

时代英语·初中 2020年3期


Text 1

W: What a lovely day! Lets go swimming!

M: Great! It is my favorite.

Text 2

M: Whats wrong, Betty?

W: Oh, Ive got a bad cold and had a terrible headache.

Text 3

W: How did you go to Beijing for vacation, Mike?

M: I went there by air.

Text 4

M: Fathers Day is coming.

W: Yes, and Ill buy my father a tie as a present.

Text 5

M: Excuse me, could you tell me the way to the post office, please?

W: Go straight on. Then turn right and youll find it.

Text 6

M: Have you finished all the ten math problems, Rose?

W: Ive finished them all except No. 3 and No. 9.

Text 7

M: Were you born in Sydney, Julie?

W: No, I was born in Paris. What about you, Carl?

M: I was born in New York.

Text 8

M: I hear Jane will play the lead role in the movie called The First Day.

W: Great. I think her performance will be wonderful.

Text 9

M: Excuse me, could you please tell me how to get to the train station?

W: You can take the subway. There arent any buses or taxis at this time.

Text 10

M: Hello, may I speak to Betty?

W: Sorry, Im afraid that Betty isnt here. Whos that speaking?

M: This is Jack, her classmate. Will she come back soon?

W: Im not sure. But I can take a message for you.

Text 11

W: Good morning, sir! Can I help you?

M: Yes, Id like to buy a copy of Global Times.

W: OK. Here you are.

M: Thank you. How much is it?

W: Just one yuan. Anything else would you like?

M: Im also looking for China Daily.

W: The English newspaper?

M: Yes.

W: Oh, sorry. They are sold out.

M: Do you have China Youth?

W: Yes, certainly, sir! Here you are.

M: How much is that?

W: Two yuan and fifty.

M: OK, Ill take both of them. Heres the money.

W: Here are one newspaper and one magazine, and here is your change.

M: Thank you.

Text 12

M: Excuse me, Miss Wesley. May I come in?

W: Come in, please. Whats up?

M: Im not feeling well. Can I leave school now? I think I need to see a doctor.

W: Now? Whats wrong with you?

M: I have a headache and I cant even keep my eyes open in class.

W: Have you got a cold or a fever?

M: No. I just feel awful.

W: What happened last night?

M: I went over my lessons for the coming exam till midnight. Then I couldnt fall asleep.

W: I see. You are a hard-working boy! But you should make a good plan for your study and life. Well, you dont need to see a doctor. Just go home and have a good rest. See you tomorrow.

M: Thank you, Miss Wesley.

Text 13

People are very busy these days. Many people have no time to cook. However, most families love home cooking! The food tastes delicious, and a family meal brings everyone together. In some families, everyone can see each other at the same time only when they have meals together.

Another reason why people enjoy home cooking is that it is often a way of showing love. Parents make some cookies not just because their children like eating them. They are sending a message, which says, “I love you so much that I spend an hour making cookies, however, you will eat them up in fifteen minutes.”

There is also something about the smell of home cooking. It makes all the people happy and it also makes most of us feel good and loved—even if we are the ones doing the cooking!


Text 1

W: Im glad to hear you did well in the English exam.

M: Thanks. And twenty one of us got 150.

Text 2

M: Werent you at work last Friday?

W: No, that day my mother felt sick and I had to take her to the hospital.

Text 3

M: Mary, be quick. We still need to walk five more kilometers.

W: Oh, it is a long way to go. I cant walk any further.

Text 4

M: Did you watch any interesting TV programs last night?

W: Yes, I watched a horror film called Murders in School. I am still scared now.

Text 5

W: Where are you going, Daniel?

M: Im leaving for Nanjing. Im going to see my sister Alice and my nephew John. I usually see them once half a year.

W: How long are you going to stay there?

M: For about three weeks.

Text 6

M: What hobby did you have when you were a kid, Molly?

W: I used to like collecting shells.

M: Then you must have many shells.

W: Yes, over 100.

M: Do you still collect shells now?

W: No. I collect stamps now. I have more than 1,000 stamps. What about you, Gavin?

M: I used to play basketball, but now I like playing football.

W: So youre a sports fan.

M: Yes.

Text 7

W: Hello! May I speak to Peter?

M: Speaking, please.

W: Peter, do you know our school will set up a soccer team?

M: Yes.

W: How many students will be chosen from each class?

M: Two, a boy and a girl. And to choose the best players, we will have some matches.

W: When will the first match be held?

M: Tomorrow afternoon. Its between Class 2 and Class 3.

W: OK. By the way, will you join the soccer team?

M: Im afraid not. Im already on the swim team.

W: Oh, I see.

Text 8

M: This is how a holiday should be—relaxing on the beach with a nice cool drink.

W: Isnt it wonderful here? The kids are enjoying themselves in the swimming pool. I hope its safe.

M: Dont worry about them. Theyre very responsible. Besides, there are many people there and theres a lifeguard by the hotel. So, what shall we do this evening?

W: The kids said that they wanted to go to a party at the hotel. Theres a special one just for kids and parents.

M: Cool. Lets join them together.

W: Now, how about going for a swim in the sea? We shouldnt lie on the beach all day.

Text 9

M: What can I do for you, madam?

W: Well, I seem to be a little lost here.

M: Well, no worries. Ill try to help you. Where are you going?

W: Im trying to get to the Royal Hotel. Do you know where it is?

M: Sure. You walk down this street, and turn left at the first crossing. Then walk along that road; turn right at the corner. The Royal Hotel is on your right, between the Grand Station and a bookstore.

W: Is it far from here?

M: Yeah. If you go on foot, it will take you about 35 minutes, I suppose.

W: Oh. Can I take a bus there?

M: Well, you could but it may take you about 25 minutes. A taxi would be a lot quicker.

W: All right. How long will it take by taxi? Im kind of in a hurry.

M: About 8 minutes, I think.

W: Cool. Thanks.

Text 10

Attention, everyone! This is the newest shopping center in the city. Its very big. So be careful. Dont get lost. Look, on the first floor, youll find nice shoes and hats for ladies. On the second floor, we have childrens toys and clothes. You can find ladys clothes on the third floor. On the fourth floor, we have gentlemens clothes and shoes. And on the fifth floor, there are lots of things for sports. When you are tired and hungry, you can go to the sixth floor. We have twenty-five restaurants there. And you can taste different kinds of delicious food. Besides, we have some great specials today. We have shoes on sale for 50 dollars a pair. And there is a great value on childrens clothes. Also, if you pay more than 75 dollars at one time, you can have a free drink in our restaurants. Dont wait. Come and enjoy shopping!


Text 1

M: Whos she in the picture?

W: My aunt. She works at a university library.

Text 2

W: Hurry up! The film will begin soon.

M: Dont worry. Itll begin at half past seven, and we still have half an hour to go.

Text 3

W: Oh, I like this girl, the one in the long straight dress.

M: Do you? I think she is too thin.

W: Really? I love her hat. Its so beautiful.

Text 4

W: What were your family doing at about 8:00 last night?

M: Well, Mom and I were watching TV. But Dad doesnt like soap operas. He was reading a newspaper.

Text 5

W: Excuse me, smoking is not allowed in public places. You can smoke in the smoking room.

M: Oh, sorry! Ill go there right away.

Text 6

M: Where can we see some towers?

W: Either in Beihai Park or Shichahai.

Text 7

M: Miss Zhang, the ancient Chinese kings were so strange. Why did they prefer yellow to green, white and so on?

W: Because they thought this color meant power.

Text 8

W: Jason, did you have a party for your birthday on July 4?

