

阅读与作文(英语高中版) 2020年6期



The train shakes back and forth, its wheels making a loud noise against the tracks. Outside the window the freezing cold of winter rules. The carriage is filled with cold, ___1___ passengers.

Suddenly a little boy ___2___ his way through the grown-up legs and sits down by the window. He is all alone among the ___3___ grown-ups. What a brave child, I think. His father ___4___ very strange happens suddenly. The ___5___ little boy slides down from his seat and leans his hand on my knee. ___6___, I think that he wants to ___7___ me and return to his father, so I help him to stand up. But instead he leans forward and holds his ___8___ up towards mine. He wants to say something to me, I think. I lower my head to receive the ___9___. Wrong again! What I do receive is a ___10___ kiss on the cheek.

The boy calmly returns to his seat, leans back and continues looking out of the window. I am ___11___. What just happened? A child is kissing ___12___ grown-ups on the train. How can anybody want to kiss such a man that has so much beard? Soon enough, all of my neighbors are certainly ___13___. Nervous and a little surprised, we ___14___ at the father. When he sees our questioning ___15___ as he gets ready for his stop, he offers a clue[線索].

“Hes so happy to be alive,” the father says. “He has been very sick.”

Father and son ___16___ into the crowd moving toward the exit. The doors close and the train goes on. On my cheek I can still ___17___ the childs kiss—a kiss that has triggered[触发] some soul-search inside me. How many ___18___ kissing each other from the joy of being alive? How many even give much thought to the privilege(特权)of ___19___?

The little kisser had taught us a sweet but serious lesson: Be careful you dont let yourself ___20___ before your heart stops!

( )1. A. excited B. tired C. pleased D. surprised

( )2. A. feels B. fights C. pushes D. picks

( )3. A. unfriendly B. friendly C. angry D. kind

( )4. A. likes B. promises C. chooses D. agrees

( )5. A. impolite B. serious C. lucky D. ugly

( )6. A. In no time                      B. For a moment

C. In a while                  D. Once in a while

( )7. A. kick B. strike C. kiss D. pass

( )8. A. eye B. ear C. head D. lip

( )9. A. news B. message C. kiss D. fortunate

( )10. A. loud B. foolish C. strange D. interested

( )11. A. pleased B. shocked C. satisfied D. familiar

( )12. A. well-known B. smart C. unknown D. persuaded

( )13. A. praised B. kissed C. scolded D. whisper

( )14. A. stare B. smile C. warn D. whisper

( )15. A. glances B. anger C. mouths D. feeling

( )16. A. appear B. get C. disappear D. follow

( )17. A. touch B. trust C. smell D. feel

( )18. A. go around B. come at C. keep on D. insist on

( )19. A. a child B. a kiss C. living D. death

( )20. A. live B. stop C. die D. sleep


In 1990 a report was published about what the earth might be like 20 years from then on. The report was a result of a three-year ___1___. According to the report, the picture of the earth in the year 2010 is not a ___2___ one. The world will be more ___3___ because the population will continue to grow. The population could be ___4___ 6300 million, almost 2 150 million more than in 1985. More people would move into cities, especially cities in ___5___ countries. Cities like Cairo and Jakarta probably would ___6___ have 15 million by then.

Food production will ___7___, but not enough to feed all the people. Farmers will grow 90% more food than they did in 1985, ___8___ most of the increase would be in countries that ___9___ produce enough food for their people. Little increase is ___10___ in South Asia, Africa and the Middle East. Poor farming ways are ___11___ large areas of crop land, changing farms into deserts. More farmland is ___12___ as cities become larger and more houses are built. ___13___ will get worse as industrial countries burn more coal and oil. Many of the worlds ___14___ could disappear as more and more trees are cut down. Energy will continue to be a serious problem. The experts say their picture of the earth for the year 2010 ___15___. They only carried out the situation that ___16___ today. By changing the situation, by ___17___ the problems, the picture can be changed. There is ___18___ time for the nations of the world to work ___19___ a plan of action. But they warned that ___20___ too long to make decisions would greatly reduce the chances of success.

