Travel in Harbin
My name is Kong Yanbo.I am from Jiangyin ChangshouExperimental Primary School.我和家人一起来到“冰城”——哈尔滨游玩。
In winter, there is snow and iceeverywhere in Harbin.凛冽的寒风呼呼地刮在脸上,如刀割一般,我止不住地打了一个冷颤。
On Central Street, ice sculpturescan be seen everywhere.这里的路是一块块石头拼成的,街道上还有很多百年老店,中国最早的西餐厅就在这里。
In Harbin, there is a kindof snack that we must eat.That is sugar-coated haws.冰糖葫蘆又酸又甜,还带着冬雪般冰凉的气息,真的好美味呀!
Welcome to China Harbin Ice and Snow World!这里就像一个美丽的童话乐园!
I am very good at drivinga tank in the snow.看看我帅气的身影吧!
It is a great experience!
The most interestingthing is to play' withsnow. Look at my sisterand me. It seems that weare lovely snowmen.
Skiing is also very interesting.I put on the skiing equipmentwhich is about 15 kilograms. It is my first time to go skiing.虽然我摔了几个跟头,但是非常开心。
哈尔滨虎园林真的是一个好玩的地方!我在这里玩得不亦乐乎。别人爱骑马,我偏要骑老虎!Look.I am inthe tiger's mouth.I am helping him pull a tooth!