M: No, three days later.

Text 9

W: Does your father often watch TV, Lin Tao?

M: Yes, he watches CCTV news every evening.

Text 10

W: We are proud of Ronaldo. He is certainly great. What about you, Xiaoming?

M: I am proud of Liu Xiang and Yao Ming.

Text 11

W: Hello! This is Jane. Who is it?

M: Hi, Jane. This is Jim. Can you help me with my English?

W: Whats wrong?

M: I cant speak English well.

W: Dont worry. Why not go to the English corner to practice speaking?

M: OK, Ill try it. Also, I cant understand the teacher when she talks to the class.

W: Listening to any kind of English will help a lot. Remembering the words of English songs also helps a lot.

M: Thank you very much. Ill do that as much as possible.

W: Youre welcome. I hope your English will improve soon.

Text 12

M: Nancy, can you show me your family picture?

W: OK, John. Here it is.

M: Who is this strong man?

W: This is my father. He is a doctor.

M: Oh. Does he play any sports?

W: No, but he likes watching basketball games.

M: And is this your grandfather? He looks very healthy.

W: Yeah, he swims three times a week.

M: Is that his hobby?

M: Whos that?

W: She is a pop singer from Singapore.

M: Do you like her?

W: Of course. Im so excited. Sun has decided to sing her most famous songs this time, like Its Dark, and Green Light.

M: I cant understand why you are so excited. Shes just a singer.

W: Oh, her songs are wonderful, and shes very lovely!

M: Really? Your mom and I wont buy you a ticket for her concert.

Text 8

M: Hi, Rose. Summer holidays are coming. What would you like to do?

W: Hello, Bill. My mother said we are going to Beijing to visit my grandparents.

M: Your grandparents are in Beijing? Great! My uncle works there, too.

W: Have you been there before?

M: Sure, Ive been there three times.

W: Oh, three times? Then you must know the city very well.

M: Not very well, but I took a lot of photos there.

W: Really? Can I have a look?

M: No problem. Ill show you some photos tomorrow.

Text 9

W: I heard that you went to Qingqing Grassland. Can you tell me something about the journey?

M: Yes, we had a wonderful time there.

W: What did you do at Qingqing Grassland?

M: We had a lot of fun. We rode horses, played volleyball and football, had evening parties, watched the sunrise, climbed the hills, and so on. Look! Here are some photos taken there. You can see how excited we were!

W: I see. What about the weather?

M: It was cooler there than in our town and even a bit cold at night. We all enjoyed the cool air, the clear sky, and the green grass. You would have felt the same if you had been there.

W: Thats true. I will go there sometime next year.

Text 10

Tom was a ten-year-old boy. One day his friend Peter said to him, “Im going to have a birthday party on Saturday. Can you come, Tom?”

Tom asked his mother and she said, “Yes, you can go.” He phoned Peters mother to tell him.

Before Tom went to the party on Saturday afternoon, his mother said to him, “Now, Tom, dont forget to be polite. Dont ask for food. Wait until someone gives it to you.”

“All right, Mom,” Tom answered, and he went to Peters house on his bike. There were a lot of children at the party. They played together for an hour, and then Peters mother gave them some food, but she forgot to give Tom any. He waited politely for a few minutes and then he held his plate up in the air and said loudly, “Does anyone want a nice clean plate?”


Text 1

W: Where are you going this weekend?

M: Im going to the beach. Its relaxing.

Text 2

W: Henry, which do you prefer, basketball or soccer?

M: I prefer soccer. Its my favorite.

Text 3

M: Would you like to eat a banana?

W: No, Id like some carrots.

Text 4

W: Are you afraid of the spider?

M: No. But I am afraid of the snake.

Text 5

W: What do you think is the most helpful invention, Jack?

M: I think the most helpful invention is the light bulb.

Text 6

W: I saw Lily at the hospital yesterday. Is her mother ill?

M: Oh, yes, so Lily has to look after her.

Text 7

W: What do you think of the film you saw last night?

M: Well, it made me sleepy.

Text 8

W: Excuse me, Kenny. Could you look after the house for me while Im away?

M: No problem, Mary. I hope you have a good time.

W: Thanks a lot.

Text 9

W: Bill is watching TV late again tonight.

M: I know, Lucy. He shouldnt watch TV every night.

W: I agree. He needs time to do homework.

Text 10

W: Hi, Mark. Where do you usually go with your friends?

M: We usually go to my friend Marios house.

W: Is that a good place to have fun?

M: Sure. There is a big living room at his place.

Text 11

W: Good morning. Can I help you?

M: Yes, Id like to have a room for two nights.

W: Well, we still have rooms on the third, the fourth, and the seventh floor.

M: OK, Id like to live on the third floor. How much should I pay for one night?

W: 80 dollars.

M: Do you have hot water in the room?

W: Yes, 24 hours.

M: What time are the meals served?

W: Breakfast begins at 7:00, lunch 11:30, and supper 5:30 pm.

M: Can anyone show me to my room?

W: Look, that boy over there will.

M: Thanks.

Text 12

W: Alan, what do you plan to do this evening?

M: Im going to see a film at Wanda Cinema. Would you like to go with me?

W: Yes, but it starts at 5:30. We cant get there in time. How about the one at Renmin Cinema? That starts at 6:30.

M: No, I dont like that cinema. The seats there are always dirty.

W: I think wed better stay at home today. And this Saturday evening we can go out early to Wanda Cinema to see an American film.

M: But before Saturday, what else shall we do on these two evenings?

W: Lets go swimming this evening. And we can go dancing tomorrow.

M: OK, Ill go with you.

Text 13

Max was 8 years old. He was a good boy, but he couldnt get up early. He slept until nine or ten oclock in the morning. He was often late for school. Maxs mother didnt want him to be late for school, so she bought him an alarm clock. She said to Max, “You must get up when you hear the clock ring.” “Yes, Mom,” said Max. After that Max got up at 7:30 when he heard the clock ring. One day his mother forgot to set the clock. And next morning Max didnt get up at 7:30. It was time for breakfast. Mother went to see him. Max was in bed and his eyes were open. “Why didnt you get up?” Mother was angry. “You told me to get up when I heard the clock ring, so I am waiting for the bell.”


Text 1

M: You look so nice in green, Mary.

W: Thank you. But red is my favorite.

Text 2

W: Excuse me. Whats the time, please?

M: Its a quarter to five.

Text 3

W: Shall we fly kites on the beach next Sunday?

M: That sounds great. But Im afraid I cant. I want to visit my uncle.

Text 4

W: Excuse me. Where are the science books?

M: They are over there. Turn left and then turn right. They are on the shelf next to the history books.

W: Thank you.

Text 5

W: I like English. Its easy for me. What do you think of it, Evan?

M: I cant stand it. I only like maths and physics. How do you like them?

W: I dont like them. They are too difficult for me.

Text 6

W: Whats the best gift you have ever received?

M: A mobile phone.

W: When did you get it?

M: I got it on my fourteenth birthday.

W: Who gave it to you?

M: My uncle.

W: What a lucky guy! May I have a look?

M: Oh, sorry, my maths teacher has taken it away yesterday because I used it in class.

W: What a pity! You should say sorry to her, and then she will forgive you.

M: I will.

Text 7

W: How are you getting on with your English, Nick?

M: Not quite well. My grammar is improving, but I still have some difficulty in listening.

W: I suggest you practice more. Youd better listen to more English recordings. And you can also watch English news on TV. What about your writing?

M: I think it is better than before. To improve my writing, I keep writing diaries every day.

W: What do you think of reading?

M: Its not very difficult. I like reading practice.

