

歌剧 2020年2期

文:司马勤(Ken Smith) 编译:李正欣


我所指的,跟卡内基音乐厅前任艺术策划总监杰里米·格芬(Jeremy Geffen)有一次告诉我的漏洞不一样。他曾告诉我,自己遵循所有的犹太教规中的饮食规则,“培根除外”。那不是个小“漏洞”,简直就是模式上的转变。而我所指的漏洞是一个更简单的例子,即强调某些概括性或模糊不清的界定因素,故意避开其他的关键要点。

维吉尔·汤姆森(Virgil Thomson)是最先提出“两种乐团”概念的人,他最喜欢在遣词造句方面一概而论,目的是故意挑战某些读者,引起他们的反感。他这样做也是经过深思熟虑的:他所归纳的两个门类——“庞大的乐团和直接功能性的乐团”之中,将非职业与学生乐团放在了第二类的最低层次中。



1月初,我人在新加坡,观看当地制作的《女武神》首演——这不仅是新加坡罕有的瓦格纳制作,也很有可能为东南亚地区首套全舞台版制作的《指环》打响头炮。让我在这里正式声明,这并不是新加坡歌剧团(Singapore Lyric Opera)出品,也不是新加坡交响乐团(Singapore Symphony Orchestra)的制作。把《女武神》搬上舞台的,是一群非职业的音乐家,他们组织了自己经营的创乐者交响乐团(Orchestra of Music Makers)。

我们再进一步探讨:西方歌剧经典中最具挑战性的作品之一在新加坡上演,而把这部作品付诸实践却是一群由医生、律师与商人组成的团队。创乐者交响乐团成立于2008年,当时,一群钟爱音乐的中学生遵从父母的意愿,填报了 “真材实料”的大学专业志愿,毕业后在社会上也纷纷找到“实在的工作岗位”,但他们十分坚决地不放弃音乐。




)杂志的赞许。一年后的夏天,乐团获邀于英国切尔滕纳姆(Cheltenham)与利奇菲尔德(Lichfield )音乐节亮相。然后是2015年,乐团搬演了马勒《第八交响曲》——声名远播的“千人交响曲”(虽然舞台上大约只有350人)。两年后,乐团搬演了英格伯特·洪佩尔丁克(Englebert Humperdinck)的《汉泽尔与格蕾泰尔》(

Hansel and Gretel

)半舞台版制作。到了2018年,搬演了伦纳德·伯恩斯坦(Leonard Bernstein)的《弥撒》(




在导演伊蒂丝·普德斯塔(Edith Podesta)的构思里,乐团坐在舞台中央,穿上戏服的演员则位于乐团前下方(升高了的乐池区)以及乐团后上方(舞台后建造了代表瓦尔哈拉的山峰,演员得经常上上下下)。大型的投影除提供英语字幕之外,更展示出一些由瓦格纳的主导动机(leitmotif)所衍生出的视觉设计,也有现场演出的即时视像特写(让大家看得清演员的面部表情)。于是,多层次的细腻感情与瓦格纳庞大的音乐编制相得益彰,特别是当演员们分隔在舞台两边的时候。



下一站是曼谷。在那里,我遇上一群学生。2001年,曼谷歌剧院(Bangkok Opera)(后来改名暹罗歌剧院,Opera Siam)由桑姆托·苏恰里故(Somtow Sucharitkul)创办。这位泰国出生但在英国接受过教育的作家与作曲家,创办歌剧院的初衷,跟新加坡创乐者交响乐团开头一样,都是小型院团。可是歌剧院的艺术宗旨随着创办人善变的思维而有所变动。暹罗歌剧院也是东南亚首家开拓《指环》制作的表演团体,虽然至今已两度推迟《齐格弗里德》的制作。在过去几年里,歌剧院制作了自己出品的史诗式歌剧:桑姆托撰写的《佛陀本生十世》(

