陈浩 郭欣欣
摘 要:图像插值是从已知像素值计算未知像素值的过程,可用于数字图像的放大和对比。图像插值技术在遥感、医学诊断、农业、地质、军事等众多领域都有着广泛的应用。有多种算法可用于图像缩放,这些技术主要分为自适应和非自适应图像插值两类,这两种插值技术可进一步分为各种类型。本文从峰值信噪比(PSNR)这一性能参数出发,对这些不同的自适应和非自适应图像插值技术进行了阐述和比较。选择合适的插值方法是一项非常严谨的研究,也是进行插值分析的首要要求。
关键词:图像插值 非自适应 自适应 峰值信噪比
中图分类号:TP391 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1674-098X(2020)04(c)-0128-03
Abstract: Image interpolation is the process of calculating unknown pixel values from known pixel values, and can be used to zoom in and compare digital images. Image interpolation technology has been widely used in many fields such as remote sensing, medical diagnosis, agriculture, geology, and military. There are a variety of algorithms available for image scaling. These techniques are mainly divided into adaptive and non-adaptive image interpolation. These two interpolation techniques can be further divided into various types. Based on the performance parameter of PSNR, this paper describes and compares these different adaptive and non-adaptive image interpolation algorithms. Choosing a suitable interpolation method is a very rigorous study and the first requirement for interpolation analysis.
Key Words: Image interpolation; Non-adaptive; Adaptive; PSNR
1 非自适应图像插值算法
1.1 最近邻插值
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