W: Remember—If you want to learn English well, you must keep practicing.

M: Yes, I know. I will try. Thank you, Mrs Black.

Text 8

W: Hi, Steven! Where are you going on May Day?

M: Im going to London on the train with our classmates. Come with us, Lily!

W: But its cheaper by bus.

M: Ive got a student travel card. You can get cheap train tickets with it.

W: That sounds good. How much does it cost?

M: A card for six months is sixteen pounds.

W: So how can I get one?

M: You need two photos––one for the card and the other for the form.

W: Do I need to show my ID card?

M: No. You only need a letter from our school.

W: Ill ask our teacher for one. Next time you go to London, Ill go, too!

Text 9

W: Bill, whats the matter with you? Did you have an accident? What happened to you?

M: Well, believe it or not, I had two accidents yesterday.

W: Two? But how?

M: Its a long story. Yesterday morning, I was riding my bike in the park. Suddenly I saw two dogs. They were running after a car.

W: And?

M: I fell off my bike and broke my arm.

W: Ouch! But the dogs werent running after you.

M: I know, but Im afraid of dogs.

W: Oh, yeah, I forgot. What about your head?

M: Well, late in the afternoon we were driving home from the hospital with my mom, and we hit a car. Thats how I hurt my head.

W: Is your mom OK?

M: Yeah, shes fine. She was wearing a seatbelt.

W: Werent you?

M: No, I couldnt. My arm really hurt.

Text 10

Dear Mom and Dad,

Ive been here for weeks, and I am happy here. Thank you for telling me to send a card to Ms Wang for Teachers Day next month. Ill do it, because I wont be home on September 10th.

My friend and I spend a weekend in the house of an American family. Mr Adams met us at the bus station and took us to his farm in his car. There we met his wife and their two daughters, Martha and Lisa. His son was staying with his friends. Mr Adams grows apples and vegetables, and he has about 100 cows. However, he doesnt milk the cows himself. Mr Adams has a computer to help him. It tells him many things, such as how to milk the cows, when to grow things and to sell them. But there is one thing the computer doesnt do: tell him that its time for dinner.

We did have great fun on the farm. And we have learned a lot about life in America.

Li Lei


Text 1

M: This evening I am going to the cinema with Tom.

W: Me, too. I sometimes go with Ben, but this evening I am going with my family.

Text 2

M: Is there any ice cream in the refrigerator?

W: Yes, there is.

Text 3

M: Did you buy anything when you were in Paris?

W: Yes. I bought a watch.

Text 4

M: Can I have my birthday party at school, Mom? I want to enjoy my birthday with my classmates and teachers.

W: It seems a good idea.

Text 5

M: Will you go there on foot?

W: No, Ill go there by bike.

Text 6

M: Do you like seeing films?

W: Yes, very much. I like romantic films best.

Text 7

M: Where did you find the wallet?

W: I found it in the grass between the teaching building and the basketball court.

Text 8

M: Can you tell me the difference between Arron and Allen?

W: Im afraid I cant. The twins look so much like each other that even their father cannot tell who is who.

Text 9

M: Tell me about your family, Kate.

W: Well, my father is tall with dark hair, and my mother is short with brown hair. And I also have a little brother.

Text 10

W: Tim, I can hardly do this math exercise.

M: Why not come to me? I can help you.

W: Thank you so much.

M: Its my pleasure.

Text 11

W: Where are you going for your winter vacation, Peter?

M: I want to travel in Beijing.

W: Why?

M: I have never been to Beijing before. And I want to visit the Great Wall.

W: You know its very cold in Beijing now. Youd better change a place.

M: Whats your opinion?

W: I think youd better go to Hainan. Its warm now.

M: OK. I have never been to Hainan, either. I want to see beautiful beaches.

W: Who are you going with?

M: My family.

W: Have a good time.

M: Thanks.

Text 12

M: Congratulations!

W: Thank you.

M: I read about you in the newspaper. You played the piano beautifully. What are your next plans?

W: At present Im giving a lot of concerts. Fortunately people want to come and hear me play, but Im getting tired of traveling.

M: Why are you working so hard?

W: Im planning to start a school, so I must save enough money.

M: What kind of school?

W: A music school for disabled children, I think they have the right to receive an education. At the moment there are very few such schools in my country. Unfortunately it will cost a lot of money to start one.

M: I hope you will be able to realize your dream.

Text 13

Hello, boys and girls. We are going to visit the town of Chester tomorrow. Heres some important information about our trip. Please listen carefully. Well go there by bus. Its a long trip, and it will take us over three hours to get there. So we have to start early. The bus will wait for you at the school gate at 8:00 tomorrow morning. You should eat breakfast at home. And well take sandwiches for lunch with us and eat together in a park. After that we will walk around the old market. You will be able to buy all your presents there. We will meet at the place where our bus stops. If you are lost, please give me a call. If you have any questions, please ask me. OK. See you tomorrow!


Text 1

M: Where did Susan come from?

W: She was born in Spain and grew up in New Zealand, but now she is a citizen of Britain.

Text 2

W: I prefer dumplings to noodles.

M: OK. Lets have dumplings for supper.

Text 3

W: Good afternoon, sir. What can I do for you?

M: Tomorrow is Fathers Day. Do you have anything to advise?

Text 4

W: Its Tuesday today. Lets go hiking the day after tomorrow.

M: Good idea!

Text 5

M: Excuse me, how much is the watch?

W: Usually its 120 yuan, but today its only half the price.

Text 6

W: Oh, your English is so good. How long have you learned it?

M: For three years. I like English very much.

W: Do you think its difficult to learn?

M: I dont think so.

W: By the way, there is an English evening in our school today. Do you want to take part in it?

M: Yes, Id love to. When shall we meet? How about six oclock?

W: Six oclock is too early. Shall we meet half an hour later?

M: OK. See you then.

Text 7

W: Seat 14A is right here. You may take your seat. I will put your bag above.

M: Thank you, miss. Youll offer supper on the plane, wont you?

W: Yes, sir. Ill bring you a menu shortly after we take off.

M: That would be nice. By the way, how long will this flight last?

W: It will last three hours. Now its six oclock pm. Well arrive in Chicago around nine.

M: Great! I will arrive in Chicago in three hours and in one more hour Ill be at home.

Text 8

W: Good evening, Ted.

M: Good evening, Mom.

W: Are you tired?

M: No, Im not tired but a little hungry.

W: Dinner will be ready in half an hour. Did you catch the school bus this morning?

M: No, I missed it. I ran all the way to the bus stop and got there four minutes late. I had to walk to school.

W: So, what time did you get to school then?

M: At nine.

W: At nine? Wasnt Mr Wang angry?

M: No, he wasnt at school. He was ill at home.

Text 9

M: Lisa, whats wrong with you? It seems youre not in a good mood.

W: My friend Linda said something bad behind my back. I really cannot believe it. I always think she is my best friend.

M: Do you think shes jealous of you? Youre pretty and so intelligent. Youre good at all your subjects and also play the violin so well.

W: But she has her strong points, too. Shes lovely and hard-working, and people like being with her.

M: Perhaps she hasnt realized that. Youre a smart girl. Im sure youll figure out a way to solve the problem.

W: I guess I should talk with her, and let her know that shes  great, too.

M: Im sure that will help. Oh, look. Im afraid itll rain soon. How about going back to the teaching building now?

W: Oh, Im going to the library this afternoon. I need to borrow some books.

M: OK. Do let me know if you need an umbrella. Ive got one in the teaching building.

W: Thanks.

