

光电工程 2020年6期

孔庆峰,王 帅,杨 平,林海奇,刘 永,许 冰


孔庆峰1,2,3,4,王 帅1,3*,杨 平1,3*,林海奇1,3,4,刘 永2,许 冰1,3

1中国科学院自适应光学重点实验室,四川 成都 610209;2电子科技大学光电科学与工程学院,四川 成都 610054;3中国科学院光电技术研究所,四川 成都 610209;4中国科学院大学,北京 100049



1 引 言

相位反演技术(Phase retrieval,PR)是一种通过已知的二维光强分布来恢复波前像差的方法。由于其检测精度高、环境要求低,它被广泛应用于激光质量评价[1]、自适应光学[2-3]、X射线相位对比成像[4-5]、天文观测[6-8]等领域。


Gonsalves提出了相位差(phase difference,PD)算法来克服GS算法的多解问题[2],该算法通过添加一副离焦面光强分布信息来提高波前恢复的精度。然而,此方法需要使用两个CCD相机,牺牲了光学结构的简便性。

2008年,李敏、李新阳提出了一种基于线性相位反演的方法来解决单帧相位反演的问题,此方法对较小的像差有效[12-13]。2010年,Meimon提出了一种基于单个图像重建波前的线性焦面反演算法,但该算法仅对低阶像差复原有效[14]。Greenbaum在2016年提出了一种引入非冗余掩模(non-redundant mask,NRM)打破相位的符号不确定性的方法来重建单帧焦面图像的近场波前[11]。然而,NRM进出光路的精度和探测装置的复杂性限制了该算法在实际波前探测中的应用。



2 基本原理

2.1 传统单帧相位反演方法的像差多解问题






2.2 二维离散像差调制






图1 Walsh函数分布

图2 光学系统模型


分别用正、负离焦像差和一对随机旋转复共轭随机像差为例,来验证以上结论。其中正、负离焦像差可以看作为特殊的旋转复共轭对。仿真模拟中,透镜焦距为500 mm,波长625 nm,光束半径为2 mm,CCD像素尺寸为10mm,相位片的相位台阶为p/2。

2.3 基于Walsh函数二维离散调制的相位反演算法



具体的基于Walsh函数二维离散调制的相位反演算法流程如图4所示。首先设定待测波前初始值为0,之后通过二维调制,计算得到远场光强,比较计算所得光强与实际测得光强是否足够接近,可用误差平方和(sum of squares due to error,SSE,用SSE表示)来评价,其公式表达式如下:

3 仿真实验


仿真参数如下:透镜焦距为500 mm,波长625 nm,光束半径为2 mm,CCD像素尺寸为10mm,相位片的相位台阶为p/2。评估标准SSE被设置为小于10-6。如果300次迭代后不能达到判定标准,程序循环将终止。

首先,利用前65阶Zernike多项式生成了PV值为2.5218 rad和RMS值为0.3719 rad的随机波前像差,如图5所示。


图4 基于Walsh函数调制的相位反演算法流程图

图5 待测波前。(a) 波形;(b) Zernike系数


图7 传统GS算法和Walsh函数调制算法的迭代曲线

图8 不同相位反演方法的残余波前RMS值比较图

图9 不同相位台阶下评价指标ESSE的收敛曲线

4 结 论


[1] Védrenne N, Mugnier L M, Michau V,. Laser beam complex amplitude measurement by phase diversity[J]., 2014, 22(4): 4575–4589.

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[11] Greenbaum A Z, Sivaramakrishnan A. In-focus wavefront sensing using non-redundant mask-induced pupil diversity[J]., 2016, 24(14): 15506–15521.

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[14] Meimon S, Fusco T, Mugnier L M. LIFT: a focal-plane wavefront sensor for real-time low-order sensing on faint sources[J]., 2010, 35(18): 3036–3038.

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Single-frame far-field wavefront retrieval method based on Walsh function modulation

Kong Qingfeng1,2,3,4, Wang Shuai1,3*, Yang Ping1,3*, Lin Haiqi1,3,4, Liu Yong2, Xu Bing1,3

1Key Laboratory of Adaptive Optics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Chengdu, Sichuan 610209, China;2School of Optoelectronic Science and Engineering, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, Chengdu, Sichuan 610054, China;3Institute of Optics and Electronics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Chengdu, Sichuan 610209, China;4University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China

Distribution of Walsh functions

Overview:Phase retrieval (PR) is an iterative process of wavefront recovering from known intensity distribution. Owing to high detection accuracy and lower environment requirement, PR has become an attractive candidate to the wavefront sensor (WFS) in adaptive optics. With the development of computer speed, PR will have greater potentiality in active optic systems.

