

管理工程学报 2020年1期

郭 放,黄宏军,杨 珺


郭 放,黄宏军,杨 珺

(华中科技大学管理学院,湖北 武汉 430074)



0 引言


本文基于站点的覆盖思想与顾客自行取货策略,研究了在顾客自行取货与送货上门相结合的多样化服务策略下的电动汽车服务设施选址与服务路径优化问题(Cover-EV-LRP)。Cover-EV-LRP由Dantzig等[2]提出车辆路径问题(VRP)延伸而来,VRP问题研究内容为指派位于起点的车队为所有顾客点提供服务,使得目标函数(例如配送距离、配送时间或其他成本)最小。带有容量约束的车辆路径问题CVRP要求所有车辆从起点出发完成服务任务后回到出发点,且车辆配送货物总量不得超过其最大载重量。 Baldacci等[3]分别在单一起点和多起点情形下采用精确算法研究了带容量限制的多车型车辆路径问题。Rivera J C,Afsar H M 等[4]研究了允许车辆带有累积载重量限制的VRP问题,并针对该问题提出了基于迭代邻域搜索的启发式算法。Jin J,Crainic T G等[5]提出了一种改进合作并行的启发式算法求解带有容量约束的VRP问题。上述研究均要求路径网络节点不能被同一车辆多次访问。然而,在现实生活中广泛存在如下情况:一辆配送车辆在服务若干顾客后再次前往之前去过的服务站点补充电量。允许服务站点为同一配送车辆提供多次充电服务有助于降低站点开设成本与车辆行驶成本。本文在1.3节拓展模型中考虑了同一车辆多次到访同一站点的情况,并对模型进行了相关改进。随着VRP 相关问题的拓展研究逐步深入,由于时间、成本或其他资源(例如车辆数量或里程等)限制,车辆无法或者没有必要到达每个网络节点的情形引发了部分学者的关注与探究。Current等[6]首次在旅行商问题(TSP) 中加入了“覆盖(Cover)”这一概念,未被车辆直接访问的顾客节点的需求由车辆送达覆盖其的服务点,顾客需自行前往服务点取货。至此,该问题由TSP拓展为CSP问题。CSP问题致力于构建一条尽可能短的哈密顿回路为顾客提供服务,要求未在回路上的顾客与至少一个在回路上的顾客的距离小于事先给定的覆盖半径(顾客自行取货半径)。Salari,Naji-Azimi等[7]提出基于邻域搜索的启发式算法求解CSP问题。Hachicha等[8]将“Cover”引入VRP问题(Cover-VRP),指派多组车辆分别构造哈密顿回路为顾客提供服务。Ha M H,Bostel N等[9]采用一种精确算法(分支切割算法)求解Cover-VRP问题。上述文献提出的模型均建立在所有顾客点的需求量必须为1的基础上,不能体现出实际操作中顾客点的差异化需求。也没有考虑车辆最大载重容量限制,而是退而求其次约束每条线路最大顾客数量。此外,上述文献均没有涉及到车辆在途补充能源等问题(加油或充换电池)。本文构建的数学模型允许车辆在服务过程中根据电量需求前往站点补充电量。模型考虑了车辆容量约束,顾客需求量为不小于1的整数,且每条线路的顾客需求量不超过车辆最大载重量。

与此同时,电动汽车具有的清洁环保等特点促使其在城市物流配送领域日益受到重视,并得到越来越多的推广与应用[9]。各级政府部门相继出台多项促进电动物流汽车及其相关产业快速发展的政策与建议,为电动物流汽车市场的拓展与相关服务设施网络的完善提供保障。与传统燃油汽车不同,电动物流汽车依靠车载电池为其提供动力,车辆需在电量耗尽之前前往电动汽车服务设施为电池充电或者更换电池。兼顾电动物流车辆的充、换电需求与顾客的配送需求,统筹规划服务设施选址与配送路径策略有助于提高物流服务效率降低成本,该问题也成为了近年来业界与学术界的研究热点。Erdogan 等[11]首先提出绿色VRP的概念(Green Vehicle Routing Problem,GVRP),建立起以车辆行驶距离成本最小为目标函数的数学模型,随后提出一种改进C-W节约算法探索此问题的满意解。Schneider等[12][13]在其研究中对电动汽车中途停站充电问题的模型及其求解方法进行了探讨,并基于禁忌搜索与变邻域搜索提出了一种求解此类问题的高效率混合启发式算法。Yang Jun 和 Sun Hao[14]研究了在采用更换电池模式的情形下电动物流汽车服务设施网络和车辆路径优化策略,随后,采用基于禁忌搜索和大邻域搜索的多阶段混合启发式算法对问题进行了求解。Keskin M 和 Catay B[15]研究了允许部分充电的电动汽车服务策略,车辆接受充电服务的时候可以根据实际需求来决定充电量与充电时间。Koc C等[16]将使用车辆数目作为优化对象之一。在车辆不受最大行驶里程约束的假设条件下,通过优化仓库选址和车辆路径策略降低企业资金投入。揭婉晨等[17]研究了多车型电动汽车车辆路径问题,并利用精确算法(分支定价算法)寻求问题最优解。以上文献可以看出,目前关于电动汽车车辆路径与设施选址问题的研究中尚未考虑覆盖策略,服务形式均为单一的送货上门。因此,本文将站点的覆盖思想应用于电动物流车辆选址与路径问题。研究了顾客自行取货与送货上门相结合的多样化服务策略下,将服务站点选址、配送路径设计与顾客服务策略选择作为优化对象的电动汽车配送路径问题。同一车辆在配送途中允许多次前往同一站点接受充电服务。开设的服务站点同时具备为车辆充电和暂存货物供顾客自行取货的功能,其覆盖范围内的顾客需求均通过车辆送达此处由顾客自行取货。未处于任何站点服务范围内的顾客由车辆送货上门。本文首先提出了Cover-EV-LRP模型,其由CVRP拓展而来,属于NP-hard问题。其次,基于改进节约算法以及禁忌搜索算法提出了一种名为MCWSA-TS的混合启发式算法用于模型求解。随后,将MCWSA-TS与CPLEX的计算结果进行对比,证实模型的准确性与算法的有效性。最后,对覆盖策略与相关参数对运营成本的影响进行了探讨。

