金涛 苏见燊 张明扬
摘 要:基于模块化多电平换流器(modular multilevel converter, MMC)的高压直流输电(highvoltage directcurrent, HVDC)将是未来直流电网重要发展方向之一。相比电缆输电,长距离架空线输电成本低,而直流故障隔离是在架空线路上应用柔性直流输电的棘手问题。首先,研究混合高压直流断路器的直流故障处理方案,提出基于直流电网的3种保护方案,包括线路差动保护,母线差动保护和后备保护;其次,结合实际工程中的现有技术,论述选取参数的原则,采用架空线输电方式搭建了具有混合直流断路器的多端直流电网仿真平台并进一步验证了所提出方案的可行性和有效性。最后,通过仿真分析表明,混合高压直流断路器能够在数ms 之内断开故障电流,所提出的3种保护方案能够自动、快速、有选择性地隔离故障,且无故障部分正常运行。
中图分类号:TM 72文献标志码:A文章编号:1007-449X(2020)03-0106-08
Abstract:Highvoltage directcurrent (HVDC) based on modular multilevel converter (MMC) is important in the development of DC grid. Compared with cable transmission, longdistance overhead line transmission costs are low, and DC fault isolation is an important issue of applying HVDC power transmission over overhead lines. This paper studied the DC fault handling scheme of hybrid HVDC breakers and proposed three protection schemes based on DC grid, including DC line protection, DC bus protection and backup protection. Based on the existing technologies in actual projects, the principle of selecting parameters was discussed. A multiterminal DC power grid simulation platform with a hybrid DC circuit breaker was established by using overhead line transmission, and the feasibility and effectiveness of the proposed scheme were further verified. The results show that the hybrid highvoltage circuit breaker can break the fault current within several milliseconds. The three proposed protection schemes realize automatic, rapid and selective faults isolation, ensuring that other nonfaulty components return to normal operation.
Keywords:hybrid HVDC breakers; DC grid; protection; modular multilevel converter
0 引 言
目前,国家电网正在建设的张北柔性直流电网采用架空线传输功率,发生线路故障的概率大。与交流电网相比,直流电网阻尼很小,发生线路故障时,故障电流可在数ms内激增到几十kA[9-11]。直流故障迅速切断是当前研究利用架空线路进传输的柔性直流输电亟待解决的困难。目前对直流故障隔离方法大致可分为3种思路[12-14]:1) 利用交流断路器进行直流故障隔离是目前柔性直流输电工程所普遍采用的直流故障保护方案。通过交流断路器隔离故障存在响应速度慢且可靠性低等问题。2) 基于全桥子模块或箝位双子模块的MMC具备直流故障穿越能力,但所需功率半导体器件多且损耗高。3) 利用高压直流断路器实现故障隔离的方案是最直接有效的手段,上述3种方案中,利用高压直流断路器隔离故障是国际大电网会议推荐的直流电网保护方案[15-17]。
1 直流电网保护方案
3 结 论
1)混合高压直流断路器将是未来直流电网中重要设备之一。混合式断路器能够在5 ms之内断开故障电流,而不中断到其他线路直流功率输送。
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