Ten Lives of the Buddha




Helena Citrónová

)抢先公演,歌剧《佛陀》的第七部也因而被推迟。从各个层次来看,《海琳娜》代表了崭新的出发点。剧本根据真人真事改编,描述了被困在奥斯威辛集中营的犹太女子与一名纳粹侍卫坠入爱河的故事,剧情发展所利用的音乐混合了无调性旋律及当时的流行音乐曲风,乐团衬托的音乐令人联想起伯纳德·赫尔曼(Bernard Herrmann)的管弦乐配器;台上更设有犹太克莱兹默(klezmer)小乐队,在适当的时候加入演奏,让我们在跟随故事的发展的同时,时不时还能耳目一新。就像创乐者交响乐团的模式,暹罗歌剧院只聘用了几位本地歌唱家担任配角,其他主演来自世界各地。整场演出的情感迂回路转,故事的两位主角——美国女高音卡桑德拉·布莱克(Cassandra Black)饰演海琳娜、德国男中音法尔克·赫尼茨(Falko Hönisch)饰演纳粹侍卫法兰茨·弗恩舒(Franz Wunsch)——合演多段二重唱,有时候富有戏剧张力,有时候抒情至极。

这部歌剧的原动力来自乐池中的管弦乐团。指挥特里斯蒂·纳·帕塔楞(Trisdee na Patalung)融汇了总谱中包含的多种风格,把它们糅合成为一体,负责演奏的暹罗小交响乐团(Siam Sinfonietta)在帕塔楞的引领下,充满激情,信心坚定。演出结束后,我才知道暹罗小交响乐团的团员年龄从12岁到25岁不等,乐团中有几位年轻的职业乐手,由他们带领着曼谷各中学的学生乐手一起演奏。

上、左页:暹罗歌剧院制作的《海琳娜·茨特罗诺娃》 剧照




上、左页:暹罗歌剧院制作的《海琳娜·茨特罗诺娃》 剧照

A couple of months ago I wrote that there were two types of orchestras: symphonic ensembles and pit bands.It made sense at the time, but since then I’ve found a couple of loopholes.

I don’t mean a loophole like Jeremy Geffen, the former Carnegie Hall director of artistic planning,telling me he follows all the Jewish dietary rules“except for bacon.” That’s more of a paradigm shift.This is a simple case of choosing different generalizations and ambiguities to emphasize.

Virgil Thomson, who started the whole “two types of orchestras” thing, loved sweeping generalizations, mostly because they annoy all the right people.But he didn’t do it recklessly: His own two orchestral categories—“the monumental and the directly functional”—included amateur and student groups as the bottom rung of the second.

Having been around amateur and student musicians my whole conscious life, I knew just how well they would respond to that—i.e., not favorably—so I avoided the subject altogether.After last month, though, I’m back to amateurs and students.In fact, I’m arguing for their promotion.


In early January, I was in Singapore for the local premiere of

Die Walküre

—not just a rare Wagner production in the region but actually the launch of what might well end up as the first completed Ring Cycle in Southeast Asia.And let the record state, this was not produced by the Singapore Lyric Opera, or even the Singapore Symphony Orchestra, but rather a group of amateur musicians called the Orchestra of Music Makers.

Let’s look at this again: the most challenging corner in the Western operatic canon appeared in Singapore through the efforts of a group of doctors,attorneys and businessmen.OMM first began playing together in 2008 when a group of secondary school music students essentially agreed to their parents’ demands to “get real jobs,” but still refused to give up music.

At first, they weren’t even sure they wanted to play in public, but those doubts ended quickly.Business and law degrees usually instill a certain amount of self-assurance, as well as a few administrative skills,and soon OMM (with a grown-up conductor and a professional concertmaster) was playing regularly at the Esplanade, Singapore’s preeminent performing arts center.The orchestra’s 2011 recording of Mahler’s “Resurrection” Symphony, featured on Singapore Airlines’ in-flight playlist and favourably reviewed in England’s


magazine,resulted in invitations to the Cheltenham and Lichfield music festivals the following year.Then there was their 2015 performance of Mahler’s Eighth—the famous “Symphony of a Thousand” (albeit with only about 350 on stage)—then two years later, a semi-staged production of Humperdinck’s opera

Hansel and Gretel

, then a 2018 staging of Leonard Bernstein’s


.Such fearlessness has been heavily lauded in the local press, in contrast with the lack of interesting programming coming from the Singapore Symphony Orchestra ever since their longtime music director Lan Shui stepped down a year ago.But back to


, with its full Wagnerian orchestra and nearly €300,000 production budget.This was not an


local effort—only two cast members, both playing Valkyries, were from Singapore, the rest of the singers coming from the US, UK and Australia—but the director and production team were all recruited from Singapore’s active theatre community.