1 问题描述及数学模型

1.1 问题描述

1.2 基础模型

基于上述条件, 数学模型如下:


1.3 拓展模型


1.4 拓展模型线性化

引理 1.


2 算法实现

2.1 初始选址



2.2 路径子问题


2.3 优化当前解






2.4 禁忌搜索


3 实验结果及分析

3.1 测试用例

3.2 实验结果与分析



3.2.2 多样化服务策略影响性分析

表2 多样化服务策略实验结果对比

图1 路径成本对比

Figure 1 Comparison of path cost

图2 配送所需车辆数对比

Figure 2 Comparison of vehicle amount required for distribution

3.2.3 服务半径敏感性分析

表3 服务半径敏感性实验结果对比

表4 服务半径敏感性实验结果对比2

图3 配送线路示意图

图4 配送线路示意图

4 结束语




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Study on the electric vehicle routing optimization and service strategy with the consideration of customer self-pickup radius

GUO Fang, HUANG Hongjun, YANG Jun

( School of Management, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan 430074, China)

With the favorable conditions of increasing environmental awareness and government support, there are good opportunities for electric vehicles to be employed in the development of the logistics industry. The logistics service of small packages in cities takes place at the end of the logistics chain, and these are usually delivered to customers by couriers from regional distribution centers. Owing to the scattered locations of customers, complex traffic situations, and uncertainties in the service process, the costs of the last mile delivery tour and its occupied service resources account for 35% -60% of the entire logistics link costs. Therefore, enterprises are eager to seek more favorable service strategies, and hope that this can help logistics enterprises to improve service times and the utilization rates of resources for couriers and reduce operating costs, as well as satisfying the personalized requirements of customers regarding delivery times, and reducing the adverse impacts of uncertain factors on follow-up delivery services to improve customer satisfaction levels.

In this paper, the site coverage concept and customer self-pickup strategy are applied to the facility location and electric vehicle routing problems. This paper studies the optimization of electric vehicle facility location and service strategies under a diversified service strategy combining customer service (within a service radius) and home delivery service (outside the service radius), and establishes a mathematical model of integer programming. The main differences between this research and existing research are: (1) The distribution service line is no longer limited to the Hamilton circuit, and this allows vehicles to accept charging/swapping services a number of times at the same service station. (2) Customers can access goods in a variety of ways, and they are no longer limited to courier delivery in a door-to-door service. (3) The service station can provide a battery charging/swapping service to electric vehicles. Customers who are in the service range of the station can pick up goods by themselves from there, while customers who are not in any service range can enjoy a home delivery service performed by the vehicles.

In the first part, the paper introduces the basics of electric vehicle routing optimization and service strategies, considering the manner of customer self-pickups, puts forward a reasonable restriction condition and hypothesis, defines the relevant parameters and decision variables, and establishes the corresponding integer programming model. This problem constitutes an expansion of the CVRP problem, and the high complexity makes it difficult to obtain a satisfactory solution in polynomial time. Therefore, in the second part this paper proposes a hybrid heuristic algorithm MCWSA-TS, based on a modified Clarke-Wright saving algorithm and the tabu search algorithm. MCWSA-TS is composed of four parts: the radius cover algorithm (RCA), modified Clarke-Wright saving algorithm (MCWSA), local search (LS), and tabu search (TS). The RCA is proposed to obtain an initial location solution and assignment strategy. Then, this paper adopts the modified savings mechanism to optimize the service line in the path subproblem. Finally, the current strategy is optimized by LS and TS. The third part presents the numerical experiments, and first introduces the set and value rules of the various parameters. In order to verify the accuracy of the model and the effectiveness of the heuristics algorithm, this paper uses IBM CPLEX12.6 to solve a series of small-scale examples, and compares the results with those of the hybrid heuristic algorithm MCWSA-TS. The experimental results show that MCWSA-TS can find satisfactory solutions of the problem in short times, and these solution are superior to those of CPLEX. Then, 21 groups of examples are selected for a comparative analysis, highlighting the impact of diversified services on the business strategy, service path cost, and the required number of vehicles (the number of couriers), in order to demonstrate its superiority. Finally, a sensitivity analysis on the service radius of the covering-LRP problem is conducted.

Electric vehicles; Location-routing problem; Hybrid heuristic algorithm; Diversified service strategy;Radius cover concept



Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (71320107001), the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities (2015QN175) and the Wuhan Modern Service Plan









中文编辑:杜 健;英文编辑:Charlie C. Chen

