

时代英语·高一 2020年2期

1. surround  vt.  围绕;环绕;包围

A lot of trees surrounded the lake.


Police surrounded the house.


be surrounded with/by(使)包围;围住

The village was surrounded on all sides by mountains.


surround... with  围绕;环绕

The leader surrounded himself with armed men.


surroundings  n.  环境;周围的事物

We work in pleasant surroundings.


surrounding  adj.  周围的;附近的

Its pleasant to live in this village and the surrounding area.


2. trade  v.  做生意;从事贸易

Our products are now traded worldwide.


trade in sth  做……买卖

The company openly traded in arms.


trade with sb  与……进行贸易/做买卖

Businessmen from all over the world are here to trade with China.


trade  n.  贸易;买卖;行业

international trade  国际贸易

foreign trade  对外贸易

Trade between the two countries has increased.


3. narrow  v.  变狭窄

This is where the lake narrows.


narrow down  把……缩小

We should try our best to narrow down the difference between town and countryside.


narrows  n.  海峡;(江河的)峡谷

narrow  adj.  狭窄的;窄小的;勉强的;刚刚好的

The gate is too narrow for a car; well have to walk through.


a narrow victory  险胜

a narrow escape  死里逃生

a narrow path  羊肠小道

a narrow circle of friends  交际不广

narrowly  adv.  勉强地;以毫厘之差

The car narrowly missed a cyclist.


4. forbid  v.  禁止

forbid sb to do sth  禁止某人做某事

My father forbade my sister to play with her friends after school.


forbid doing sth  禁止做某事

The new law forbids smoking in public places.


forbidding  adj.  不友好的;让人望而生畏的

When I saw that forbidding watchdog, I went no farther.


5. wood  n.  木头;木材woods 树林

All the furniture in my office was made of wood.


I had a talk with my sister in the woods that we often visited when we were young.


6. distant  adj.  遥远的;远离的;关系不密切的;远房的

Id like to travel to distant places.


The center of the city is about 10 miles distant from the station.


Two boys who are playing basketball there are distant relations.


distance  n.  距离;一段路

The distance from my house to school is about 3 km.


at a distance  在一定距离的地方

in the distance  在远处/远方

keep at a distance  保持一定距离

7. at the edge of  在……的边缘

Something strange happened in the big house at the edge of the town.


At the edge of the woods, Frankie was talking to himself.


8. be heavy with  有大量的……

The air was heavy with the scent of flowers.


These big trees are heavy with apples.


heavy traffic  交通繁忙

heavy meal  丰盛的饭;难消化的饭食

heavy fog/snow  大雾/雪

a heavy smoker  一个烟瘾很重的人

9. at least  至少

All these things cost me at least 300 dollars.


I swim at least once a week in summer.


at most  最多,至多

It will take two hours at most to get there.


10. be impressed by/with  留下……印象

He was deeply impressed by her sincerity.


impress on  使牢牢记住/明白(重要性或严重性等)

My father impressed on me the importance of hard work.


impression  n.  印象;感想;影响

to get a good/bad impression of sb/sth


a big/deep/strong impression


11. be allowed to do sth  被允许做某事

I was not allowed to stay out late.


allow (doing) sth  允许(做)某事

I cant allow such a thing.


The teacher doesnt allow eating in the classroom.


allow sb to do sth  允许某人做某事

Her father would not allow her to eat sweets.


allow sb sth  给予某人某物(尤指钱或时间);让某人有(拥有或带有)某物

I will allow you 10% off the price if you pay now.


First Flight

Mr Johnson had never been up in an aeroplane before and he had read a lot about air accidents, so one day when a friend offered to take him for a ride in his own small plane, Mr Johnson was very worried about accepting. Finally, however, his friend persuaded him that it was very safe, and Mr Johnson boarded the plane.

His friend started the engine and began to taxi onto the runway of the airport. Mr Johnson had heard that the most dangerous part of a flight was the take-off and the landing, so he was extremely frightened and closed his eyes.

