

时代英语·高三 2020年7期



The Truth about Whisky

Whisky (威士忌酒) is probably  most famous product of Scotland. Whisky-making provides work  several thousand people in the Scottish Highlands and islands, and whisky is Scotlands biggest goods  (sell) to every corner of the world.

The qualities of whisky come from the water which  (use) to make it the rich “peaty (多泥炭的)” water of Scotland. When whisky is first made, it is  (actual) clear, not brown in color. The color comes from wooden  (contain) in which the whisky is stored for several years to allow it  (mature) from a little added sugar.

For many years, whisky has been one of the most popular drinks all over the world, and Scotland  (produce) more and more of it so far. But whisky sales have not increased as fast, so there are now large reserves of whisky in Scotland, especially the better and  (expensive) whisky. So a lot of the whisky sold today was made several years ago when people thought that whisky would get more and more popular. That is , today, a lot of whisky in the shops is marked with “Ten years old”, or even “Fifteen years old”.

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A few days ago I attended a gathering,1a girl shared that she had recently “lost” her wallet (it was most likely stolen). I remembered that2(feel) because I had lost my wallet many times throughout my younger years. And twice it3(return) to me.

I decided to label (用标签标明) one of my small4(purse), which I actually had with me that day, with her name, along with some cash inside and an5(encourage) note. The trick was to try to get it to her6(secret), because I dont know her and may not see her again. I quickly went to another area7(write) the note. And then I wrote her name on a piece of paper and left it by the main door with the purse where she would see it8her way out. I was really nervous and wondered if she would actually find9 . I kept checking to see if she picked it up.

At the end of the evening, another guest10(mention) that she had the biggest smile on her face after finding it. The best part was that she had no idea who it was and just felt grateful to everyone in that room.

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During the teenage years, many young people can at times be difficult to talk to. They often seem to dislike  (question). They may be  (willing) to talk about their work in school. This is a normal  (develop) at this age, though it can be very hard for parents  (understand). It is part of becoming independent. They try to be adult while they are still growing up. Young people are usually more willing to talk if they believe that questions  (ask) out of real interest and not because people are trying to check up on them.

Parents should do their best to talk to their sons and daughters  their schoolwork and future plans  should not push them to talk if they dont want to. As they try to be adult,  (teenager) may experiment with  alcohol or smoking, so parents should watch  (careful) for any sign of unusual behavior  may be connected with these and get help if necessary.

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A “remote babysitter” service1(mention) in the plans announced by Google. The service which uses cameras and motions sensors (运动感应器) could warn parents when their child is in danger. The smart home system could send2text or email to parents if a baby or young child has been left alone for3(many) than ten minutes.

It could use its sensors to shut off household appliances (电器) when a child4(get) near, and lock digital doors to prevent children5(go) out. Other features include flashing lights and warnings such as “Your child is approaching the power.”

6(typical) these risks are avoided with parents presence in the first place. However, there may be situations7children are left unattended (無人看管的) at home due8circumstances beyond a parent or guardians control. In theses situations, the parent or guardian may not have had the opportunity to ensure the9(safe) of the child, thus putting the unattended children at risk.

It would be designed10(give) parents peace of mind when leaving their child in another room or with an inexperienced babysitter.

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Researchers from the University of Michigan have found that astronauts brains change shape during spaceflight. It is the first study1(look) into how the brain changes in space. Researchers looked at high?tech MRI (核磁共振成像) pictures of the brains of 26 astronauts who spent time in space. 12 of the2(astronaut) spent two weeks on the Space Shuttle, and 14 spent six weeks on the International Space Station. All of them3(experience) increases and decreases in the size of different parts of the brain. The longer an astronaut spent in space, the4(big) the size differences were.

The research produced some5(interest) findings. One is that no gravity6(mean) fluids (液) do not drop in the body, so there is a shift in the brains position inside the skull. The brain becomes either smaller or bigger. The findings could help doctors to treat people with problems7(cause) by long?term bed rest. They could also help those8have a build?up of fluid in the brain, which can lead9brain damage. We will understand more about10neurons (神经元) in the brain connect. The findings will also help future trips to Mars.

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Chinese kung fu, also1(know) as wushu or Chinese martial art, is one of the most well-?known examples of traditional Chinese culture. It is probably one of the2(early) and longest lasting sports which uses both muscles and brain.

The theory of kung fu is based3classical Chinese philosophy (哲学). Over its long history it4(develop) as a unique combination of exercise, practical self?-defense, self?-discipline, and art.

It is estimated (估计) that Chinese kung fu dates back to primitive society. At that time people used sticks5(fight) against wild beasts.6(gradual) they accumulated experience in self-defense.

Chinese kung fu is a large system of theory and practice. It combines7(technique) of self-defense and health?keeping.

In Chinese kung fu, however, a8(different) is made between “external (外部的)” and “internal” kung fu.9is said that “In external kung fu, you exercise your tendons, bones, and skin; in internal kung fu, you train your spirit, your qi, and your mind.” So internal kung fu can continue later in life10the external body weakens.

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US inventor Orville Wright once said, “The desire to fly is an idea1(hand) down to us by our ancestors.” For centuries, humans2(invent) machines to explore space. And the United Nations thought that it was important for the world3(celebrate) the great contribution space flight has made4civilization. So in 2011, it declared April 12th the International Day of Human Space Flight.

The story of human space flight is5(excite). In 1961, the Soviet cosmonaut (宇航員) Yuri Gagarin made the first manned space flight. He traveled around Earth in his craft for over an hour6returning to Earths atmosphere to land back in the Soviet Union. Gagarins flight caught the imagination of the world. Then came the US 1969 Apollo 11 mission,7took two men, Neil Armstrong and Edwin Aldrin, to the moon.8(climb) down from the spacecraft onto the moons surface, Armstrong said the famous9(word), “Thats one small step for a man; one giant leap for mankind.”

Indeed, as our parents generation witnessed the first human to set food on another planet, ours many be the first to get the chance to10(actual) live on one.

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In ancient China lived an artist61paintings were almost lifelike. The artists reputation had made him proud. One day the emperor wanted to get his portrait (畫像) done so he called all great artists to come and present their

62(fine) work, so that he could choose the best. The artist was sure he would63(choose), but when he presented his masterpiece to the emperors chief minister, the old man laughed. The wise old man told him to travel to the Li River—perhaps he could learn a little from the greatest artist in the world.

Filled with64(curious), the artist packed his bags and left.65he asked the villagers on the banks of the river where he could find the legendary (传奇的) artist, they smiled and66(point) down the river. The next morning he hired a boat and set out67(find) the well-known painter. As the small boat moved68(gentle) along the river he was left speechless by the mountains being silently reflected in the water. He passed milky white waterfalls and mountains in many shades of blue. And when he saw the mists rising from the river and the soft clouds69(surround) the mountain tops, he was reduced to tears. The artist was finally humbled (谦卑) by the greatest artist70earth, Mother Nature.

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