摘 要:英语学习离不开词汇教学,然而尽管诸多教学方法已付诸实践,词汇教学仍然需要更新的方法。首字母缩略词(acronym)在生活中应用越来越广泛,如果能够巧妙选取首字母缩略词并融入词汇教学,学生的学习效果将得到有效的提高。
关键词:缩略词 高中英语 词汇教学
《牛津高阶英汉双解词典》(第十版)共收录首字母缩略490个,其中适合高中词汇教学的包括三类:1. 新出现的缩略词 2. 学生普遍感兴趣的缩略词 3. 高频使用的缩略词。
社会发展推动语言发展,缩略词词库也不断扩大。出现新的高频缩略词时,教师如果能抓住时机对学生进行讲解,那么学生对新事物的浓厚兴趣能有效提高词汇掌握效果。如2020年初的新词汇NCP(Novel Coronavirus Pneumonia,新型冠状病毒肺炎)就是很好的讲解novel(新颖的)的范例,教学案例如下:
T: Do you know the full name of the current disease NCP?
S: No, I dont.
T: Actually the three letters respectively stand for “Novel”, “Coronavirus” and “Pneumonia”. And when we compare it with its Chinese name, we will find “novel”, in this context, means “新型的” in Chinese, rather than “小说”.
S: Then, why dont we just use “new”, which we have long learned before?
T: Its a good question, and there exist some differences between “novel” and “new”. “Novel” is used to emphasize something has never been seen before, while “new” indicates something is not used before, which is in contrast of “old”.
高中阶段,很多学生对NBA非常感兴趣,但大多同学并不清楚NBA的全称是什么,这就是一个教学契机。通过讲解National Basketball Association (美国篮球协会),能让学生很快掌握association作为“协会”的意项。再由此出发,可以联系到associate 这个动词的用法上,讲解be associated with这样的高中核心短语。教学案例如下:
T: I know that many of you are NBA fans, but have you thought about the full name for NBA?
S: No, we just know the short name.
T: Well, actually the full name for this abbreviation is National Basketball Association. So association means a group of people who have joined together for a particularpurpose. Similarly, we have “the Football Association”, “a residents association” and so on.
S: Is this word related to “associate”?
T: Yes, exactly. “Association” is the noun form of “associate”. “Be associated with” means “be connected with”, and in fact, speaking of “association”, it just means a group of people who are connected with each other.
这类缩略语虽然不一定是学生的兴趣所在,但使用频率很高,如GDP。GDP几乎是使用最多的经济术语,为所有学生熟悉。如果教师向学生提问GDP三个字母代表什么,学生一定会绞尽脑汁去思考对应的三个单词,这本身是对学生词汇储备的一个积极调动。不论学生是否成功找出对应的三个词,教师在讲解“Gross Domestic Product”的时候,学生都能有良好的掌握。教学案例如下:
T: I heard that you learned a new term in your geography class, GDP, right?
S: Yes, we all know this economic term.
T: But who can tell me what the three letters stand for?
S: I only know the Chinese name is “国内生产总值”.
T: Well, then, can you do a matching work between the Chinese and the English? Which letter stands for “国内”, which for “生产” and which for “总值”?
S: I guess “G” stands for “总值”,“D” for “国内” and “P” for “生产”, but I dont know the corresponding words.
T: Good job! You did a correct matching work. “G” is the initial letter of “Gross”, “P” of “Product” and “D”, most importantly, stands for “Domestic”, which is one of the key words in our text as well. Besides, we can use “domestic market”, “domestic tourism” and so on as a contrast to “overseas market”, “overseas tourism” and so forth.