Text 10

One day, Mrs Brown saw a beautiful sweater in a clothing shop. She liked it very much, so she wanted to buy it at once. But she didnt bring enough money with her. Then she went back home and told her husband that she wanted to buy the sweater. But her husband said she had so many different kinds of sweaters that she didnt need to buy another one.

The next day, she told her husband that she still wanted to buy the sweater. The third day, she said the same thing. After a week, her husband agreed that she could buy the sweater. When they went to the clothing shop, the sweater was still there. But, to her husbands surprise, she didnt want to buy it any more. “The others dont want to buy the sweater, I dont want to buy, either,” she said.


Text 1

W: What are you going to do in Sydney?

M: We are going to the beaches, taking a boat ride, and going shopping.

Text 2

W: Boating and skating are my favorite sports.

M: But I like swimming.

Text 3

M: Could you please tell me which direction is to the train station?

W: Turn left at the first turning and go along until you come to the supermarket.

Text 4

W: What do you do in the afternoon?

M: I often play sports.

Text 5

M: There is an exhibition about pictures.

W: Really? Id like to see that.

Text 6

M: Whats your favorite subject?

W: My favorite subject is English. Its difficult but interesting.

Text 7

M: Linda, can you come to my party?

W: Im afraid I cant. I have to look after my little brother.

Text 8

M: Excuse me, is the library open all day?

W: Sorry, I am afraid not. Only from 9 am to 4 pm.

Text 9

M: Jim, is that John playing the guitar over there?

W: No, thats his twin brother, Tony. Tony has longer hair than his brother.

Text 10

M: I usually go to school on my mountain bike.

W: I cant ride a bike. I walk to school.

Text 11

W: What did you think of the football match yesterday afternoon?

M: Very exciting. The two teams both did very well in the match and it was a really wonderful game.

W: I liked it very much, too. But I missed the first part of the match.

M: Why?

W: Someone knocked into my bike on the way and I fell off my bike.

M: Did you hurt yourself?

W: Yes, I hurt my left leg. So I couldnt ride my bike. I had to walk slowly.

M: How late were you for the match?

W: When I got to the sports field, it was already three twenty.

M: Oh, you were twenty minutes late.

W: Yeah, it was a real pity.

Text 12

W: Excuse me, sir.

M: Yes, what can I do for you, madam?

W: Its 3 oclock. I have been here for an hour to meet my father. But I saw all the other passengers come out except him.

M: Are you sure of the time his flight arrives?

W: Yes, I think so. He told me he would reach the airport at about 3:00 this afternoon.

M: Thats true. Flight BA 506 has just arrived.

W: What? BA 506? Well, I dont think its his flight number.

M: Do you know his flight number?

W: Its VA 407, I think… Oh, a moment, please. Here, I wrote it on my notebook. Sorry, its VA 408.

M: VA 408? I see, madam, the flight was supposed to arrive at this moment, but it will be two hours late because of the bad weather in New York.

W: OK, then I will have to wait longer. Thank you very much, sir.

M: Youre welcome. Good luck, madam.

Text 13

Julia had found a new job in another city, so she had to leave here. When Julia moved to the city, she left her dog to one of her friends. She was going to return for her pet the next week. Before she could go back for her dog, it had run away. Julias friend was sorry about that and Julia felt so sad.

Julia put an ad in the newspaper. It said that she would give a present to anyone who found her dog. She sold her bike to get the money for the present. But no one found her dog.

Two months later, on a Sunday morning, Julia was playing in her garden when she heard a bark. It was her dog. It walked all the way to Julias new home. Julia was very happy because she owned her dog again.


Text 1

W: Jim, help yourself to some strawberries.

M: Thanks. But I dont like them. I like grapes.

Text 2

M: Where is the book about cars? I put it down on the table.

W: I dont know. I cleaned early this morning and I cant remember where I put it.

Text 3

M: How do you always get good grades in physics?

W: I make myself interested in it.

Text 4

M: Hurry up, Kate! Its late.

W: Dont worry. The first class begins at 8:00.

Text 5

W: Excuse me, I want to know if the bus leaves at seven or five past seven?

M: Neither. Itll leave at five to seven.

Text 6

M: Lucy, I heard that you had got a part-time job. Is that true?

W: Yes, Jack. I am working as a guide in our citys museum. I explain basic information about pictures to the visitors.

M: That sounds like a hard job. You must have to learn a lot about history.

W: I do, but thats OK. I like reading about the past. History helps us know what to do in our present situation. I love the job.

M: You will learn a lot in this job.

W: And, most importantly, I can get some good work experience.

Text 7

W: Rich, can you come downstairs to help me with the dinner right now?

M: Im afraid I cant. Im doing something important at the moment.

W: Oh, are you on the stupid net again? When are you going to get off?

M: Just a few minutes. Im looking for a gold ring. I want to make sure I get the right gift for your birthday.

W: Oh? Im really glad to hear that. Take your time!

Text 8

M: Hi, Li Yuan. I heard that you are going to England. Is that true?

W: Yes, Im going there for high school.

M: Can you tell me more about it? Im also interested in it.

W: Ill live with my host family. Its much cheaper than living in the hotel and in this way I can also practice my spoken English.

M: Thatll be a great experience. Im thinking about going there, too.

W: If you want to know more about it, you can go to the school office and ask for more information.

Text 9

W: Hi, Steve. Were doing a survey on students after-school activities. Can you help us and answer some questions?

M: Sure.

W: OK. Do you often play sports after school?

M: Yes. I play basketball on Monday and Thursday. I play volleyball on Tuesday and football on Friday.

W: What about Wednesday?

M: Oh, I dont play sports on Wednesday. I go to the drum club.

W: OK. And how often do you do homework with friends?

M: I never do homework with my friends. I like to study alone.

W: I see. OK. Now evening activities. Do you often read in the evening?

M: Well, I want to, but I seldom have time. I have a lot of homework.

W: What about TV? Do you often watch TV in the evening?

M: Well, I always watch the evening news at 7 oclock. If I finish my homework early, I can watch a football match on TV.

Text 10

Hi! I am a boy from England. I have a big family, my dad, mom and my younger sister. Id like to tell you a little about our everyday life.

The day starts at about 7 oclock when Dad and Mom get up. We have breakfast at 8 oclock. After breakfast, my sister and I put on our school uniforms and go to school. Dad goes to work by car. Mom, my sister and I go to school by bus. My mom works in a hospital near our school. School starts at 9:00 am and it is over at 3:15 pm. After we get home, my sister and I usually watch TV. Dad usually gets home at about 6:30 pm. We eat dinner at about 7:00 pm. In the evening, my sister and I usually do our homework before watching TV again. Mom helps us with our homework. On Saturday, my sister goes to dance classes and I go to the basketball club. On Sunday, we usually go to the park or watch movies together.


Text 1

W: Would you like to have some tea in my room?

M: I dont like to stay in. Why not do some walking?

Text 2

W: You say the exam is going to be on Tuesday, but Rose says it will be on Thursday.

M: Im sure Im right. Mr Smith told me so.

Text 3

W: This is the fifth umbrella Ive lost this year.

M: You should be careful next time.

Text 4

W: Is it raining outside, Mike?

M: Hmm, let me see. No, but there are a lot of clouds.

Text 5

W: Excuse me, sir. Are you ready to order now?

M: Yes. Ill have the chicken soup first.

Text 6

W: Whats in the bag?

M: There are some green pencils and yellow erasers.

Text 7

W: Excuse me. I bought a pen here yesterday. But I cant write with it now.

M: Whats the problem?

W: It doesnt work. Could you change it for me?