After a minute or two he opened them again, looked out of the window of the plane, and said to his friend, “Look at those people down there. They look as small as ants, dont they?”

“Those are ants,” answered his friend. “Were still on the ground.”




The McDonald family from Glasgow, Scotland, was on holiday in Western Australia when their car broke down in a desert area ninety miles north of the town of Laverton. This happened on a Tuesday, and the McDonalds were expected to arrive in the city of Kalgoorlie on Wednesday evening. When they did not show up, Mrs McDonalds brother told the local police.

A spokesperson from the rescue (救援) team that discovered the McDonalds car said that the family planned carefully for their desert trip. They knew that they needed to stay with their car instead of setting out to seek help, and they did the right thing by lighting a fire as a signal (信号) to attract attention.

When it comes to making a desert trip, the spokesperson also suggested bringing warm clothing for the cold nights and light clothing, hats, and sunscreen for the hot days. Besides, travelers should have a well-stocked survival kit including a first-aid kit, map, lighter or matches, and a knife. They should also make sure to pack plenty of food and water, spare tires (轮胎) and fuel. The spokespersons final suggestion was to tell a friend or family member about your travel plans.

After the unpleasant experience, John McDonald told reporters that he had read quite a lot about desert survival before coming to Australia. He said he was extremely happy to see the rescue team and thankful that his family had survived. When asked what advice he could share with other possible desert travelers, Mr McDonald said, “Dont panic. Stay where you are and wait to be rescued.” This trip through the Australian desert is one vacation the McDonald family will never forget!

1. Where was the McDonald family on Tuesday?

A. In an Australian desert.

B. At a local police station.

C. At the town of Laverton.

D. In the city of Kalgoorlie.

2. What did the McDonald family do when their car broke down?

A. They set out to ask for help.

B. They walked to the nearest town.

C. They lit a fire to keep themselves warm.

D. They sent out a signal and waited for rescue.

3. What is Paragraph 3 mainly about?

A. Giving tips on visiting Western Australia.

B. Introducing ways to prepare for desert travel.

C. Giving instructions on surviving in terrible conditions.

D. Describing how the McDonald family survived in the desert.

4. What is John McDonalds suggestion on a desert trip?

A. Prepare a special car for it.

B. Never try to make a desert trip alone.

C. Stay calm if you are stuck in the desert.

D. Try to cross a desert in a suitable season.


Ridgewood is a small town 20 miles from Manhattan, New York. It is a quiet town, perfect for raising children away from the rapid pace (節奏) of the city. However, besides hours of homework, many Ridgewood children have too many after-school activities—from swimming to piano classes. Some kids compare their life to that of a New York general manager who has an 80-hour workweek.

Childrens schedules (日程安排) filled with homework and activities made a lot of townspeople worried, so the town decided to start a movement called “Ridgewood Family Night—Ready, Set, Relax!” The mayor (市长) made a public statement, calling for a town-wide night for families to do nothing. And schools and clubs agreed to support the movement so families could relax and get together.

Some parents like to talk about their childhood, one without so many scheduled after-school activities. As kids, they just went out to play with neighborhood friends after school. However, almost all these parents take their children to their regularly scheduled activities. These fathers and mothers feel it is their duty to make sure their children are prepared to survive in todays high-pressure work environment. They are afraid that their children cant enter the “right” universities and wont succeed in a more and more competitive world.

However, it seems that Family Night worked, at least to a certain degree. Cars moved freely around Ridgewoods normally busy downtown streets. Some families ate supper together for the first time in months. One family watched home movies of when the children were little, baked cookies and played games together.

At first, some people were excited that they could take back their lives. But sadly, few families now believe that one night will change them. Nearly all of the townspeople are sure that they will fall back into the old habit.

