International Students: Quarantine Days in Wuhan


Special Focus 2020年2期

By Jodie Wang, Rice Ilunga Kajila, Kante Nabila Chouaib & Baba Imoro Musah

Since 10 o’clock on January 23, the city’s buses, subways, ferries, and long-distance passenger train stations have been suspended. Wuhan University of Technology also began fully enclosed management of international student dormitories since February 11. What was the status of these international students studying and living in Wuhan, and how did they spend this period of isolation?

1月23日10 时起,武汉全市公交、地铁、轮渡、长途客运站暂停运营,武汉理工大学也自2月11日起对留学生宿舍进行全封闭管理。这些在武汉学习和生活的留学生们的现状如何,他们是如何度过这段隔离的日子的呢?

01 赖斯:抗疫生存战记

Rice Ilunga Kajila: How I survived during the quarantine?

The most common question my overseas friends have asked me is how I’ve survived the quarantine. Most people cannot imagine being quarantined for this long and still be sane, but it is possible.

When the quarantine measures were first passed in Wuhan, we were able to move around and purchase things in the major supermarkets (Zhongbai, Walmart, etc.) and those nearby. Then the moment came when the rules changed and we weren’t allowed to get out of our communities. It was frustrating since the major question on everyone’s mind was how we’d be able to get access to groceries.

Teachers from the International Student’s Office delivers food packages to students国际教育学院的老师们为学生送去物资

Rice I. Kajila (right) and Xiong Fei 赖斯(右)和菜鸟驿站工作人员“熊哥”

To understand how we managed the problem, let me give you an overview of how the communities are organized. In each community there is a Wechat group that allows the administration of that particular community to communicate with all the residents. This powerful organization of each community can go as far as communicating when there is a stranger visiting the area. Through the community’s service, all residents were able to buy groceries using Mini Apps on Wechat, such as 美菜 and 十荟团. Being the only foreigner in my community wasn’t easy, especially when it came to understanding how to buy using the Mini Apps, because at first there was only a specific time you could buy. My condition didn’t go unnoticed by the administrator of my community. Soon, I had the delivery manager contacting me individually, he would call and take my order and provide extra services whenever I needed anything from the market.

I can recall the day I couldn’t get rice even after trying for two days on the Mini App, so he came the next day, brought a box of noodles for free and helped me purchase more groceries. His name is Xiong Fei, and I call him Xiong Ge, which means “ Big Brother Xiong.”

Besides the help from the community, the International Student’ s Office (ISO) via its head Mr. David Hu and my teacher David Gong, also managed to get the necessary permissions from the local government to deliver food to students who lived off campus. Being the off-campus student manager, I knew there were more than one hundred students living off campus and we were all locked down in our communities. However, each student living off campus saw the joyful faces of the school teachers moving mountains to bring groceries and masks to them, and that included bringing packages of vegetables, meat, fruits, and snacks to everyone.

The final set of surprises came when someone from the community administration delivered some vegetables for free, as well as letting me know I could get meat from the community office at a very low cost.




我得到的不仅仅有社区的帮助。武汉理工大学国际教育学院办公室的胡雄斌老师、龚建明老师,申请到了通行证,为住在校外的学生提供必要的食物。而作为校外学生管理员之一,我了解到有100 多名国际留学生住在校外,他们的社区也都封闭了。每一个住在校外的学生都看到了学校老师的笑脸,老师们辛苦为学生们运送生活物资和口罩,给每个人都送去一大包蔬菜、肉、水果、零食。

It has been a season of both panic and receiving love and care from the Wuhanese. Staying indoors not only kept us safe but also kept our neighbors safe.



02 帅伯:开发了很多新技能

Kante Nabila Chouaib: Developed many new skills

I was too scared at first because of the news about the increasing number of deaths, infections, and so on. However, when I started to think about my future, my goal of learning the Chinese language, and why I came to China, I found that the only solution to permit me to continue was firstly to adapt to a new reality in a positive way.

I quickly started to focus on ways to keep safe, watching good news instead of bad news or rumors, keep praying, listening to music, dancing, and continuing with my study plan. So there was no time to think too much or care about other things.

Seeing medical staff fighting, people dying and Wuhan citizens who kept to their duties, affected my faith deeply and positively. Then I found that the only thing I could do to help these strong and courageous people on the front line was to keep calm, follow authorities’ requirements, and allow them to be focused on the disease.

I achieved 90% of my goal in my studies. For instance, I passed HSK 3 during this period. I developed many new skills like avoiding crowded places. Those support activities (talking with friends, dancing, watching motivational movies, listening to music, learning etc.) permitted me to forget the bad time I was facing. The way I considered the problem was totally different from my parents’ views regarding the news they received everyday about our situation in Wuhan through France 24 and BBC. They were more scared than me, even though they gave only two advices: Don’t panic and keep praying, you will survive.

What I retained from this was that in emergency case like this, we must keep a good mentality by being positive, build up confidence by keeping track of good news, and follow rules in order to know how to keep safe. Only by so doing will we be able to survive the hardest time as heroes do.