M: Let me see…

Text 8

M: The boss told me to go to Paris on business, but I cant leave my mother ill in bed.

W: Dont worry, Bill. I can look after her for you.

Text 9

W: Shall we go to the concert at the weekend?

M: That sounds great. But Im afraid I cant. I want to help do some housework at home.

Text 10

M: I really like Dan Dervish.

W: Me, too. I like musicians who write their own songs.

Text 11

W: Welcome to our air company. Are you going away on holiday, Mr Smith?

M: Yes.

W: Then book the ticket first, please. Where are you planning to go for your holiday? Harbin?

M: No, Suzhou. Can I go there today?

W: Sorry, sir. Not today.

M: Tomorrow then?

W: No, sir. Tomorrow is Sunday. Flight 4377 to Suzhou is on weekdays. We havent got any flights on Saturdays or Sundays. Is next week all right? Next Monday?

M: Thats all right. But what time is the flight?

W: It leaves at 9:30 and arrives at 11:20.

M: I see. Thank you very much.

Text 12

W: Hello, English Study Center. This is Miss Yang speaking. Can I help you?

M: Yes. This is Jerry speaking. I have some problems learning English.

W: Dont worry. What are your problems?

M: I cant understand my teacher when he speaks fast. And Im afraid to speak English because others often laugh at my poor pronunciation.

W: Oh, you have problems with listening and speaking. I think you need more practice.

M: What should I do then?

W: Listening to recordings will help a lot. And you can join our English club. We have many good foreign teachers. They can help you.

M: OK, I will. Thank you for your suggestions.

W: Youre welcome.

Text 13

Im Lucy Brown. I work in the school library. Today Id like to tell you something about our library. When you enter the library, youll see the service desk right ahead. There is a reading room, Room A, on your left. You can find all kinds of dictionaries, guidebooks, and even telephone books in the reading room. You can use these books only in this room. OK, lets go to the other two rooms on the right of the service desk. Different kinds of newspapers and magazines are kept in Room B. You can read them only here. In Room C, you can borrow novels, storybooks and science books. You must return the books in two weeks. The library is open from 9 am to 6 pm every day. If you have any  questions, Id be glad to help you. Thank you.


Text 1

W: Supper is ready, Alan.

M: Im coming, Mom.

Text 2

W: Is Mr Brown coming to our school soon?

M: Yes, in five minutes.

Text 3

W: I heard you were in Beijing last Sunday. How was the weather there?

M: It was fine and we enjoyed ourselves very much.

Text 4

W: What are you going to do this afternoon?

M: Im not sure. Maybe Ill go to buy some books.

Text 5

W: How much are these socks?

M: Five dollars for each pair.

W: OK. Two pairs, please.

Text 6

M: How was your trip to New York, Jane?

W: It was great until I lost my wallet.

M: Really? How did that happen?

W: I was waiting in line to buy a ticket at the train station. When I wanted to get the money, I found my wallet lost.

M: Bad luck! Did you leave it anywhere?

W: I dont know.

M: Then how did you come back?

W: I called my friend and he drove me back home.

Text 7

W: Can I help you?

M: Yes, please. I want to go to the zoo, but Im new here. I have a map, but its in Chinese. How can I get there?

W: Dont worry. We have maps in Japanese.

M: Thanks a lot! Let me have a look at it. But...

W: Whats the matter?

M: It says that there are no buses to the zoo after 2 oclock every afternoon. What should I do?

W: Bad luck! So you have to take a taxi.

M: Im afraid so. Thank you!

Text 8

W: Hello? Marys office.

M: Is that Mary? Its me.

W: Who? Oh, John! Whats the matter with you? You sound terrible.

M: I know. I feel bad. I think Ive caught a really bad cold.

W: Oh, dear, have you taken any medicine?

M: No, nothing. But Im going to take some now. Im sorry but I really cant come to work today. Im going to stay in bed.

W: Of course, I understand. You shouldnt go anywhere with a cold like that. Is there anybody to look after you?

M: Yes. My moms coming this afternoon. Ill come to work tomorrow if I feel better.

W: Of course, John. Well, have a good rest and youll get better soon.

M: Thanks very much, Mary. Bye.

Text 9

M: Garden Road Police Station. Can I help you?

W: Yes, please. Its my daughter. She is lost.

M: Whats her name?

W: Betty Green.

M: Tell me more about her, please.

W: Well, my daughter went to the park this morning and hasnt come back yet. Its getting dark. We cant find her anywhere.

M: Which park? And what time did she leave your house?

W: The Central Park. She left at about 8:00.

M: What does your daughter look like?

W: She has big eyes and brown hair.

M: And what was she wearing?

W: A white sweater and blue jeans.

M: Tell me your address and telephone number, please.

W: Yes. We live at 23, Bridge Street. And call me at 7142069.

M: All right. Well try our best to find her.

W: Thank you very much.

Text 10

It was late at night. The traffic was usually bad at the moment in the city. Miss Harbor wanted to reach her friends house on time. She was afraid because it was raining, and the traffic in the rain was worse than usual. Miss Harbor also had bad eyesight. She didnt think she looked beautiful when she wore glasses, so she never wore glasses. She was trying to read the road signs, but she could not see them. The first thing she did was that she started to drive slowly. The second thing she did was to turn on the radio. When she listened to the radio she didnt feel afraid or alone. The third thing she did was going to a hotel and slept. She drove to her friends house the next morning when the traffic was good. The third thing she did was the best idea. She did not want to lose time, but she really wanted to make herself safe.


Text 1

M: Well, could you tell me why the museum is not open yet?

W: Um… its not nine yet. We still have a quarter hour to go.

Text 2

W: Can you come and play basketball with us?

M: Sorry, I have to clean my room.

Text 3

W: Im calling to say goodbye. Im catching the 11:00 train.

M: The 11:00 train? Take care of yourself.

W: I will, Dad. Thank you and goodbye.

Text 4

W: Hello, where are you going in such a hurry?

M: I am going to see Mr Thomas. Ive got a bad cold.

Text 5

W: Here come the twins.

M: Well, I really cant tell who is Tina, if her hair isnt longer and curlier than Tara.

Text 6

W: Wow, you have so many wonderful stamps.

M: Yes. I began to collect them 6 years ago when I was only 9 years old.

Text 7

M: Hello, Helen! What do you think of these four subjects?

W: I think English is the most interesting. And I like Chinese as well. But science is even harder than maths.

Text 8

W: Would you mind not playing in my garden?

M: We are sorry, Ms Clark.

Text 9

W: Hello, Sam. What time did you come here?

M: I came here half an hour ago, at about a quarter past seven.

Text 10

W: Where are you going on vacation?

M: Im going to be in Hong Kong for five days and stay in Shanghai for two days.

Text 11

W: Why did you leave? You had a good job in England.

M: Yes, but Ive got a better job here.

W: And you had a beautiful house in England.

M: Well, Ive got a house here.

W: Really? How many bedrooms has it got?

M: Three. And it has a garden. Its nicer than my house in England and its cheaper. Everything in Wales is much cheaper.

W: But you havent got any friends!

M: Ive got a lot of friends here. Everybody is very friendly. People are much friendlier than those in London.

Text 12

W: Dad, would you mind turning down the TV a little bit? Its already 10 pm.

M: Of course not, Linda. But what are you still working at?

W: Im studying for my science test tomorrow. I have to go over all the lessons.

M: Oh, sorry. I didnt notice that. But I want to watch the football match on TV. It will begin at 11 pm.

W: Really? Is it my favorite team?

M: Yes, its the national team. But anyway, you should go to bed early.