5. What can best describe the life of Ridgewood children?

A. Really exiting. B. Very relaxing.

C. Quite peaceful. D. Terribly busy.

6. How can people benefit from Family Night?

A. By learning and sharing knowledge.

B. By resting and enjoying family time.

C. By getting together to discuss family matters.

D. By getting together to talk about schoolwork.

7. What is most important for kids in the eyes of Ridgewood parents?

A. Spending a happy childhood.

B. Doing things at their own pace.

C. Working hard for a better future.

D. Enjoying a more relaxed lifestyle.

8. How do most Ridgewood people look at Family Night?

A. It wont change their lifestyle.

B. It will help take back their lives.

C. It cant be accepted by the public.

D. It may help break kids bad habits.



Having reached the highest point of our route according to our plan, we discovered something the map had not told us. It seemed1to climb down into the Kingo valley. The river lay deep2mountain sides that were almost vertical (垂直). We couldnt find any animal3 , which usually show the best way across country, and so thickly were the slopes (斜坡) covered with4that we could not see the nature of the ground.

Our guide did nothing but5a narrow path through the bushes with his long knife and we6him in single file. Progress was slow. Then, we7we had really reached the river, only to find ourselves on the8of a cliff with a straight drop of 1,000 feet to the water below. We9back up the slope and began to look for another way down. We climbed and finally arrived at the river.10we came downhill along its bank without having to cut our way. However, after a few miles the river11a steep-sided gap between rocks and suddenly dropped thirty-five feet over a waterfall. No12alongside it and no way round it.

Then one of the guides13a way of overcoming the difficulty. There was a fallen tree14upside down over the waterfall with its leafy top resting on the opposite15below the falls. Without16he climbed down the slippery trunk to show us how17it was. Having got to the fork of the tree, he18hand over hand along a branch for four or five feet with his legs19in space, and then he dropped onto the flat bank on the other side, throwing his20in the air like a footballer who has scored goals, and cheerfully waving us on.

1. A. probable B. certain C. impossible D. effortless

2. A. between B. among C. near D. beside

3. A. signs B. tracks C. food D. movement

4. A. snow B. fog C. rocks D. bushes

5. A. found B. fought C. cut D. searched

6. A. watched B. followed C. carried D. took

7. A. imagined B. thought C. discovered D. insisted

8. A. middle B. end C. foot D. edge

9. A. walked B. looked C. climbed D. came

10. A. Unluckily B. Happily C. Suddenly D. Surprisingly

11. A. became B. flowed C. ran D. entered

12. A. step B. path C. cliff D. slope

13. A. got B. tried C. made D. saw

14. A. standing B. growing C. lying D. falling

15. A. bank B. way C. river D. road

16. A. permission B. exception C. comparision D. hesitation

17. A. funny B. amusing C. easy D. hopeful

18. A. gave B. lent C. moved D. jumped

19. A. hanging B. sticking C. fastened D. tied

20. A. head B. legs C. body D. arms


Gold in Heaven

There once was a rich man1was near death. He was very upset because he had worked so hard for his money and wanted to take2with him to heaven. So he began to pray that he might be able to take some of his wealth with him.

An angel heard his pray and appeared. “Sorry, but you cant take your wealth with you.” The man3(beg) the angel to speak to God4(see) whether he might break the rule. The angel reappeared and informed the man that God had decided to allow him to take one suitcase with him.5(excite), the man gathered his6(large) suitcase and filled it with pure gold bars.

Afterward, he died and showed up in heaven to greet St. Peter. Seeing the suitcase, St. Peter said, “Hold on, you cant bring that in heaven!” The man explained to St. Peter that he had Gods7(permit). St. Peter checked it out, came back and said, “Youre right. You8(allow) to carry one carry-on bag, but Im supposed to check its contents before letting it through.”

St. Peter opened the suitcase to inspect the9(thing) that the man found too precious to leave behind and exclaimed, “You brought pavement?10you can see, the great street of the city of heaven is made of pure gold!”

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

6. 7. 8. 9. 10.




There are an unbelievable number of reasons to go to Greece; just like there are an unbelievable number of things to do once a traveler arrives there. Here is a look at just some of the great historical things to see when on holiday in Athens, Greece.