( )1. A. learning B. project C. notice D. study

( )2. A. pleased B. pleasant C. safe D. blue

( )3. A. dangerous B. beautiful C. crowded D. terrible

( )4. A. no more tha B. as many as C. as much as D. as large as

( )5. A. developing B. developed C. big D. mountainous

( )6. A. none B. each C. all D. neither

( )7. A. insist B. reduce C. increase D. continue

( )8. A. so B. but C. or D. however

( )9. A. already B. hardly C. partly D. never

( )10. A. wanted B. lacked C. found D. expected

( )11. A. destroying B. protecting C. disturbing D. interrupting

( )12. A. saved B. lost C. discovered D. used

( )13. A. Air pollution B. Water pollution

C. Some diseases            D. All farmland

( )14. A. animals B. plants C. forests D. people

( )15. A. must be true B. will come true

C. cant be true              D. may be wrong

( )16. A. happens B. develops C. exists D. appears

( )17. A. settling B. working out C. answering D. dealing

( )18. A. no B. still C. less D. plenty of

( )19. A. about B. in C. out D. for

( )20. A. working B. suggesting C. spending D. waiting




1. B。根据前面的 cold 得出答案“又冷、又疲劳”的旅客。

2. C。根据下文,从大人的腿间“挤着往前走(push ones way是固定短语)”。

3. A。根据上文“从大人腿间挤过去”和下文作者让他过去,他给作者一个吻作为谢意来判断,那些大人有些“不友好”。

4. C。根据四个选项和句子的意思,只有 chooses 符合句意。

5. B。从上文他想从那些不友好的大人的腿间挤过去来判断,小孩的脸是“严肃的”。

6. B。根据下文,作者“一下子”想起他想从我这儿“过去”并回到他爸爸跟前。

7. D。参考第6题解析的下半句。

8. C。从下文的“他想对我说什么来看”可判断是“头”倾向作者。

9. B。因为我以为他是想对我说什么,所以判断是“信息”。

10. A。根据四个选项,在脸颊上亲一个吻应该是“响亮的”,其余选项不符句意。

11. B。作者对一个陌生小孩突然吻自己感到“震惊”。

12. C。从上下文得知他们都是旅客,互相都不“认识”。

13. B。从上文可知“我周围的人也肯定被吻了”。

14. B。 因为作者对这件事感到惊奇,又因为他是个孩子,所以向他爸爸“微笑”。

15. A。因为都是陌生人,所以他爸爸带着质疑的眼光(glance)。

16. C。从下文“向出口走去”得出答案“消失在人群中”。

17. D。根据前后意思得出答案“作者还能感觉到小孩在脸上所留下的吻”。

18. A。 从上文“作者想象到,这孩子为了愉快地活着,到处吻别人不知多少次了”。

19. C。根据上文 being alive 得出答案。

20. C。根据下文的 your heart stops 来得出答案。


1. D。study 意为“研究”,根据下文,这是指对未来20年地球上的情况变化所作的研究。

2. B。与后面的人口增长,环境污染等联系起来看,在2010年地球上的状况(picture)将会令人不愉快(unpleasant)。

3. C。因为人口继续增长,所以世界会越来越拥挤(crowded)。

4. D。指人口数目的多用large,不用small。指人口达到某一数目用“as large as + 数词”。

5. A。从现状来看,人口增长快的国家多为发展但不发达的国家;而城市人口急剧增长的则是一些发展中的国家(developing countries)。

6. B。前面提到了两个城市,故此空只能填each。neither具有否定意义,不合句意,不能插入谓语之中。

7. C。相临几句是讲粮食增长问题,故选increase“增长”。

8. B。前后两句具有转折意义:农民所生产的粮食将比1985多90%,但多数增产粮食的国家是已经有足够粮食供人们生活的国家。

9. A。already 意为“已经”,由下句可知:是指已经有足够粮食供人们生活的国家。

10. D。expect意为“预计”,句意为:在亚洲南部的国家预计增产幅度不大。

11. A。由changing farms into deserts可知:不当农业生产方式毁坏(destroy)了大片生产粮食的土地。

12. B。由于扩建城市,修建房屋,必然侵占大量农田,故选lost(失去)。

13. A。由burn coal and oil必然排放大量烟雾,可推知:此处指空气污染(air pollution)。

14. C。由more and more trees are cut down可推知:此处指森林(forests)可能消失。

15. D。此句意為:专家说地球到2010年的状况可能会不好。

16. C。exist 意为“存在”。由上下文可知:环境正遭受污染和破坏,专家们只是想保存今天的状况。

17. A。settle the problems 意为“解决问题”

18. B。still 意为“还有”,加强语气。句意为:现在还有时间给世界各国制定行动计划。

19. C。work out a plan 意为“制定计划”。

20. D。句意为:专家们警告说等待太长的时间作出决定将会极大地减少成功的机会。

