per year. It is the mutual support and promotion between the architecture itself and its operation that constantly push up the airport's leading position in the industry. (Translated by Dandan Wang)

TAN Ben: In terms of exploring the new def inition of airport terminals, Changi Airport Group presented a stunning answer with Jewel Changi. People found it hard to describe the feeling of being blown away and the sense of future they experienced in the building. Its delicate design, the state-of-the-art content planning, and the profound science and technology placement turn it into a jewel of the airport, like its name, and have attracted tourists from all over the world ever since it was completed. Along with more popularity and more fortune for Changi Airport, Jewel Changi has also set up a nearly unsurpassable benchmark in the field - it has been rated as the world's best airport for eight years in a row. (Translated by QIAN Fang)


10 连廊/Bridge


三生 星耀澳门