W: Ill finish the work in half an hour. May I watch the game?

M: Im afraid you cant. Just go and get a good sleep.

Text 13

This is the first year that Nancy and Harry are going on vacation without any of their children. They feel a little lonely without them, but its nice, too. They dont have to worry about where the children are or what theyre doing.

Both Nancy and Harry are good cooks. Nancy cooks one night, and Harry cooks the next. After they do the dishes, they watch TV or play cards with the couple next door. Sometimes they drive to town to see a movie. They usually stay up late at night.

Nancy and Harry also like to go for long walks together. Theres a state park a few miles from their house. They drive to the park and walk in the woods. The air there is fresh, and the trees are pretty. Its good to be away from the heat and the noise of Miami and to be free from their work.


Text 1

W: Excuse me, Mr Baker. How often do you exercise?

M: Every Wednesday and Friday afternoon.

Text 2

M: Tomorrow is September 10. It is Teachers Day in China, right?

W: Yes. Lets go and buy something for our teachers.

Text 3

W: Dad, my bike is broken. Could you drive me to school this morning?

M: Its still early. Why not walk there?

W: OK.

Text 4

W: Whats wrong with the TV?

M: It isnt clear and the color is not right.

W: Thats too bad. We had better call Mr White. He can help us.

Text 5

M: How do you study English well?

W: I like to study by listening to tapes before I go to bed. But sometimes my mother thinks Im listening to music. And then she gets mad.

Text 6

W: So, Steven, I hear youre a teacher.

M: Yeah, thats right.

W: Where do you teach?

M: In Green Town Middle School. I teach English.

W: Oh, I know that school. Its in Shanghai, right?

M: Yes, thats right.

W: So, do you like your job?

M: Yes, its very interesting. Ive got many Chinese friends. How about you? What do you do?

W: Im a tennis player.

M: Wow! That sounds great.

W: Yeah, its really fun.

Text 7

M: Excuse me, Miss Black! Are there any books about culture?

W: Yes, here are some.

M: Great! Thank you.

W: Are you interested in culture, Tom?

M: Yes. I was asked to give a talk about it.

W: Oh, I see.

M: How many books can I borrow at a time?

W: Three.

M: OK! Can I have a look at the books about geography?

W: Sure. Theyre on the shelf over there.

M: Mmm… Id like this one about the Chinese geography. And Ill return them next Monday.

W: OK.

Text 8

W: Hi, Sam. Havent seen you for days.

M: I went traveling.

W: Did you enjoy yourself?

M: Of course I did. I climbed the mountain, boated in the lake, and walked in the forest.

W: Did you go there by yourself?

M: I prefer to travel alone. But my parents said I was too young to do that. So I had to go with them.

W: Did you travel by bus or train?

M: My father drove our car all the way so that we could stay in each place as long as we wanted.

W: How I wish I could go some day.

Text 9

W: Excuse me, I want to go to Beihai Park. Which bus should I take?

M: Bus No.16. I think it will come soon.

W: Thank you. Thats very nice of you.

M: Is this your first time here?

W: Yes.

M: So what do you think of our city?

W: I like it. Its big and beautiful. But I also think the traffic is too bad, and some places are crowded. Anyway, are you a student?

M: Yes, Im a junior high school student. Why do you want to go to Beihai Park?

W: My son and his wife live near there, and Im going to visit them.

M: I see. Youll find your way around before long. Oh, here is the bus.

W: Its really nice to talk with you. Thanks for your help.

M: Youre welcome. Bye!

Text 10

Once I volunteered as a clerk at a local store. I worked there for a month. I felt very happy because I could do something to help our local people.

One day, a young mother came to the store to get some toys for her son. She was happy about a toy she was looking at. But after she went through her bag for a while, she said that she had left her wallet home.

I suggested she go home quickly and come back for the toy, but she said she lived far from here. Looking at her disappointed face, I felt sorry for her and I paid for her toy. She was so surprised that someone offered to do that and she took my name and address.

My husband thought the young lady wouldnt give back the money. But two days later, after I received a check from the woman, it was his turn to be surprised by goodness in the world!


Text 1

W: Lets go swimming tomorrow!

M: But the weatherman said itll be rainy.

Text 2

W: Is your backpack under your chair?

M: Yes. So is my basketball.

Text 3

W: I like vegetables and beef. How about you?

M: Fish. I really love it.

Text 4

W: Does Jack like riding bicycles?

M: Yes, he does. He often rides to the countryside.

Text 5

W: What did you do yesterday?

M: I went to the bookstore with my parents.

Text 6

W: Tommy, I just went to the clothes store. I bought two shirts and three pairs of trousers. Theyre really cheap.

M: Great, Ill go and find some good shirts.

Text 7

W: I cant find Mary anywhere. Did you see her?

M: Shes in Mrs Browns office now.

Text 8

W: Have another piece of cake, please.

M: Thanks, but Im really full now. Youre a wonderful baker.

Text 9

W: Did you see the football match last night?

M: No. I watched a movie at the cinema with my friends.

Text 10

W: Three tickets for the concert, please.

M: Thats 360 yuan in total, madam.

Text 11

W: Excuse me, sir. Im writing a news report. May I ask you some questions?

M: Sure. Go ahead.

W: Whats your job?

M: I work at a bank now. I used to be a teacher.

W: What did you teach then?

M: History.

W: Do you like your present job?

M: Very much. Teaching is boring to me. Now I can meet different kinds of people every day.

W: Do you like sports?

M: I often play basketball with guys from work. I love watching NBA on TV.

W: Thats cool. Last one. What do you do in the evening?

M: I usually go to the gym to get in shape.

W: All right, thanks very much for your time.

Text 12

M: How was your day?

W: Too bad.

M: Why? What happened?

W: I arrived late for work this morning. It was the third time this month.

M: Didnt you catch the earliest bus this morning?

W: Yeah, but there was something wrong with the tire halfway. And the next is too crowded. I had to take a taxi but still late.

M: Thats terrible.

W: And the client didnt come this afternoon. I gave him the wrong date last Friday. He thought he should come on Tuesday.

M: Thats bad.

W: Yeah, so it probably means Ive lost my client. By the way, Ill fly to New York tomorrow morning on a business trip and wont come back until this Friday.

M: What? Then who will cook dinner these days?

W: Its a good chance for you to practice cooking.

M: I guess Ill get take-away pizza this week.

W: Youre so lazy.

Text 13

Welcome to Volunteer Group. Now Id like to tell you something about the activity this Sunday. Weve decided to plant trees in the Blue Mountains. Please sign up if you want to join. All of us will be divided into six groups. To know which group you are in and who your group leader is, please read the notice on the note board.

We will take the school bus to the mountains. It will leave from the front school gate at seven in the morning and come back at five oclock in the afternoon. It will take about an hour to get there. Heres some instruction to follow.

First, wear your comfortable clothes and strong shoes because we will be working in the mountains for nearly eight hours. Second, bring your lunch. Only bottles of water will be provided. All right, please take an active part. In my opinion, this activity can help us young people learn some working skills, make more friends, and whats more, understand how to get on well with nature. I hope you will have a good time this Sunday.


Text 1

W: Do you see my dictionary, Jerry? I cant find it.

M: Yes, I saw Tom take it. You can go and ask him about it.

W: All right. Thank you.

Text 2

W: What do you want to do in the future?

M: My father wants me to be a painter like him, and my mother wants me to be a teacher, but I want to be a soldier.

Text 3

W: Good morning! Can I help you?

M: Yes, Id like two tickets for adults and three for kids.

