

阅读与作文(英语高中版) 2020年5期

Reporter: Africa, of course, is a hugely diverse and complex place, yet, when thinking about Africa, many book illustrators come up with the same image, a lone Acacia tree with a burnt orange sky or sunset as background, and maybe an Elephant silhouette. There you go. Thats Africa. Simon Stevens of Columbia University called this phenomenon out. He posted a collage of 36 different book covers with that exact image, illustrations for stories by a variety of different authors from Joseph Conrad to Barbara Kingsolver. Neelika Jayawardane couldnt help but laugh when she saw the collage. She grew up in Zambia and is now an associate professor of(English) post-colonial literature at SUNY, Oswego, in upstate New York, and shes an editor at “Africa is a Country”. So you…you teach post-colonial literature? Neelika: I do, and so many of the book covers that my students buy and read all have those book covers, and they must negotiate with the view that…that book cover presents, their preexisting views, and then whats in the covers. Much of the semester is spent renegotiating their understanding of this complex place rather than the book cover version that theyve already come into contact with all their lives, and then that the book covers sort of reinforce.

Reporter: So I can only imagine what went through your mind when you actually saw 36 different book covers…altogether, I mean, its kind of a mind blower.

Neelika: It was! I was so surprised, but, in a way, you know, it…it wasnt that much a shock because whether its Nigeria or South Africa, Mozambique, Botswana or Zambia, its that same kind of distended belly of the setting sun with the Acacia, and I have to say that I grew up with that very Acacia tree, gigantic shading tree, outside of my home. So, its not that it doesnt exist, but its not the only thing that exists in southern Africa or in east Africa.

Reporter: How do these publishers manage to keep a lock on the world supply of orange and ochre and beige ink? Thats what I want to know.

Neelika: I wish I knew. I think we cant even find it. All my painter friends complain about that…that they cant find that. They cant find orange any more, yeah.

Reporter: Neelika, for you, what is the one image of Africa youve never seen on a cover, which must have its day, someday, on a book?

Neelika: I…I keep coming back to, theres a photograph that I have of me in 6th grade, and its with, I have a British teacher, whos come there, hes wearing a tie and a white shirt and all of us 6th grade kids are lined up under him, and theres a couple of British kids, several Indian kids, one kid with a, hes Sikh, hes got a turban, and one of them is wearing a bow tie because that was a special day for photographs. And I look at us and I remember this is…this is my view, and its a complex view of what Africa is, and I think “Oh, this is the image I think of when I think of my school.” And I…I want that kind of a school child picture that isnt about a fraught school child in danger of being kidnapped by Boko Haram, or whatever, because I grew up in enormous safety and with enormous, like, kind of competitive spirit about our academics, and a lot of, like, love to, about learning, and I dont think that many people imagine that as an African theme or an African everyday.









