陈明 刘丽华
[Abstract] Objective:This article aims to analyze and study the characteristics of traditional Chinese medicine for breast disease in our hospital and the rules of TCM syndrome differentiation treatment, to provide guidance for hospital pharmacists on pre-review of traditional Chinese medicine prescriptions for breast diseases, and for doctors in primary medical institutions to use traditional Chinese medicine to treat breast diseases . Methods:The prescriptions of traditional Chinese medicine for treating various types of breast diseases in our department of breast were collected. The sources and usage of the prescriptions, the types of breast diseases, the age distribution of patients, the commonly used single drugs, the types of commonly used Chinese medicines, the causes of disease, and the syndrome differentiation of TCM Situation for statistical analysis. Results: The number of oral prescriptions was much more than the topical prescriptions. The patients with breast hyperplasia were the most. The patients with breast diseases were mostly 41 ~ 60 years old. Bupleurum was the most commonly used single-drug; the most commonly used type of Chinese medicine was Shugan Qiqi; The pathogenesis of most patients is related to abnormal qi and liver function. Most patients are classified into liver stagnation and qi stagnation. Breast disease is treated symptomatically according to TCM classification. Most of them are based on classic prescriptions and are compatible with the addition and subtraction of evidence.
[Key words] breast disease; Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM); Prescription analysis; Syndrome differentiation in Chinese medicine
1 資料与方法
1.1 资料来源与选择条件
1.2 方法
2 结果与分析
3 讨论
[1] 李曰庆.中医外科学[M].北京:中国中医药出版社,2008:113.