

世界建筑 2020年1期





这座充满活力的M9博物馆对所有人张开怀抱,无论是居民还是游客、年轻人或老年人,都可在此活动。因此,该项目成为了梅斯特城市发展的重要基石:作为重生的催化剂,它为周围的历史结构带来了新的含义;作为游客的向往之地,它刺激了该市的经济发展;作为教育机构和活动场所,它创造了城市认同感,很大程度上丰富了当地人的生活。□(王单单 译)

1 外景/Exterior view(摄影/Photo: Jan Bitter)

M9 is a museum of the cultural inheritance of the 20th century located in Mestre, the mainland gateway to Venice. Opening up a central stretch of land that was formerly occupied by military institutions, the project creates a number of new public spaces. A network of pedestrian links, which already characterise the neighbourhood, embeds the quarter into the urban tissue of Mestre. A passage between Piazza Ferretto and Via Cappuccina attracts visitors and leads them through the entire complex along a route enlivened by various shops, cafés and restaurants with the "piazza museo" at its centre.

The urban strategy of the site's diagonal subdivision informs two different museum structures: the smaller volume contains retail spaces, offices and back-of-house functions, while the grander one houses all the main cultural activities with public facilities on the ground floor, including a media library, an auditorium, a museum shop and a restaurant, all behind generous windows connecting them to the street level. From the foyer a long, dramatic staircase leads up to the galleries and event spaces. The permanent exhibition occupies two "black box" floors, while temporary exhibitions are shown in a naturally lit "white box" on the top floor.

The diagonal pattern of the museum's polychromic façade reinforces the perspective effect created by the tapered passage between the two buildings. At the focus of this perspective stands the façade of the 16th century Convento delle Grazie, which stood abandoned and empty for several years but has now been renovated and converted to complement the uses of the quarter. Covered by a new elegant roof structure it becomes part of the public space.

The colour palette of the ceramic façade is inspired by the urban context, the various brick and plaster colours typical of Venice. Materials of the exterior and interior spaces blend seamlessly into one another. The natural stone floor made of local trachyte forms a continuous surface extending across all pedestrian areas to the ground floor and the main staircase of the museum. Fair-faced concrete with wood grain texture is used both on the ground floor façades and the walls of the foyer. Complemented by the warm beech veneer of the interior fittings, these matt and rough surfaces form a gentle contrast to the subtle reflections of the glazed ceramic façades.

M9 is an active museum with no access thresholds. It addresses residents and tourists, young and old alike. Thereby constituting an essential cornerstone in Mestre's urban development: As a catalyst of regeneration it brings new meaning to the surrounding historical fabric. As a magnet for visitors it offers stimulus to the economic activity of the city. And as an educational institution and events venue it provides a place of identification and enriches local life in a significant way.□

2 远景/Distant view(摄影/Photo: Alessandra Chemollo)

3 连接梅斯特的新城与旧城/Connection between the new and the old Mestre

项目信息/Credits and Data

功能/Programme: 设有媒体中心和礼堂以及办公室,会议中心,零售店和餐厅的博物馆/Museum with media centre and auditorium as well as offices, conference centre, retail, restaurants

地点/Location: Via Pascoli 11, 30171 Mestre VE, Italy

客户/Client: Polymnia Venezia S.r.l. (Venice)

建筑设计/Architects: Sauerbruch Hutton (Berlin), Matthias Sauerbruch, Louisa Hutton, Juan Lucas Young

项目负责人/Project Leader: Bettina Magistretti

项目团队/Project Team: David Wegener, Carlos Alarcón Allen, Sibylle Bornefeld, Marc Broquetas Maduell, Giuseppe Castellaneta, Stefan Fuhlrott, Costanza Governale, Stephanie Heese, Philipp Hesse, Anna Hollstein, Rémi Jalade, Jonathan Janssens, Isabelle McKinnon, Emanuela Mendes, Francesca Poloni, Gonzalo Portabella, Tanja Reiche-Hoppe, Nora Steinhöfel, Francesco Tonnarelli, Jörg Albeke

当地建筑师/Local Architects: SCE Project S.r.l., Milano

结构工程/Structural Engineering: SCE Project S.r.l., Milano

暖通空调/HVAC: Tomaselli Engineering, Fontanafredda; Hospital Engineering Group S.r.l., Pordenone; Studio Tecnico Giorgio Destefani, Sesto San Giovanni

能源概念/Energy Concept: Ambiente Italia S.r.l., Milano

电气工程/Electrical Engineering: Studio Tecnico Giorgio Destefani, Sesto San Giovanni

消防安全/Fire Protection: GAE Engineering S.r.l., Torino

供应商/Suppliers: NBK Keramik GmbH, Emmerich am Rhein, Pollmeier Massivholz GmbH & Co. KG, Creuzburg

建筑面积/Floor Area: 25,600m2

施工时间/Construction Period: 2014-2018

竣工时间/Completion Time: 2018

摄影/Photos: Jan Bitter (fig.1,11,12), Alessandra Chemollo (fig.2,13)

4 市区示意/Diagram of city quarter

5.6 剖面/Sections

7 首层平面/Ground floor plan

8 二层平面/First floor plan

9 三层平面/Second floor plan

10 四层平面/Third floor plan

11 外景/Exterior view(摄影/Photo: Jan Bitter)



叶扬:威尼斯群岛既为梅斯特带来了过境旅游者,也带走了本可为其驻足的人。以具有特色和吸引力的文化建筑作为“引爆点”,是梅斯特激活老区的途径之一。有趣的是,面对老建筑的M9博物馆不是为展示历史和古迹而存在的,而将体现更贴近现代人的文化生活为内容。这大概是面对威尼斯群岛的梅斯特为自己找到的定位。建筑显现了Sauerbruch Hutton建筑事务所几十年来所坚持的个性,又得体地与原有城市中心的肌理相协调。建筑与城市环境所体现的创新与历史延续主题,与M9博物馆的设定达成了内外的一致。

12 内景/Interior view(摄影/Photo: Jan Bitter)

13 内景/Interior view(摄影/Photo: Alessandra Chemollo)


Binke Lenhardt: The M9 Museum District is a project of urban renewal, located in Mestre, on mainland Venice. It deals with existing historical building stock and new volumes, which in their specific arrangement generated a new lively quarter, a network of alleyways with a great diversification of public spaces, which locals can be proud of. This context aware design that respects the existing site on both urban and architectural level serves as a good model of introducing the new that does not alienate itself from the old but rather engages in it in an interesting urban dialogue.

YE Yang: The islands of Venice not only brings passby tourists to Mestre, but also takes away those who should have stayed for it. Culture architecture with uniqueness and attraction as "a tipping point" would be one of the approaches that could regenerate the old town. What is interesting is that, instead of exhibiting its history or its heritage, M9 Museum facing old buildings demonstrates a cultural life much closer to the contemporary. This could probably be what Mestre found for itself in the face of the islands of Venice. M9 Museum presents the characteristics that Sauerbruch Hutton Architects insisted for decades, while it is coherent with the existing urban fabric appropriately. Thereafter, the innovation and continuation of the history that the architecture and urban environment displayed coincide with the programme of M9 Museum internally and externally. (Translated by PANG Lingbo)