Agora lies in ruins now, but during its glory days it was a lively and active open marketplace where Greeks came to buy, sell, and exchange their goods and services. Agora has ties to common people of ancient Greece. Guided tours are available and there is also a small museum with many artifacts from this area on display.


One of the most famous landmarks in Athens is the legendary Parthenon. This building is still today admired by architects who are appreciative of the decorative design, as well as the engineering involved in its construction. Those interested in history will be impressed beyond belief with the opportunity to see this historic structure up close and personal.

Temple of Olympian Zeus

One of the most impressive monuments to see up close is the Temple of Olympian Zeus. Many people see this monument from far away, or even from the window of a taxi, and never stop for a first hand look themselves. This is a huge mistake as the size of it cannot truly be appreciated without visiting it up close.

Odeum of Herodes Atticus

Built into the hillside and providing a nice view of Athens is the Odeum of Herodes Atticus. This theater was constructed in the second century and was an important gathering place for both the upper and lower classes. It holds a little over 5,000 people, is located just below the Acropolis, and is still used for performances to this day.

1. What did the ancient Greeks do in Agora?

A. They toured around. B. They did business.

C. They visited museums. D. They prayed for blessings.

2. Who will show the most interest in Parthenon?

A. Building designers. B. Electrical engineers.

C. Ordinary visitors. D. Religious people.

3. How can visitors fully appreciate the Temple of Olympian Zeus?

A. By visiting up close.

B. By looking in the distance.

C. By taking a birds eye view.

D. By seeing through a taxi window.

4. Which is TRUE about Odeum of Herodes Atticus?

A. It has great historical value.

B. It has ties to common people.

C. It is famous for its architecture.

D. It still serves its original purpose.


Nola was a northern white rhino who lived at the San Diego Zoo Safari Park near Escondido, California. At her death, she was one of only four remaining northern white rhinos in the world. The other three lived in Kenya. World Rhino Day, held on September 2, is to raise awareness (意識) of the less than 30,000 other rhinos left on Earth.

“Rhinos need our help today, not tomorrow,” Nolas lead keeper Jane Kennedy said. “Last year we lost over 1,200 rhinos just in South Africa. If we continue to lose more than 1,000 rhinos a year, in 10 to 20 years all the rhinos on the planet will be gone.”

“Unfortunately, most animals are in danger of dying out because of humans,” Kennedy says. “Humans have either hunted (獵杀) animals, or because there are over seven billion of us, weve taken up too much of the worlds resources.”

In 1975, the San Diego Zoo Institute for Conservation Research started the Frozen Zoo, a program through which researchers have collected cell (细胞) samples from more than 8,000 different types of animals, including the northern white rhino. Scientists hope that by studying the rhino cells, they will get greater understanding of it, and will find ways to increase its numbers.

World Rhino Day is a celebration of rhinos along with an awareness campaign for everybody across the world to know that rhinos need our help. At the San Diego Zoo, children and adults are welcome to visit and speak with zookeepers to learn about rhinos. But you dont have to live in San Diego to celebrate World Rhino Day. It is observed around the world, with zoos and wildlife parks holding special events and programs to teach people about rhinos, and enable them to see the animals up close.

5. What do we know about Nola?

A. It died in Escondido.

B. It was one of the last of its kind.

C. It lived with other northern white rhinos.

D. It was born in the San Diego Zoo Safari Park.

6. What troubled Jane Kennedy according to the text?

A. The rhinos uncertain future.

B. The rhinos strange activities.

C. The limited natural resources.

D. The rare animals in South Africa.

7. What does the Frozen Zoo aim to do?

A. Keep animals from dying out.

B. Raise public awareness of rhinos.

C. Prevent rhinos from being hunted.

D. Research different kinds of animals.

8. What is the main purpose of the last paragraph?

A. To help people know more about animals.

B. To encourage people to protect rhinos.

C. To report special events in San Diego.

D. To introduce World Rhino Day.



How could we live without the Internet? Thats how most of us keep in touch with friends, find homework support, or find out the latest news. 1 But when youre surfing the Internet, you need to stay safe.