Gerchberg and Saxton proposed firstly the GS algorithm to recover the wavefront aberration. This algorithm can achieve typical convergence, but its iterative process easily falls into stagnation. For instance, the true pupil field(,) and its twin*(-, -) have the same Fourier modulus, so the algorithm tries to recover both together and goes nowhere. For overcoming the two-fold ambiguity of GS algorithm, phase diversity (PD) algorithm was proposed by Gonsalves in 1979. However, this method introduces a defocused plane to increase the constrained intensity information to reconstruct the wavefront, which will sacrifice the simplicity. Löfdahl proposed PD sensor with a beam splitter to make the focus and defocused images be captured by one CCD. For the same purpose a PD sensor with a distorted diffraction grating was presented by Blanchard in 2000. Nevertheless, more complex structure, interaction of high frequency information and dynamic range of CCD limit the practical application of these methods in the PD.

In 2008, Min Li and Xinyang Li proposed a method based on the linear phase retrieval (LPR) to reconstruct small aberrations from a single far field image. In 2010, the linearized focal plane technique (LIFT) was presented by Serge Meimon, which is only effective for lower order aberration. Bing Dong et al demonstrated a hybrid phase retrieval algorithm using a combination of LPR and GS in 2015. The estimation result of LPR is used as a prior knowledge to speed convergence of GS. In this way, the higher order aberrations are basically recovered, but the problem of multiple solutions remains unsolved.

In order to solve the problems mentioned above in traditional single-frame phase retrieval algorithm, a feasible method is proposed to break the rotational symmetry of near-field wavefront phase. If continuous aberration is used for wavefront modulation, it is equivalent to adding a wavefront on the measured wavefront. This cannot solve the problem of multiple solutions.

A wavefront reconstruction method based on Walsh function two-dimensional discrete phase modulation is proposed in this paper. This method can effectively break the symmetry of near-field wavefront and overcome problem of PR multiple solutions. The basic principle and limitation of this method are introduced. The wavefront retrieval accuracy of the proposed algorithm is compared to the traditional GS algorithm through simulations and experiments. The results show that the wavefront retrieval algorithm based on phase modulation of Walsh function can accurately reconstruct the wavefront aberration under the condition of single far-field image.

Citation: Kong Q F, Wang S, Yang P,Single-frame far-field wavefront retrieval method based on Walsh function modulation[J]., 2020, 47(6): 190323

Single-frame far-field wavefront retrieval method based on Walsh function modulation

Kong Qingfeng1,2,3,4, Wang Shuai1,3*, Yang Ping1,3*, Lin Haiqi1,3,4, Liu Yong2, Xu Bing1,3

1Key Laboratory of Adaptive Optics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Chengdu, Sichuan 610209, China;2School of Optoelectronic Science and Engineering, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, Chengdu, Sichuan 610054, China;3Institute of Optics and Electronics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Chengdu, Sichuan 610209, China;4University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China

The reconstruction of wavefront from single far-field image data has unique advantages in simplicity of structure. However, the traditional wavefront reconstruction algorithm has multiple solutions based on single far-field image, its iterative process easily falls into stagnation. In this paper, based on the analysis of the multi-solution problem of single-frame phase retrieval method, a wavefront reconstruction method based on Walsh function two-dimensional discrete phase modulation is proposed. This method can effectively break the symmetry of near-field wavefront and overcome problem of multiple solutions. The simulation results show that the method can accurately reconstruct wavefront aberration with only one far-field image.

phase retrieval; aberration; far-field; two-dimensional discrete modulation




: Kong Q F, Wang S, Yang P,. Single-frame far-field wavefront retrieval method based on Walsh function modulation[J]., 2020,47(6): 190323

孔庆峰,王帅,杨平,等. 基于Walsh函数调制的单帧远场波前反演方法[J]. 光电工程,2020,47(6): 190323

Supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China (61805251) and Chinese Academy of Sciences Youth Innovation Promotion Agency (2017429)

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