The World Famous Musician:Bach
广东中山市卓雅外国语学校 兰方晨
John Sebastian Bach was born in amusicalfamily in Germany in 1685.His father and all his relatives were all musicians.So it is notstrangethat the John Sebastian Bach wished to become a musician too,as he grew up in a musical family and was interested in music.
In his native village,little John worked and played,went to school,and studied music as much as the other German children did.At school,John studiedarithmetic,grammar,Latin,andGreek.There,too,several hours each week were spent in the study of music.He was always happy when the time for music came.He joined the schoolchoir.The school choir often sang at church services andweddings.Clearer and sweeter than any other could be heard the voice of little John.
Little John learned something aboutorganplaying during the next few years.These were the years filled with hard work;but they were happy years,nevertheless.Heno longersang in the white-robed choir,butdevotedhis time to the piano,violin,and organ.When he was eighteen,heobtained a positionwhere he played the violin in the duke’s band.He was greatly pleased withcourtlife.By the way,his grandfather,a musician,too,had once lived at the same court.
Young Bach did not remain a year in the service of the duke.At the end of summer,he accepted a position as organist in a small town.From 1703 until 1723,Bach went from place to place as an organist and teacher.Sometimes he was a church organist.Sometimes he was a court musician for somenoble prince.
Although Bach played the violin and the piano well,he was mostskillfulas anorganist.Hisfamewasspreadingthroughout all Germany.He often went on journeys to try new organs.On those trips,he sometimes played for kings and nobles.
Once,he played an organ solo for the crown prince.The crown prince was greatly pleased with Bach’spedal solo.The hands of the musician at rest but the music didn’t stop.That was what the prince heard and saw.The crown prince expressed great surprise.When the beautiful music had died away,he drew from his finger a ring set with precious stones.He gave it to the musician,saying,“I have never listened to such a wonderful organist before.”
On the 30th of July,1750,at the age of sixty-five,the“Father of Music”passed away.Very little notice was taken of his death.No choir sanghymnsat hisfuneral,even no cross marked the spot where he wasburied.
Almost a hundred years after Bach’s death,Felix Mendelssohn began to play his music.Then people began toappreciateand love the old master.They were sorry that so little had been done for him.Through the efforts of Mendelssohn,amonumentwaserectedin Leipzig to Bach’smemory.
Even if no monument had been erected,we should honor his name.His works are his best monument and will last as long as people love music.
musical adj.音乐的
strange adj.奇怪的
arithmetic n.算术
grammar n.语法
Latin n.拉丁文
Greek n.希腊文
choir n.合唱队
wedding n.婚礼
organ n.管风琴
nevertheless adv.不过
no longer 不再;再也不
devote to 致力于
obtain v.获得
position n.职位
court n.宫廷
noble n.贵族
prince n.王子
skillful adj.技艺精湛的
organist n.管风琴家
fame n.名声;名气
spread v.传播
pedal solo 踏板独奏
pass away 去世;逝世
hymn n.赞美诗;圣歌
funeral n.葬礼
bury v.埋葬
appreciate v.欣赏
monument n.纪念碑
erect v.竖立;矗立
memory n.记忆;纪念
I.Choose the correct option A,B or C.
( ) 1.John Sebastian Bach was born in ______.
A.Russia B.Italy C.Germany
( ) 2.John Sebastian Bach wished to become a ______,when was a small boy.
A.professor B.musician C.pilot
( ) 3.John Sebastian Bach was always ______,when the time for music came.
A.happy B.angry C.excited
( ) 4.When John Sebastian Bach was 18,he obtained a position where he played the ______in a band.
A.piano B.guitar C.violin
( ) 5.John Sebastian Bach died in ______.
A.1685 B.1750 C.1723
II.Put the following into Chinese.
1.a musical family ________
2.grow up _______________ grammar __________ much as _____________
5.hard work ______________ longer ______________ the end of ____________
8.pass away ______________
9.great surprise ___________ the organ __________