

农业工程学报 2020年9期

陆斯悦,及洪泉,徐 蕙,唐皓淞,张 禄,苏 娟,董彦君,于海波,杜松怀


陆斯悦1,及洪泉1,徐 蕙1,唐皓淞3,张 禄1,苏 娟2※,董彦君2,于海波2,杜松怀2

(1. 国网北京市电力公司电力科学研究院,北京 100075;2. 中国农业大学信息与电气工程学院,北京 100083;3.国网北京市电力公司海淀供电公司,北京,100031)



0 引 言


目前,需求侧能量管理的相关研究中,直接负荷控制(Direct Load Control,DLC)方案[4]是研究的热点。DLC是指在用户允许的情况下,调度机构依据电网需求,全权控制用户的设备运行,兼顾用户的供电质量和生活舒适度,并在实施后由代理公司对参与用户提供经济补偿[5-6]。



1 区域电采暖设备参与调峰市场模式



图1 区域电采暖设备参与调峰市场模式



2 区域电采暖设备用电负荷优化控制模型


2.1 目标函数

2.1.1 峰时段用电负荷最小


2.2 约束条件

2.2.1 用户峰时段功率约束


2.2.2 温度约束



2.2.3 用户可控时段约束


3 负荷优化控制策略










4 算例分析


将用户按照用户可控度不同分为3组,可控度依次降低,其对应的负荷削减补偿价格分别为0.15、0.13和0.10元/kWh。设置初始温度18 ℃,温升系数20 ℃,状态改变阈值2 ℃,热时间常数120 min,空气源热泵额定功率10 kW。将最小负荷控制间隔设定为15 min,一天24 h内共有96个控制时段,设定用户的舒适温度为18 ℃。

4.1 最优控制方案

表1 最优控制方案下调控调控时段统计

注:每15 min为1个时段.

Note: Every 15 minutes is a period.

图2为3组20个用户在峰时段(10:00-21:00)采用本文控制策略集中控制的负荷仿真结果相对于当日实际负荷的削减量。由图2可知,各组用户的负荷平均削减量分别为9.128、7.654和7.347 kWh,依次递减。峰时段所有电采暖设备的总负荷削减量为159.773 kWh,且每户的负荷削减量在平均削减量7.989 kWh附近波动,说明模型对于各用户的控制比较均衡,没有出现过度控制某个用户的情况,保证了用户的正常取暖,同时能很好地实现用户电采暖设备的有序错峰用电。


图2 峰时段各组用户的负荷削减量

图3 集中控制前后的用电负荷曲线

4.2 室内温度分析

根据最优控制方案计算结果得到最优调度时20个用户的平均室温变化曲线,如图4所示。根据《北京市居民供热采暖合同(按面积计费版)》,当室外日平均气温在-7 ℃以上时,卧室、起居室温度应不低于18 ℃,故设置用户舒适温度为18 ℃,即图4中虚线区域。

图4 受控用户的平均室内温度变化曲线

Fig4 Average indoor temperature change curve of controlled users

4.3 代理公司收益分析



表2 2种控制策略下的代理公司补偿费用对比

5 结 论




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Optimal load control strategy of rural electric heating equipments based on demand side peak load regulation

Lu Siyue1, Ji Hongquan1, Xu Hui1,Tang Haosong3, Zhang Lu1, Su Juan2※, Dong Yanjun2, Yu Haibo2, Du Songhuai2

(1.,,100075,; 2.,,100083,3.100031,)

With the implementation of clean energy heating project in rural areas of northern China, the pollution of coal-fired heating in winter has been greatly improved. However, the use of large-scale electric heating equipment put forward new challenges to the power supply reliability of low-voltage distribution network. Especially in rural power grid, the load is heavy in winter and low in other seasons. It is one of the effective measures to achieve optimal resource allocation and improve the power supply quality of the distribution grid to exploit the demand response potentialities of electric heating loads, and motivate electric heating loads to actively respond to demand response programs (DRP) for peak-load shifting. Therefore, a load optimal control strategy for rural electric heating equipments based on demand side peak load regulation was proposed in this paper. A market transaction model was designed for third-party agency companies to represent coal-to-electricity users in the peak shaving market. The agency company made the centrally control strategies of electric heating users’ equipment according to the peak shaving volume and corresponding price obtained from the peak shaving market bidding. The electric heating users were classified based on the controllability of each user by the agency company. Each kinds of users could get different compensation price to encourage them to participate in the demand response programs for peak-load shifting. In this market model, a multi-objective optimization model was established to control the users’ air source heat pump. The goals of the optimization model were to meet the user's temperature demands to the maximum extent and to maximize the benefit of the agent company. Meanwhile, user's comfort requirements for indoor temperature were considered in this model, and the user classification compensation mechanism was introduced to improve the user's initiative to participate in peak load regulation. Taking the load data of electric heating users in Pinggu District of Beijing as an example, the simulation analysis was carried out. The results show that the total load reduction of all electric heating equipment was 159.773 kWh, there was no over-control for anyone user, the load reduction of each user fluctuated around average reduction of 7.989 kWh, the peak valley of the user's power consumption curve was changed, the optimal control strategy proposed in this paper played the role of peak load reduction and valley filling, which can relieve the pressure of the upper power grid during peak load period. The indoor temperature of the users was (18±1) ℃, which meet the demand of comfortable temperature for heating in winter. Compared with the target of not considering the benefit, the one-day compensation cost of the agency company was saved 31.9%, and the users with the highest degree of control got the most compensation income, the peak load regulation strategy could encourage the users to participate in the peak load regulation actively.

air source heat pump; electricity; heating; demand response; peak-load shifting; optimal control strategy

陆斯悦,及洪泉,徐蕙,等. 基于需求侧调峰的农村电采暖设备负荷优化控制策略[J]. 农业工程学报,2020,36(7):229-234. doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2020.07.026

Lu Siyue, Ji Hongquan, Xu Hui, et al. Optimal load control strategy of rural electric heating equipments based on demand side peak load regulation[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2020, 36(7): 229-234. (in Chinese with English abstract) doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2020.07.026










