周文静,查志华,吴 杰,2
周文静1,查志华1,吴 杰1,2※
(1. 石河子大学机械电气工程学院,石河子 832003;2. 绿洲特色经济作物生产机械化教育部工程研究中心,石河子 832003)
针对田间环境下红提葡萄果穗成熟度人眼判断效率低且易误判的问题,该研究采用K近邻(K-nearest neighbor,KNN)算法和最大类间方差(Otsu)法分别对葡萄果穗图像背景分割以找到最佳分割效果,采用圆形Hough变换识别葡萄果粒,并开发了可判别葡萄果穗成熟度的算法。研究结果表明,不论顺光、逆光或者与田间背景相似的绿色果穗,KNN法可实现良好的背景分割,然后圆形Hough变换法在边缘阈值和灵敏度分别取0.15和0.942时,识别葡萄果粒的准确率可达96.56%。在此研究基础上,采用该研究开发的葡萄果穗成熟度判断算法,可根据颜色将果粒划分不同成熟度等级,并实现对果穗成熟度判别,判别准确率为91.14%。该研究结果可为果农适宜期收获葡萄及自动化采摘提供重要指导。
0 引 言
葡萄表皮颜色与其成熟度密切相关[5-6]。2012年,Rodriguez-Pulido等[7]在CIELab(Commission International Éclair-age Lab)和HSI(Hue Saturation Intensity)颜色空间上对葡萄图像进行直方图阈值处理,实现了多粒葡萄成熟度快速判别,然而该研究是实验室采集葡萄图像,回避了田间复杂环境中存在的诸如待检对象与背景颜色相近、遮挡和不同光照影响等因素对图像分析的干扰,不适于田间葡萄果穗成熟度的快速准确检测。为此,Pothen和Nuske[8]在Rodriguez-Pulido等[7]研究基础上,提出了一种关键点检测法[9],克服了背景颜色和光照的影响,能够较准确识别每粒葡萄并判断成熟度,从而可以通过计算成熟葡萄粒数占整穗粒数百分比,实现葡萄果穗成熟度分级。但是该方法难以准确识别被遮挡葡萄,果穗成熟度判断准确率也不够理想。在葡萄估产或机器人采摘研究中,圆形Hough变换法对不完全信息处理具有很好鲁棒性[10],能够最大程度解决被遮挡果实提取困难的问题[11-13]。但是这一方法易将田间图像中出现的近似圆形边缘误识别为葡萄果粒。因此在应用Hough变换法识别红提葡萄果粒时,必须找到合适方法消除葡萄果穗图像中近圆形边缘干扰,以提高葡萄果粒识别准确率。
对葡萄图像进行背景分割,可最大程度消除背景中干扰因素。在各种背景分割方法中,基于区域生长的背景分割法对接近背景颜色的果实分割效果较差[14]。图像边缘检测的背景分割方法能够分割出与背景颜色相近的果实[15-17],但易受光照和果实纹理影响而背景分割效果欠佳[14]。以一种卷积神经网络Mask R-CNN为主的像素级背景分割,尽管分割效果良好,但需要训练大量像素级标记的样本而耗时过长[18-19]。机器学习算法具有图像像素分类的优势,近年来有应用K均值(K-means)聚类算法[20-22]、线性分类器[23]、K近邻(K-Nearest Neighbor,KNN)分类器分别进行绿色果实背景分割的报道[24-25],在这些算法中,KNN法对田间绿色葡萄和绿苹果都取得了很高的分割准确率。此外,最大类间方差(Otsu)法可采用RGB图像(R、G和B分别代表图像红色、绿色和蓝色3个通道)的色差R-G[26]、R-B和G-R[27]、色差比(R-G)/(G-B)[28]以及归一化的(R-G)/(R+G)[29]进行果蔬图像的背景分割,其中司永胜等[28]研究发现,发现采用单一的R-G色差对不同光照下苹果图像阈值分割结果有较多噪声,归一化的红绿色差(R-G)/(R+G)对绿色苹果识别率可达92%[29]。由上述表明,KNN法和Otsu方法对果蔬背景分割都具有一定优势。