No Talking to Strangers

Since you were a little kid, your parents have probably told you not to talk to strangers.

2 Its easy to meet a stranger on the Internet. You might visit a chat room or get an email or a text message from someone you dont know.

It can be fun to make new friends, but do not communicate with strangers you meet online. 3 Children have been tricked online by people who pretend to be someone that theyre not.

4 The email could be from a person or a company trying to sell you something. A grown-up should decide whats best to do, which may include changing your email address or telling the police.

Keep Your Privacy (隱私)

Anybody who uses the Internet has been asked to sign in, log in, or create a personal profile (简介). Kids need to check with a parent or grown-up before doing so. Why? 5

Another way to keep your privacy is to choose a screen name or email account name that isnt your real name.

A. You can do all these things online.

B. The same goes for the online world.

C. Let your parents know if a stranger emails you.

D. Dont ask the strangers too many questions for information.

E. This information could be used for reasons you wouldnt


F. Think carefully before you create an email address or

screen name.

G. Dont talk to them, agree to phone them, or email them

photos of yourself.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.


I was walking in a park on a cool autumn morning. The view was charming and a pleasant breeze (微风) was kissing my face1 .

Then I saw a mother and her little baby. The mother wore2clothes that seemed to be found in a dustbin—how easy it is for fortunate people to3away things they dont need, and they do this without thinking of the4 ! She was holding her baby, protecting her from the morning5and expecting some money from strangers so that she could6food for both of them. It isnt an uncommon7as we see these things every day. But they sometimes can8us strongly. It was then that I realized how9I had been in my whole life for living a rich life.

Then a man10some money and food to the mother, and as she took them, her face was11as if she had been the happiest person in the world. And why not, she could now12her baby at least for the day.

Actually happiness doesnt13luck, your financial or your physical conditions, but only on yourself. It is just a14in your hands. If you choose to be happy, nothing can15you from it. The mother was happy just because she got food for her baby. Back home, I decided to first be16and then do the rest of my work. It was17than I thought it would be.

How18it is that one observation can change your life! Life has a lot to offer if you observe very19 . One who observes can20real happiness.

1. A. strongly B. gradually C. gently D. normally

2. A. expensive B. wonderful C. perfect D. dirty

3. A. move B. push C. throw D. send

4. A. ordinary B. rich C. old D. unfortunate

5. A. cold B. light C. sound D. fact

6. A. save B. buy C. pick D. share

7. A. result B. scene C. opinion D. comment

8. A. annoy B. concern C. affect D. challenge

9. A. wealthy B. special C. successful D. lucky

10. A. gave B. provided C. promised D. sold

11. A. sinking B. shining C. shaking D. falling

12. A. improve B. protect C. deliver D. feed

13. A. go on B. come out C. depend on D. turn out

14. A. symbol B. strength C. voice D. choice

15. A. stop B. protect C. separate D. tell

16. A. relaxed B. happy C. peaceful D. silent

17. A. easier B. harder C. busier D. further

18. A. comforting B. amazing C. disappointing D. satisfying

19. A. closely B. strictly C. quickly D. extremely

20. A. invent B. lose C. discover D. ignore



Growing up in Philadelphia, Lieberman started cooking with his stay-at-home dad when he was seven. His food-loving family had two kitchens, and he quickly learned what was the best way to bake his cakes. Lieberman improved his kitchen skills greatly during a year abroad before college, learning from a cook in Italy and studying local specialties (特色菜) in Germany, Spain, and France.

At Yale, he was known for throwing dinner parties, single-handedly frying and baking while mixing drinks for dozens of friends. Just for fun, he and some friends decided to tape a show named Campus Cuisine about his cooking. Lieberman was a real college student showing his classmates how to do things like making drinks out of dining-hall fruit. That helped the show become very popular among the students. They would stop Lieberman after classes to ask for his advice on cooking. Tapes of the show were passed around, with which his name went beyond the school and finally to the Food Network.

