A French Son-in-Law in Wuhan Battle


Special Focus 2020年2期

By Yang Zhigang, Wang Siban, Yue Wenwan & Zhang Xinyi Photos by Wang Siban

During the battle against COVID-19, behind medical workers stand a group of volunteers. They worked on the streets or in the communities of Wuhan every day and night to keep this big city running. Among them, Frederic Domeck from Lyon, France attracted our attention.

8 years ago, Frederic settled down in Wuhan with his wife, and taught French at Wuhan University of Technology.

On January 26, when asked if he would like to join the volunteer motorcade and deliver supplies to hospitals and communities, this veteran, full of experience in dealing with complicated situations and unknown danger, readily accepted his friend’s offer without any hesitation, thus becoming a member of Leopard Change volunteer motorcade.

“I’m healthy. I have a big car. So I think I can help.” In more than one month, he drove his car to deliver disinfectant, rubber gloves, protective suits, and foods to hospitals, and send vegetables and daily supplies to communities, driving over 600 kilometers. “Frederic is earnest and down-to-earth. He has set a good example,” said Wan Bin, a member of the motorcade.

All the time, Frederic was holding a smart phone on his hand. He needed to use the translation apps to communicate with others.

At the end of January, when the French government started to evacuate its citizens from Wuhan, Frederic and his family decided to stay. “My wife, my daughter, and my mother are all here in Wuhan, so I cannot go back to France.”

“There are a great number of volunteering groups in Wuhan,” said Wang Zhixiang, a member of the motorcade. “In our motorcade, we have 7 teams of drivers. And more citizens are joining the volunteer services to help those in need. Up to now, we have provided volunteer services for nearly 500 hospitals in total.”

Frederic concluded, “All of us are delivering protective kits, medical supplies, and foods to medical workers. They are not fighting alone, and behind them is the entire Chinese nation. Morale is very high in Wuhan.” (Source: Xinhua News Agency. Translation: Fan Jiayu)

Frederic Domeck goes to the supermarket to buy supplies弗雷德到超市代购物资

武汉抗疫战, 志愿者们是白衣战士身后坚强的后盾。他们为这个城市的运转日夜奔波。在志愿者中,有一个身影格外引人注目,他是来自法国里昂的弗雷德。



“我很健康,我的车空间也挺大,我可以帮忙。”一个多月来,他开着自己的车给医院送去消毒水、橡胶手套、防护服、饭菜,还帮社区运输蔬菜、日常生活用品等,跑了近600 公里。车队队员万斌说:“弗雷德做事非常踏实,而且极其认真。他给我们的影响很大。”



“武汉还有很多志愿服务团队,我们的车队就有7 组人,此外还有很多市民志愿者采取行动,去支援需要帮助的人群。”车队队员王治翔说,“我们现在支持的医院,有将近500 家了。”



TCR China R2:黄楚涵揽双冠 捷凯车队夺最佳车队奖