因此,本研究分别采用KNN和Otsu 2种方法对红提葡萄果穗图像进行背景分割,通过比较获得较好的背景分割效果;然后在此研究基础上,采用圆形Hough变换法准确识别背景分割的果穗图像中的葡萄果粒,结合颜色特征判断葡萄果粒成熟度,进而实现红提葡萄果穗成熟度较准确判别,为果农适宜期收获和今后自动化采摘提供研究基础。
1 材料与方法
1.1 葡萄果穗图像采集
试验所用红提葡萄图像样本采自新疆维吾尔自治区石河子市石河子大学试验园(44°20′N,85°59′E),海拔373 m,栽植龄均在3 a以上,单篱架,南北成行,多主面扇形整枝,架面通风,透光良好,株距0.9~1.2 m,行距2.7 m。
本研究于2018年红提葡萄采收期的8月11日至9月15日,采集田间自然生长条件下葡萄果穗图像。采样时间在每日上午8:00—12:00之间。采用智能手机(HUAWEI Mate 10)获取红提葡萄RGB图像,手机摄像头距葡萄果穗13~57 cm,像素分辨率为3 968×2 976(4∶3)。图像采集时,采用随机方式在同一株的上、中、下位置拍摄不同着色率的红提葡萄,采集图像包括顺光和逆光(图1)。每隔5 d采集1次,每次采集红提葡萄图像后以采集日期命名,顺光和逆光图像分别为59张和20张,共采样79张图像。
图1 田间红提葡萄果穗图像示例
1.2 果穗成熟度判别方法
红提葡萄果穗的成熟度分类流程如图2所示。首先对葡萄果穗图像进行背景分割,对分割后的目标区域进行标注。圆形Hough变换的输入图像为边缘图像,因此需要对目标区域进行边缘提取后采用圆形Hough变换提取果粒。提取图像中葡萄果粒表面色调H值进行果粒成熟度等级划分,并计算不同成熟度等级果粒占果穗的百分比,最后实现葡萄果穗成熟度判别。本研究所有处理及算法均在SAMSUNG笔记本处理器Intel(R)Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 @ 2.10GHz,16 GB内存,64位Win7操作系统下的Matlab 2018b运行。
图2 红提葡萄果穗成熟度判别流程图
1.3 葡萄果穗的背景分割
本研究采用KNN和Otsu 2种方法分别对葡萄果穗RGB图像进行背景分割,通过背景分割性能分析以评价背景分割的效果,并选择合适的分割方法。
1.3.1 背景分割方法
采用KNN算法时,需要采集样本图像中像素点的R、G、B值构成数据集并加以训练。本研究用于训练的数据集共2 200个已分类数据,如图3所示,样本像素包含目标像素(葡萄)和背景像素(绿叶、茎秆、天空、土地、广告牌等)。
1.3.2 背景分割性能评价
1.4 红提葡萄果穗目标区域标注
图4 红提葡萄果穗目标标注
1.5 葡萄果穗图像边缘提取
图5 红提葡萄果穗目标区域图像边缘提取
1.6 圆形Hough变换提取葡萄果粒
1.7 葡萄果粒成熟度判断
表1 葡萄果粒成熟度等级的H值均值范围
1.8 葡萄果穗成熟度分类
葡萄转色至完全成熟约40 d[6],参考Pothen等[8]的研究,将红提葡萄果穗成熟度分为4个等级,其中,Ⅰ级表示葡萄果穗已成熟;Ⅱ级表示葡萄果穗即将成熟;Ⅲ级表示葡萄果穗已完全进入转色期;Ⅳ级表示葡萄果穗刚进入转色期,根据不同成熟度,建议采摘时间具体如表2所示。
表2 红提葡萄果穗成熟度等级
Note: Grade Ⅰ, grade Ⅱ, grade Ⅲ, and grade Ⅳ represent four maturity grades of grape clusters.
