【摘 要】 小学英语进行教学改革后,教材中增加了一些趣味性的童话。教师在语篇教学中,不能仅仅把文本的重点句式和关键词提炼出来,而是要在语篇教学中培养学生多元的思维和多维的能力。因此,教师在语篇教学中,要能立足故事情趣,充实小学英语语篇教学,这样才能提升课堂的实效性。
【关键词】 预测故事;紧扣情节;体会情趣
英语教师在进行语篇阅读教学之前,要能根据标题和相关的图片,引导学生大胆地猜测故事的内容,激发学生学习语篇的兴趣,让教学的过程变得更加生动有趣。在让学生预测的过程中,教师可以提前渗透一些相关的文化内涵和教育的价值,让学生能够更好地理解故事的内容。译林版小学英语五年级上册Unit 1 Goldilocks and the three bears这篇童话讲述了一个金发姑娘误入三只小熊的家。在学生学习这篇文章之前,笔者就引导学生对故事的内容进行想象、猜测。
T:Goldilocks is in the forest. Look,theres a house. Whose house is it?Can you guess?
S:Its the three bears house.
T:Your guess is right. Look at the illustrations in the book. Goldilocks is in the house. What does she do in the house?
S1:She eats bearsfood.
S2:She sleeps on the bearsbeds.
T:If you were a Goldilocks,will you do that?
S3:Yes,Id do the same thing. Because Im so tired and hungry
S4:No,I cant do that,and I certainly cant eat their food.
S5:I cant sleep in their bed…
例如,在译林版小学英语六年级上册Unit1 The kings new clothes 的语篇教学中,笔者在阅读教学中是这样设计的:
T:Watch cartoons and guess the name of the story.
T:Read the story individually and try to find out.
S1:When did the story happen?
S2:Who is in the story?
T:Paragraph 1: Show picture1 and learn. Listen to story and answer:Why did the two men visit the king?What did they say?
S1:These men are trying to deceive the king.
S2:They say:“My king, we can make new clothes for you.”
T:Paragraph 2: Read and learn. Ask the students to read the second paragraph and complete the following sentences.
According to the two men,the kings new clothes were
, Because .
T:Listen and repeat. Let some students try to act the two men.
T:Paragraph 3 and 4:read in pairs /groups and act.
例如在教学完译林版六年级上册Unit 1 The kings new clothes这篇语篇之后,笔者安排学生进行一次辩论:If you were that boy, will you tell the truth why?这样的话题,符合六年级学生特点,激发了學生英语的表达兴趣,更提高了学生的思维能力,更有效地提升学生了道德情操。有的学生说道:“Ill tell the truth. And maybe Im telling people out loud that the King has no clothes.”有的学生说:“Im a coward. I might not tell the truth. I could get my head chopped off. I would say,‘the kings clothes are beautiful.”有的说:“Im under pressure to say,‘the kings clothes are beautiful,because I dont want to be a fool.”有的说:We children have to respect the truth,innocence is our true nature, if we like people to say against their will:“The king of beautiful clothes.‘This is not a child”…