在此期间,我达到了90%的目标,比如通过汉语水平考试三级(HSK 3)。我在很多事情上都开发了新技能,例如避开拥挤的地方。这些活动(如与朋友聊天,跳舞,看励志电影,听音乐,学习等)使我忘记了自己过得不好的时光。我每天通过法国24 小时和BBC 了解到的有关我们在武汉的情况和武汉真实的情况完全不同。虽然他们意识到“不要惊慌并继续祈祷,您会顺利度过困难的”,但他们其实比我害怕得多。因此,有时我会质疑自己是否真的在武汉,在那个他们所认为的最不安全的地方。


03 夏博健:学术生活在继续

Baba Imoro Musah: Academic life continues

I have lived in Wuhan for cumulatively about 4 years now. I first came here in September of 2015 for my postgraduate studies and successfully graduated in June 2017 with MSc in Environmental Science and Engineering from Wuhan University of Technology. Now I am a second-year PhD student in the same major at the same university.

At about 11:30 am on January 23, I had a task to perform in the laboratory as a research student. I went to the roadside to get a public bus to go to lab. However, after few minutes of waiting at the stop, no bus showed up—apparently, the lockdown had started already. I honestly thought it was because of the New Year holiday. I couldn’t wait any longer, so I opted to make good use of one of the public bicycles available nearby. Upon my return to school dormitory later in the evening on bicycle, I read in the news about the lockdown in Wuhan that was already going on.

Subsequently, our university authorities notified us about the suspension of all public transportation in Wuhan. Our school further provided safety guidelines for all of us on campus to abide by in order to protect us from getting infected by COVID-19. Then notice came again advising all international students on campus to stay indoors as much as possible, and wear a mask when it is necessary to go out at the initial stage.

On the night, the Chinese government announced its plan to build a 1000-bed emergency hospital in one week to cater to cases of COVID-19 in the city. This news came to many of us as great news.

The provisions of medical masks, some foods such as vegetables, rice, oil, and water from our university within this period came as great relief to many of us on campus and it was deeply appreciated. I want to say thanks to our university, especially to the ISO for assisting some of my colleague students to renew their visas/residence permit during this lockdown. The decision to disinfect our dormitory, kitchens, and corridors in our dormitory was a good move, too.

I must admit that curtailment or restrictions on human movement anywhere was not easy at all. However, since the surest way to help contain COVID-19 is avoid as much as possible human contact with many people, I think it is worth it.

During this period, everyday I tried to find something positive to engage my attention as a research student. I read scientific articles relating to my research work and did mini reviews—this lessened the pressure on my mind about COVID-19. I am sure many other students did the same.

Initially, we started free Chinese learning in our dormitory initiated by Ms. Dai Yuli during the first two weeks of the lockdown but we subsequently stopped it in order to avoid human contact as recommended by health authorities. I’ve been in touch with Professor Lai Peng, my supervisor, regularly, whom I’m grateful to for he kept checking on me and giving me tasks to perform which diverted all my attention to academic study.

For those who will be graduating this year in June, I wish you the very best in your thesis or dissertation preparations. Let’s all continue to make good use of the time we stay indoors by attending to our academic needs as much as possible.

Let’s all continue to stay strong, and abide by all safety guidelines and instructions from our school authority as well as the Chinese government. I know China will certainly come out victorious at the end of the COVID-19 fight.

This is just a microcosm of the life of international students studying in Wuhan during the lockdown period. Like all the other people who live in Wuhan, they started from fear and worry, and slowly adapted to the life in lockdown. Slowly they mastered new skills, and even learned to comfort, encourage, and help other people around them. Thank you all for your bravery! (Source: Official WeChat of International Student’s Office, Wuhan University of Technology)这只是在汉的来华留学生这段时间生活的一个缩影,他们和其他所有生活在武汉的人一样从开始的恐惧、担心,到慢慢适应封城的生活,调节自己的心态,掌握新的技能,甚至是安慰、鼓励和帮助身边的人。谢谢每一个勇敢的你们!(来源:武汉理工大学国际教育学院官方微信)


2020年1月23日上午11:30左右,我必须去实验室里完成一项研究工作。我去了路边,打算乘坐公交车去实验室。我到公交车站,经过几分钟的等待,依然不见公交车来,我并不知道封锁已经开始了。我以为是因为临近新年假期车变少了,但是我有点等不及了,所以我选择骑公交车站旁的共享单车。当我晚上骑自行车返回学校宿舍时,我才得知当日上午10:00 武汉封城的消息。


当晚,中国政府宣布,计划在一周内建造拥有1000 张病床的急诊医院,以应对武汉市的新冠肺炎疫情。这对我们许多人来说都是个好消息。



我必须赞扬并向中国政府表示敬意,毋庸置疑,他们在应对COVID-19 方面表现出强大领导能力和坚定承诺。迄今为止,中国政府在遏制疫情上取得的巨大进步反映了其强大的领导能力,令我印象深刻。






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