Text 4

M: Excuse me, madam. Could you please tell me the way to the nearest bank?

W: Its far from here. Youd better take a bus. The bus stop is over there in front of a cinema.

Text 5

W: You look upset. Whats wrong?

M: I cant get a ticket to the football match tomorrow.

W: Dont worry. You can go with me. I have an extra.

M: Really? Thank you very much.

Text 6

M: Lets go hiking tomorrow, shall we? The weatherman said itll be sunny.

W: OK, when and where shall we meet?

M: How about 5:30 am at the playground?

W: Are you kidding? Its too early and its not a good idea to meet at the playground. What about 7:30 at the school gate?

M: Thats fine. See you tomorrow! Dont forget to bring some food.

W: OK. See you!

Text 7

W: Good morning, sir. What can I help you?

M:  Im looking for a coat for my daughter.

W: These coats are for boys. This way, please.

M: Well, the yellow coat looks nice. Could you show it to me?

W: Sure, here you are.

M: How much is it?

W: 150 yuan.

M: Thats a little bit expensive. Do you have a cheaper one?

W: The blue one is cheaper. Its 80 yuan.

M: But my daughter doesnt like blue. She likes red best. I think I have to try another shop. Thanks.

Text 8

M: Hello, this is Bob. Is that Mary?

W: Yes.

M: How do you feel today?

W: A little better, but the doctor said I had to stay in bed for at least a week.

M: Is there anything I can do for you?

W: Well, now Im worried about my lessons.

M: Oh, I see. You neednt worry about them. Just get a good rest. Ill go to help you with your lessons after school from tomorrow on.

W: Thats very kind of you. Thanks a lot.

M: By the way, Mrs Smith will go to see you after work tomorrow evening.

W: Oh. Its so kind of her, but she really neednt do that. Please tell her that Im all right, OK?

M: Sure. See you tomorrow.

W: Bye-bye.

Text 9

M: Welcome to Beijing Tasty Restaurant. What can I do for you?

W: Id like a table beside the window.

M: Sorry, Im afraid only one table in the center is available.

W: Thats quite OK.

M: This way, please.

W: Thank you.

M: Could I take your order now?

W: Yes. Id like chicken, fish, some vegetables, two cokes, and three bowls of rice.

M: We have Beijing Roast Duck. Its our special. Would you like to have a try?

W: All right.

M: Please wait a second. Your food will be ready soon.

W: I need some time to wait for my friend. Could you please get my food ready in about 20 minutes?

M: No problem.

Text 10

There are a great many old stories about love between parents and children. One of them goes like this.

Long long ago, there was a boy named Meng Zhong. He and his mother lived a hard life. He tried to do all the housework to help his mother. One day, his mother became seriously ill. The doctor said that his mother needed some bamboo shoots, which are the edible part of bamboos. However, it was cold winter then, and the ground was covered with thick snow. Where on earth could he find bamboo shoots? He was very worried and didnt know what to do. He cried and cried for the whole day. Suddenly, he heard some sounds, and he found a lot of bamboo shoots growing out of the ground. It was his love for his mother that moved God. In no time at all, he took the bamboo shoots home and cooked them for his mother. Soon, his mother became well again.


Text 1

W: My favorite animals are elephants. How about you?

M: Horses. I have many pictures of horses in my room.

Text 2

W: Bill, did you see my pen? I put it on the desk, but its gone now.

M: Oh, I took it just now. Here you are.

Text 3

W: What would you like, sir?

M: Id like a hamburger, please.

Text 4

W: Look! Mike is playing basketball. Hes a good player.

M: You are right. He plays it every weekend.

Text 5

W: Ill go to Chengdu by train tomorrow with my parents.

M: Great! Have a nice trip.

Text 6

W: Id like a brown skirt to go with my blue shirt.

M: How about this one? This is in style now.

Text 7

W: Excuse me, sir. Can I smoke here?

M: Im sorry. Its not allowed in our restaurant.

Text 8

W: You remember Carl Brown? I just met him on the subway.

M: Really? Is he still wearing glasses?

Text 9

W: Is this your new shirt? Its smart, and I like the color a lot.

M: Yeah. I like gray, too.

Text 10

W: Excuse me, officer. Could you please tell me the way to the nearest bank?

M: Thats easy. Go down this street and turn right at the second crossing. Its on your left next to a post office.

Text 11

M: Hey, Mary. How are you?

W: Oh, hi, Jerry. Im pretty good. What are you doing here?

M: Tomorrow is my daughter Susans 13th birthday. Im looking for a present for her. Could you help me pick one?

W: Sure. How about a backpack?

M: Thats perfect. She likes backpacks. What about this brown one? It looks very nice.

W: Yes, but its a little bit expensive. Dont you think so?

M: I guess you are right.

W: How about these hats? Theyre really cute.

M: But she doesnt wear hats often. Hey, these shirts are very smart, and they are on sale now. How about this green one?

W: Thats nice. Its beautiful. I think itll look great on her.

M: Ill take this green one then.

Text 12

M: Good morning, Linda. Early for work, huh?

W: Morning, Eric. Did you feel the earthquake last night?

M: Earthquake? Youre kidding. I didnt feel it.

W: You live in the north of Los Angeles. But the earthquake took place in the east of San Jose.

M: Did you feel it?

W: Yes, I did. It actually woke me up at 4:12 in the morning. I first thought it was a truck going by.

M: Funny. I had a similar experience when I was living in Tokyo. One day I suddenly felt the building shaking and I thought it was from the train. I was on the ninth floor. Several days later, someone told me it was an earthquake.

W: Yes, of course. I miss the fruit there.

Text 7

W: Good evening, sir. What can I do for you?

M: Yes. Id like a shirt for my boy.

W: How about this blue one? Its in style now.

M: Its nice. How much is it?

W: 80 dollars.

M: Thats expensive. Do you have something cheaper?

W: Sure. This brown shirt is on sale now. Its 20 dollars less than the blue one.

M: I like the style but I dont think my son likes the color. He likes purple best.

W: We have this style in purple, sir. Take a look at it.

M: Right. Ill take this one.

Text 8

M: Whats wrong with you, young lady?

W: I was weak, and I got a bad headache.

M: Have you got a fever?

W: No. I have taken my temperature. Its all right.

M: How about your sleep?

W: Terrible! I dream a lot and I always feel tired in the morning.

M: What have you been doing these days?

W: I have been playing computer games at night.

M: I see. You do too much. Well, first youd better not do that any more. Then, relax a little. Take some medicine. It will help you.

W: Thanks, doctor. Should I take it three times a day?

M: No. Just one time is enough. Please take it half an hour before you go to bed.

W: OK. Thank you. Goodbye.

Text 9

M: Hello?

W: Hi, this is Jenny calling. Id like to know something about the apartment you put on the website.

M: Sure. What would you like to know?

W: First, can you tell me where the apartment is? Is it close to the beach?

M: No, its in the center of the city. The traffic is very convenient.

W: And... How much is it?

M: Its three hundred dollars per month. But you have to pay at least six-month rent every time.

W: I see. Is it big?

M: I think so. There are two bedrooms and a very large living room. Would you like to see it?

W: Yes. When can I come please?

M: Em... Can you come this afternoon? About six? You can take the subway. Its only a two-minute walk from the subway station.

W: Thatll be great. Ill take the subway. See you then.

Text 10

Hello, everyone! Can you make good use of your time? Here is a story about David. Maybe you can learn something from it.