2 结果与分析
2.1 红提葡萄图像背景分割效果的对比分析
图7 不同K值及距离计算方式对应的数据集分类准确率
图9 红提葡萄果穗图像不同分割方法的分割性能比较
2.2 圆形Hough变换提取葡萄果粒
根据本研究所确定的最佳边缘阈值和灵敏度值对果穗进行圆形Hough变换提取果粒,如图11所示,可以看出,因检测到背景中非葡萄圆形而误识别1粒果粒(图 11e绿色圆),有1粒果粒(图11f序号①)由于被遮挡边缘过短而未检测出来;有2粒背景分割不完整且被茎秆遮挡果粒(图 11f序号②、③)未提取出其边缘而无法识别。除此之外,其余果粒都实现准确识别,其中有3粒果粒即使有一半以上轮廓边缘被遮挡(图11e红色圆)也成功检测。
2.3 红提葡萄果穗成熟度判断
本研究根据Pothen和等[8]葡萄果穗成熟度等级的分类方法,开发了如下所示的红提葡萄果穗成熟度判断算法,其中,h为提取出葡萄果粒像素的值(=1, 2, ... 表示该果粒像素数目),H为h的均值。根据本研究开发的算法对红提葡萄果穗成熟度进行分类,如图12所示为典型的4个成熟度等级葡萄果穗。
图12 不同成熟度等级的典型葡萄果穗
Fig. 12 Typical grape clusters with different maturity grades
图14的4幅图像为同一果穗在15 d中颜色的变化情况,可以看出,果穗颜色接近,肉眼很难分辨其成熟度差异。采用本研究的方法对这一果穗4个日期的成熟度进行判断,8月26日的果穗成熟度为77.27%,Ⅱ级,即将成熟果穗,8~10 d后采摘;8月31日、9月5日和9月10日的果穗成熟度分别为81.82%(Ⅰ级,可摘)、83.33%(Ⅰ级,可摘)和88.89%(Ⅰ级,可摘)。由此可见,当整穗葡萄果粒颜色相近时,本研究的方法较之人眼判断更为准确。
3 结 论
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Maturity discrimination of “Red Globe” grape cluster in grapery by improved circle Hough transform
Zhou Wenjing1, Zha Zhihua1, Wu Jie1,2※
(1.,,832003,; 2.,,832003,)
There arecolor differences between different berries of a “Red Globe” cluster in the vineyard in the same period. This makes it inefficient and error-prone for visual maturity judgment of the grape cluster. As a result, inaccurate judgment often leads to grape harvesting too early or too late. Therefore, it is necessary to achieve accurate maturity discrimination of the grape cluster for increasing the quality grade and the commodity rate of the “Red Globe” grape. In this study, 79 images of the grape cluster in a grapery were acquired by the smartphone (HUAWEI Mate 10), including 59 images in natural light and 20 images in backlight. Firstly, the background of the grape cluster image was segmented using the K-Near Neighbor (KNN) algorithm and Otsu methods. For the KNN algorithm, 2 200 sets of R (Red), G (Green) and B (Blue) values were manuallycollected from the pixel of the image to be used as the data set. With the data set, different nearest numbers and the methods of distance calculation were tested to obtain a better background segmentation effect. For the Otsu method, the normalized color difference of (R-G) / (R+G) was applied as the background segmentation characteristic to reduce the influence of the lights on the R channel and G channel. For near red and green grape clusters under natural light and backlight, the background segmentation effect was compared using two algorithms. After labeling the images of grape clusters with the minimum bounding box, the Log operator was used to extract the edge of the first gradient imagefrom the object region. Then, the Circle Hough Transform (CHT) method was applied to extract grape berries. The radius range of circle in the Hough transform was determined by measuring numbers of pixels of 60 grape berry images. In addition, we adjusted the values of the edge thresholds and sensitivities in Hough transform to obtain a higher accuracy of berry extraction. Meanwhile, the maturity of the grape berry was classified into four levels of G1, G2, G3, and G4 according to the H value of the pixels from the “Red Globe” grape image in the HSV space. Furthermore, the algorithm was developed to calculate the proportion of berries with different maturity grades in a cluster and classify the maturity degree of grape clusters. Finally, the classification performance for the grape cluster maturity with our developed algorithm was evaluated by the confusion matrix.The results showed that the KNN algorithm using Mahala Nobisdistance obtained an accuracy of 93.25% and1-score of 89.93% for background segmentation when the nearest numberwas 5. While the accuracy and1-score of background segmentation by the Otsu method were 87.78% and 79.44%, respectively. In comparison, the KNN method had a better segmentation effect regardless of the natural light, backlight or the green grape that were very similar to the background. In this case, the background segmented by the KNN algorithm was chosen for CHT extracting circle from the non-structured environment. The radius range of 23-72 pixels was determined for CHT to extract grape berries and the accuracy of grape berry extraction was up to 96.56% at high computation speed when the edge threshold and sensitivity were 0.15 and 0.942, respectively. Consequently, with our developed algorithm adopted, the maturity discrimination accuracy of the grape cluster was up to 91.14% compared with judgments from viticulturists. Moreover, the validation results proved that our proposed approach could discriminate against the slight change of maturity degree during the shorter growth period of the grape cluster. Thus, our research could guide for grape growers to select an appropriate harvest period. Also, it is useful for the research and development of automatic grape picking equipment in the future.
image processing; identification; machine vision; Hough transform; maturity; cluster
周文静,查志华,吴 杰. 改进圆形Hough变换的田间红提葡萄果穗成熟度判别[J]. 农业工程学报,2020,36(9):205-213.doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2020.09.023 http://www.tcsae.org
Zhou Wenjing, Zha Zhihua, Wu Jie. Maturity discrimination of “Red Globe” grape cluster in grapery by improved circle Hough transform[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2020, 36(9): 205-213. (in Chinese with English abstract) doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2020.09.023 http://www.tcsae.org
吴 杰,博士,教授,主要从事农产品品质安全与检测研究。Email:wjshz@126.com