Food Network producer Flay hopes the young cook will find a place on the network television. He says Liebermans charisma is key. “Food TV isnt about food anymore,” says Flay. “Its about your personality and finding a way to keep peoples eyeballs on your show.”

But Lieberman isnt putting all his eggs in one basket. After taping the first season of the new show, Lieberman was back in his own small kitchen preparing sandwiches. An airline company was looking for someone to come up with a tasteful, inexpensive and easy-to-make menu to serve on its flights. Lieberman got the job.

1. We can learn from the text that Liebermans family ___ .

A. have relatives in Europe B. love cooking at home

C. often hold parties D. own a restaurant

2. The Food Network got to know Lieberman ___ .

A. at one of his parities B. from his teachers

C. through his taped show D. on a television program

3. What does the underlined word “charisma” in Paragraph 3 refer to?

A. Liebermans fine cooking skill.

B. Liebermans after-class interest.

C. A natural ability to attract others.

D. A way to show ones achievement.

4. What can we learn about Lieberman from the text?

A. He is clever but lonely.

B. He is friendly and active.

C. He enjoys traveling around.

D. He often changes his menus.


Here are some simple ways of tending to make a big difference to peoples happiness and, more importantly, they are all within our control.

Be comfortable with who you are.

Nobodys perfect. But so often we compare a negative view of ourselves with an unrealistic view of other people. Learning to accept ourselves and being kinder to ourselves when things go wrong increase our enjoyment of life. 1

Take care of your body.

Our body and mind are connected. 2 It instantly improves our mood and can even lift us out of depression. There are many simple things we can do to be more active each day. We can spend time outdoors, eat healthily and get enough sleep.


Have you ever felt there must be more to life? Good news there is. And its right here in front of us. We just need to stop and take notice. Learning to be more mindful and aware does wonders for our happiness, whether its on our walk to work or in the way we eat.

Keep learning.

Learning affects our happiness in lots of positive ways. 4 It also gives us a sense of accomplishment. We learn new things throughout our lives, not just through formal qualifications.

Do things for others.

Caring about others is not only good for them; its good for us too. Giving also creates stronger connections between people and helps to build a happier society for everyone. Helping people is not all about money. 5 So if you want to feel good, do good.

A. Do wonders in life.

B. Notice the world around you.

C. It can help us lose weight at once.

D. It also helps us accept others as they are.

E. It gives us new ideas and helps us stay curious.

F. Being active makes us happier as well as healthier.

G. We can also give our time, ideas and energy to them.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.




cave flat natural forbid surround narrow

wood distance rush mountain steep vary

1. The lake, ____ with trees and flowers, is very beautiful.

2. Rabbits often hide themselves in ____ , which are hard to reach.

3. The sun is ____ from the earth.

4. This is where the river ____ , and even the tiger can jump across.

5. He threw on his clothes and ____ out when the bell rang.

6. To build a road in the ____ area is a real challenge.

7. Living here you can enjoy the ____ mountain scenery.

8. High school boys in the country ____ to wear long hair.

9. There are more and more birds in the ____ near my house because of a better environment.

10. He spoke ____ in front of his parents even though he knew he was cheating them.


1. 至少他必须让我知道这个情况。(at least)

2. 我无法相信你竟然能从做家务中得到乐趣。(get a kick out of)

3. 从他的窗户望去,可以看到在远处的一座高塔。(in the distance)

4. 在沙漠的边缘地带,他碰巧发现了一座被遗弃的教堂。(at the edge of)

5. 这首诗充满着浪漫色彩。(be heavy with)


One afternoon in April 1912 a new ship left England to America on its first trip. It was one of the largest and finest ship at that time. It was cold, and the journey was pleasant and people had enjoyed themselves. But the next day was even cold. People could see icebergs here and there. It was night. Suddenly, a man on board shouts, “Look out! Iceberg!” But it were too late, and the ship hit the iceberg and came to stop. There was a very big hole in the ship and water began to coming in. Slowly the ship started to go up.









Dear Bruce,


Li Hua