David started middle school when he was fourteen. He worked very hard and always got good grades. He was also very interested in sports. He often played basketball with classmates after school. In his second year, David won a race at a sports meeting. His parents were proud of him and bought him a computer. Then things began to change. David stopped getting up early. He also lost interest in sports. His grades were not so good as before. Late one night, Davids mother found him playing computer games in his room. Now she knew what the problem is. However, she didnt take his computer away. Instead, she had a serious talk with David. She told him to manage his time wisely. She also encouraged him to learn more about computer skills. David followed his mothers advice. He made good use of his time. And he is good at computer programming now.


Text 1

W: Its almost 11:30 now. What time does the football match begin?

M: Dont worry. We still have much time. The match wont start until half past five in the afternoon.

Text 2

W: Im a factory worker. How about you?

M: I teach English at a middle school.

Text 3

W: Its sunny today. Lets go to play football. Where is the ball?

M: Its behind the door.

Text 4

W: Jason, hurry up. The train to Chengdu is about to leave  in two hours.

M: Im coming. I have everything we need now. Lets move.

Text 5

W: What would you like, sir, milk or juice?

M: Just a cup of tea, please.

Text 6

M: I like tomatoes most. What about you?

W: Ah, I dont like vegetables. I like eating fish.

Text 7

M: Excuse me. Where is the nearest supermarket?

W: Its just on the next street beside a cinema. Only two minutes walk from here.

Text 8

M: Hi, whats your plan for this summer vacation?

W: Im going to New York with my parents. Well fly there next Monday.

Text 9

M: May I help you?

W: Yes. Im looking for several books on history and an English-Chinese dictionary.

Text 10

M: Hello, Susan. This is Jack. Are you better now?

W: I just arrived home from the hospital. Doctor told me to stay home for this week.

Text 11

W: Hi, Chris. Have you finished your English homework?

M: Not yet. Ill work on it this evening.

W: I have problems. Its very difficult for me. Could you help me?

M: Certainly, Sally. Maybe you can come to my house this evening. We can do it together.

W: Great. Thanks.

M: Hey, how is your chemistry project?

W: Pretty good. I finished it last Sunday.

M: Well, Im so bad at chemistry. I havent even done a little bit of it. Youre good at chemistry, and you are a member of the chemistry group. Could you help me with the project?

W: No problem.

M: Thats nice. Lets find some useful information on the Internet this afternoon first.

W: Wonderful.

Text 12

M: Hello?

W: Hi, Eric. This is Lucy.

M: How was your trip to Washington?

W: It was great. We went boating there. It was the first time my kid had got on a boat.

M: Really? How was he? Was he pretty calm or nervous?

W: He was very calm. He was a water baby. How about you? You said that you would go back home last month.

M: I visited my parents in Paris. It has been a long time since I left home. We took a train to Provins, a very old town.

W: That sounds great. Oh, I have to go now. If youre available tomorrow, I really hope you can tell me more about your vacation.

M: Thatll be good. Call you tomorrow. Bye!

Text 13

It was getting dark yesterday evening. Paul looked out of the window. Dad said he could come home by 5:30, but it was 7:00. Even if Dad came back, it wouldnt be fun playing baseball in the dark. Paul tried to do some homework, but he couldnt.

Dad called at about 8:00, “Paul, Im sorry, but I couldnt play baseball with you tonight. How about this weekend? Oh no. How about next weekend?”

Paul couldnt understand why Dad was so busy. He threw himself into the sofa and fell asleep. His book was still opened to the first page.

Today Paul called his father, “Dad, I cant play with you next weekend. I dont want to spend another day looking out of the window and waiting. We can rebuild our relationship, but we have to start small. Maybe you can help my studies sometimes. Dad, I love you.”

As Paul ended, he felt much relaxed. He didnt know if Dad would be different, but he expressed his feelings to the right person. He had a clear head as he did his homework this evening.


Text 1

M: Will the train leave at eight or a quarter past eight, Miss Hope?

W: Neither. Itll leave at five to eight.

Text 2

M: How long have you been learning English?

W: For five years.

M: So you began to learn English at the age of eleven.

Text 3

W: Wow, what a modern motorcycle it is! When did you buy it?

M: It was my uncle who bought it as a birthday present to me last Sunday.

Text 4

M: Mom, Ive got an A in maths, a B in Chinese, and a C in English.

W: You should study hard at English because English is very important.

M: Yes, I will.

Text 5

M: Ada, Id like to invite you to breakfast on Saturday.

W: Really? What do you have for Saturday breakfast?

M: Fish, rice, and soup, Japanese style.

W: Well, I never eat fish for breakfast, but Id love to have a try.

Text 6

W: Good afternoon, doctor.

M: Good afternoon, Mrs Bright. Whats the matter with the girl?

W: She is my daughter, Daisy. Shes got a headache.

M: How long has she been like this?

W: Ever since this morning.

M: Did she stay up late last night?

W: Yes, she did her homework until late night.

M: Well, Mrs Bright. Your daughter looks so pale.

W: Is there anything serious with her?

M: No, but shed better stay home and have a good rest.

W: Thank you very much.

M: Youre welcome.

Text 7

M: I cant make up my mind about taking the summer training course in Advanced Spoken English.

W: Why?

M: Because I need to study for three weeks, and I just dont know if Ill get enough time for that course.

W: Yes, I know its not easy. But I really think you should take it. And Im sure you can do it very well. I dont think it will take up so much time.

M: Do you really think so?

W: Yes, I do.

M: Well, that sounds reasonable to me. Ill take your point. Thank you.

Text 8

W: Good morning. What can I do for you?

M: I want to buy some cotton trousers.

W: Cotton things are over there. Here are the woolen things.

M: Do you have large sizes?

W: Yes, of course. Whats your favorite color?

M: Black or blue.

W: Oh, sorry, there are only green ones.

M: I dont like green. It doesnt match my clothes well. I have a white shirt.

W: Do you enjoy wearing woolen trousers? We have black and blue.

M: But they are all expensive. When are the woolen trousers on sale?

W: Please come back next week.

M: OK. Thank you all the same. See you next week.

W: See you!

Text 9

W: Hi, Tony. Its Sunday tomorrow. What are you going to do?

M: Ive no idea. What about you?

W: Im going to Happiness House to do some cleaning for the old people with Bob. Would you like to join us?

M: Id love to. Where is the Happiness House?

W: Its next to No. 23 Middle School, about 15 kilometers away.

M: Well, I will ask my mother to drive us there.

W: Wed better not trouble others. Lets do it by ourselves.

M: Then, why not take a long walk? It must be a good exercise.

W: It will take us half a day to get there, and then, go back the other half day.

M: OK. Lets take a bus. No. 2 bus goes there every 10 minutes.

W: I agree. And lets meet at the north gate of the Central Park at 7:30.

M: All right. See you tomorrow.

W: See you then.

Text 10

If you want to make films then youll be interested in our new competition. If youre between 11 and 18, you can enter this years film-making competition. The film should not last more than 12 minutes and you should have at least three main characters.

We have seen some great films over the years from very exciting young film-makers. Last years films were about the family, and we saw some wonderful films. This year, however, we want films about the weather—it can either be about how it makes you feel or how it can change a day. A challenging topic!

There are some fantastic prizes. Our first prize winner will visit Los Angeles. We have other prizes to give away—there are 100 books and also some of the latest cameras to win.

You can send your films to us by e-mail or bring them to our offices in the Market Square.

If you have any questions about the competition, well be glad to hear from you. You can telephone us at 163-55934.


Units 1—2 听力练习
Units 3—4 听力练习
Units 5—6 听力练习
Units 7—8 听力练习
必修二 Modules 1—6综合检测题
必修二 Modules 1—6综合检测题