Director Edith Podesta’s conception kept the orchestra center stage, while a fully costumed cast moved both in front and below (occupying what would usually be the orchestra pit) and behind and above (scaling a makeshift mountain to represent Valhalla at the rear of the stage).Large-scale projections offered not only English translations but also recurring visualisations of Wagner’s leitmotifs and frequent close-ups of the singers, bringing layers of emotional intimacy to the score’s epic scope, particularly when the singers themselves were placed on opposite sides of the stage.

All of this meant that the story literally revolved around the orchestra, and with OMM music director and co-founder Chan Tze Law on the podium the amateurs mostly rose to the occasion.String playing was a polished sonic wall, uniformly precise and expansive, a few occasional cracks coming from individual wind and brass players not used to the exposure—or, perhaps the endurance—required.Above all, Chan commanded a sure sense of idiom, the musicians powering through the equivalent of two backto-back symphonic programs.And ultimately, the evening was indistinguishable from many provincial European opera houses.


Next stop, Bangkok, where we turn to students.Opera Siam, which was originally formed as the Bangkok Opera in 2001 by the Thai-born,British-educated author and composer Somtow Sucharitkul, was a start-up much like Singapore’s OMM, though the company was largely molded specifically in its founder’s mercurial interests.They were also the first company in Southeast Asia to begin a Ring Cycle, though they’ve now postponed


twice.In the meantime, they’ve launched their own homegrown epic, namely Somtow’s

Ten Lives of the Buddha

, which is currently up to episode six.


Buddha, too, got pre-empted in mid-January by Somtow’s latest opera,

Helena Citrónová

, which was a departure on every level.The libretto,inspired by a true story of a Jewish prisoner in Auschwitz and her relationship with a Nazi guard,unfolded in an eclectic mix of atonal musical themes and epochal popular tunes, all held together by a Bernard Herrmann-like orchestral backdrop with an onstage klezmer band to cleanse the aural palate as needed.Like OMM’s


,Opera Siam’s Helena had a handful of local singers in secondary roles amidst a largely international cast.Emotionally, the evening took its cues directly from the American soprano Cassandra Black (as Helena) and German baritone Falko Hönisch (as the Nazi guard), in a series of duets that ranged from dramatic to lyrical.

The musical momentum, though, came from the orchestra pit, where conductor Trisdee na Patalung fused the score’s diverse musical influences into a seamless whole, coaxing passionate commitment from the Siam Sinfonietta.Only later did I find out that the players ranged in age from 12 to 25, a few young professional musicians helming students from Bangkok’s secondary schools.

Somehow, though, I was not surprised.OMM was“amateur” only in the original Latin roots of the word,doing things for the love of it.Many non-professionals call themselves “avocational” to avoid the taint of their sloppier, inexpert colleagues.And yet, some of the most memorable performances I’ve attended have hailed from true


rather mercenaries playing music with one eye on the clock.Conversely,some of the most lifeless performances I’ve ever encountered have been by “professionals,” rehearsed to the point of surface perfection with the inner spark completely extinguished.I once compared a particular lifeless performance to a musical mortuary where the music was dead but sounded better than it did when it was alive.

The OMM can deliver a professional quality product specifically because (a) they’re more invested in the musical results than the paycheck,and (b) they play fewer concerts and can devote more time to each one.Likewise, student groups like the Siam Sinfonietta will never achieve a professional’s sonic polish, but they bring to the table the sheer excitement of discovering something for the first time.I could list plenty of jaded professionals who would’ve discounted Somtow’s score simply because (a) it was new, and (b) it wasn’t Wagner.

Let’s not disregard the professionals entirely.The true mark of grown-up playing is not simply high quality, but rather delivering it consistently night after night.OMM presented only one performance.Would a second


—or the third night of Opera Siam’s

Helena Citrónová

—be as adrenaline-fueled as the first? Probably not.But since I was there for both on opening night, I really don’t care.


Sounds of the Village
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