刘 刚,钱 叶,刘魁星,聂 婷,黄文龙
刘 刚1, 2,钱 叶1, 2,刘魁星1, 2,聂 婷3,黄文龙4
(1. 天津大学建筑学院,天津 300072;2. 天津大学天津市建筑物理环境与生态技术重点实验室,天津 300072;3. 天津大学国际工程师学院,天津 300072;4. 中国中建设计集团有限公司,北京 100037)
常用的空调末端有辐射和对流两种.有学者对顶板辐射[4]、风机盘管[5]、踢脚线加热[6]等系统进行研究,目前的研究表明辐射系统下房间温度波动较小且空调系统更节能,因此辐射系统被广泛应用在各种类型的建筑中[7].Rhee等[8-9]从热舒适性、传热模型、供热及制冷能力等方面对辐射系统进行了全面回顾.其中,影响热舒适的最大问题是由于辐射面的空间位置不同造成的辐射不对称性[10-11],常见的有顶板、地板和侧壁辐射.早在1985年,Fanger等[12]实验发现冷壁、暖顶的辐射不对称对被试者的热舒适影响更大,这是空间与辐射效果之间关系的最早研究之一.Tiberiu等[13]采用计算流体动力学(computational fluid dynamics,CFD)结合实验的方法评价了顶板冷辐射下的热舒适.地板辐射下的实验结果表明,被试者的暴露时间[14]、性别及姿势[15]都会影响其热感觉.Conceicao等[16]实验发现,地板辐射冷却的热舒适度优于顶板辐射冷却,与侧壁辐射相结合时,两者都会达到更好的热舒适.
1 实 验
1.1 实验工况
图1 外景图
图2 顶板升降控制器
图3 顶板及筒灯
图4 地板辐射的阀门
表1 实验工况
Tab.1 Experimental conditions
1.2 被试者与调查问卷
1.3 热环境参数的测量
图5 实验仪器
室内环境参数的测量高度在距地面约0.6m处.每个工况下,在实验区域均匀地布置3个测点.室内空气温度的测量仪器为美国ONSET温湿度记录仪(HOBO),HOBO每隔5min测量并记录一次温度数据且可实时显示当前温度数据.风速测量使用TSI model 9545热敏风速仪,实验过程中尽量避免对风速仪附近空气流动的干扰.黑球温度测量使用KIMO TM 200黑球温度计.实验中测量室内环境使用的实验仪器见表2.
表2 热环境测量的仪器及参数
Tab.2 Instrumentsfor measuring the thermal environ-ment and their parameters
1.4 实验方案
图6 实验过程照片
2 实验结果
2.1 热环境参数
表3 室内热环境参数记录表
2.2 问卷结果
2.2.1 热感觉
2种底面积时,热感觉投票(thermal sensation vote,TSV)随操作温度的变化见表4.
2.2.2 热满意率
底面积6m×6m、12m×12m的工况下,被试者的不满意百分比(percentage dissatisfied,PD)分别见图7(a)和图7(b).
表4 热感觉问卷的结果
Tab.4 Results of the TSV questionnaires
图7 2种底面积下PD随操作温度的变化
由图7可见,该实验中被试者的不满意百分比PD的范围是0~40%,ISO 7730规定允许有10%的人感觉不满意,结果表明该实验的室内热环境并没有完全满足ISO 7730的要求.
3 数据分析
3.1 高度、底面积对TSV的影响
底面积6m×6m时,4种高度下的平均热感觉投票TSV随操作温度的变化见图8(a),底面积 12m×12m时见图8(b).
图8 2种底面积下TSV随操作温度的变化
图9 4种高度下TSV随操作温度的变化
3.2 不同建筑空间下的TSV拟合曲线
表5 地板辐射供冷系统8种建筑空间尺寸参量下的TSV-t曲线
3.3 高宽比对热中性温度的影响
由图10可知,地板辐射供冷工况下,热中性温度随高宽比的增大而减小.高宽比的变化范围是 3∶12~9∶6即0.25~1.50,热中性温度的变化范围是23.2~24.3℃.
图10 热中性温度随高宽比的变化
4 结论及展望
(1) 在趋于狭窄的建筑中,被试者会感觉更热;
(2) 越是狭窄、低矮的空间,被试者对热环境的变化越敏感;
(3) 趋于扁平的建筑中,被试者的热中性温度 越高.
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Influence of Building Space Dimension Parameters on the Thermal Sensation of Floor Radiation Cooling System
Liu Gang1, 2,Qian Ye1, 2,Liu Kuixing1, 2,Nie Ting3,Huang Wenlong4
(1. School of Architecture,Tianjin University,Tianjin 300072,China;2. Tianjin Key Laboratory of Architectural Physics and Environmental Technology,Tianjin University,Tianjin 300072,China;3. Tianjin International Engineering Institute,Tianjin University,Tianjin 300072,China;4. China Construction Engineering Design Group Corporation Limited,Beijing 100037,China)
Thermal comfort is the main aspect of environmental comfort. At present, the thermal comfort of indoor environments is receiving increasing attention. The changeable building space and complex air-conditioning system affect the thermal sensation of occupants, thereby affecting their physical and mental health and work efficiency. Because the floor radiation air-conditioning system mainly depends on radiation heat transfer, the relationship between the thermal sensation of indoor workers and the building space dimension parameters in buildings with floor radiation is particularly worth studying. The experiment was carried out on the Comprehensive Experiment Platform of Variable Building Space of Tianjin University from September 8, 2018 to September 13, 2018. The cooling air-conditioning terminal is floor radiation. The floor areas of the rooms are 6 m×6 m and 12 m×12 m, and the heights of the rooms are 3 m, 5 m, 7 m, and 9 m.There are eight kinds of experimental conditions.The subjective questionnaire is combined with the measurement of the thermal environment parameters. The subjective questionnaire includes the thermal sensation vote and percentage of thermal satisfaction. The fluctuation range of the operating temperature during the experiment is 22.8—26.7℃. The experimental results show that when floor radiation cooling is used in summer, the building space dimension parameters have a significant effect on the thermal sensation of the subjects. The comparison results of the thermal sensation of the subjects at different heights in the two kinds of floor space show that the subjects felt hotter in the buildings that tended to be narrower. Furthermore, the comparison results of the slope of the thermal sensation variation with the operating temperature in the eight building spaces show that the narrower and lower the space, the more sensitive the subjects are to the change in the thermal environment. The thermoneutral temperature of the subjects decreases with the increase of the aspect ratio. In other words, the flatter the building, the higher the thermoneutral temperature. This has certain guiding significance for building design and energy saving of air-conditioning systems.
floor radiation cooling system;thermal sensation;aspect ratio;thermoneutral temperature
the National Key Research and Development Program(No.2016YFC0700200),the Natural Science Foundation of Tianjin,China(No.2017FQ-0013).
刘 刚(1977— ),男,博士,教授,lglgmike@163.com.Email:m_bigm@tju.edu.cn
(责任编辑:田 军)