

世界建筑 2020年1期

1 陶瓷工业博物馆北立面/Northern façade of the museum (摄影/Photo: 姚力/YAO Li)






2 陶瓷工业博物馆和美术馆间的水景/Water feature between the museum and the gallery(摄影/Photo: 姚力/YAO Li)

Jingdezhen is a representative city of the world ceramic industry. After a thousand years of the ceramic productions, there remained abundant industrial relics both of ancient and modern. From 2012 onwards, based on a long-time and systematic research, Jingdezhen has begun transforming the old factories into the cutting-edge cultural innovation industries and vibrant urban precinct. TAOXICHUAN Porcelain District, for its historical significance and the premium location, is the engine project.

The site engaged was originally Yuzhou porcelain factory, first founded in the early 1950s and closed in the late 1990s. It was one of the biggest porcelain factories in Jingdezhen, manufacturing porcelain products for daily life. With various forms of kilns of coal-burning, oil-burning, and gas-burning technologies, the factory provides the testimony of the development of porcelain production in modern China in technical terms.

The Ceramic Industry Museum and Gallery were programmed as the tipping point of the project. These two buildings evoke people's memory by retaining the original architectural forms and structures. Wasted bricks were carefully reused to build the exterior walls and columns of the buildings. The old kilns are preserved in the renovated buildings while new shops are introduced into two sides of them to create more active façades along both northsouth running streets and to enable daily activities. Technically, to meet the specifications, a glass façade of the lift is designed to minimise the impact of the new structure which sharply contrasts the new with the old. Other buildings are also adapted to the new uses such as studios and galleries.

The whole landscaped areas are open to the public and the surrounding communities. A large area of water feature was created between the museum and gallery. It not only forms a surreal image of the reflection of the old building and chimney but also helps to cool down the place in the hot summer.

3 保留下来的大树维持了场所感/Big trees have been kept to maintain the sense of place(摄影/Photo: 张杰/ZHANG Jie)

D (Design) I (Investment) B (Built) O (Operation) methods have been applied in the project to make sure that the government, the owners, the designers, and the communities involved closely in the whole process.

The project has become a new driving point of urban revitalisation and porcelain art and craftmanship by attracting artists, artisans especially the young generations from the country and abroad, and a tremendous mixture of business, centred by porcelain art and cultural industries. A great number of jobs are created for the local people in the service sectors.□

4 项目基地/Project location

5 总平面/Master plan

项目信息/Credits and Data

地址/Location: 中国江西景德镇新厂西路251号/251 West Xinchang Road, Jingdezhen, Jiangxi, China

客户/Client: 景德镇陶瓷文化旅游发展有限责任公司/Jingdezhen Ceramic Culture Tourism Group

项目主持/Project Principal: 张杰/ZHANG Jie

主持规划师/Chief Planner: 霍晓卫,刘岩/HUO Xiaowei, LIU Yan

规划师/Planner: 满新,陈惠安,黄维/MAN Xin, CHEN Huian, HUANG Wei

主持建筑师/Chief Architects: 胡建新,李婷/HU Jianxin, LI Ting

建筑师/Architects: 张冰冰,张洁,陈拓,张晓玮/ZHANG Bingbing, ZHANG Jie, CHEN Tuo, ZHANG Xiaowei DIBO协调/DIBO Coordinator: 魏炜嘉/WEI Weijia

公司机构/Institue and Firms: 北京清华同衡规划设计研究院有限公司遗产保护与城乡发展研究中心,北京华清安地建筑设计有限公司,北京中元工程设计顾问有限公司/Beijing Tsinghua Tongheng Urban Planning & Design Institute, Research Centre for Heritage Conservation and Urban-Rural Development; AN-Design Architects; Beijing Zhongyuan Engineering Design Consultants Limited.

总承建/General Contractor: 绿地集团/Greenland Construction Group

用地面积/Site Area: 112,000m2建筑面积/Floor Area: 141,600m2建设年代/Project Year: 2015摄影/Photos: 姚力/YAO Li (fig.1,2,8,9),张杰/ZHANG Jie (fig.3)

6 项目轴测/Axonometric of the project

8 美术馆北立面/North façade of the gallery(摄影/Photo: 姚 力/YAO Li)





LI Cundong: TAOXICHUAN industrial heritage is seen as a spiritual treasure with unique historical significance of the city. The project site benefits from its existing features - the typical chimney and large scaled factory buildings already stand out as the landmark of the area. Through preserving and renovating the old buildings, introducing museums, art galleries and other urban functions, the design of this project has brought revolutionary opportunities for this area. The architecture explores the contrasting new and old materials, echoing the working and living environment from the different times. The landscape design has introduced the use of water to blur the boundary between the existing and new building, together creating an artistic, montage ambience. (Translated by Jue Chen)ZHANG Li: Industrial heritage revitalisation projects, particularly those transforming factories to creative districts, put architects before two serious tests: (1) How well can an architect read and extract the old industrial logic and interpret them with new and human scale spaces. (2) How well can architect restrain him-or-herself from overtly expressions, and focus on the authentic story of the heritage. In one word, the architect's being "ego-less" is the key element of all successful industrial reuse projects, the reason that these projects become so intimate and inviting.

TAOXICHUAN Porcelain District is certainly such a project. The architect is brilliantly "ego-less" in all his interventions: (1) the direct use of the existing dominant vertical element, namely the chimney, which is conspicuously phallic and monumental, as the primary land mark giver (this is way better than many so-called "creative reuse of chimney" projects elsewhere); (2) the accurate reading of the unique section of the TAOXICHUAN factories, and the fittingin of new programme modules, which softens the scale of the building vertically, but adopts and strengthens the linearity of the building horizontally; (3) the honest replacing of façade materials on the bases of programme inside. No quaint nostalgia on the rusty surfaces. No surprise of deliberate contrasts. Just new (or old) materials reflecting what is happening behind them. Everything in TAOXICHUAN Porcelain District owes its origin in history, gets its form from the modern day programme, and makes its success in real world life.

9 此处已变为社区日常生活的一部分/The place becomes a part of the community's daily life(摄影/Photo: 姚力/YAO Li)

